Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 889: God's Domain is open, the battle of God's Domain begins

True eyes!

With the existence of real eyes, even if it was a sneak attack from the blind spot behind him, Lin Fan could see it directly!

To be honest, Lin Fan is not yet at the ninth level, and he has not mastered the [Oracle Lens]. Otherwise, even with this weird vapor fog, Lin Fan can scan the sneaking enemies 20 meters away from him, so he doesn't need to wait. Huo Rulong rushed out of the fog on his own initiative.

But before Huo Rulong thought about anything, Lin Fan suddenly waved his hand.


A row of yellow sand soldiers holding giant shields rose from the ground!

"Allegiance to Your Majesty!"

"Guard Shurima!"

Accompanied by the roar, the row of yellow sand soldiers rushed towards Huo Rulong with a bang!

Desert Emperor's R skill, [Wall of the Forbidden Army]!


Huo Rulong's proud steam fist cannon hit the heavy shield, unable to shake half an inch at all.

On the contrary, the terrifying force from the giant shield directly caused Huo Rulong to vacate his body and fly backwards uncontrollably!

"Don't leave when you come!"

Lin Fan held a candle in one hand and a poker in the other.


Gold light flashed.


Just when Huo Rulong was about to retreat into the fog again, Lin Fan appeared directly behind Huo Rulong.

At the same time that the candlelight pushed back the steam, the cards in Lin Fan's hand spun and flew out of his fingertips!


The cards shone with a strange luster and rushed towards the fire like a dragon.

This time, the figure of Huo Rulong rushing out of the fog has been exposed to Lin Fan's sight.

Target locked, general attack launched!

100% hit!

【Fatal Strike】!

[Beat the first blow]!

【Three Claws Smash】!

【Draining Soul Attack】!

Various damage blessing skills, and control skills are completely attached!

As long as this blow is hit, Zhao Yaxin is bewitched by Huo Rulong, who has not activated the holy divine pattern, and will undoubtedly lose!


Huo Rulong seemed to also feel the power of this card, and instinctively raised an extremely dangerous feeling!

At the last moment when the card was still spinning in the air and was about to hit him, Huo Rulong gritted his teeth.


Behind him, flames and running water instantly appeared and collided.

In an instant, the white steam erupted again!

Then the sudden burst of reaction force, Huo Rulong, which had fallen backwards, rushed towards Lin Fan like a running bullet. He didn't even try to avoid or defend. While the card was still spinning in the air, he rushed directly to Lin Fan. In front of Lin Fan.

One punch!

This punch, there is no steam explosion, but with this punch, it is the projection of the God Realm of the vast God Realm!

One hundred thousand square kilometers, the eighth-order God Realm!

With this punch, it slammed into Lin Fan!

And the moment when the realm of the gods came, it also marked that the battle between Lin Fan and Huo Rulong was no longer limited to the battle between gods, but rose directly to the level of the battle of the gods and the battle of the believers!

Of course, in fact, Lin Fan was suffering from the fact that he couldn't fight close-quarters. He could only use cards or rifles for long-range attacks. This led to the fact that although the basic attack was still 100% hit, it was said to have ballistics.

There is a slight time difference in the process of Lin Fan's card letting go until it hits others and causes damage. The card needs to spin and fly to that person, even if it is close, it will waste a while.

Lin Fan's melee basic attacks, such as heavy swords and fists, do not have this time difference. As long as he hits an attack within the attack range, the damage will instantly hit others, which is unavoidable and hits 100%.

But at this time, Lin Fan, the bloodline of the ancestor of the werewolf had awakened in his body, as if it would overwhelm Lin Fan's sanity at all times. If Lin Fan were to engage in that kind of close-quarters combat at this time, the instinctive consciousness would be really impossible to suppress.


The spinning card finally hit Huo Rulong. Huo Rulong's brain was blank, and the huge force in his chest exploded.

Lin Fan himself only has a sixth-order strength.

However, the fire of power, the blessing of the fire of the earth on attack power, plus the blessing of the skills to the basic attack, and the blessing of the equipment, directly doubled Lin Fan's strength, reaching the seventh rank. peak!

In fact, this is not enough to hurt Huo Rulong. After all, Huo Rulong's eighth-order strength is indeed powerful.

But Lin Fan didn't intend to defeat Huo Rulong with the damage of a single card.

What he has to rely on is...


Huo Rulong's face turned pale, and the mysterious power on the card directly froze him in place!


Stun for a second!

In battle, this second is enough to change everything!

In this second, Huo Rulong's thinking stagnated for a short time. Even if Lin Fan directly stabbed his neck with a knife, he was not qualified to resist.

But this time.

Lin Fan did not continue to attack Huo Rulong.

Because of the sudden dizziness, the fist that Huo Rulong struck at the last moment stagnated in the air, but the projection of the 20,000-square-kilometer Divine Realm was still wrapped around Lin Fan, as if it was going to devour Lin Fan!

It has to be said that Huo Rulong's fighting consciousness is indeed strong, and it is not worth being called the strongest of his age.

When he realized Lin Fan's seemingly ordinary blow, the instinctive sense of danger in his heart made him give up his avoidance and defense, and decisively opened the God's Domain, preparing to fight against Lin Fan in the God's Domain!

In the face of the phantom of the divine domain that was crushing towards him, Lin Fan, who wanted to continue smashing control skills on Huo Rulong, had an ugly face and had to stop.

After all, this is the eighth-order God Realm, 20,000 square kilometers.

If I really want to be crushed directly by this kind of God Realm, I am afraid that my body will be crushed Although the body and power of the gods are powerful, in the final analysis, the God Realm and the believers are the greatest strength of a **** , is also the source of power!

But even so, in the previous competition, all the participating team members, including Lin Fan, were only fighting the battle of gods. Even if they were anxious, they were only fighting the battle of believers.

Because after all, this is just a competition between classmates, not to mention that General Situ Jue is supervising from a distance with a magic weapon.

There is no need to really kill people, defeat the opponent, and let the opponent fire a flare gun and admit defeat.

If you kill anyone in this kind of open competition, you will be in trouble.

Therefore, everyone prioritizes the battle of the gods. If they lose, they will lose all their divine power, and if they are serious, they will suffer from skin injuries. Even if they have short arms and short legs, they can be cured by the **** of life after returning.

Even if it was Mengsi River, the **** of the ocean that was bought, it would be a battle of believers at most. If they fought like this, the price would be heavy, but in the end, even if they failed miserably, they would only lose a group of summoned believers.

As long as the believers are not all dead, waiting for a few months of cultivation for a year or two, as the remaining believers in the God's Domain grow and multiply, it will be nothing.

This is also the reason why Mengsihe, as a seventh-order god, had 50,000 believers, but only 20,000 ocean believers who were in their prime were actually summoned.

On the one hand, it is because some old, weak, sick, and young believers are not suitable for the battlefield. On the other hand, it is because once all of their believers are summoned, if they really die in the war, it is really not far from the collapse of the realm of the gods. .

Therefore, even if Meng Sihe and Lin Fan fought with all their might, they would not dare to summon all their followers. They wanted to leave some seeds for the God Realm.

But, the battle of the gods...

Once it is turned on, it is for life and death!

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