Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 846: The rules of restraining the gods

But the next moment.

Lin Fan staggered over and said in a low voice, "Brother Huo, it's me."

"Lin Fan, is that you?" Huo Rulong was stunned for a moment when he saw the figures slowly approaching, and then he waved to the two team members beside him: "Don't do anything, don't worry, you are your own."

Huo Rulong looked at Lin Fan with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Fan was really too embarrassed, his clothes were torn apart, his face was pale, his breathing was extremely disordered, and his eyes were red as if he was in great pain.

The few people behind them were also in embarrassment. Except for the first Sword God, Bai Zhaoyun, who was still fluttering in white clothes, the rest seemed to have escaped after a lot of hard work.

Thinking of the divine power fluctuation that erupted in the distance just now, Huo Rulong's expression froze: "You were fighting against someone just now?"

"Yeah." Lin Fan's eyes flashed a hint of fear, "I almost fell, but luckily managed to escape."

"Making you like this..." Huo Rulong frowned and said, "Xingye? Or Zhao Yaxin?"

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, the flames of hatred in his eyes were burning: "It was Xingye who beat me like this!"

Huo Rulong's face suddenly sank.

"Sure enough it's her."

"Don't worry," Huo Rulong walked to Lin Fan's side and patted Lin Fan's shoulder, "I'll vent your anger, Xingye, hehe, I'll go get her in a while."

Lin Fan was moved: "Brother Huo, you are so kind!"

With that said, Lin Fan quietly took a few steps back.

As soon as he got close to others, the werewolf gene that had been activated in Lin Fan couldn't wait to roar. The fiery heartbeat made Lin Fan almost unable to control the desire to kill!

"What's wrong?" Huo Rulong looked at Lin Fan suspiciously.

"It's okay," Lin Fan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "I don't like getting too close to people."

"Oh, it's quite cold." Huo Rulong didn't think much, and continued to say proudly: "But anyway, since you are my person, then Xingye moving you is equivalent to moving me."

"You take me to Xingye in a while, and I'll help you out."

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt very happy at this moment.

I wanted to start a battle between the three teams, I thought it would be troublesome, but I didn't expect this to cause a war...

Huo Rulong, he is an honest man!

"Brother Huo," Lin Fan said hurriedly, "Don't talk too much, let's go to Xingye now, I know where she is, let's fight two and one, we will win!"

"It's definitely going to be a fight." Huo Rulong's expression suddenly became a little complicated: "But...Lin Fan, come out with me first."

Huo Rulong stepped out of the forest.

Since entering the forest and discovering that there are more rules, Huo Rulong has not moved, so until now, he is still at the edge of the forest.

After crossing the forest more than ten meters, Huo Rulong and Lin Fan had already walked out of the forest, and once again came to the moonlit seaside beach.

"Brother Huo, you..."

Lin Fan was a little nervous. Could it be that Huo Rulong could see his true thoughts?

However, Huo Rulong said with a serious face: "You may not know that this forest is more terrifying than you think."

"Ah?" Lin Fan was taken aback.

"You didn't find out all the rules before. The rules here are not just that you can't trample the lawn." Huo Rulong said here, looking at the hundreds of believers who were still doing various actions in the forest, and whispered : "I also know that it's not your fault. After all, we didn't expect that there would be more than one rule here."

"Of the five of us, two of us have already violated the rules. If it weren't for the quick response, it is estimated that even this forest would not be able to escape. But even so, they will not be able to participate in the battle of Shenzang."

Lin Fan also looked happy: "Fortunately, nothing happened to those two people."

And in fact.

Lin Fan was a little disappointed...

After all, if someone really died here, Lin Fan could still extract some life energy, or take some Divine Realm fragments left by the deceased.

The dead gods are also huge treasures.

To be honest, Lin Fan felt that he was a little too evil. After all, these were all his classmates, and he was still thinking about the property after his death... But to be honest, everyone came to compete for Shenzang, how could he not die?

Huo Rulong continued: "However, although the information you provided has caused us some losses, I know that you are unintentional. After all, if you hadn't told us not to trample the lawn, we probably wouldn't just lose two people. It's that simple."

"So, thank you anyway."

Huo Rulong patted Lin Fan's shoulder sincerely.

"You're welcome, you should." Lin Fan felt very guilty.

Although this Huo Rulong is powerful, it is too simple... Lin Fan is a little embarrassed to trick him now.

This is just a foolish son who was sold to help with money. Lin Fan cheated on him, but he is still here to thank him...

Huo Rulong continued: "At present, we have explored some rules, but these rules are very strange, and it seems that there are no rules."

"Since I'm out of the forest now, I can also tell you the rules we explored."

"You can't take the initiative to fight with people."

"Can't fly."

"Can't spit anywhere."

"Can't urinate anywhere."

"Don't The more Huo Rulong said, the more strange his face became. It is really these rules that have been explored with the lives of believers, which are a little more serious...

Lin Fan also listened with a strange expression.

These rules, they already know.

Even Lin Fan knew better. Although he couldn't fight, he would be fine as long as he apologized before the fight.

Huo Rulong rubbed his brows and warned, "These rules may seem simple, but in reality, the simpler the rules, the more dangerous they are. You must remember these carefully, or you will break the rules if you are not careful."

"In order to explore these rules, Fatty and Little Leopard have lost a lot of believers."

For a while, Lin Fan felt a little moved.

After all, in the resting place of the gods, it is self-evident how important an explored rule is.

Every rule was explored at the cost of the lives of believers and even gods.

And Huo Rulong actually told himself the rules he had discovered without any cover up. It could be said that Huo Rulong really regarded himself as his own...

"Brother Huo, thank you." Lin Fan felt even more guilty.

"It's okay, since it's my own, of course I can't hide it." Huo Rulong smiled, but then his face became serious, "But the most troublesome thing now is that there is a rule that restrains us very much. If we can't handle it well, we will It's impossible to go deep into the forest at all."

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback: "What rules?"

Lin Fan pondered that although those rules were a bit too serious, in fact, as long as they were civilized and polite, they could all be avoided.

Just like no swearing, everyone just needs to pay attention, and this rule is as if it doesn't exist at all.

Lin Fan couldn't understand it.

Among those rules, which one of them can forcefully prevent the Huo Rulong team from going deep into the forest?

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