Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 688: Spirit Stamp

"You can go back and look at the information of other competitors. You don't have to worry about your information. You didn't expose much in the competition before, but you only recorded your God of Wind, God of Earth, God of Yellow Sand, God of Holy Spirit. The four priesthoods of God."

"But even so, it is estimated that now you are also the focus of others' analysis."

Zhang Chengfeng said lightly.

In fact, it's not that Lin Fan didn't reveal much, it's just that although Lin Fan used the fire of death and the fire of space, outsiders couldn't see anything. The power that absorbed the soul to become the dog's head will only think that the dog's head is infinitely powerful.

The flash of space fire was not very useful, and every time Lin Fan stirred up the sand and gust of wind, the audience couldn't see the details of which Garen flashed and moved a few meters. Even if they did, they would only think it was virtual The system is stuck and delayed, and I will not think about the fire of space at all.

after all.

Who can believe that a disreputable high school student has two of the three secret priesthoods?

As for the other divine fires, most of them were obtained by Lin Fan after the freshman competition, or they were never used during the competition.

However, even if only the four priesthoods are exposed, Lin Fan's information is one of the prominent ones. Zhang Chengfeng can be sure that there are other competitors who are analyzing Lin Fan's information with ugly expressions, trying to figure out how to target them. Lin Fan.

after all.

These are the four priesthoods.

However, Zhang Chengfeng is not worried.

If someone really used the four priesthoods to estimate Lin Fan, then this kid would definitely give them a surprise.

"Now let's talk about other things." Seeing Lin Fan put away the information, Zhang Chengfeng didn't mean to let Lin Fan leave, but his expression became more serious, and his old eyes were extremely solemn.

Lin Fan was stunned by this appearance.

"Is there any other competitor that needs my attention more than others?" Lin Fan frowned at Zhang Chengfeng.

Zhang Chengfeng didn't answer, just asked: "I ask you, how much do you know about Shenzang?"

"Oh, after the gods die, they become gods. There may be a way to experience the gods... Although I don't know the specifics, it should be similar to robbing a tomb, right?" Lin Fan scratched his head and replied.

After all, I haven't really seen it.

Moreover, there are very few real records of Shenzang on the Internet, and more are the novels of the gods in YY.

After all, the treasures of the gods are pitifully small, and each one is worth a fortune. Who would be free to explain it to others everywhere?

The news about Shenzang, even if it circulates, is worth a lot of money! It was definitely not something that a high school student who was already short of money could find out about Lin Fan.

"It's not entirely true." Zhang Chengfeng nodded and said, "Shen Zang is indeed similar to tomb robbery, but compared with ordinary tombs, it will be more dangerous inside. There may be organs left by the previous owner, and there may be various tomb robbery prevention devices. Puppet, there may be..."

"But what is certain is that, except for the organs deliberately left by the former owner before his death, everything around is also dangerous."

"Everything?" Lin Fan was a little confused.

"Yes, animals, plants, and even the ground under your feet..." Zhang Chengfeng said here, and the topic suddenly changed: "Actually, the real Shenzang, to be precise, is the death of a **** who has embarked on the path of divine experience. place."

"So in the past, there was a more accurate name called the resting place of the gods, also called the land of the falling gods. It's just that later gods called all the tombs of gods that might contain treasures as gods' treasures. This is actually a inaccurate."

"You should know that although the life energy and divine power contained in the flesh and blood of gods are powerful, once they die, they will soon dissipate between the heavens and the earth. Therefore, nothing will be left, at most only bones." Zhang Chengfeng said calmly, "But the gods who have gone through the path of divine experience, or even the gods who have just embarked on the road of divine experience, have gradually improved their level of life, beyond the scope of gods."

"It's not just about the soul, it's about their bodies."

"Their blood, their muscles, every inch of their body, the divine power they possess, contains a power that should not appear in the realm of the gods. It is this power that makes them very powerful."

"When they die, the power and life energy are completely dissipated, but the power remains."

"In the process of time flowing, the remaining power in the flesh will gradually spread, affecting the surrounding environment, causing the surrounding animals and plants to mutate, and even one space will be affected, and certain rules will appear."

"What rules?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"Not sure." Zhang Chengfeng shook his head: "The rules of each god's resting place are closely related to that dead god. There was once a resting place for gods created by the **** of fire. It was a sea of ​​fire, and only the **** of fire could enter. ... that's fairly normal."

"There is also a resting place for the gods, where you have to say ten swear words every day, wear a panda coat, kill a person every day, eat a golden monkey every day, you have to defecate anywhere, you have to try XX if you meet a girl, and you try to meet a boy. Pick up a conversation, someone will let a dog bite you, you will kill the dog owner, and you will escape from prison within three days after being caught..."

Lin Fan was shocked at that time!

You say this is the resting place of the gods? !

You tell me that this is a thug training academy, and I believe it!

"No, it's too weird..." Lin Fan was stunned.

"That's the resting place of a sinful god. You also know that if you commit a crime, you can't do good things anyway." Zhang Chengfeng said lightly.

"In short, these rules may be normal, or they may be strange."

"Once you violate it, those animals and plants that have mutated through the baptism of the blood of the gods, including that side of the space, will be enemies with you and will never die." Zhang Chengfeng said: "Unless you have the strength to resist the wrath of the dead god, otherwise Almost no one can escape."

"It's dangerous, but on the other hand, it's also a good thing. If you use it right, you can use the rules to kill the enemy."

"But what are the rules of the resting place of the gods you are in? You need to verify it yourself. The verification of each rule is followed by the lives of many believers and gods."

Zhang Chengfeng said this.

Lin Fanton felt his scalp go numb.

It's hard to imagine how seniors have explored the rules left by the **** of crime in the resting place.

Moreover, Zhang Chengfeng's tone seemed to be gentle, but in fact it contained endless coldness. This was simply to teach Lin Fan how to cheat other competitors, intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, in theory, cannibalism is not allowed.

But... what does the person killed in the resting place of the gods have anything to do with me, Lin Fan?

Lin Fan only needs to induce the other party to violate the rules, and the rest has nothing to do with me.

However, Lin Fan didn't want to kill anyone. After all, everyone was a student. They were just here to compete for the divine treasure. There was no need to kill anyone.

But if he really wanted to kill himself, Lin Fan wouldn't mind killing the opponent.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Lin Fan has figured out the rules of Shenzang, otherwise, let alone the rules of the resting place of the gods, I am afraid that it would be good to be able to come out alive.

"So, be smart. Before you figure out the rules, look at how others do it and think about it." Zhang Chengfeng said solemnly, "In addition, there is a common rule in the resting place of these gods. If you try to say the rules in it, you will also die.”

"The **** of rest, I don't like being discussed." Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan: "Even if you see someone about to break the rules, don't be stupid."

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

Lin Fan also understood at this time why almost no one introduced the resting place of the gods on the Internet.

Because every rule represents a huge value, which is exchanged for countless lives! It can even become its own weapon!

Even the rules of the resting place of the gods are rarely mentioned. Those who know won't say it, and those who don't know won't say it.

"This is the flesh and blood of the gods, turned into a forbidden place." Zhang Chengfeng sighed, and then said: "Similarly, their souls will also leave something behind."

"The road to divine experience, you should already know it."

"But that faintly mutated soul will also be like flesh and blood, leaving some things behind, some very powerful things."

"Forbidden things?" Lin Fan suddenly remembered the words of the guardian deity in the mist.

"Well, items with unique powers that exceed the rules of the artifact." Zhang Chengfeng nodded: "If you can get it without knowing it, then try to get it."

"But if there's a bunch of guys calling themselves a circus of fates, give it up."

"Those guys aim to deal with the resting place of the gods, and their mission is to receive and store taboos. They will never allow taboos to fall into the hands of outsiders, unless they are verified by gods who can indeed control taboos without being backlashed. ."

There is no doubt that the White Knight is a **** who has been verified by the Fateful Circus and can control the Hammer of Justice without being attacked.

"If they notice this divine treasure, then don't think about the taboo. Their strength is very strong." Zhang Chengfeng sighed when he said this, obviously he was very reluctant to give up the taboo.

"Why did they do this?" Lin Fan frowned.

Zhang Chengfeng slapped it and said, "Who knows what my student thinks. But for now, it doesn't mainly involve taboos, and this organization is fairly harmless."

"In addition, the Kingdom of God also has the intention to test your leadership ability. This time, each of you is allowed to bring four companions. Of course, the age difference cannot exceed one year. You have to choose a few strong ones who will not betray you. friend."

"Well, I remember." Lin Fan nodded.

"Teacher, if there is nothing else, I will go back first." Seeing that Zhang Chengfeng didn't seem to have anything to say, Lin Fan was about to leave.

After all, I still have a million square kilometers of God's Domain on hand, which can just be distributed to the Sword Saint believers who have become gods. In addition, the fire of power can also be ignited. There is also the dual life energy of the God of Life and the God of Strength. to cultivate believers.

Plus, four companions.

Lin Fan is notorious as the big devil, and he has no friends. He is full of Cao Dahua, Zhang Xiaoying, and Li Qiang.

However, Li Qiangming was a little fighter who hated himself as a model of justice on the surface. He couldn't share with him, the big devil, and he definitely couldn't take it with him.

In fact, Zhao Yaxin, a tool person, can be regarded as a friend, but unfortunately, Zhao Yaxin also participates in the competition for Shenzang.

Looking back, the remaining two candidates have to be considered. I don't know whether Ji Cheng, who used to be in the top four with him, is willing to go with him, but it is unlikely that he is his rival in love after all...

Putting all these things together, Lin Fan will be busy next time!


"Don't worry." Zhang Chengfeng grabbed Lin Fan with one hand, and unbuttoned his chest with the other hand.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Don't take off your clothes!" Lin Fan tensed.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Chengfeng glared at Lin Fan angrily, and then said lightly, "I heard in private that a contestant seemed to have obtained a taboo through a certain channel."

"I said, what other people have, my apprentice must have it too!"

Zhang Chengfeng's tone was calm, but his eyes were very firm.

The next moment, Zhang Chengfeng took out a steel seal from his arms.

It was only the size of a thumb, but it exuded a will to dominate everything. The pattern on it twisted slightly, as if it had its own life.

"This is..." Lin Fan looked at the steel seal in Zhang Chengfeng's hand in amazement.

"Forbidden object A-0324, psychic stamp."

"You can brand the other person's mind. Unless you remove it yourself, his body will become your property. You can't control the other person's mind, but you can enter the other person's mind to control his body, and you can do whatever you want. The premise is that your strength exceeds that of the other party, or that the other party is already lethargic.”

"Containment conditions can be directly included in the soul, but before each use, you need to kill three gods and sacrifice the souls of three gods to it."

"In addition, there is a prerequisite for use. You must know the name of the person before you can brand him."

Lin Fan immediately took a deep breath, carefully took the heavy, cold steel seal in Zhang Chengfeng's hand, and examined it carefully: "This... is it a taboo?"

"Why does this containment condition feel so evil?"

There is no doubt that this thing is simply bewitching people to kill gods and manipulate others!

"This is a taboo." Zhang Chengfeng repeated Lin Fan's previous words as if he was not asking, "So, many gods were unable to resist the temptation and were eventually attacked."

"But if you can resist the desire of the fire of death, then this thing is naturally good for you."

"If you can't even stand the desire of the fire of then you don't care about this mental seal..."

Zhang Chengfeng knew that now Lin Fan had discovered the power of the fire of death. If he could resist the temptation of the fire of death to absorb the vitality of the gods, then the temptation of the spiritual seal would naturally also be resisted.

If Lin Fan is dominated by the power of the fire of death, then the temptation of the mental seal will not matter, and then someone will naturally deal with Lin Fan.

"Until absolutely necessary, I will never use the fire of death." Lin Fan nodded solemnly, he knew Zhang Chengfeng's worries.

But then.

"Wait, that's not right, are you also a **** certified by the Fateful Circus?" Lin Fan looked at Zhang Chengfeng with a bewildered expression.

It's really Zhang Chengfeng, not strong.

"That's not true, so I never dared to use it, or even put it in my soul." Zhang Chengfeng shook his head and said: "This thing is something I have traveled once, and I have no intention of being in the country of the fourth-order spirit of the kingdom of God. obtained."

"Forbidden objects are very precious, but the strange thing is that the fourth-order Divine Kingdom is full of streets, and the staff is exactly the same, and there are even people who set up stalls to sell as souvenirs. It stands to reason that the circus of the fate-players should have been killed long ago. , but not at all…”

"I even wondered if this thing was an imitation. I bought one at random. I didn't expect that after inspection, it was really a real taboo..."

Lin Fan was stunned.

This taboo thing can still be produced?

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