Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 844: lucky curse

"But that guy named Anning is really lucky."

Lin Fan smashed his mouth.

Although he couldn't control his body just now, he could see what happened.

An Ning has been seriously injured, and he has completely become a werewolf due to the stimulation of the perfect werewolf gene. Under the stimulation of the **** smell, a terrifying pursuit speed broke out.

Lin Fan pondered that even if he changed himself to be chased by him in that state, he probably wouldn't be able to escape.

But An Ning just ran away abruptly. Every time he was about to catch up with him, various "accidental" events would happen.

That kind of good luck is simply outrageous.

"Who said no," Zhang Xiaoying said with a complicated expression, "I was going to beat him to the ground, but who knew that Haifeng would actually help him."

Ji Long also said speechlessly: "My dwarf mecha also blew itself up twice in a row. What kind of son of plane is this? He can come across such accidental things."

Lin Fan shook his head slightly.

When countless accidental events are linked together, it is no longer an accident, but a necessity created by accident.

Things like luck are always uncertain. It's okay to be lucky once in a while, but luck again and again...

"That guy, there must be something strange."

"Maybe he also has a third priesthood, or some strange taboo. Either someone is helping him secretly."

"It's also possible that he left behind."

Lin Fan could only analyze these things. After all, what happened just now was too strange.

It can be said that it is the effect of the taboo, or it can be said that the guy has an extremely meticulous mind, he has considered all the possibilities and left behind various backhands in advance, or it can be said that there is a group of well-organized gods helping him in the dark.

In terms of the identity of the second prince of the Divine Kingdom, it seems reasonable to have a tight organization secretly.

Anyway, if Lin Fan really didn't believe it, the other party really had such good luck.

But there is one thing I have to say, An Ning's own strength is definitely not bad.

The flesh and blood forest evolved from the body restrained Lin Fan's unfavorable [Fate] skills, and even the true eyes lost their function, so An Ning quietly transferred the body under Lin Fan's [Treading Song Xing], and immediately controlled Lin Fan. , forcibly stimulated Lin Fan's werewolf gene.

If it weren't for Lin Fan's incredible skill [Frost Nirvana], it would be equivalent to having a second life.

I was afraid that he would really die in An Ning's hands, under the explosion of the perfect werewolf gene he caused.

"That guy..." Lin Fan already had murderous intentions towards that An Ning.

Because, [Frost Nirvana] is a resurrection skill that can only be triggered after death.

In other words, the other party really killed him once!

"Kill me once, and I'll kill you once too."

"I escaped death this time, but I want to see if you can come back from the dead like me."

Lin Fan silently remembered the name "Anning" in a small notebook in his heart.

That little book is called "Death Note", and there must be nothing written on it.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the sea of ​​​​death.


An escape doll unfolded, turned into a speedboat, and galloped fast.

The scroll girl even drew several divine patterns on the speedboat, including wind element divine patterns, speed divine patterns, and ocean divine patterns, all of which were used to increase the speed of the speedboat, and even used the scrolls to condense huge waves. Holding the speedboat and rushing away.

"The other side didn't chase after him."

"We're lucky. The natural undercurrent and sea breeze under the sea are also helping us escape from here. Even if the other side wants to chase, they won't be able to catch up for a while."

The embarrassed scroll girl looked back at the lush forested island, stretched out her hand to feel the undercurrent under the sea, and took a long breath.

An Ning, whose tortoise shell was shattered and whose beating heart could almost be seen, sat on the speedboat with a pale face, while breathing, relying on the power of the three generations of Xuanwu in her body to recover from her injuries.

He was holding a gold coin tightly in his hand.

An Ning, who escaped from death, didn't have the slightest nervousness on his face, and he didn't even look back, because he knew that he couldn't die today!

the reason is simple.

Today is your lucky day!

After escaping a distance again, An Ning quietly put away the gold coins.

Although the lucky gold coins can bring him good luck, An Ning can't use it much, not because there are restrictions on the number of times it can be used, but because he is worried about being noticed by others.

A good fortune is justified by chance.

But if you have countless good fortunes every day, and you pick up your wallet when you go out, you will be suspected by someone with a heart every minute.

Although luck seems to be accidental, and it is easy to be regarded as one's own good luck by others, but An Ning does not want to gamble.

Luck is illusory, but it is extremely important.

Lucky gold coins can be said to be the most wonderful taboo.

Once it is really known that he has a wonderful taboo like S-005 in his hand, I am afraid that countless experts from the gods will stare at him in minutes, and even those guys in the Space Temple of the Temple of Death will show up.

Although he is the second prince of the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom, but at that point, An would rather not think that the Dark Moon Empire can protect him.

Even with the blessing of lucky gold coins, it is not really impossible to die.

Facing the real powerhouse, in the face of absolute strength, luck becomes insignificant.

The extreme strength gap is enough to smooth out the "accidental" brought about by luck and eliminate the injustice of fate.

He once tried to get rid of the eldest prince with good luck, but every time the accident that "accidentally" happened to the eldest prince was easily avoided by the dear brother, and even the other party reminded himself of this younger brother with concern after the incident." Be careful recently, it seems that someone is assassinating the royal children...".

As for the leaders of the consortium who abandoned him, they either had the protection of high-level gods, or their own strength was not bad, and they couldn't be killed by "accidental" either.

The gap between Lin Fan and him can barely be smoothed out with luck, but if he really meets some high-level god, he is afraid that he will also die.

Of course, luck is still a bit useful. Maybe I should have ended up with no bones left, but with the blessing of lucky gold coins, I became a complete corpse...


Even though he was almost killed by Lin Fan, there was no anger on An Ning's face.

on the contrary.

"Hehe, hehe, hahahaha..." An Ning with a pale face first let out a suppressed laughter, and finally, regardless of the injury, laughed The face of the doll boy who is manipulating the escape doll Complicated: "Second prince, calm down, although it's really shameful to be beaten like this, but you must not be mad... Who made us meet those monsters as soon as we came up."

The puppet boy now thinks about that monster with an excellent appetite, and he is afraid from the bottom of his heart. He has never seen anyone who can eat it so well...

"Don't worry, I'm calm now." An Ning smiled brightly, "As for being angry... Hehe, why should I be angry?"

"Isn't the body that I like, the stronger the better?"

"It's an unimaginable harvest... There is such a guy in the Lieyang Divine Kingdom. Hehe, this is much stronger than the Huo Rulong that I was originally eyeing."

"I met this kind of guy as soon as I came up. From this perspective, my luck is indeed very good."

An Ning's smile was particularly bright, and even her originally seriously injured and pale complexion recovered a bit of rosy.

Originally, An Ning came for Shenzang, and planned to kill all the participating teams.

But I didn't expect to meet such a baby!

Luck, it's really good.

That Lin Fan, to him, is much stronger than Shenzang!

"Check, let the cobwebs check it for me when I go back, what's the name of the guy who fought with me." An Ning held the gold coin again and whispered, "If I'm lucky enough... I hope that guy can live until the next time. meet me."

The gold coin shone brightly again.

This is a curse from luck.

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