Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 704: You guys calm down!

The scene fell silent for a while.

The Galens stared at the girls in front of them in amazement.

The slender arms are indeed white.

The long golden hair is indeed like waves.

That graceful figure is indeed hot enough, and the scale is indeed not small.


Beneath that soft waist, what caught my eye was a huge fish tail!

The blue scales shimmered in the moonlight, like a broken wave, and the huge fish tail was like a treasure in the moonlight.

Looking good is looking good.

But this is... a fish tail!

For a time, a broken voice sounded in the Galen's hearts, and a prince said stunned: "Long legs, the long legs I want!"

"Is this a Sea Clan believer?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that this body... or..." A Galen looked at the mermaids with tangled eyes, and finally looked at the huge fish tails with a complicated expression: "Forget it, I really can't do it. …”

Although Sadako is a ghost, she is at least a humanoid.

This thing doesn't even have legs!

Even if it is really possible, there is no way to start!

The three Demacia brothers who were originally elated suddenly slumped and turned to work with little interest. Instead, the little murlocs, who were originally unmoved, saw these mermaids and rushed to the land with excitement, stepping on the waves and rushing to the ground. past.

But there was no joy in their eyes.

Instead, it's full of hatred!

"The Mermaid!"

"It was you who destroyed Atlantis while we were away, right!"

"It's time for revenge for the lost city!"

"The original hatred must be washed away with blood!"

"It's time to feed the fish!!"

The little murloc held his trident high and rushed over like a wave.

They don't know what happened that year, they only know that when they went home, only the ruined and collapsed underwater city came into view, and even the body of a clan was not found.

Although I don't know who the killer is.

However, in the underwater world on that side, the only ones who can compete with the murlocs are the mermen who can drive the waves!

However, in the face of these furious little fishmen, the mermaids only frowned in confusion.

"It seems there is a misunderstanding."

"I hope Tide can help you calm down."

The staff waved, and a thousand-meter-high giant wave instantly appeared on the ground beside them. The terrifying giant wave seemed to be able to swallow everything, and it suddenly appeared on the ground in such a mighty manner.


The monstrous waves hit those little murlocs!

That huge wave is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, pouring down, even if the little fish people are still a thousand meters away from them, but in front of this roaring and rushing tide, it will arrive in an instant!

Facing the monstrous wave, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the diminutive murloc.

"Using the ocean against us?"


"Step on the waves!"

The little fish people jumped up one after another, and the small and flexible figure jumped through the layers of waves at a strange angle, like a flexible swimming fish.


A powerful skill that evades all skills and damage.


Just when the little fish escaped the huge waves and just landed.


A second wave followed.

After that, there was the same endless huge wave, the third, the fourth, and the fifth!

At this moment, it is obviously land, but it seems to be in a continuous ocean!

This is the power of the ocean.

After the layers of waves, the mermaids stood in the waves, looking at the little fishmen with complex faces, like the masters of the ocean, the blue waves undulating around them.

"The waves are choppy!"

"I can still hear the singing of the ocean."

"The sea rises."

"Soak it, destroy it."

A low groan, like the waves of the sea.

They are the mermen who control the power of the sea.

Call the tide shark, Nami!

For a while, those little fish people who had just used their skills to escape the first wave of waves, faced the overwhelming second wave, and could not dodge at all.

In an instant, the huge wave stirred them up, and the small body was so small under the huge waves of the ocean, the so-called flexibility lost its meaning under the power from the ocean!



The little fish people couldn't escape at all, and were directly swept away by the huge waves.

The waves that were originally like home to them, at this moment, seem to have their own will, not only can not be used by Fizz, but become Fizz's nemesis!

And when this wave of waves finally dissipated, before the little murlocs rolled up by the waves landed, the second wave of waves arrived...

The waves one after another seemed endless!

This is the roar of the ocean, this is the roar of the great waves!

And those who stand behind the waves are like the gods in charge of the ocean.

Lin Fan's expression was strange when he saw this scene.

It's not that the little fish people are not strong, on the contrary, the little fish people are mage assassins with extremely strong single bursts in lol. They are flexible and extremely explosive, and they are the nightmare of all crispy heroes.

It can be said that it is the nemesis of these tide-calling sharks.

As long as the murlocs seize the opportunity to get close, a wave of skills can directly take away the opponent.

In a heads-up match, there is no doubt about the result. A small fishman with extremely high damage can kill a Nami in an instant. For a mere ocean wave, a [Guling/Spirit] can easily jump and escape.

But the problem is.

It's not a one-off...

In lol's setting, although Nami has thin skin, crisp flesh, low HP, and no damage, her control skills have a huge range, which is a huge wave that can sweep 2250 meters.

Maybe in the 5v5 battle, you can also avoid by walking.

But on a battlefield with hundreds, thousands or even 10,000 people who don't care about their positions, this large-scale skill can't be avoided at all, and it doesn't even need to be aimed. Can take a piece easily.

The cooldown of this [Howl of Raging Waves] is at most 120 seconds, the control time is at least two seconds, and at most four seconds.

A hundred Nami gathered together, and could release one in more than a second to ensure continuous and complete control of the skills, so that these little fishmen who wanted to summon sharks could not rush within a kilometer.

If we say, the little fish is the spear of the ocean.

Then, they are the shields of the ocean!

Although their bodies are not strong or flexible, and the moonstone staff in their hands cannot be used as weapons to pierce the enemy's body, but unlike the murlocs known as ocean killers, they do not fight with their bodies at all. By the innate magic of the sea.

The endless waves are their most powerful strength.

This is the Tide Shark Princess!

They are the tidecallers with the strongest power over ocean magic in every generation of mermen! This name originally represents the absolute affinity and mastery of the ocean.

"I want you to calm down."

"The demise of your really has nothing to do with us."

The tide-calling sharks shouted bitterly while releasing waves of huge waves in an orderly manner.

"We don't believe it!" The little murlocs are iron-headed. Even if they are swept up and down by the waves again and again, they still won't let go, and their hearts are burning with anger: "It's time to avenge the lost city and the murloc compatriots!"

"It's really not what we did!!"

"You calm down!"

The tide-calling sharks can only use [Roar of the Furious Waves] to fly those little murlocs who want to rush over, and explain: "Don't you know how good the relationship between our two clans is? hunting!"

"Shut up! We don't believe it!"

"eye for eye!"


The monstrous waves swept away the little murlocs again.

"Calm down!" The monstrous ocean waves swept the little murlocs again.

"We really didn't do it!" The monstrous ocean waves swept the little murlocs away again.

"We don't have the power to tie the chicken, how can we beat you!" The monstrous ocean waves swept the little murlocs again.

"We only know a little ocean magic, you are ocean killers!" The monstrous waves swept away the little murlocs again.

"How could we, the mermen, who have no fighting power, be able to beat your murlocs!" The monstrous waves swept away the little murlocs again.

"Calm down, everyone!" In the pitiful and weak persuasion of the Chaos Shark Ji, the monstrous ocean waves swept the little murlocs again.

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