And most of these widely circulated powerful items have fixed owners or exact whereabouts, all of which are owned by a strong party or a powerful force.

Because once it is known, if the strength is insufficient, it will be taken away by other gods.

And there is no **** who can keep a taboo thing hidden forever.

Now those who can possess these things are all strong or some powerful force. For example, the Fate Scarf of the Temple of Fate, the Eternal Spear of the God King Zeus, the Death Scythe of the Temple of Death, the Time Pocket Watch of the Temple of Time, and the Rubik's Cube of the Space Temple.

The entire God Realm knows where these things belong, but there is absolutely no **** who dares to attack these taboos.

Only the ownership of the lucky gold coin is still unknown, perhaps this is the luck that the lucky gold coin gives the host.

But no one would have thought that this huge lucky gold coin would be in the hands of the second prince who fell out of favor in a small and remote country like Anning!

No one knows how An Ning got this gold coin, and no one knows that the gold coin he has nothing to play with is an S-level taboo alongside the Spear of Eternity, the Pocket Watch of Time, and the Rubik's Cube!

At the moment, Lin Fan, who had already been dominated by animal nature, roared and rushed towards Anning, but it was as if all the unfortunate things in the world had happened to him.



The surrounding trees collapsed and broke under the seemingly coincidental earthquake.

But An Ning didn't even hide at all. He ran at full speed and ran over unscathed. The tree trunks rubbed his nose and back with a slight difference, but they couldn't hit him. body.

But it hit Lin Fan again and again, as if the entire island was targeting Lin Fan.

From time to time, the round fruit hanging on the tree also accidentally fell at Lin Fan's feet, causing Lin Fan to fall.

Until An Ning rushed to Zhang Xiaoying, Cao Dahua, and Ji Long's two battlefields, Lin Fan was dragged by various accidents and did not catch up.

Cao Dahua was throwing the doll boy with his huge dragon claw. He kindly asked him to release a few more dolls.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw a huge golden werewolf rushing towards An Ning who was madly chasing after the An Ning who had run to the distance with Lin Fan before.


Cao Dahua was stunned, "What is that, a mutant werewolf?"

He had never seen a werewolf of this type, not even a single golden werewolf.


"This werewolf is chasing An Ning?"

Cao Dahua looked at it blankly, and then frowned: "But then again, this werewolf is a bit unlucky..."

Cao Dahua saw with his own eyes that the werewolf was about to catch up, but he stepped into a mud pit and fell directly into a dog to eat shit.

Before he could get up, a boulder thrown by the earthquake directly hit the ground again.

"Where's Lin Fan? Didn't he go to deal with that An Ning?" Zhang Xiaoying reacted very quickly, and hurriedly looked to the side, but couldn't see Lin Fan.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Brother Fan will definitely not have an accident. Looking at the appearance of Anning running for his life, Brother Fan should have been thrown away by him, Zhang Xiaoying, stop this Anning, don't let him run away." Cao Dahua grinned excitedly, "I'll go eat that werewolf!"

He could feel that the golden werewolf seemed to contain an extraordinarily powerful bloodline, rich in nutrients and fragrant!

Even more attractive than An Ning!

If you eat it, maybe you won't be hungry for several days!

After speaking, Cao Dahua released the puppet boy who was pinched in the dragon's claws and charged towards the werewolf who was chasing An Ning towards this direction.

Zhang Xiaoying didn't bother to take care of the puppet boy, so she went straight to Anning.

"Don't hurt my second prince!" The doll boy's face sank and he punched him.


"excuse me."

Zhang Xiaoying directly kicked the doll boy with a blank face. To tell the truth, when this guy manipulated 20,000 battle dolls before, Zhang Xiaoying really couldn't beat him, but now, the battle doll on this guy They were all eaten up, and even those threads were eaten up by Cao Dahua...

An empty-handed textile god, to the black whirlwind Zhang Xiaoying, he is not a big man at all.

Properly crushed by force.

Zhang Xiaoying went straight to Anning, who was seriously injured and even had a hole in the tortoise shell on her chest!

An Ning, however, seemed to have not seen Zhang Xiaoying, and was still running towards the front.

"excuse me!"

Zhang Xiaoying jumped high and slashed directly at An Ning's shoulder.

An Ning didn't have any defenses at all.



Just as she was about to split up, a naturally formed gust of wind suddenly blew from the Sea of ​​Death. The power from nature was comparable to any divine art, and it directly rolled Zhang Xiaoying out.

On the other hand, An Ning followed the wind. Not only did he escape Zhang Xiaoying, but he ran even faster.


Zhang Xiaoying got up and wanted to chase again, but suddenly a dead leaf was blown up by the wind and stuck on Zhang Xiaoying's face.

Zhang Xiaoying tore off the leaf, seeing that An Ning was running farther and farther, her face suddenly became ugly.

"Why am I so unlucky today?"

An Ning passed by the puppet boy and only uttered one word: "Run!"

When the puppet boy saw that His Highness the Second Prince was so injured, he didn't say anything at the moment, and he no longer entangled with Zhang Xiaoying and the others, and immediately ran after him.

Really, the idea this time is too hard to handle!

An Ning turned around and ran towards the scroll girl who was being beaten again.

the other side.

"Xiaojuan, withdraw!" Before reaching the scroll girl's side, the puppet boy had already shouted loudly.

The scroll girl, who was under Bai Zhaoyun's pressure and who was not afraid to fight back when Ji Long was beating her, turned her head to look, and her eyes froze when she saw An Ning's tragic injury.

Without any hesitation, he immediately pulled away from the battle and ran towards An Ning.

After all, the first task of her and the doll boy is to protect the safety of the second prince.

If the second prince is all right, he will naturally obey the second prince's order and kill all the geniuses of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom here.

But the second prince has been beaten like this now. The most urgent task now is to cover the second prince's safe evacuation!

Seeing that An Ning and the puppet boy came over like this, Ji Long, who was still beating the scroll girl with a mecha, smiled and pressed the red button directly!

"Redstone cannon!"

"100% energy output!"

The armor on the chest of the mecha fell off again, a cannon barrel was extended, and the redstone used to power it burst into a dazzling light.

With this shot, he wants to keep all these three people here!

Ji Long aimed at the three of Anning and gritted his teeth: "If you've offended me, shoot!"


The redstone energy vibrated violently, and the red light was dazzling.


"Warning, warning, the attack system is faulty, the power supply is short-circuited, the mecha is about to explode... Countdown, ten, nine..."

Ji Long's face suddenly became ugly, he quickly jumped out of the cockpit of the mecha, and rolled and crawled to avoid it.


The mecha exploded directly, sending out brilliant sparks.

Looking at the three of An Ning who had already run away, Ji Long gritted his teeth: "Why is it so unfortunate, can things like a short circuit in the power supply happen?"

"If there is no short circuit, all three of these will be gone!"

"This is the first time. I remember the dwarf engineer told me that there is only a one in a million chance of causing a short circuit in the power supply... It's really bad luck."

Ji Long hurriedly turned his head and shouted at Bai Zhaoyun: "Bai Jianshen, take action and keep them!"

"A qualified swordsman will not bully the weak." Bai Zhaoyun shook his head slightly, "As long as you are not in danger of death, I will not shoot."

Of course Bai Zhaoyun, who was watching the battle next to him, wouldn't try to stop him... To tell the truth, he wished An Ning would run away with his two younger brothers.

Otherwise, the longer he spends here, the more likely Bai Zhaoyun himself will be exposed...

Seeing that Bai Zhaoyun didn't make a move, Ji Long gritted his teeth and quickly summoned the mecha to continue chasing him, but as soon as he jumped into the cab to start the engine, he saw red lights flashing in the cab.

"Warning: The power supply is short-circuited, about to explode..."

"This... again?" Ji Long opened his mouth and froze for three seconds before he came back to his senses, and quickly jumped out of the cab again.


Under the firelight of the explosion, Ji Long watched his second dwarf mecha turn into scrap iron with tears in his eyes.

With just such a delay, An Ning had already forced himself to run away with the help of the scroll girl and the puppet boy. The three figures disappeared into the forest and rushed out of the forest!

For a while, Ji Long didn't dare to summon a third dwarf mecha.

"It's really evil."

"Is this guy a son of planes? Why is he so European?"

Looking back at Zhang Xiaoying, who fell while chasing, Ji Long sighed with a bewildered expression.

And the other side.

"Hahahaha, food!"

Cao Dahua excitedly rushed towards the golden werewolf who was chasing An When there were still more than ten meters away, he jumped fiercely and grabbed with two huge dragon claws!

When people were in the air, Cao Dahua politely said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to start eating."

It's quite polite.

At this time, Cao Dahua also explored the loopholes in the rules here. Although the rules of this resting place of the gods stipulate that no murder is allowed, but there is no rule that you are not allowed to eat anything... Aren't those puppets just eaten one by one? ?

Why is it impolite to eat such an action?

Rolling dragons roared, it was the pressure from the blood of dragons and phoenixes!

At this moment, behind Cao Dahua, there was a faint shadow of a giant dragon, like a giant dragon opening its mouth wide and facing the golden werewolf with its sharp teeth.



Just when Cao Dahua was about to pounce, the werewolf actually grabbed Cao Dahua's two dragon claws with a powerful gesture, completely ignoring the might of the giant dragon.

Immediately, a savage force erupted instantly, forcibly pressing Cao Dahua from the air to the ground.


The golden werewolf let out a fierce wolf moo, and those long and narrow eyes had no emotion or reason, only the desire to kill and the urge to eat.

Behind the golden werewolf, the phantom of a giant wolf appeared, and even pushed the giant dragon behind Cao Dahua down from the air to the ground!

In the eyes of Lin Fan, who had lost his mind, the **** who suddenly rushed over was not food?

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