Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 886: Crazy for love like a dragon

The battle situation was reversed in an instant. Originally, he was going to help Lin Fan deal with Zhao Yaxin's fire like a dragon. At this time, he punched Lin Fan like a madman!

Lin Fan never imagined that Zhao Yaxin's priesthood was actually the God of Love!

But it's normal to think about it. After all, it seems like a person likes her.

Originally, Lin Fan couldn't understand it, but now it seems that if it is Eros... then it makes sense!

Before I could say anything more, Lin Fan instantly activated his defensive skills, and at the same time, all his offensive skills were activated!

【Spike Defense】.


【Golden Shield】!

【Lava Guardian】!

【Eye of the Storm】!

Layers of thick shields instantly appeared on Lin Fan's body. At the same time, the poker in Lin Fan's hand shone with light.

【Draining Soul Blow】!

【Fatal Strike】!

[Beat the first blow]!

Even in order to prevent himself from being manipulated by Zhao Yaxin like a fire like a dragon, Lin Fan activated a [Purification Divine Rune] again, and the tenth-order holy fire burned violently!


The punch that came with the steam slammed into Lin Fan!

Lin Fan's shield was shattered layer by layer!

This terrifying punch, with the blessing of the steam explosion, has actually broken through the eighth rank and reached the ninth rank!

With one punch, all the shields on Lin Fan's body were directly shattered!

At the same time, the cards in Lin Fan's hand were about to fly out, but just before the cards were released.


Fire is like a dragon, the flames collide with the water!

Rolling steam, spewing out.

The thick white fog directly enveloped Lin Fan, blocking Lin Fan's sight and all perception!

This fog is extraordinarily strange, like a sticky mass of divine power, extremely hot, dense and dense, and the fire is hidden in it like a dragon, which cannot be seen at all!

lol settings.

When the enemy is not in sight, the normal attack that hits all the time will be useless.

The card in Lin Fan's hand was thrown out, but it didn't draw a weird curve at all, but fell to the ground within two meters. Without that set blessing, the cards that Lin Fan threw out became ordinary.


Lin Fan suddenly came into contact with the thick white mist, and he felt extremely hot all over his body.

Originally dry skin and clothes immediately condense water droplets, and when the water droplets condense.



Those water droplets condensed on Lin Fan turned into steam again, and exploded instantly! !

In that second burst of hot air, Lin Fan's skin was instantly blasted into small potholes, blisters after being scalded, and it looked like he was going to be steamed here alive!

And in the next moment.

Once again, water droplets condensed on Lin Fan's body, and Lin Fan's whole body became wet again!

"In the mist of steam, I am invincible." The voice of fire like a dragon came from the mist, and it was impossible to judge his position by the direction of the sound!

And just when those water droplets were about to erupt for the third time.


A small sound rang out.

The faint candlelight lit in the rolling mist.

The candlelight seemed to contain some kind of special power, and under the illumination of the candlelight, the ubiquitous dense steam surging and dispersing towards the surroundings.

Lin Fan's body that had condensed water droplets again quickly became dry, and the wet clothes also dried again.

In his hand, he was holding a candle.

[Candle for the Cleaner].

Keep it clean and dry within two meters for one minute.

This is what Lin Fan snatched from Xingye.


This kind of forced use of contraindicated objects is actually very dangerous, because the conditions of use and containment are not known.

But since it's a replica, it's gone after three uses, so Lin Fan doesn't have to worry about any backlash, anyway.

At this moment, the faint candle light created a clean and dry two-meter environment for Lin Fan.

In this environment, steam cannot enter, and it is relatively safe.

"Looks like you've already thought about dealing with me!"

"But you are too naive, this candle is just a replica." Huo Rulong sneered.

Lin Fan looked at the white mist around him that blocked his vision, his expression was ugly, and he gritted his teeth: "Huo Rulong, you are now charmed by Zhao Yaxin, hurry up and use the holy **** pattern!"

In the fog, Huo Rulong snorted coldly: "Oh, I'm sober now. I'm in love with Zhao Yaxin!"

"I am willing to fight for Zhao Yaxin!"

Zhao Yaxin was a little confused at this time, she didn't know why Huo Rulong attacked Lin Fan after being shot by herself with the arrow of the **** of love... After all, in her opinion, Lin Fan was sincere and good to her.

Seeing that the two were fighting, Zhao Yaxin hurriedly said: "Huo Rulong, stop! Lin Fan is his own!"

"My own person?" In the fog, Huo Rulong sneered: "Goddess, you are too naive, this Lin Fan has discussed with me before, and will join forces to deal with you!"

"Otherwise, how could I appear here by chance?"

"Goddess, don't worry, now I will never let Lin Fan hurt you! I will protect you!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yaxin looked shocked!

Before that, Lin Fan was kind to himself along the way...

At this moment, Zhao Yaxin was extremely shocked!

Lin Fan has acted all the way?

Is he still calculating himself?

This Lin Fan, hasn't he always been charmed by him?

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yaxin smiled sweetly: "That's all up to you."

"Also, if you really love me, don't use the holy pattern! Can you?"

Zhao Yaxin's soft voice made the fire in the fog soften like a dragon's bones. Driven by that blind love, he didn't have the slightest sense of reason, he just laughed and said, "Okay! I will prove with my actions that I love you. !"

"Don't worry, goddess, even if you don't use the holy pattern, Lin Fan is not my opponent!"

I, fire like a dragon, crazy about love!

the other side.

Just when the fog cleared.

"What a scorching... energy!" Cao Dahua, who was standing by the side before saw his eyes straight!

What was that billowing steam that enveloped Lin Fan?

This is food!

Pure and hot energy!

Although it is not as hot as the two previous flames, it looks delicious.

You know, Cao Dahua tried to absorb steam before, but he spent a lot of money to go to the sauna.

But I never imagined that if you follow Lin Fan to fight, you can see such perfect food!

Cao Dahua swallowed his saliva and rushed to the position where Huo Rulong and Lin Fan were. He said excitedly, "Lin Fan, don't grab me!"

And right now.

A fat man stopped Cao Dahua.

The chef, Fatty, looked at Cao Dahua with greedy and gloomy eyes, licked his lips and laughed: "Hey, I thought that Brother Huo and Lin Fan had reached a cooperation, and there was no chance to take action against you."

"But I never expected that Brother Huo would actually fight with Lin Fan."

"Hey, I was finally able to capture your ingredient."

On the other side, Little Leopard, who was originally confronting Li Qiang, also jumped in front of Ji Long and looked at Ji Long with cold eyes.

She actually didn't know why Huo Rulong suddenly turned around and attacked Lin Fan.

However, Huo Rulong said before that they need to be adaptable!

At this time, since Huo Rulong, who led the team, had started a fight with Lin Fan, she and Fatty naturally had to adapt!

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