a time.

Cao Dahua suddenly reacted to something and looked at the boy who was caught in his palm.

Not a single drop of blood came out of the boy's broken arm!

Instead, it is like a broken metal, and the broken place reflects the light of the metal, and there is a black stone embedded in it.

This is……

Battle Dolls!

Cao Dahua was about to let go of his hands subconsciously, but at this moment, the skin of the boy he was holding in his hands was shattered, and a dozen spear-like golden spears burst out from his body, killing him from all angles. Nailed into Cao Dahua's claws.


The chain attached to the end of the nerve spear tensed instantly and began to shrink back.

The shattered skin on the boy's body fell, exposing the metal body underneath, and the abdominal cavity and thoracic cavity instantly popped open and expanded, like a huge cage!

And his feet also protruded more than a dozen divine golden spears, which were nailed to the ground.

The gears turned, and the chains were dragging the golden spear, as if he was about to put Cao Dahua in the cage.

Zhang Xiaoying's face changed suddenly, and she tried to hold Cao Dahua, but the dozen or so golden spears embedded in the dragon's claws had barbs. Although they couldn't really hurt Cao Dahua, they were firmly hooked in the flesh and blood. There is no way to break free!

"hold onto!"

"Light will save you!"

Zhang Xiaoying gritted her teeth and raised the axe in her hand.

In an instant, Zhang Xiaoying turned into Ultraman Leo in the light. Without any hesitation, she made a few quick movements, and the beam light on her forehead shot out a red beam directly towards the chains.

Ultraman Leo's signature skill, [Cross Beam]!

The red beam of destruction washed away towards the chains.


But it didn't work at all.

"This..." Zhang Xiaoying stared at the golden chains that were still intact, her face full of disbelief.

Although it is made of divine gold.

But your own cross beam shouldn't have any effect!

Zhang Xiaoying could only grit her teeth and continue to increase her energy output, but the dazzling destructive beam couldn't cut those divine golden chains at all!

And right now.

"Are you wondering why it can't be cut?"

A voice suddenly appeared.

The huge ball of cloth that the robotic doll fell on the ground, the cloth strip fell off.

A young man walked out of it, stretched his body, looked at the two in front of him without hesitation, and said to himself, "Hiding in the ball of cloth all day is really humiliating."

"But fortunately, I hid in the cloth and used a puppet to carry me on my back, otherwise I would have been crushed to death by that guy's claws just now."

The young man looked at Cao Dahua, who was being dragged to the cage by the chains with some fear, with a complicated expression on his face.

Originally, he thought that the geniuses of Lieyang Divine Kingdom were nothing more than that.

As a result, if it wasn't for the fact that he usually hides his body in the cloth, people mistakenly think that the doll is himself, and he is afraid that it has been crushed by the huge dragon claws.

Seeing that the main lord finally showed up, Zhang Xiaoying stopped trying to attack the puppet.

Although that doll is powerful.

But as long as the main lord is killed, the puppets that no one manipulates are just a pile of scrap metal!

Immediately, Zhang Xiaoying rushed over.

The young man did not avoid it, frowned, and another battle puppet appeared in front of him immediately, still exactly the same as him, but with a metallic luster reflected all over his body, it was made of divine gold.

The rapidly spinning blade replaced both hands and rushed towards Zhang Xiaoying!

Zhang Xiaoying was full of divine power.

The Ultra Laser shot out again, but the battle puppet seemed to be unharmed, waving the arms of the rotating blade, and charged towards Zhang Xiaoying at an unabated speed!

"what happened?"

"No harm was done?"

Surprise flashed in Zhang Xiaoying's eyes again, and she didn't have time to think. Seeing the battle puppet rushing to the front, Zhang Xiaoying leaped into the air, almost dodging the slashing rotating blade, and her whole body turned around in the air like a swallow. The feet kicked at the head of the battle puppet like a blade!

【Leo Swallow Kicks】!


Just when the battle puppet was about to be kicked out.

Zhang Xiaoying suddenly felt a sense of weakness, and the divine power she poured into that foot actually rolled back!


Zhang Xiaoying kicked down, but because of the sudden withdrawal of divine power, the original power was only less than 20%, and there was only a small depression on the head of the battle doll.

And the battle puppet turned around and raised his arms, the two rotating blades shredded the air and slashed towards Zhang Xiaoying.


Zhang Xiaoying spun and was knocked down from the air. The moment she landed, she immediately retreated dozens of meters and opened the distance.

Covering her bleeding arm, Zhang Xiaoying looked at the doll with solemn eyes.

The rotating blade, which was not even a divine weapon, left a wound on his arm so easily.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why her Destruction Beam was ineffective against that guy, and even the swallow's flying kick lost its original power when it approached the puppet.

"Conferred God Stone."

Zhang Xiaoying spit out three words with an ugly face.

The metal used to make the doll was mixed with bits of the Conferred God Stone.

A stone that can block divine power, but any gods that come close will instantly become mortals!

Even high-level gods will fall from the clouds to the earth the moment they approach this kind of stone.

No one knows how this kind of stone was formed. Some say it was formed by the resentment of the beasts killed by the gods, some say it was born naturally, and some say it came from the curse of the witches who were driven into the forest by the gods...

But precisely because of this strange effect, all the major kingdoms strictly control it.

And unfortunately.

An Ning and his party represented the royal family of the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom, and they were able to use the Conferred God Stone, which was strictly controlled.

It was also the existence of the Conferred God Stone that made Zhang Xiaoying's previous cross-beam useless. Even after the power of Ultra Swallow's kick lost the blessing of divine power, only 20% to 30% remained, which was equivalent to an ordinary kick. .

Even if it wasn't for the Conferred God Stone, Cao Dahua's claws covered with hard dragon scales would never have been nailed into by those ordinary divine gold spears, much less dragged to the cage like that.


Cao Dahua let out a dull growl again.

But even if he had done his best to resist, under the action of the God-Conferred Stone, his divine power was locked to death, and his strength could not be used at all.



Cao Dahua exhausted all his strength and couldn't hold it any longer. The chains shrank rapidly, and Cao Dahua was dragged into the huge closed cage.


The door of the cage was slammed shut, and dozens of iron chains tied the cage tightly. Cao Dahua roaring and ramming inside would not help.

This is a cage mingled with the Conferred God Stone, like the tomb of a god.

"Dispose of one." The young man looked at the closed cage where Cao Dahua was locked, and said with emotion: "It is indeed a genius of Lieyang Divine Kingdom."

"Those claws should be dragon claws."

"Tsk tsk, after I clean up you, I will pull out the scales of his claws and put them on my doll. As for the sharp nails... I will put them in the spear mechanism."

"It's not a waste of time."

There was a hint of surprise in the boy's eyes.

He originally came to protect the second prince, but he didn't expect to encounter such a good material for making dolls.

Although the giant dragon is terrifying, it is also the source of material that all gods dream of.

"It's beautiful to think about!" Zhang Xiaoying was not used to her temper at all, and immediately rushed towards the young man again.

However, the young man waved his hand violently, and the doll that was motionless once again waved the rotating blade, rushing towards Zhang Xiaoying as if being pulled by an invisible thread!


Zhang Xiaoying was sent flying again. It was because of the divine power of the Conferred God Stone that she couldn't exert much of her strength at all, but that puppet had the strength of the eighth rank!

But Zhang Xiaoying doesn't understand, it is true that the Conferred God Stone can suppress divine power, but why is his divine power suppressed, and the other party can still use divine power to manipulate puppets to fight?

Zhang Xiaoying staggered up from the ground.

The puppet walked towards her step by step, and the rotating blades of its arms smashed the moonlight.

Under the moonlight.

Zhang Xiaoying vaguely saw a nearly transparent silk thread.

"God of Textiles!"

Zhang Xiaoying seemed to understand something.

The **** of textiles has always been regarded as an abolished clergy in the gods, and most of them are engaged in clothing production.

Even in fights, the fighting power is still average, most use silk threads as weapons, just like Liu Siqiao back then.

But I didn't expect that the young man in front of him was actually manipulating the doll with silk thread, using the silk thread as a medium to use the doll as a real weapon!

This is a way out of its own.

"This guy is so smart!"

"No wonder he dared to use the Conferred God Stone, because he didn't need to use his divine power at all, he just used silk thread to manipulate the puppet."

For a while, Zhang Xiaoying suddenly realized.

Although the Fengshen Stone is powerful and can suppress all divine power, in the battle between gods, no gods will use the Fengshen Stone at all~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because even if the opponent's divine power is suppressed and the opponent's combat power declines, he will not be able to use it. Divine power cannot be used under the influence of the Conferred God Stone.

At that time, will we all fight together?

This is a double-edged sword.

Therefore, even if they knew that the Conferred God Stone could suppress divine power, none of the gods would use it in battle.

But that guy didn't want to fight head-on at all, and instead used silk threads to control dolls to fight.

In this case, he doesn't need to use his divine power to release divine arts at all, and using the Conferred God Stone has no effect on him at all, instead it can make the opponent lose his divine power.

Until then, the enemy can only fight with the doll.

Dolls do not know pain and fatigue, and even if they are pierced through their bodies, they can still control the battle. And after losing divine power, gods are like mortals, how can flesh and blood be able to face these metal dolls head-on?

"But, if it's controlled with silk threads."

"Then as long as the silk thread is cut off, that's it!"

At that moment, Zhang Xiaoying instantly understood the weakness of this doll, endured the pain from the wound, and rushed again!

"Come back?" The boy sneered, seeing Tie Hanhan rushing towards the puppet again, waving his hands.

The ten fingers follow different trajectories, as if flying in the moonlight.

The thin gold thread wrapped around his fingers instantly tensed, and the puppet charged towards Zhang Xiaoying again under his control, and the rotating blades of both arms slashed again!

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