Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 824: Offended again!

For a time, An Ning's mind went blank, but it wasn't a dizzy effect, but was so stunned that he couldn't think.

I clearly escaped...

And in fact.

Normal Attack.

cannot be avoided.

This is the rule of lol, just like the pitch-black cannonball before, it must hit.


Roots are broken.

The armor of Aoki shattered instantly under this terrifying punch, and the dense roots exploded inch by inch in the ripples caused by the punch.

Even the clothes on An Ning's back were torn apart and turned into pieces of rags.


An Ning just staggered forward and took a step forward.

"That's it?" Under Lin Fan's stunned gaze, An Ning turned his head with a smile, looking at Lin Fan as if there was no pain, and said with a light smile, "Is this your full strength?"

"You may not know."

"My strongest armor is not the Aoki armor, but my body."

He really didn't feel any pain.

On An Ning's back, as the Aoki armor and clothes shattered, a huge and hard tortoise shell was exposed to Lin Fan's sight.

Deformity, violation.

With a heavy and mysterious feeling.

This was not supposed to appear on the gods, but it grew on An Ning's back. Lin Fan could even see An Ning's arms and neck extending out of the tortoise's shell like a tortoise.

Although it looks very disgusting.

But the thick tortoise shell seems to have mysterious patterns, it is invincible, and its defense is amazing!

With this tortoise shell on his body, the only effect of Lin Fan's punch might be that the surging thunder made some of An Ning's muscles feel a little numb.

That's all.

Seeing this strange turtle shell, Lin Fan suddenly understood.

This guy is not a hunchback at all.

It was actually carrying a turtle shell on its back.

That is, the moment he saw the tortoise shell, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Lin Fan's heart.

It seems that I have heard about turtle shells at some point...

But this was not the time to think about it, Lin Fan continued to punch!

"Excuse me!"

At the same time, the cold wind surged on Lin Fan's body, and the yellow sand fluttered, but all the branches that pierced Lin Fan were smashed by the yellow sand, and the vines and grass blades that came from the strangling were washed away by the cold wind from the cold winter. freeze!

But An Ning didn't care about Lin Fan's fist at all, and continued to use the turtle shell on his back to resist, while frowning: "Your fist seems to have a power similar to mine that doesn't belong to the gods. "


With his fist down, An Ning staggered forward again.

But under the defense of that powerful turtle shell, he still didn't have any injuries, and he didn't even feel pain.

He didn't fight back, and he didn't try to dodge again. He just stood there and felt the power of Lin Fan's punch.

An Ning suddenly laughed: "I feel it."

"The bloodline you were implanted into... the genes hidden in your body..."

An Ning's laughter became more and more crazy, and he almost started to laugh wildly: "You, like me, have been transformed by Ji Lao!"

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Fan was shocked.

He also remembered.

When he was remodeled, Ji Lao once mentioned another work he was proud of, an achievement that was regarded as the pinnacle of his scientific research.

He helped a son of a wealthy family to inject the genes of three generations of Xuanwu into his body.

Three generations of Xuanwu genes!

Ji Lao's words revealed that although the customer was unable to withstand the strength of the three generations of Xuanwu genes, his body had an irreversible mutation, and he became a ghost and a ghost. Since then, he has carried a huge tortoise shell on his back. .

However, the strength has also increased, but barely speaking, it can be regarded as half the battle.

After all, those are the genes of the three generations of Xuanwu. If you change someone else, it is estimated that the blood of the three generations of Xuanwu will directly explode and die!

Of course, compared to Lin Fan's words, that test subject was still a failure.

Because Lin Fan did not have any sequelae, not only because of Ji Lao's gene inactivation technology, but also because of Lin Fan's unique physique that can accommodate all priesthoods and his unyielding will.

But Lin Fan still didn't say anything.


Lin Fan's third punch!

This punch, in terms of power, is far inferior to the first punch before.

Because [Drawing Cards], [Headshot], [First Strike], and [Fatal Strike] have been put on cooldown, even [Soul Draining Blow] cannot continuously release conjunctions.

Without the blessing of those skills, Lin Fan's attack power had already begun to decline.

"Is it still unclear what's going on?" Seeing that the fist was not as powerful as before, An Ning continued to face Lin Fan with his back, sneering at the corner of his mouth: "Your fist can't break my defense."

"This is the defense belonging to the three generations of Xuanwu."


Lin Fan's fist slammed into the thick turtle shell, making a dull sound.

But An Ning was still unharmed.

"Give it up, with this kind of power, you can't destroy my defense at all..." An Ning sneered at the corner of his mouth.

But at the next moment.

His voice stopped abruptly, and his face suddenly changed to shock.

"I don't seem to destroy your defense at all." Lin Fan's voice sounded faintly.

An irresistible force suddenly appeared on An Ning's body, and that force rushed up along Lin Fan's fist, as if it would knock An Ning into the air!

[Three Claws Heavy Attack], the third hit, the knock-up effect!

An Ning's expression suddenly changed, and the soles of the feet wrapped in the Aoki Armor instantly had dense roots sticking out, firmly digging into the ground.

Even the surrounding plants and branches grew instantly, tying An Ning's body.




A crack sounded.

The strange power seemed to be unstoppable, and he had to let An Ning take off in place, forcibly breaking the dense roots and tough branches and grasses.

An Ning's feet left the ground.

The whole person seemed to have lost control, and was directly knocked ten meters away by the strange power contained in Lin Fan's punch!

Sure enough, as Lin Fan had guessed, this 12th-tier holy fire could be immune to the stun and slow effects that it casts, but it couldn't resist the knock-up and suppressing effects, just like the [Purification] in the game.

Lin Fan raised his head, looked at the flying An Ning with a smile, and said, "Goodbye."

Lin Fan didn't want to confront this guy at all.

After all, the tortoise shells have come out, that is the defense of the three generations of Xuanwu.

What he has to do is to use the rules of the resting place of the gods to kill the opponent!

One of the rules, no flying.

Of course, killing people is immoral and violates the rules here.

But what does the person killed in the resting place of the gods have anything to do with me, Lin Fan?


Seeing that this guy was about to fall to the ground, he didn't see any surrounding trees taking action.

Lin Fan suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Could it be that you didn't fly high enough?"

"Then let him fly higher!"

Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly raised his hand, condensing a miniature tornado and sweeping away.

"Offended again!"


The tornado swept away.

The tornado was powerful, but when it blew through the grass and trees, it strangely didn't cause any damage, not even the branches and leaves were blown away.

This is a feature in lol, skills will not change the surrounding environment.

Otherwise, Feng Nu will randomly create a tornado, and the walls of the wild area will be gone. Isn't this very embarrassing...

Originally, Lin Fan felt that this setting was a bit tasteless, and seemed to be lacking in momentum, but in this forest, Lin Fan didn't need to worry about breaking the rules when using the disciple's skills, and he could let go.

After all, since the resting place of the gods is not allowed to trample on flowers and plants, the immoral behavior of destroying plants should also be a rule that cannot be violated.

An Ning, who had not yet landed, was wondering why when he was knocked into the air, even the divine power in his body was instantly disorganized, and he was unable to take the initiative to fly. As a result, he saw a mighty tornado blowing towards him.

Before she could think about anything, An Ning's head and limbs retracted directly into the turtle shell.


The tornado is coming.

An Ning was swept up again, but because of the terrifying defensive power of the turtle shell, it was unable to cause any damage to An Ning, just let An Ning, who was about to land, fly high again.

"Isn't it high enough to fly?" Lin Fan didn't care about the three-seven-twenty-one, and instantly took out a long lance from God's Domain.

The long lance in his hand suddenly came out.

At the same time, there was a humming in the sky.

The Debon flag was broken and stained with blood. It passed through the space like a sharp sword, and it crashed down and was inserted into the ground below Anning.

"Offended again!"

In Lin Fan's hand, the long lance hooked the battle flag and rolled back instantly.

Lin Fan's whole person was like a giant dragon, and behind him even faintly grew golden dragon wings, which crashed into the flying turtle shell.

Prince Demacia, eq second company!


A dull voice sounded, and the tortoise shell, which had already been knocked away, flew high again.

Three hits.


The surrounding trees still did not respond.

"Lin Fan, do you really think this can hurt me?" An Ning laughter came from the turtle's shell, "I can play with you like this all day."

With the defense of three generations of Xuanwu, An Ning completely ignored Lin Fan's attacks.

As if tickling.

It's just that An Ning doesn't understand why this guy keeps knocking himself up...


The heavy turtle shell fell from the air, and An Ning stretched out his limbs and head slowly stood up from the ground.

No injuries.

The smile on his face was full of ridicule.

"very nice."

"very nice."

To Lin Fan's surprise, An Ning was not in a hurry to shoot, instead he slapped his hands and said with a smile: "What else do you have, let's say hello together. Fight hard, don't be polite!"

"It just so happens that I also need to carefully feel the power added to your bloodline, and judge what kind of bloodline you have implanted."

"If I guessed correctly, the gene that Ji Lao gave you should be inactivated?"

An Ning looked at Lin Fan.

The eyes that were full of murderous intent before, are now full of scrutiny, like looking at a piece of goods, judging the quality of the goods and whether it is worth buying.

and a hint of jealousy.

He has already determined that the boy in front of him must have undergone the same genetic modification surgery as himself!

But why, he has become a person who is not a person, a ghost or a ghost.

But this kid has no sequelae?

"I also heard Mr. Ji talk about you," Lin Fan looked at the tortoise-shell boy in front of him, and suddenly smiled: "Elder Ji said that although you successfully merged the three generations of Xuanwu blood, it was a failure. I didn't understand what it was at the time. mean."

"But now, I understand."

"By the way, does anyone think of you as the **** of turtles? Or, are there any children who think of you as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?"

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