Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 853: sudden death

[Grow a Bean and Get a Melon], Ivern plants a defensive seed on his teammates, providing a layer of shield. After the seed grows, the shield will explode, causing damage to surrounding enemies and slowing down.

Although the shield value provided by this skill is not high, it cannot be compared with Feng Nu's E skill [Eye of the Storm], but it is a rare shield skill that can damage and slow down and can be released on teammates.

Equivalent to an offensive shield skill.

Of course, this skill is also ignored in the game.

Because Ivern usually cooperates with the shooter, and the shooter will not go to face-to-face shopping with the enemy at all, the damage and deceleration effects attached to the [Growing Beans and Getting the Melon] skill will naturally not be able to play.

In terms of shield value alone, it's not as good as Feng Nu, Qin Nu, and Lulu.

But once it cooperates with the Melee Meat Tank, just like the neglected [Deep Rooted], Ivern's [Growing Beans and Getting the Melon] will instantly exert its full power!


For a time, even the Garen were stunned for a moment. I really didn't expect that Ivern's shield skill would even have an explosive effect.

But then, the Galens were even more excited, looking back at the gracious tree people with more cordial and fiery eyes.

It's really these guys, and they work so well together!

First, I pulled myself in front of the enemy, and then I put a shield on myself who was rushing into the crowd and was taking damage. When I turned back, the shield would explode, causing another wave of damage to the surrounding enemies...

"Hahaha, let me just say, it is impossible for the Lord God to cultivate a race that knows nothing!"

"Ivern, you still say that you don't know martial arts?"

The Garen laughed and waved their great swords.

The Iverns looked complicated: "We really don't have much fighting power..."

"And we're clumsy and don't fight at all."

"Oh, if it wasn't for seeing your good friends fighting with others, we wouldn't be willing to take action... We are peace-loving tree people."

The Iverns explained helplessly.

They were right in their explanation. After all, these Iverns just shrank back from the beginning to the end, and did not rush to fight the flame warriors head-on. It was the Garen who went to fight people...

Ivern's position is actually not the kind of warrior who kills the enemy head-on, not even a mage. Their skills cause little damage, and any mage race can kill them head-on.

The positioning of these good guys is the kind who watch the fun behind the battle and secretly lose skills...

Anyway, just to fight you guys, I will be responsible for planting flowers and grass.

But this did not prevent them from becoming powerful comrades who could fight side by side in Galen's eyes.


Don't look at the fact that Garen seems to have the upper hand with the help of Ivern at this time.

But the Galens knew very well that their next situation would be extremely embarrassing.

Those eighth-order flame warriors are rough and fleshy, and they have inspired the body of fire. Even if they endured a wave of Garen's skills, they have only suffered minor injuries, and they still have the ability to continue fighting.

It's eighth after all.

And if Garen, who rushed into the enemy's lineup, couldn't kill the opponent before the end of his skills, once the wave of skills ended, he would fall into an extremely embarrassing period.

A period when only normal attacks can be used for output.

At this stage, Garen can only perform basic attacks and wait for the used skills to recover their cooldowns.

And at this time, it was the most embarrassing period for Galen...

And because of the rules of the resting place of the gods, even if the R skill [Demacian Justice] has not been put on cooldown, these Garen did not dare to use the R skill with the killing effect, and could only avoid the key points with one sword at a time. Slash.


The spinning greatsword stopped.

This awkward time has come.

The 200 Galenqi who were still wielding giant swords like a rainbow just now stopped, and then seemed to have lost their strength, and began to clumsily carry out basic attacks again and again with their giant swords...

And seeing those Galen suddenly seemed to be at a loss.

The eighth-order flame warriors who had been beaten before suddenly seemed to understand something, and raised their heads with a sneer.

In their eyes, anger burned.

The flames all over the body swept again at this moment.

With the end of the silence effect, the fire energy from the Lord God in their bodies recovered again, and the blades in their hands burned with raging fire again.

"Haha," the leading flame warrior sneered, "Is your skills finished?"

"Now, it's our turn!"

The next moment, these flame warriors knelt down on one knee, and the wings of flames spread out behind them.

Although they didn't fly due to the "can't fly" rule here, these eighth-order flame warriors had a pair of flame armors all over their bodies, and flames flowed in their eyes!

【Flame Sacrifice】!

By stimulating the potential in the body, dedicating one's body to the fire element, a terrifying skill that increases the attack power by 80% for 30 seconds!

Although the sequelae are obvious, when the effect ends, it will enter a three-day weakness period, but this short burst is enough to make all enemies fear.

Although these flame warriors are not of the **** race, they are also a special race, and even have a connection with the legendary **** of the gods, and this skill is powerful enough.

"excuse me!"

"Now, get ready for the heat of the flames."

The flame warriors grinned and raised their heads.


The next moment, they were stunned.

The strong Garen men who were standing in their formation have disappeared!

It just disappeared!

"what happened?"

A flame warrior with a more flexible brain was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that something was wrong.

In their team where Garen was originally standing, clusters of lush grass grew.

The grass is particularly strong, more than two meters high, lush and swaying in the wind.

Clusters of grass, Xing Luo scattered among their ranks.

"These guys..." The flame warrior who spoke was cold, "Hiding in the grass!"

"Brothers, rush in and catch them out!"

After finishing speaking, the flame warrior, who was wise from a young age, was burning with flames, raised the scorching flame sword, and swept towards the grass with a bang!

"Does it feel safe to hide inside?"

"Do you really think this grass can protect you!"

The flaming sword slashed on the soft grass, but any blade of grass that it touched was instantly chopped up, and the branches of grass that it swept were burnt to black!

It turned out to be smashed together with the grass and Galen hiding inside!

Garen, who was hiding in the grass, carried the great sword and was ready to fight it hard.


Before the blazing blazing sword slashed at Garen.


The surrounding trees vibrated instantly, and hundreds of branches were like sharp swords, stabbing down from all directions, directly piercing the eighth-order flame warrior who slashed the grass with his sword!

Crucified to the ground alive!

"Dang bang."

The flaming flame sword fell to the ground, made a crisp sound, and then turned into coke.

At the same time, the flame warriors with hundreds of branches pierced through their bodies also instantly turned into coke and fell down.

From the beginning to the end, the flame was burning and the sword was powerful, but it only shattered and burned a few grass branches.


"what happened?"

The other flame warriors looked stunned.

This sudden death made them incomprehensible.

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