Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 818: Brother Huo, is Lin Fan hiding something?

Lin Fan: "..."

so fast……

Zhao Yaxin also stopped, smiling and looking at the direction of the wave of divine power, although she couldn't see what was happening through the woods.

But it is certain that someone has suffered.

Zhao Yaxin turned to look at Lin Fan, with a sweet smile: "It seems that someone is unlucky."

Lin Fan was stunned: "You see what I'm doing, I didn't do it."

"Who knows?" Zhao Yaxin smiled even brighter.

Zhao Yaxin felt that this had something to do with Lin Fan nine times out of ten, and those guys would fall into the rules that Lin Fan concealed.

This guy, his heart is too dirty!

At the same time, Zhao Yaxin trusted Lin Fan even more in her heart.

Lin Fan, he must be loyal.

Otherwise, he just needs to hide the rules from himself, and he will violate it unknowingly, and even if he violates it, he will not doubt Lin Fan.

But Lin Fan didn't tell others, but told himself.

What does this mean?

Lin Fan must be loyal!

Just when Zhao Yaxin turned around.

Lin Fan suddenly felt a ring in his arms vibrate, and quietly took out the ring and glanced at it.

Huo Rulong: "Lin Fan, are you hiding something?"

"What? I don't know." Lin Fan hurried back.

Outside the forest in the distance.

Huo Rulong looked at the words on the ring and said nothing.

Ten meters away from him, on the beach outside the forest, the boy who had built the Iron Throne and possessed both the God of Metal and the God of Earth was gasping for breath. His clothes seemed to be smashed by someone with a whip, and there were even streaks. A wound oozing blood.

at this time.

Before sitting high on the Iron Throne, the astonishing young man was extremely despondent, looking at the forest with intense fear.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, and he had just walked ten meters into this forest, and hadn't penetrated deep into it, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have a chance to escape!

In just an instant, the forest became purgatory.

Those plants attacked him like crazy. There were branches from above, grass roots filled the bottom, and vines swept across the middle.

But in that forest, the soil was fixed by the dense root system, blocking his divine power of manipulating the earth, let alone extracting metal from the depths of the earth, and his strength could not be fully exerted at all.

There are also poisonous insects and birds and beasts lurking around him, all of them are powerful mythical beasts!

As if the entire forest was against him.

If he hadn't carried a bag of divine gold fine sand with him, he would have really died in it!

"Looks like you can't come with us."

"Wait outside, Shenzang has nothing to do with you this time." Huo Rulong stood in the forest and looked blankly at the boy who escaped.

The boy nodded with a complicated expression.

Although the forest was right in front of him, he really didn't dare to go in again.

The edge of the forest, where the moonlight and the darkness intersect, is like an invisible dividing line.

The unfortunate young man could clearly feel that the forest in front of him exudes a strong hostility towards him.

As long as he takes one step, he will suffer a crazy attack again.

The ten-meter distance between him and Huo Rulong has become an insurmountable moat.

"This is what happens when you break the rules."

Huo Rulong looked at the other three and said in a cold voice, "This guy is lucky enough to escape alive, you all need to be careful, not everyone is so lucky."

"Now, find out what that guy did just now."

"After that, don't do it for anyone."

When the young man outside the forest heard the words, he immediately said loudly, "I just..."

"Shut up!" Huo Rulong gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to kill us?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then quickly shut his mouth, swallowing the unfinished words abruptly.

Huo Rulong sighed and walked over with the remaining three teammates, only to see a line of crooked water marks on the tree trunk, and it was also filled with fishy embarrassment.

Apparently, the boy urinated here in the beginning.

Xiaoxiang walked behind the tree where the boy was attacked just now, stunned for a moment, and lost his voice: "So it can't be..."

Only halfway through.


Xiaoxiang's voice stopped abruptly, and a poisonous snake suddenly protruded from the canopy above and bit her shoulder fiercely.

The thick snake body curled around her neck, twisting and shrinking.

While breathing heavily, Xiaoxiang pulled the body of the poisonous snake by its neck.

In just a short while, the little face has turned pale, like a swimming fish that is about to be suffocated by lack of oxygen and has been salvaged ashore. The lips also turned purple, obviously the poison of the poisonous snake is very deadly!

Huo Rulong didn't say a word, he directly helped to pull the poisonous snake away, and threw Xiaoxiang directly out of the forest.


Xiaoxiang was thrown out of the forest by Huo Rulong, lying on the ground gasping for breath, but her expression was still painful, her pretty face turned blue and purple because of the poison.

"Inspire the Holy Rune!"

Huo Rulong said coldly.

When Xiaoxiang heard the words, he hurriedly pulled out a magic rune issued by the military with his last strength, inciting his divine power to arouse.


The 12th-order holy rune instantly turned into a pure white flame, and the peaceful holy fire swept across Xiaoxiang's body, and strands of deadly toxins turned into black mist and disappeared.

Xiaoxiang gasped for breath and got up from the ground, then he didn't dare to say anything more, looked at Huo Rulong with a complicated look, and pulled the boy who escaped just now to leave.

Before leaving, he wrapped the remaining two holy runes on his body and the three holy runes on the boy's body with divine power and threw them to Huo Rulong standing at the edge of the forest.

"From now on, don't talk."

"Don't be stupid."

Huo Rulong put away the holy rune and looked at the two remaining teammates, feeling a little headache.

When I was looking for my teammates, I was still looking for good-quality dual priesthood students like myself in Shenguo No. 1 Middle In the end, the fight has not yet started, and there are so few on my side. two teammates.

Obviously, the first guy, because he violated the rules, and almost used his life as the price to verify.

You can't pee here.

Weird rules.

As for Xiaoxiang, she was simply too stupid and killed herself.

Everyone knows that the rules of the resting place of the gods vary, but there is a general rule.

Never discuss its rules in the resting place of the gods.

Resting gods don't like to be disturbed.

Here, you need to keep the secrets in mind, remember every rule you find, but never tell others the rules in the resting place of the gods.

It will kill the whistleblower.

The motionless grass and trees around are like the ubiquitous gravekeepers. Countless eyes are watching you in the dark. They have agreed to keep their secrets, and all who leak must die.

The place where the gods sleep forever, not to be disturbed.

But sometimes, some people know what they can't say, but their mouths are faster than their brains.

The girl also knew this rule, but she couldn't hold back and said it directly.

"Everyone should think about whether they can do anything before they say anything or do anything." Huo Rulong took a deep breath.

The fat chef beside him suddenly said, "Brother Huo, is Lin Fan hiding something?"

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