After saying that, Lin Fan directly charged at Che Chang again!

"bring it on!"

Che Chang snorted coldly, and rushed towards Lin Fan as well, his power was even stronger than last time!

The armor of molten lava flowed on the surface of her body, and the ground under her feet cracked as her feet fell. The molten lava that spewed out from the ground impacted on the soles of her feet, bringing her power from the depths of the earth!

The saltpeter ore sulfur ore particles extracted from the earth are mixed with peat particles, floating in the air behind her, and they can explode at any time, becoming her help!


There was a hint of surprise in Che's eyes.

Because Lin Fan's speed this time was no worse than hers!

The moment Lin Fan fell with each step, in addition to the lifting of the earth, a gust of wind wrapped around his feet, and the flowing air increased his speed to a terrifying level.

And those acceleration skills have completely wiped out the speed gap between Lin Fan and her due to the difference in rank!

If it is said, the chariot in the armor of molten lava is like a rush of lava from the depths of the earth.

Then Lin Fan was like a rolling stone in the wind.

"This guy has also learned to use two kinds of divine powers to accelerate." Che Wei looked at Lin Fan in disbelief. It was true that this kid's learning speed was too fast.

But even so, Che Yu didn't take it to heart.

After all, she has the power to explode next!

However, at the moment when the two of them were still fifty meters away, Che Chang's expression changed suddenly!

The ground under her feet could not crack at this moment, and even the lava she summoned could not break through the soil.

"How can it be!"

Che Chang was stunned for a moment, how could the soft soil prevent the eruption of the molten slurry.

But from what she felt, the soft ground under her feet suddenly became extremely hard at this moment, and it was so cold that even the molten lava could not easily melt.

It's like, thousands of years of frozen soil!

For a while, the speed of the car girl who lost the help of the molten slurry was reduced.


"You're not the only one who can manipulate the earth!"

Under the smoothie mask, Lin Fan grinned and showed his white teeth as he looked at the car girl who was close at hand.

【Combination Magic·Permafrost】!

The ice power and the earth power were used at the same time. Although Lin Fan was suppressed by the chariot because of the rank, he couldn't gain much control over the earth from the chariot. He could only control the ground 50 meters below his feet.



All the soil within 50 meters turned into hard frozen soil!

The lava that Chesang borrowed could not rush out of the surface at all, and even at this moment, she could not let the ground rise and fall to hold her up again!

The frozen layer of ice in the soil directly cut off her manipulation of the earth.

Although the God of Earth is powerful, his requirements for the environment are also exceptionally high. The soil frozen by the ice is extremely thick at this moment, and it is simply not something that the chariot can continue to control.

At this moment, the ground here is used by Lin Fan!

At the feet of the Chess, the flowing molten armor even turned into pitch-black rocks in contact with the frozen ground at this moment, losing its previous flexibility and buffering power, and its defense power dropped instantly.

"Hmph, do you think you can beat me like this?"

Che Yu snorted coldly and gritted her teeth.

Ignoring that the molten lava from the ground was unable to rush out of the surface, it directly collided with Lin Fan with the hot lava all over it!

Cold and hot collide.

The scorching red sword of the earth slashed at Lin Fan fiercely!

Lin Fan subconsciously raised his left hand covering the smoothie to block the Sword of Earth, but at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Che's mouth.

next moment.

The red and hot Sword of Earth changed its appearance completely, turning into a long whip. It avoided Lin Fan's left hand to block at a strange angle, and slammed it towards Lin Fan's left shoulder.

Since she can use the power of fire to fuse metal minerals into the sword of the earth.

Then, with this terrifying high temperature, she can re-melt this sword of the earth into whatever she wants. This so-called sword of the earth can actually be transformed into any weapon in an instant!

There was an instant explosion in the air around the whip, and the terrifying explosive power instantly accelerated the speed of the whip and turned it into an afterimage.

"Don't you understand that when fighting the God of Fire, don't trust any weapon?"

The chariot murmured in a low voice.


To the surprise of Che Chang, Lin Fan suddenly said, "Of course I've heard of it."

"But if the weapon has ice power attached..."

In Lin Fan's left hand, a smoothie condensed into a long spear, and the whip of the earth roared away instantly.

Under the gust of wind, the speed of the spear was even faster than the whip with the explosion blessing!

"This..." Che Yu was slightly taken aback.

Her Earth Whip uses explosions to increase its speed, making it impossible to block.

And that hot whip is enough to melt ordinary weapons in an instant.

But Lin Fan's smoothie spear, not only did not melt in an instant, but also interrupted the attack of the Whip of the Earth.

But what can be more powerful than the blessing of an instant explosion. Although the air mass that Lin Fan had condensed before was very dense, it was impossible...

But feeling the coldness in the gust of wind, Che Chang suddenly understood.

Lin Fan didn't just condense a highly compressed air mass this time.

And it's still a mass of very cold high-pressure air.

Air can expand and contract with heat. Originally, Lin Fan's upper limit of air compression might be that high, but this coldness can help Lin Fan to compress the air that has been condensed to the extreme again, forming a higher air pressure.

And when Lin Fan attacked, he only needed to release the shackles of the cold air mass, and the extremely high pressure cold air would burst out in an instant, bringing an incomparably powerful acceleration!

The two are instantly separated.

Lin Fan looked at the smoothie spear that was slightly melted into glass in his hand, and the smoothie armor that was still intact, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, to deal with dual priesthood, we must use the power of dual priesthood."

Che Chang looked at the whip of the earth in his hand with an ugly face, which was the sword of the earth before.

The Whip of the Earth, which was originally hot and red, was no longer hot and red when it came into contact with the smoothie.

It even began to turn black. The cold in the smoothie spear and the icy air around it made the whip of the earth begin to cool down. Che Chang originally wanted to change it into the sword of the earth, but it couldn't melt and shape again at all.


Che Gu simply threw away the cooled Earth Whip and clenched her fists.

And Lin Fan also lost the smoothie gun whose tip melted into glass.

The fight just now can be said to be half a catty.

But it also proved that Lin Fan had learned how to fight with the power of dual priesthood.


Che Chang took a deep breath and said slowly, "The winner is the winner."

The next moment, Che Yu stepped on the hard frozen soil and rushed towards Lin Fan again.

The molten armor on her body instantly separated a little bit of molten slurry and shot at Lin Fan before her!

"Wall of Frozen Earth!"

Lin Fan said in a low voice, a wall of frozen soil immediately rose in front of him, and the frozen soil directly blocked the scorching lava.

The moment the lava came into contact with the permafrost, it made a sizzling sound, but it couldn't penetrate the permafrost, and eventually turned into a black rock embedded in the permafrost.

"Learn very fast."

Che Chang snorted coldly and slammed his fist into the frozen earth wall.

An explosion appeared in the back of her elbow in an instant, and the terrifying hot punch wrapped in the impact of the explosion directly smashed the frozen earth wall dozens of meters high.


"Where's Lin Fan?"

Che Kui was stunned for a moment, but she didn't find Lin Fan behind the wall!

But in the next moment.

A voice suddenly sounded above the head of the chariot.

"Wind of ice."

The hairs on Che's body stood up instantly, and she looked up suddenly.

I saw Lin Fan standing above her head and waved.

The gust of wind came from top to bottom, and the gust of wind was extremely cold, and there were countless crystal ice spears whistling and stabbing!

Combination magic released by the fusion of wind power and ice power!

The ice guns are densely packed and cannot be avoided!

Che Yu could only agitate the molten armor to resist, and relying on the hotness of the molten armor, he just melted three or four ice guns that hit him.

But even so, Che Yu's expression was not easy.

Because of the molten armor on her body, under the cooling of the ice gun, some parts have turned from sticky and hot lava to black rock, and the flexibility and defense power have been greatly reduced!

Che Yu subconsciously wanted to use the power of fire to melt the obsidian and turn them into lava again.

However, Lin Fan didn't give Che Chang time to restore the molten armor.

Taking advantage of the moment when the armor of Che Kui was destroyed, a gust of wind burst out from behind Lin Fan, and the extremely compressed air mass instantly erupted behind him.

In an instant, Lin Fan, like a meteor, slammed into the chariot below.

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, and the smoothies on them flowed together, forming a pair of smoothie gloves.

Che Kui gritted her teeth, before she could repair the molten armor, she hurriedly manipulated the molten armor to condense a pair of gloves on her fists, kicked her legs on the ground, and rushed towards Lin Fan from bottom to top!

It's just that some of the molten armor on her body has hardened into obsidian, so her movements are a little dignified and slow, not as flexible as before.


There was a sound of explosion under Che Ku's feet in an instant, and then Che Ku rose to the ground, wrapped in the impact of the explosion, and rushed towards Lin Fan as well.

Fist to fist!

Ice Fist vs Fire Fist!

At the moment when the two fists contacted.

The sizzling sound of the fusion of ice and fire and the sound of fist collisions that should have appeared did not sound.

replaced by……


The terrifying sound of the explosion shook the entire training ground.

A huge shock wave erupted from the top of the fists the two were in contact with, and a terrifying explosion swept through. The impact of the explosion directly caused Lin Fan, who had swooped down, to fly upside down again for dozens of meters.

Che Kui was directly smashed to the ground by the sudden explosion, leaving a human-shaped pit three meters deep in the extremely hard frozen soil.


Che Gu staggered out of the human-shaped pit, raised her head in amazement, and looked at Lin Fan who was standing in the air: "You..."

There was blood flowing from the corners of her mouth.

There is no doubt that the sudden explosion just now and the impact on the permafrost caused her to suffer serious injuries.

"Although I'm not the **** of fire, but, as the **** of the earth, I can also extract sulfur ore, saltpeter ore, and peat powder from the earth..." Lin Fan whispered.

"And even more so."

"Although I can't condense the flames needed for the explosion, the armor of molten lava on your body is the best ignition..."

"What I want to do is to let these explosive particles come into contact with your molten armor. In fact, I put them on the outer layer of my smoothie glove, and then fight against you..."

Lin Fan said here, his face pale.

After all, he also suffered from the explosion just now, but his injuries were not as serious as that of Che Yu, because Lin Fan had already prepared for it.

As the **** of the wind, when the shock wave of the explosion swept across, Lin Fan directed most of the airflow away, avoiding most of the impact.

Moreover, compared to the partially hardened lava armor on Che Chang's body, Lin Fan's ice-sand armor was still intact, and the fine-grained ice-sand flow was also very good at buffering.

The key is.

Even if Lin Fan was blown up, he would have been blown up and blown up... But if the car was blown up, he would have been blown up and flew down.

When the chariot was deeply embedded in the permafrost and was hit with all kinds of things, Lin Fan just manipulated the gentle breeze to stop himself.

Che Yu looked up at the smiling Lin Fan, only to feel the flames burning in her heart...

This guy.

He even attacked himself by extracting explosive particles from the earth?

Che Kui originally wanted to confront Lin Fan head-on, with a fistful of fists!

But before the Chess could react, Lin Fan had already smashed down from the air again!

The explosive fuel that Che Chang had extracted from the ground and condensed around him had been shaken by the explosion caused by Lin Fan. Lin Fan wanted to defeat her completely in one go before she could extract more explosive fuel!

Otherwise, once she is given a chance to repair the armor of the earth and let her extract more explosive materials again, Lin Fan will be even more troublesome.


This time, the two of them punched each other for real.

The smoothie armor and the molten armor collide.


The glove on Lin Fan's fist, where the smoothie was condensed, was instantly scorched black by the terrifying high temperature, the ice melted instantly, and even some of the sand melted directly into glass.

But it was not easy for Che Gu, being attacked by the cold of the smoothie, the hot lava that flowed and viscous and released light on the fist was instantly cooled out of a large piece of! "



The two did not avoid it, and in just a few seconds, they directly punched each other for a dozen times.

The cold breath and the hot breath are intertwined.

The water evaporates and the air waves roll.

The ice-sand armor on Lin Fan's body melted completely, but Che Chang was even more difficult at this time. The molten lava that originally covered his body turned into obsidian at this moment. A little bit of flexibility.

At this moment, Che Chang stood there, like a pitch-black statue, with a thick layer of obsidian firmly wrapping her.


The statue raised cracks.

Che Gu staggered out of it, rubbed her shoulders and looked at Lin Fan.

Although the two were fighting against each other before, every time Lin Fan punched, he would condense an extremely high-pressure cold air mass that exploded with astonishing power.

Moreover, the smoothie armor on his body can also buffer, blocking the heat emitted by his molten armor.

On the other hand, Che Kui, without the explosive fuel, can only use the flame jet method to increase her fist strength, and the increase in her fist strength is limited.

However, a part of the obsidian lava armor was transformed by the ice gun and the cold wind before. The defense was greatly reduced, and it was impossible to buffer. Even the cold passed through the obsidian lava armor and spread to the on yourself.


Che Gu, who had punched Lin Fan for more than a dozen times, had both hands faintly numb, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or pain, or both.

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