Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 883: 2 large golden figurines

at this time.

Just outside the bronze door that Lin Fan and the others had just entered, Huo Rulong, the fat chef, and the girl Xiaobao were quietly guarding, ready to rush into it at any time.

"Hit?" The fat chef licked his lips.

"It's definitely going to be a fight." Huo Rulong looked at the text that appeared on the ring, and said in a low voice, "But it's not time yet, let's stay here first."

"They are still exploring inside, and Zhao Yaxin is still vigilant."

"When the time comes, Lin Fan will tell me."

Speaking of this, Huo Rulong said with a serious face: "You are ready to rush in at any time. When the time comes, Xiaobao, throw the spear and stab Zhao Yaxin directly."

"I'm fast, I'll rush in as soon as possible and hit Zhao Yaxin hard."

"Fatty, Xiaobao, you all follow closely behind, help me to stand up to Zhao Yaxin's teammates, and act according to chance!"

Speaking of this, Huo Rulong added another sentence: "By the way, be careful of that righteous model Li Qiang. I heard that his strength is only a little worse than Lin Fan's. Otherwise, he is not qualified to be Lin Fan's mortal enemy."

Little Leopard and Fatty nodded solemnly.

Xiaobao said coldly, "I'll hold Li Qiang."

Fatty chuckled: "Then I'll deal with the remaining two black-clothed youths."

"This is an opportunity that Lin Fan finally helped us find, and we must not miss it." Huo Rulong sneered.

Then Zhao Yaxin never imagined that Lin Fan was actually his own!

And the other side.

Although I saw with my own eyes that the restraint on the coffin was lifted by itself, as if waiting for everyone to pick it up.

However, Lin Fan and the others still did not relax their vigilance, and continued to walk carefully in the passage step by step.

Walking past the two statues, Lin Fan frowned slightly.

"These two statues don't seem to have any technological products on them, and there is no divine power left." Lin Fan looked at the two statues carefully, "Why do they move?"

If there is the blessing of technological products, it is not surprising that the statue will move.

If it is blessed with divine power, or depicted with some rune, or is manipulated by someone using silk threads like a doll, then it doesn't seem to be weird when it moves.

But the weird thing is.

Lin Fan could clearly feel that the two statues in front of him didn't even emit any energy fluctuations, just like real stone statues.


Lin Fan cautiously walked in front of one of the statues, frowning slightly: "These two statues seem to be separated from the existing technology in the God Realm..."

"Moreover, there is no fluctuation of energy... That is to say, without an energy source, you can move..."

Lin Fan muttered while looking around the statue.


Lin Fan suddenly saw a line of small print.

"The Momen Luban built two golden figurines for the first emperor to protect Qin forever!"

At this moment, Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!


First Emperor? !


Isn't this the God Treasure of the God of Morality?

Buried there is clearly the **** of morality!

But whether it is Momen or the First Emperor, they are all names from Blue Star!

Lin Fan looked at the two statues in front of him in amazement, suddenly clenched his fists and smashed them with one punch!


The stone shattered.

The inside of the statue turned out to be densely packed with tightly stitched gears, extremely simple and without any technology, but the complex structure inside it is enough to make any top technology ashamed.

"Lin Fan, what are you doing..." Ji Long was taken aback by Lin Fan's sudden upheaval, but he was stunned when he saw this slightly ancient but extremely sophisticated internal structure from another world.

"This is... a battle doll?"

"Inside, there is no power source? Not a single redstone or divine crystal?"

"It doesn't even have a hydraulic rod, and it is driven by gears? What is its driving force, is it winding?"

"And it clearly locked us just now, obviously it has some judgment ability, but how does the structure of the gear do it..."

Ji Long has dwarf crafting skills, as well as a group of dwarf machines and his lover's armor. He is quite familiar with the mechanics, but after seeing the internal structure of this statue, he is still full of disbelief!

Although the dwarf's crafting technology is powerful, in front of this strange statue, he is like a younger brother!

"What the **** is going on? To talk about top technology, there is no such thing as an integrated circuit board. It's all driven by gears."

"But only the most basic kinetic energy transmission device, the gear drive, can achieve this level..."

"Gear rotation is the most primitive mechanical use, but the gear structure in it... is comparable to a top computing server! Even this statue just now has the preliminary judgment and execution ability!"

Ji Long was stunned to see the scene in front of him, and his whole body was shocked beyond words.

"No!" Ji Long suddenly widened his eyes and pointed to one of the aging and damaged gears, "This puppet has been here for too long, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years, and the gear inside is aging."

"Although I can't understand it, I can see it roughly. This gear is responsible for power transmission and is extremely important."

"If the gear hadn't aged, if the doll was in its heyday... the flames spewed out, I'm afraid it could burn the higher gods to death!"

For a while, Ji Long's face was pale: "The doll that burned the higher gods... A doll that is completely gear driven, without any modern technology of the gods... And even after a thousand years, it can still run..."

"This kind of technology is not the technology of the gods!"

"The gear structure here seems primitive, but it has surpassed the technology of the God Realm!"

Ji Long was short of breath and looked at the dense gear with a trembling voice.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback when he heard Ji Long's words.

This guy really guessed right.

This technology is from Bluestar.

In the ancient and mysterious East, there are hundreds of schools of thought, competing for beauty.

One of the most mysterious techniques, called Momen Organism, was created by Mozi and Lu Ban!

Lu Ban, also known as Gongshu Ban.

Mozi put forward the idea of ​​Momen, which is mainly based on love and non-attack. Gongshuban, because of a bet that he lost to Mozi, went under the door of Momen.

In history, Momen has bloomed brilliantly.

Momen itself is a strictly disciplined academic group. Under the leadership of Mozi, most of its members are high-ranking officials and craftsmen.

With the help of mysterious mechanical techniques, he has reversed the inevitable defeat many times and saved countless lives.

There is a legend that Gongshu Ban once led the disciples of Momen to cast two golden figurines for Emperor Qin, guarding the left and right sides and helping him to rule the world. ends the Seven Kingdoms War.

Gongshu Ban, also known as Lu Ban, is also known as the ancestor of the carpenter, and his skills are ever-changing.

Carve wooden birds, ride on them, and fly thousands of miles a day.

This unpredictable mechanism... is indeed enough to amaze the gods!

The wisdom in it has already surpassed the limitations of the times. Even if it is Blue Star with advanced technology a thousand years later, future generations will not be able to restore those legendary items created by Lu Ban.

Even in the **** realm, Ji Long, the **** of dwarves who is proficient in machinery, is still amazed by the wisdom of the ancestors in the east.

"First Emperor... Momen Gong Shuo class..."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

"Isn't it just that the first emperor came to the realm of the gods, and even Lu Ban came?"

Lin Fan frowned, but then he understood.

Lu Ban, after all, is also the grandfather in the heart of the carpenter.

All carpenters and craftsmen are in awe of Lu Ban, the patriarch.

In this way, in the history of Blue Star, among countless generations, there are countless potential believers of Luban!

Of course, it is very possible to come to the God Realm after death.

And looking at this appearance, it seems that after he came to the realm of the gods, he continued to be loyal to the first emperor, and built two golden figurines for him that were enough to burn high-level gods to death.

"But the problem is, here, it's clearly the **** of morality."

Lin Fan silently looked at the two statues in front of him, full of doubts in his heart.

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