Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 690: turn the tide of the war

When those Jagged Emperors with Emperors appeared.

The entire God Realm was silent for a moment.

Lin Fan's heart thumped even more, and his face suddenly became ugly: "It's over!"

This is really the Hand of Noxus!

The veteran top laner in lol, always standing in the strong warrior in the t1 team!

But at this time, Lin Fan was not happy at all, instead he was extremely nervous... Because, this guy is Demacia's enemy!

It's not that Lin Fan was not mentally prepared before, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, let alone so direct, that he would be the emperor of the Noxus Empire!

In Lin Fan's original idea, the first one to appear would be Katerina, so Lin Fan was completely sure that Galen would use his masculine tricks, so as to realize the initial peaceful coexistence of Noxus and Demacia.

But this promise, but there is absolutely no possibility of peaceful coexistence.


After a short silence, the Garen suddenly burst into a roar, and the three Demacia brothers clenched the weapons in their hands instantly, their eyes filled with endless fighting intent and hatred!

"It's you!"

"Damn wicked!"

"How dare you come here!"

"Oh, the Lord God did a good job, I didn't expect the day when I would kill you, a greedy emperor!"

Galen, the Debon manager, and the prince, the three major races all looked at the Jagged Emperor on the altar of the origin of the God Realm.

In the setting of lol, the Demacian Empire and the Noxian Empire are originally warring and hostile countries.

That is real hatred of the country.

Especially the hand of Noxus, it can be said that he and that Swain, in order to usurp the throne and become the emperor of Noxus, took the initiative to provoke a war between the two countries!

And when he became the real emperor, he completely exposed his ambitions, went to the battlefield, and vowed to rule Demacia and other countries, which led to continuous wars.

At the moment, when the enemy meets, he is extremely jealous.

If it wasn't for the fear that these guys stood on the altar to worship the Lord God, out of reverence for the Lord God, these three brothers would have rushed up long ago!

And when the Hand of Noxus saw Garen and the others here, he suddenly laughed.

"New world, the air is so sweet."

"Unexpectedly, you Demacia have come to this world."

"But now, this world belongs to me."

"Because, here I am!"

"In this world, there will be only one country, Noxus! I will be the emperor who rules you!"

"Even if my brother doesn't come, I'm enough alone!"

This is arrogance and tyranny from the bottom of my heart.

And the desire to conquer all!

After that, a hundred hands of Noxus actually held a giant axe and rushed down the altar of the source of the gods, not caring at all about the difference in numbers and equipment between him and the three Demacian brothers.

Although he is the emperor.

But also the most powerful warrior in Noxus!

But seeing Nuo Shou dared to take the initiative to rush down, Galen and the others no longer suppressed their killing intent.


"Push out the wicked!"

"A little cold light comes first, and then the gun shoots like a dragon!"

"Defend the family and the country!"

The three brothers roared and rushed.

Garen held the great sword high in both hands, and his rushing legs burst out with a speed that did not belong to this burly body. Above the great sword, light flickered.

A layer of rotating shields appeared on them, which was the damage reduction from courage, and could withstand the upcoming 30% damage. At this moment, the already rough-skinned body seemed indestructible, like a city wall.

Holding a long lance, the prince immediately summoned the battle flag, and then the whole person rushed over like a giant dragon!

[German Battle Flag]!

【Dragon Clash】!

It is an extremely aggressive eq second company.

The pervading imperial majesty seemed to form the wings of a giant dragon behind them, and the figure wearing the imperial armor was as unstoppable as a giant dragon, exuding majesty.

The Debon manager, on the other hand, was not so bells and whistles, holding a spear and stomping on the ground.

The whole person broke out with a terrifying speed, like a silver light rushing away.

e skill, [Fearless Charge]!

this moment.

The three brothers who have always liked the wretchedness of the grass, directly chose a head-to-head battle.

Because these Hands of Noxus are their destined enemies.

In the face of the battle of the old enemy, there is no evasion of this saying.

"It seems that these promises are going to be beaten badly." Lin Fan could almost predict the result.

After all, in terms of numbers and equipment, the Hand of Noxus is absolutely at a disadvantage.

As the earliest believers to follow Lin Fan, the three Demacia brothers grew the most among the many believers. Six or seven hundred of the more than 3,000 believers were the three Demacian brothers.

This is still more than half of the previous loss, otherwise there would be more than 2,000.

In addition, Lin Fan has always provided believers with resources to build equipment at any cost. Although he has not yet developed legendary equipment, it is still an epic equipment.

Although Nuo Shou is also a sixth-order believer, no matter in terms of frankness or attack power, Nuo Shou with a white board is much worse than the three Demacian brothers with epic equipment.


even so.

Facing the three Demacian brothers who were several times their size and charged with roaring rage, the Nuomen still laughed and raised their huge axe.

"bring it on!"

There is no fear.

No timidity.

There is only an indomitable fighting spirit!

They are, the Iron Emperor of Noxus!

For a moment.

The prince came rushing like a giant dragon, the head of Debon was already in front of him, the red light on the long spear was surging, the three-claw heavy blow had been activated, and he could turn into a meat grinder with the spear light blooming at any time.

Galen jumped up even more, holding a giant sword, about to smash it down!

And at the moment when the battle broke out.

These Nuo hands who were about to be knocked off, picked up, or hit by heavy swords made a neat movement.

The icy long axe, like a sickle, protruded forward with a bang.

Not chop off.

Instead, like a hook, it swept back the space in front of him.

Hand of Noxus, e-skill, [Relentless Iron Hand]!

Pulls all enemies in the cone in front of Darius and slows them by 40% for 1 second.

The key is.

In lol's settings, this skill has an interrupting effect.

Under the sweeping sweep of the huge axe, the princes who were about to hit the Jagged Emperor, who were about to hit them like dragons, stopped in the air, the impact of the impact dissipated instantly, and the whole person was hooked like cotton.

Rushing to the front, the Debon manager who was about to wield a spear also vacated his body.

Before Garen's sword fell, his burly body was instantly hooked by the axe.

In an instant, the burly figures of the three brothers were like **** of cotton, pulled by the sharp axe, and pulled directly in front of them in Noxus' sneer.

This is the power of the Noxian Emperor!

On the huge axe, dark red patterns flowed, faintly exuding a **** smell accumulated from countless killings, as if it had endless power.

The [Relentless Iron Hands] released by a hundred Noxian Hands at the same time directly interrupted the frontal charge of the six hundred and thirty-two Demacian brothers!

This is a great axe that is enough to make all enemies tremble.

"Hmph, you hook me up, and then what?"

"Are you helping me save flash?!"

Although the three Demacian brothers were interrupted to charge, their expressions remained unchanged. After all, they were a race that was good at close combat.

Without any hesitation, Prince Demacia directly opened the [Golden Shield], and the long lance wrapped in [War Rhythm] stabbed fiercely!

Garen also jumped high again holding the big sword in his hand, and performed the [Fatal Strike] that was not over yet.

Debon's three-claw hit directly, the spear was like a blooming lotus flower, and the figure melted into the silver horse training, and the whole person was like a meat grinder.

Just momentarily.

The hands of Noxus who hooked the three Demacian brothers to their fronts suffered a wave of attacks, and their burly bodies were injured.

Although in the setting of lol, they are also semi-tank fighters.

But at this time, they didn't have any equipment. Even if the three Demacian brothers were wearing epic equipment, even if they interrupted their charge skills, the subsequent wave of damage almost wiped them out, leaving them with blood.

There were even a few Connaught Hands standing on the periphery, who died directly in the roar.

But looking at the three Demacia brothers who were hooked to them, there was no fear on the faces of these seriously injured Nuo hands, they were just excitedly waving the axe that had charged up and swept away before the next attack!

【Kill the Quartet】!

The huge axe split the air, creating a 360-degree afterimage around them. The sharp axe blade reflected the cold light, as if it had the power to smash everything.

"I'm not the same as your hereditary princes and generals from famous families."

"My brother and I came up from the bottom of the army!"

"I am the king who came out of the battlefield!"

"What you call kindness is nothing but the mercy of the strong. The real world is the strong prey on the weak!"

"Rule, or be ruled!"

"Override, or surrender!"

Noah let out a low roar.

Ninety-two blood-colored flowers bloomed.

But all the skin that was slashed by the axe blade was neatly chopped, and the broken arteries were blood flowing.

Passive Skill [Bleeding]!

Darius' attack greatly damages the enemy's arteries, causing them to fall into a [Bleeding] state, causing 13-30 (+0.3AD) physical damage to them within 5 seconds, this effect can stack up to 5 times, and finally Become [Blood Rage] state.

In lol, no hero dares to go head-to-head with a Noxian hand in a blood rage state.

But fortunately, for the sake of game balance, Nuo Shou must accumulate five attacks in order to fight Blood Fury.

But this moment...

The one who wields the axe is not a promise hand.

But ninety-two iron-blooded emperors!

When the ninety-two blood-colored flowers bloomed, the phantom of the axe blade spread all over the place, and in just an instant, the three Demacian brothers were overwhelmed by the light of the axe blade.

The original numerical advantage turned into a disadvantage at this moment, and the axe of Noxus' hand swept in a circle, slashing at least a dozen of the three Demacian brothers.

Each of the three Demacian brothers suffered several [killing the Quartet] immediately, and their bodies were covered in scars, with bone-deep wounds on their skin, and blood was flowing from the broken arteries.

Originally, it required a Nuo Shou to accumulate five damages to enter the blood rage state. At this moment, under the simultaneous release of the 92 Nuo Shou [Big Killing Quartet], the three Demacian brothers instantly accumulated five layers. Bleeding!

Just a moment.

All the promise hands all entered the state of blood rage!

Even their bodies that had been seriously injured and bloodied quickly recovered at this moment. The swept axe was like a greedy beast, swallowing all the contaminated blood. While the blood was flowing from the prince and the others, most of the wounds on Nuo's hands healed instantly. !

[Big Killer] Passive: Every time Darius hits an enemy hero with his axe, he will heal 15% of his missing health.

[Slaying the Quartet], this is the magic skill of the hand, but because of the delayed release, you need to pay attention to your position in the game and keep the distance from the enemy.

At this time, ninety-two promise hands are simultaneously releasing massive kills in the pile of enemies several times their own. This simply does not need to pay attention to keeping a distance, and can scrape more than a dozen with one axe round!

This is not a 5v5 lol.

But the battlefield!

These promise hands are the kings who walked out on the battlefield!

Unlike Demacia, which is a peaceful and hereditary royal family, Nuo Shou is a king who usurped power and seized the throne by relying on the prestige of the battlefield!

Of course, it doesn't mean that Nuo Shou is stronger than Prince Jia Wen. The two heroes have their own advantages in 5v5 teamfights and laning. But I have to admit that, because of the skill mechanism, Nuo Shou is more suitable for the real battlefield where thousands of people are fighting each other at every turn.

At this moment, these Nuo hands are surrounded by blood, their blood is rolling and roaring, their hearts are beating vigorously under the traction of the **** smell, and their eyes have become completely scarlet!

Like a wild beast.

The werewolf watching the battle from a distance saw this **** battlefield, and couldn't help but slap his mouth, suppressing his instinctive impulse and sighing with emotion: "This guy... is very much to my appetite."

But then.

The werewolf felt that something was wrong, and he quickly pulled the little girls with weird smiles on their faces and deep hatred in their eyes: "Grandma knows you want to kill him, but... wait, let them fight first. "

And on the battlefield.

The three Demacia brothers, who thought they could easily kill these greedy emperors with their superior numbers and equipment, suddenly felt the pressure when they looked at the Nuo hands who were in a state of blood rage.

How these guys perform on the battlefield...

It's terrifyingly strong!

At this time, each of them had at least a dozen wounds on their bodies, and the five layers of blood rage caused their blood to drain rapidly.

Even if these promise hands are not equipped.

But at the same time, the [Big Killing Quartet] released by 92 Promised Hands at the same time, even if it is the Big Killing Quartet without the equipment blessing, the health value of the three Demacian brothers still plummeted.


Some of the follow-up massacres, but with the blessing of blood rage, some of the three Demacian brothers who have suffered more [massacres in the four directions] even directly entered the state of residual blood.

At this time, although the Nuo Shou who entered the blood rage state did not have the equipment blessing, the attack power blessing brought by the blood rage could barely make up the gap in the equipment, and each attack was extraordinarily powerful!

Most of the previous injuries were also recovered through the passive of [Big Killing Quartet].

In a short period of time, the battle situation in which the three Demacian brothers had the upper hand changed from one to the other.

But even so.

There was no fear in the eyes of the three Demacia brothers, and there was no thought of retreating. There was only the incomparable determination and fighting intent in their eyes!

"Justice is with me!"

"Long live Demacia!"

"Let you see the power of Demacia!"

"There are only ninety-two of them, how can they defeat us!"

For a moment.

The Demacian princes jumped high and slammed down towards the promise hands in front of them!

【The sky is falling apart】!

The fire of the earth burned on them, exuding a heavy aura like a smashed into the hands of Nuo from top to bottom, and the surrounding land cracked and rolled in an instant, and thick walls of earth rose up, This place has turned into countless arenas, big and small.

Galen clenched the big sword in both hands, and his muscles instantly towered and exerted force. The whole person spun like a whirlwind. The icy sword light surrounded him, and his strong body burst out with incomparable dexterity, like a dance.

Debon's general manager is still clenching his teeth and wielding a spear... There is really no major damage skill, and most of Debon's damage comes from normal attacks...

But even so, their bodies gradually grew black hair, the bloodthirsty talent brought by the first-order werewolf physique was turned on, the stirring spear was like a meat grinder, and they recovered their injuries from being contaminated with blood, becoming more and more brave .

This wave of explosive skills directly brought back the battle situation.

"Galen!" The prince stood up from the soil, and while attacking the hands in front of him, he gritted his teeth with Galen beside him: "Prepare to release the ultimate move when the kill line is being executed, don't let him live until Release [Fatal Strike] next time!"

Galen gritted his teeth.

Garen's r skill has a beheading effect.

The lower the target's HP, the higher the skill damage.

And beheading the Noxian Emperor was something Garen could only dream of doing.


The promise hand, who was clearly in a hard fight, suddenly laughed: "Do you think that only you have the killing skills?"

There was a bit of cruelty and sternness in his smile. ?

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