Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 875: love it came

But having said that, the resting place of the gods is enough to make all gods revered.

Because once the rules are violated, they will be strangled by this world.

Most importantly, those rules, you don't even know what they are in the first place.

Every rule has been tested by countless lives.

The reason why Lin Fan convinced Huo Rulong and Xingye was because he told them some rules in private, and even told them how to circumvent the rules.

As long as you know the rules and be vigilant, there will be nothing to fear in the resting place of the gods.

I just want to be a guest at someone else's house, as long as I don't do anything disgusting, the host won't yell at me.

For the resting place of the gods, these foreign gods are actually like foreign guests.

But having said that.

Lin Fan still needs to avoid some large carnivores, not because of the rules, but in the eyes of those carnivorous beasts, these foreign gods are the same as other beasts, they are food.

Fortunately, Lin Fan, who has [Friends of the Forest], can communicate with trees.

With the help of this ubiquitous spy network, Lin Fan could easily circumvent those tough animals.

Lin Fan held a tree trunk, his fingers vibrated slightly, and then his face was slightly ugly.

"Go right, you can't go ahead."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the right, quietly stepping over a mass of grass.

When Zhao Yaxin heard the words, she didn't say much, and directly led the team to follow Lin Fan to the right, and also stepped over the green grass under her feet.

Lin Fan's eyes were a little disappointed.

It's not that he didn't think about cheating Zhao Yaxin.

But this Zhao Yaxin followed closely behind him, always paying attention to the environment under his feet and the surrounding environment, and the whole person was very vigilant.

Only after Lin Fan walked past and made sure it was safe, did Zhao Yaxin follow in Lin Fan's footsteps.

There is absolutely no chance to pit her!

Although Lin Fan could use [揠miao to grow] to suddenly plant grass, but to be honest, the grass grows fast, but as long as he reacts in time and takes a few quick steps, he can easily escape.

In the past, Xingye mainly suffered because she put all her attention on Huo Rulong. She didn't expect Lin Fan to take action, and she didn't expect grass to grow under her feet.

Only then was Lin Fan caught.

But if Lin Fan planted grass to pit Zhao Yaxin now, he would most likely be easily avoided by Zhao Yaxin, and he would tear up his face with Zhao Yaxin in advance.

Then it's not worth the loss.

"So cautious!" Lin Fan was very speechless, but he had to admit that Zhao Yaxin did have a few brushes.

Five hours passed.

Everyone has come to the position halfway up the mountain and found a place with sparse grass to rest.

The night gradually dissipated, and the eastern sky lit up.

Lin Fan looked at the bracelet and said, "It's half past five in the morning."

"Everyone rest here for five minutes."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan walked to a tree and picked up the bottle to solve his physiological problem.

And right now.


The earth began to tremble, and the tremor came from the depths of the earth, as if the whole island was shaking.


The water around the island rose again into the sky.

Lin Fan saw that the sky above his head instantly became smaller, and it was replaced by the sea!

It was this small island that sank into the sea of ​​death again.

But the majestic sea water did not pour into the island, and a layer of light shroud spread out from the island.

Moreover, the mask completely blocked Lin Fan's perception of the sea water. Lin Fan couldn't see or perceive the situation outside the island at all.

Lin Fan finished solving his physical problems, walked out from behind the tree, frowned and said, "It seems that the law of this small island should be to surface at night and sink into the sea of ​​death during the day."

"Yeah." Zhao Yaxin nodded.

Everyone was not too surprised. After all, everyone witnessed the scene of the island emerging from the water, and they were not worried about being able to get out, because this was obviously a regularly moving island.

Zhao Yaxin glanced at a black-clothed boy beside her.

The black-clothed boy stood up silently and walked behind the tree where Lin Fan had stayed before.

Zhao Yaxin was so cautious that she had to check the places where Lin Fan had stayed, for fear of being left behind by Lin Fan.

"Don't blame me for being too cautious." Zhao Yaxin said with a smile: "If you reach a cooperation with the rest of Mo Feifei, what useful information will you leave along the way... You shouldn't?"

Lin Fan's expression changed: "You..."

Lin Fan suddenly felt guilty and said, "Can you stop checking?"

Zhao Yaxin was taken aback: "What information did you really leave behind?"

As soon as these words came out, the black-clothed youth walked quickly behind the tree, and immediately saw a piece of paper stuck to the tree trunk on the left.

"There is something!" The black-clothed boy looked ugly and said coldly, "There is paper with words written on it!"

"What is written. Read it out." Zhao Yaxin stood up slowly and looked at Lin Fan with cold eyes, as if she had caught Lin Fan's betrayal.

"Don't read it!" Lin Fan looked nervous: "Please, don't read it!"

The black-clothed boy didn't care about Lin Fan, he subconsciously read a word written on the white paper.


Turning to look, there is actually a piece of paper on the trunk on the right!


The boy in black frowned and read it out.

"Lin Fan, what do you mean!" Zhao Yaxin said coldly, "Why did you write these two words, are you trying to convey some news to Mo Feifei!"

But the voice fell.

Before Lin Fan could answer, he could only hear the surrounding leaves rattling, the surrounding trees twisted and trembled, and branches pierced violently!

The black-clothed youth standing behind the tree rushed out, with endless fear in his eyes.

"help me!"

But before he could run two, his feet were already entangled in grass and vines.

next moment.


Countless branches, like spears, pierced through his body suddenly!

Zhao Yaxin looked at this scene in amazement, and then seemed to understand something.



Linked up is, my grass!

This belongs to...

bad language!

One of the rules here, no swearing!

"This is the rule I told you." Lin Fan stood up expressionlessly, looking at the figure that was dragged by the vines and disappeared into the depths of the forest, frowned, "She asked you to read, so you should study?"

"Lin Fan!" Zhao Yaxin looked at Lin Fan with a cold expression, "Did you do it on purpose! You didn't want to cooperate with me at all, but..."


In Zhao Yaxin's hand, a gorgeous white bow and arrow condensed.

"Did you forget something?" Lin Fan snorted coldly, "Did I let him go? Did I let him read it out?"

"Have I advised him not to read it out?"

"I persuaded him, it was you who insisted on letting him read it."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yaxin was stunned!


Lin Fan really persuaded at that time...

He also let the guy read it.

"Then you..." Zhao Yaxin gritted her teeth fiercely: "Why did you write these two words? Are you tricking me?"

"Hit you?" Lin Fan's face was ugly, "Isn't it better if I don't tell you any rules and let you die without knowing how to die?"

"I tell you, I wrote these two words for your safety!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yaxin was stunned.

"My safety?"

"Of course it's for your safety," Lin Fan said loudly, pointing in the direction he came from, "Up to now, there is still Mo Feifei lurking in the dark, can you guarantee that he is not following us?"

"I left it as a trap for Mo Feifei. You yourself wanted to let your people step in. I persuaded you, but you still insisted on doing your own thing, and now you are blaming me again?"

Zhao Yaxin looked at Lin Fan and was speechless for a while.

Looking at Zhao Yaxin who had nothing to say, Lin Fan smiled.

Laugh out loud.

Covering his chest, his expression was hideous, his eyes were slightly red: "I understand, I understand! Hahaha, I understand!"

"You doubt me!"

"Okay, Zhao Yaxin, very good!"

"I take you as a girlfriend, I worked hard to find out the rules and tell you, I helped you defeat three teams! I defeated Huo Rulong for you! Just to let you get Shenzang, thinking Give you the best!"

"In order to ensure your safety, I have not forgotten to leave a trap for Mo Fei who didn't show up."

"I've made it this far, and you're still suspecting that I'm trying to trick you!"

"Don't you know how I treat you? You, don't you have a little love for me?"

Lin Fan looked aggrieved and painful, but forcefully pointed his teeth at Zhao Yaxin, and said, "Since you can't trust me, from now on, you and I might as well part ways!"

Looking at Lin Fan, Zhao Yaxin was stunned.

Do you blame yourself for this?

Are you thinking too much?

Lin Fan, is it to leave a trap for other teams, is it his own will and let his own people die?

After all, it was because he didn't trust Lin Fan?

Lin Fan, is he really doing this for his own good?

At this moment, Zhao Yaxin's original icy succubus heart was moved by the young man with a sad face in front of him.

It's like, love is coming...

Of course, Zhao Yaxin also knows that succubus will not have true love.

But the young man in front of him, for his despicable succubus, really digs his heart out and wants the best for himself.

Looking at Lin Fan who was hurt by love, even Zhao Yaxin, a scumbag who likes to use men, felt hurriedly said, "I misunderstood you..."

"Heh, misunderstanding? Can a misunderstanding be resolved?" Lin Fan gritted his teeth, "Broken heart, lost love..."


The sound stopped abruptly.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the scene in disbelief.

Ji Long stared at the scene in front of him, his face full of grief and indignation: "Kiss, kiss?!"

After a few seconds.

Zhao Yaxin took a few steps back with a flushed face, breathing slightly short: "Does this make a broken heart heal?"

Lin Fan was silent for a few seconds, then licked his lips: "One more sip and that's almost it."

Zhao Yaxin was silent for two seconds before staring, "Rogue!"

"Cough cough...Okay, it's almost time for a rest, right? Let's move on." Lin Fan rubbed his head, and his face didn't have any grief and anger from before.

It's as if the broken heart is healed again and the lost love is back...


Lin Fan, who turned around and continued to lead the way, had a hint of coldness in his eyes.


One is dead.

As for love?

Heh, Lin Fan knew very well that he and Zhao Yaxin had no love at all.

Moreover, everyone is purely using the relationship.

Lin Fan knew that he could not have anything to do with Zhao Yaxin in the future. After all, his future wife was the Emperor Charm!

What does it have to do with Zhao Yaxin?

That's the King of Charms.

The queen of the succubus family.

How exciting is that?

I, Lin Fan, aspire to be a good man who guards himself like a jade for his future wife.

Don't look at the love you just kept talking about, in the end, it's just to cheat Zhao Yaxin once.

But what Lin Fan didn't know was.

Zhao Yaxin, who was following behind him, was rushing around in her heart, her face flushed.

This ****'s here!

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