Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 864: Taboos are endless!


The evaporating water vapor overflowed instantly, hitting the [Guardian Shield] like a jade bowl!

Outside the fog of steam, Lin Fan felt this explosive power, and his expression was horrified.

Fire like a dragon itself only has two elements, water and fire!


It is enough to completely fuse these two completely opposite elements to form an unquenchable flame.

When these two opposing elements collided again, not only steam appeared, but also an explosion-like effect!



This is the divine power of the other two attributes.

The first one is barely acceptable, but the second... is actually an explosion effect!

You must know how rare the divine power that can cause an explosion is. Even the God of Fire can only release burning flames, but cannot cause an instant explosion.

An explosion is an instantaneous process.

By releasing all the energy in an instant, with this divine power that can explode at any time, one's own strength will be greatly enhanced, and every attack will instantly burst out with extraordinary power.

Looking at the world, only the God of War has this divine power that can explode in an instant!

The reason why the gods of war are terrifying is because they have firearms that can kill other gods and all kinds of heavy firepower.

And whether firearms or heavy firepower, what gives them an attacking effect is the fireball loaded inside.

The fireball exploded instantly, and the heated and rapidly expanding gas instantly pushed the warhead and fragments out, and the potential energy was converted into kinetic energy.

And those fire scorpions, the war gods can be replaced with divine power that can explode at any time, and even that kind of instant explosion divine power surpasses ordinary fire scorpions, enough to kill gods!

Bullets powered by military gods are enough to make any gods fear!

Even a **** of the same rank would not dare to face the trigger pulled by the **** of war.

Even if other gods made the same firearms and lost the divine power of the war gods, the effect of ordinary fire medicine was only mediocre and could not kill the gods at all.

At most, it is equivalent to those ordinary weapons on the lower plane.

In the final analysis, the God of War does not actually produce those terrifying firearms.

Instead, it relies on the divine power with explosive properties.

Even before firearms appeared, the war gods had another name, the God of Explosion.

It's just that with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the military gods have found the expression that best reflects the explosive power, that is, cold firearms and various heavy firepower.

But now...

"This fire is like a dragon, and it has achieved the means only a military **** can!"

"He is equivalent to... having the military clergy?!"

Lin Fan's face was stunned.

But then, Lin Fan shook his head.

"No, that's not right."

"He didn't quite do what the military **** means."

"He just used the instantaneously expanding water vapor to simulate the explosion effect, but it was not a pure explosion at all."

"In terms of the impact power of an instant burst, it is far inferior to the explosive power possessed by a real war god."

Lin Fan had seen Situ Lan's firepower cover.

That's real, explosive art.

Huo Rulong uses the instantaneous vaporization of steam to expand to simulate the explosion. It is true that the gas volume expansion caused by the instantaneous vaporization of the liquid is powerful, but it is not enough to compare with the firepower of the war god.

But even so.

It is also equivalent to half a military god!

This kind of explosion-like means can increase the strength more than a single star.

Sure enough.


The terrifying steam erupted instantly in the [Guardian Shield], and the terrifying steam hit the jade bowl.

Only momentarily.


That billowing steam directly blasted the jade bowl out of the cracks!

This is an impact beyond the eighth-order range!

At this moment, Huo Rulong, by means of this instant vaporization, directly erupted with power beyond its own strength!

It's not over yet!

"Stop me?!"

Fire like a dragon roared again.

This time, a stream of water and a raging flame appeared behind his elbow, and the two collided instantly!


The white steam erupted, and two opposing elements collided, like an explosion, and instantly turned into billowing white steam!

White steam spewed out from the fiery dragon's elbows toward the back!

The impact of this instant vaporization was transmitted to Huo Rulong's arms, and finally converged on those fists!


In an instant, the fire was like a dragon and his fists were like cannonballs, smashing the [Guardian Shield] that was already full of cracks!


The shield of protection known to be able to block the eighth-order attack was completely shattered!

Like a broken jade bowl, scattered all over the place.

Taboo, B-0554, [Shield of Protection], from this moment, disappear!

It was smashed to pieces by the power of the collision of opposing elements by the fire of the eighth-order gods like a dragon!

After that pair of fists shattered the [Guardian Shield], they directly wrapped the power of vaporization and hit Xingye hard.


Xingye didn't expect Huo Rulong to have this kind of power at all. He didn't have time to dodge and was directly knocked back a few steps by the hammer, but even so, Xingye didn't put down the candle in his hand.

She knew that if she returned to the fog of steam that obscured all her perceptions, she would really have no power to fight back!

Xingye held the leather whip in his hand and slammed it towards Huo Rulong again.

"You think I'm not waiting for you to come out!?"


The whip sound is crisp!


Fire is faster like a dragon.

At the moment when the whip was about to touch him, Huo Rulong's feet erupted with steam again.

The water flow, instantly vaporized!


The terrifying power that instantly vaporized and erupted directly made Huo Rulong's figure that was rushing forward burst backward.

Directly letting Huo Rulong violate the laws of motion, there is no state of "stop" at all, and the direction of motion is directly reversed.

The steam was overflowing, and the fire was like a dragon, like a running bullet, returning to the mist again.

Looking at the surrounding fog, Xingye gasped for breath, trying to calm the already disordered breath.

Under the candlelight, the steam that had erupted like a dragon before was forced back again, tumbling into the surrounding mist of steam.

"Starry Night, is it fun?" The voice of fire like a dragon came out again from the surrounding steam mist.

Xingye didn't answer, just focused on the scorching steam rolling around.

The fire like a dragon is like a ghost in the fog of steam, as if it is integrated with the steam, it is impossible to judge where he will rush out to attack next time!

"Actually, you are very good."

"I really didn't expect you to have such a taboo that can clear a safe space in the fog of steam."

"If you are enveloped in fog, then you have no chance at all with me..." Huo Rulong sighed.

He was really sorry.

Once the enemy is shrouded in steam mist, the hot steam will liquefy into water droplets after scalding the enemy, covering the enemy's body, and even entering the enemy's respiratory tract.

As long as he is driven by divine power, those water droplets that have just been liquefied will vaporize again.

The entire vapor mist is continuously vaporized and liquefied, and the water vapor is rapidly transformed between gaseous and liquid water droplets again and again.

Like the ubiquitous micro-bombs, the explosion-like effects continue to appear, burning the skin of the enemy again and again and injuring the body of the enemy.

It's just a pity.

There is such a taboo in the starry night. When the light of the candle lights up, the steam in the two-meter radius of the starry night is completely swept away by an unstoppable force, and even the clothes and hair and skin that were originally covered with water droplets in the starry night, All dry again.

And Huo Rulong didn't expect Xingye to have such a taboo at all. Before he could activate the secondary vaporization, Xingye used the taboo to isolate the vapor fog.

[Cleansers' candle], the effect is quite complicated, but in fact, it is kept clean and dry within a two-meter radius.

Containment conditions, the floor needs to be cleaned once a day.

Conditions of use: On the second day after use, you need to do a big cleaning, take a good bath with soap, and shave the whole body except for the hair and eyebrows.

It can be said to be very strange...

Even because of the strange containment conditions, this taboo has a nickname, the White Tiger's Evidence...

But fire like a dragon is not in a hurry.

"The candle is about to go out."

"This taboo should not last indefinitely, but has a time limit, right?"

The sound of fire like a dragon came from the mist of steam again.

As soon as these words came out, Xingye, who was on the defensive, suddenly felt nervous.

This is her pain point!

Thirty-two seconds left in the candlelight!

This is the last cleanliness time!


And at the moment when the starry night was distracted, Huo Rulong, who was hidden in the mist of steam, seized the opportunity again!

The steam above Xingye's head tumbled suddenly, a figure rushed out with the rolling steam, and the fists hit Xingye like a cannonball!

"excuse me!"


Huo Rulong's blow from bottom to top, wrapped in steam, directly knocked Xingye to the ground. If Xingye didn't have grass under him, he would have violated the rules.

Huo Rulong succeeded in one strike, without any hesitation, the steam erupted again and burst out.

Back in the mist of steam again.


Standing in the mist of steam, the fire was stunned like a dragon.

She looked at her hands in disbelief!

At his wrist, a pair of silver bracelets were clasped brightly.

That bracelet tightly locked Huo Rulong's hands! Not just handcuffs!

A chain appeared on Huo Rulong's neck, and it would bind his neck like a dog, and the other end of the chain was in Xingye's hands.

At this moment, the earth under Huo Rulong's feet suddenly rolled, and a cross suddenly rose from behind him. The cross was wrapped with hemp ropes, and it looked like a torture platform!

Huo Rulong wanted to dodge, but the handcuffs and the chains around his neck made him unable to move!

The hemp rope on the torture platform is free of wind and automatically binds the fire like a dragon to death!

This is the power of forbidden things.

Even the twelfth-order divine power contained in the holy pattern cannot be removed.

This is the forbidden power that even the gods should fear.

"Do you think I'll just wait to be beaten?"

"You're right before, this world is very unfair."

"The taboos on me are more and stronger than you think."

"Now, are you ready to accept my whipping?"

The starry night came slowly.

One hand held a candle that kept the whole body clean and dry, the other hand held the whip with petrification power, and together they held the iron chain that locked the fire like a dragon's neck.

Huo Rulong, on the other hand, was tied to the cross by ropes, with shackles on his hands and neck.

Huo Rulong worked hard to instigate his divine power, and the surging steam rushed towards the starry night, but it was blocked by the faint candlelight.

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