Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 713: These rubbish!

At the moment when the electric light burst, the toads who had cultivated a delicious mark and were ready to feast on those swordfish warriors instantly felt the danger of the approaching, and turned the direction directly, ate Nami in the stomach, and let their own The body becomes Nami's coat.

Tam's oversized stomach can be a purgatory for digesting enemies or a barrier to protect teammates.

The electric current slashed on the toad, but since the toads have rough skin and fleshy clothes, the damage caused is not much, only half blood, especially the rough and tough skin, although it was chopped It was pitch black, but it seemed to have insulating properties, completely blocking the current from the body.

At this time, those Nami were wrapped in green mucus, and after they appeared, they all froze in place with bewildered faces, as if they hadn't reacted to what happened.

The toads quickly recovered their blood, and under the passive of [Thick Epidermis], the split black skin turned dark green again, and the wounds caused by the electric current healed quickly.

At the same time, looking at those Nami who were wrapped in saliva and stomach acid, covered with silt and all kinds of messy rotten fish and shrimp and smelly leather shoes, before these Nami could speak, the toads patted their faces proudly. Holding his fat chest, he said in a naive voice.

"you are welcome!"

"They are all believers of the Lord God, and it is what we should do to help you fight harm."

"We are so rough-skinned and thick-skinned, it's suitable for you to be your second coat."

"You're welcome, don't thank you, we will still help you fight damage in the future."

But what Tam didn't expect was that.

Those Namis who were standing in the same place with bewildered faces, not only did not thank them as they had imagined, but they collectively vomited the moment they heard their voices and came back to their senses!

It's really disgusting in the stomach of these toads.

Nami never expected that these toads would swallow herself.

Although the viscous stomach acid inside has no digestive effect on him and does not cause any harm, but... the sour-smelling silt-like stomach acid is still too disgusting!

Is there hell?

This will be the nightmare of a lifetime!


While vomiting, the Nami endured nausea, urging the surrounding waves to wash away the sticky stomach acid on their bodies, and for a while they were completely unable to continue fighting.

It wasn't until more than 30 seconds that Nami, who was cleaned, calmed down a little, and looked at the toads with nausea and fear, and said with a trembling voice: "Thank you so much..."

"However, don't help us resist damage next time, please let us be killed, thank you."

"Yes, we choose to die..."

The Nami felt that instead of being swallowed and protected by a toad, it would be better to just die, anyway, they could be resurrected later...

Physical damage is terrifying, but mental damage cannot be healed.

That Tam's stomach was warm and safe, but it was terrifying.

Lin Fan frowned as he watched the Nami's enduring disgust, silently remembering it in his heart, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, Lin Fan was not affected by the current. Fortunately, he did not melt into the sea, but used his divine power to counteract the sea water, condensing a bubble for himself, and did not make any contact with the sea water.

Therefore, when the sea water was ravaged by the current, Lin Fan was unscathed, and even had the mood to appreciate the scene of the golden currents surging in the sea water.

And the other side.

Rena took a deep breath.

She really didn't expect that these toads could still protect teammates by swallowing them!

An already rough-skinned meat shield can instantly become a teammate's "coat". Rena knows how much it can play a role in battle!

"This guy's believer is really weird..."

Rena snorted coldly, looked back, and looked at the little fishmen with an ugly face.

After those little fishmen ended their golden body state, without any hesitation, they rushed directly to the mage team beside Rena!

"Murloc Mage, summon the waves, don't let them get close!" Rena gave the order.

But the murloc mages did not begin to chant.

Rena looked down and saw that the scales of the 200 murloc mages who had been slashed in the previous indiscriminate current attack were pitch black. Although they were not killed by the current, the nerves and muscles were already damaged by the current. He was paralyzed, and his whole body flickered from time to time.

Those murloc mages twitched stiffly on the spot, apparently having fallen into a state of paralysis caused by the electric current, and some even fainted.

There is simply no way of chanting to effectively activate the marine elements.

The Electric Eel Mage has just released the [Current Surge], and it is still in the weak stage at this time, and it is impossible to quickly release the current again.

In just an instant, the small bodies of the little fish people flexibly and quickly rushed to the Mage believers under the support of the current, and the distance of 500 meters was fleeting!

When the little fish-man positioned by the assassin rushed into the mage team, what happened next was already doomed.

Those 200 electric eel mages couldn't wait for the end of the weak period at all, and one after another flexible figures appeared behind them at a strange speed with harpoons.

"Drop your weapons and surrender!"

"We don't want to kill you."

While the little fish people were talking, the harpoon easily pierced the skin of these electric eel mages surrounded by magic, and cut off those muscles that were not lethal.

It's a crush!

Electric eel mages are not good at close combat, and all they can rely on is the electric current that erupted in that moment, but just now, the electric current accumulated in their bodies has been released, and it cannot be released again in a short period of time.

Under the flickering of the terrifying and flexible figure of the little fishman, the harpoon poked at the Electric Eel Mage again and again, and there was no way to avoid it.

However, the little murloc didn't kill, and didn't even use the ultimate move.

The harpoon avoided the key positions of these electric eel mages every time. Although the injuries caused by them looked bloody, in fact, they only temporarily incapacitated them, and they were not fatal at all. They would recover in a few months. .

After all, the Lord God ordered them not to kill these enemies.

The little murlocs obeyed the Lord God's orders from the bottom of their hearts, because they didn't want to kill these believers who were abandoned by that **** because of old age or injury.

"How is this possible!"

Rena looked at the crushed believers with unbelievable surprise in her eyes.

He was fighting with the goal of making Lin Fan suffer a bit and failing his training.

After all, once the news spreads, the Xingchen Swimming Pool is equivalent to an additional signboard for drainage. Regardless of Lin Fan's status as the champion of the freshman competition, or the disgusting Lengcuicheng Great Demon King, his failure to train here will attract a group of customers to experience it.

Unexpectedly, the thousand seventh-order believers sent by him were completely defeated by Lin Fan!

And Lin Fan didn't even have a single believer seriously injured. Those rough-skinned toads withstood most of the damage and were still alive and kicking.

If this is spread out, let alone the golden signboard, I am afraid that the Xingchen Swimming Pool will be said to be "that's all".

"Where did I start to fail?"

"It's all because Lin Fan's followers are so weird!"

"And also have the kind of equipment that makes believers immune to damage...that misleads me!"

At first, Rena saw Nami using the golden body to avoid the charge of the swordfish warriors. She thought it was the skills of those merman mages, but she did not expect that those little murlocs turned into golden statues when they faced the current.

That's not a special skill of a certain believer!

It's a piece of gear that can be worn by any believer!

This wrong judgment made Rena lose the chance to seriously injure these little murlocs.

"It's not just that, these old believers of mine are too unsatisfactory!" Rena gritted her teeth fiercely, and glanced coldly at her believers who were covered in bruises.

If these believers are not too weak to resist the electric current of the electric eel mage, then at least they can maintain their combat effectiveness now!

Speaking of which, Lin Fan's followers didn't actually cause much loss to Ruina's followers. After all, the total number was only more than 400, and they avoided key parts when they shot.

But a wave of electric current released by the electric eel mage directly caused the 200 murloc mage and 300 swordfish warriors who had fighting ability to suffer heavy losses from friends!

"These unsatisfactory things!" Rena gritted her teeth and looked at her believers.

Rena never thought that it was precisely because she knew she would accidentally hurt her but still gave orders that the Electric Eel Mage would release a surge of electricity.

Speaking of which, Rena's defeat was all due to disregarding the life or death of these old believers.

But at this moment, Lin Fan's voice interrupted Ruina's thinking.

"Make them stop, you've lost."

"If it goes on like this, there will be casualties."

Rena raised her head suddenly and looked at the young man standing in the sea in the distance, her eyes gradually turned red.

"You don't need to worry about this!"

"The training isn't over yet!"

"Followers, attack all! Murloc mage, throw away the staff and put on the spear!"

"Electric eel mage, spend life energy at any cost and release electricity!"

"Swordfish warriors, you continue to kill me!"

Rena had completely lost her mind at this time, and shouted regardless, and even mobilized a group of spears from the realm of the gods and sent them to the murloc mages with divine power.

The murloc mages were stunned, their bodies were already paralyzed, and they could not effectively mobilize the marine elements by singing. After hearing the order of the Lord God, they immediately released the staff in their hands and took the spear with their trembling and paralyzed hands. .

Immediately rushed to the little fishmen who had entered the mage team.

But they are mages in the first place. Even if they hold spears, they don't have much speed at all. Coupled with the paralyzing effect brought by the electric current, even if the bloated body swims desperately, they can't stick the spear in those flexible little ones. on the murloc.

On the contrary, the jet-black body that was basically electrocuted was scarred again under the harpoon of this little murloc.

When the electric eel mages heard the Lord God's order, a flash of determination flashed in their eyes, and then electricity flowed out of their bodies again.

But every time the electric current gushed out of their bodies, their muscles shrank and withered again and again. The originally huge body actually became smaller a little bit, and the sticky and slippery skin appeared wrinkled and quickly aged with the release of the electric current.

This is the price they pay for forcibly releasing the electric current with the life energy in their flesh!

And those Swordfish warriors who had stopped their hands also fought with those toads and Nami again, but their bodies were already paralyzed by the darkness of electricity, trembling uncontrollably, and completely lost their previous speed and strength. .

The saber-tooth they wielded with all their might, even the fat Tamm could easily avoid it.

These believers have actually lost the ability to fight, but the order of the Lord God forced them to continue fighting with their incapable bodies!

The last belief in the Lord God is supporting these believers.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan's order not to let his followers kill them, these old believers would have been wiped out.

For a while, the battle turned out to be weird.

In the face of those enemies who were still attacking with injuries, Lin Fan's followers did not fight back at all, but began to dodge. The little murlocs kept using [Guling/Spirit] to avoid the electric current released by the Electric Eel Mage.

Fortunately, under the cooling reduction provided by the equipment, the cooldown time of [Guling/Spirit] is extremely short, and each time the Electric Eel Mage releases electric current, it takes time to extract the life energy in his body, otherwise the little fish people are afraid. To be electrocuted into darkness.

But even so, the little fish did not fight back.

It is true that these electric eel mages and murloc mages suffered too many injuries. Even if they avoided key parts, they still bleed like a stream.

For a while, the scene became weird.

Rena's believers who died at one touch seemed to have the upper hand. Lin Fan's followers obeyed Lin Fan's order and gave up the attack, and took a defensive and evasive posture, only to be chased by Ruina's followers!

Even Tamm, who was always hungry, didn't dare to swallow these guys any more. Instead, he was chased and chased. Sometimes the hulking and huge body couldn't dodge as much as he could, and he was beaten by the swordfish warriors who had lost their speed and strength. Swipe a few times...

"Lord God," the Nami family with the worst temper couldn't help it first, "Why don't we take action. This is too much!"

"That's right, they are obviously dead at the touch of a button, but they dare to chase us. Is there any **** in their heads?"

"We've all given them a chance to live, how could they dare to fight? Are they really courting death?"

"Isn't it bad to live? Do we have to force us to kill them?"

Lin Fan stared at Rena at the other end of the pool with an ugly face: " Stop it, if this goes on, your followers will die!"

"You don't have to worry about them!" Rena's face was ugly, and she looked at the believers: "I am their main god!"

"As the Lord God, if I want them to die, they must die!"

"These rubbish, even you believers can't deal with it, what do you want them to do!"

"They are already old, leaving them will only waste resources. The only value is to use their lives to exchange more resources for God's Domain! This is also their only contribution."

"Lin Fan, go ahead and finish the training. You don't need to worry about the lives of these guys!"

And at the moment when these words fell.

Those many marine believers who dragged their severely injured bodies and used their last strength to fight against the Lord God Rena suddenly stopped.

They looked down at their bodies that had lost their old fighting power due to old age or injury.

The body that was covered in wounds, but still held on to the battle.

Rena's words kept echoing in their ears.

"I want them to die, they have to die!"

"These rubbish!"

"Leaving them just wastes resources."

"The only value is to use their lives to exchange more resources for God's Domain..."

At this moment, they suddenly felt like a joke.

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