Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 659: angry old beast

At this moment, these Juggernauts gave up their previous lurking, like mad dogs rushing towards the altar of the origin of the little beast's God's Domain at an alarming speed like a mad dog, with sword energy surging recklessly!

In Lin Fan's God Realm, the stitched monsters who were biting at Lin Fan's followers screamed and wanted to rush back, but the rolling magic skills and the melee believers who were fighting with them dragged them firmly.

Even if there are hundreds of them desperately running back, the distance of dozens of kilometers cannot be rushed back in an instant.

The little beast's face suddenly became ugly. He knew that even if those suture believers rushed back now, it would be too late!

These Juggernauts are like mad dogs, and their speed is amazing!

He is now extremely regretful. In order to quickly end the battle, he directed all the believers to invade Lin Fan's God Realm, but he didn't want to be attacked by Lin Fan and invade his own God Realm!

"Hmph, do you really think that my God's Domain is so easy to enter?" The little beast took a deep breath, and the mountains in his God's Domain suddenly shook, the ground under the swordsman's feet cracked, the surrounding mountains collapsed, and even a river was abruptly redirected, monstrous to the sky. The river flows to these swordsmen.

In the opponent's realm of the gods, even the gods of the same rank are difficult to support!


Just when the Divine Realm of the Little Beast was about to devour these Sword Saints.

The three hundred Sword Saints rushing in the front snorted expressionlessly, and there was a divine domain spread around them.

Lin Fan once bestowed upon them nearly 300,000 square kilometers of divine realm.


The earth shakes.

The three hundred sword saints all manifested a sword pond all over their bodies, and each sword pond was over a thousand square kilometers.

It's vast!

The calm sword pool set off stormy waves, surging swept through, and terrifying sword energy rushed out, while those white-robed sword saints stepped on the sword pool and walked with sword energy!

It may take a long time for Lin Fan to refine the fragments of the God Realm to take advantage of his own God Realm.

But these Sword Saints are in Lin Fan's domain. Because of the speed of time, one day of Lin Fan is equivalent to their year. What's more, three hundred Juggernauts are refining and absorbing at the same time.

It can be said that these Sword Saints are like gluttons. As long as Lin Fan gives them enough resources, their strength will grow faster than Lin Fan.

The only thing that checks and balances their strength growth is Lin Fan's own strength as the main god.

As soon as the terrifying 300,000 square kilometers of the Three Hundred Gods Realm came out, it immediately blocked the attack of the little beast God's Realm, and even continued to shatter the little beast's God's Realm, like a big mouth greedily devouring it.


A groan.

The little beast's face suddenly paled, and the only remaining head was bleeding from the seven orifices.

His God Realm is only 20,000 square kilometers, and the sudden appearance of these 300,000 square kilometers of God's Realm almost burst his Divine Soul!

If it weren't for the fact that his Divine Realm had the strength of the eighth-order and was extremely stable, he would have been smashed to pieces by the 300,000-square-kilometer sixth-order Divine Realm!

"What kind of monster is this!"

The little beast never imagined that when he was still proud of 600 suture believers transformed from the followers of Hercules, Lin Fan already had 600 genuine and even independent gods as gods. believer!

Where are you one-on-one?

This is completely a pair of six hundred gods!

The two of them are fighting. You just waved and summoned 600 gods to join the fight. How can you fight! ?

The little beast quickly gave up the idea of ​​manipulating God's Domain to attack these Juggernauts, and tried his best to block the footsteps of these Juggernauts.

a time.

The air in front of Juggernaut became extremely heavy, and every step was very difficult.


To the surprise of the little beast, the Juggernauts not only did not continue to charge forward, but stopped strangely.

Close your eyes.

Under the surprised gaze of the little beast, the Juggernauts exhaled, and Sanchi Qingfeng was extremely calm.

He picked up the wine with his left hand and snorted, and took a sip.

A fragrance wafted out.

The six hundred swordsmen opened their eyes, and at this moment, the sword energy on their bodies exploded, and the dazzling sword energy merged together, almost reaching the sky!

A mysterious aura emerged from them, and the golden fire of poetry jumped at the tip of the sword.

It's like someone sings a poem.

"The sunshine incense burner produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in the distance.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky. "

"In the midst of the colorful clouds of the White Emperor, a thousand miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day.

The monkeys on both sides of the strait could not stop crying, and the light boat had passed ten thousand mountains. "

"The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March.

Lonely sails far into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River can be seen in the sky. "


Six hundred and eighty-two voices, each of which recited a different poem.

In the surging sword energy, poetry and prose bloomed, transforming into magnificent scenes.

There are waterfalls like the Nine Heavens Milky Way.

There is a red sun rising from the east, and its path is bright.

There is a light boat, floating by.

There is a billowing Yangtze River, heading east.


Scene by scene, magnificent mountains and rivers.

Scene by scene, deep spring vegetation.

Scene by scene, the elegance of the Tang Dynasty.

And this scene, on the top of the six hundred sword immortals, condensed into a thousand-zhang sword energy, where the sword light was, and even that space was distorted and shattered!

Six hundred and eighty-two swords, six hundred and eighty-two poems.

merged into one sword.

This sword is called Datang!

At the moment when this sword appeared, the little beast only felt that the realm of the gods was beginning to shatter. At this moment, he really felt fear!

What kind of sword energy is this!


The sword sounded loudly.

The ten thousand zhang sword qi was like a vast sword blade, swept away with a bang, crushed all obstacles in the God's Domain, and stabbed the altar of the source of the God's Domain.

A stab is through.


Thousands of cracks rose on the altar of the origin of the little beast in an instant, and the terrifying sword energy raged on it.


The little beast's head let out a hoarse scream.

At this moment, his divine domain was shattered, and countless cracks rose in the space.

And those stitched monsters who were still fighting in the realm of the gods felt the fall of the Lord God at this moment, their faith in their hearts was broken, and the power bestowed by the Lord God quickly dissipated.



The stitched monsters fell to the ground like mud. They had just surrounded and killed Lin Fan's followers. At this time, they didn't even have the strength to stand.

The life of the gods determines the life and death of believers.


The little beast's God's Domain shattered and rolled backwards, revealing the head that was hidden behind the God's Domain and hung on the tree with its tongue.


The Juggernauts raised the tip of their swords, the incomparably sharp blade was wrapped in sword energy, and cut off the tongue of the little beast like a knife cutting tofu. With a slight twist, the dying head had already swept into Lin Fan's hands.

"It's hard work." Lin Fan took a deep breath and looked at the many believers.

This time, the casualties were also more than half. Many believers fell to the ground covered in bruises, and were even bitten into pieces.

Although he used good tactics and won the victory, that kind of quantitative gap cannot be erased by tactics, and it is all due to the bravery of these believers to last until now.

Especially the melee believers, many religious races have been exterminated, not one of the Demacian princes has died, only three of Garen are left, only five of the Debon generals are left, and only more than a hundred bears are left. More than a dozen, huge bodies were soaked in blood, and they couldn't see the white color before.

On the contrary, the mage believers did not suffer much damage, and it was those melee believers who dragged the stitched monsters with their lives and gave them the opportunity to release their skills.

The most important thing is the sneak attack of the Juggernaut.

If it wasn't for the Juggernaut's sneak attack, in ten minutes at most, those stitched monsters would rush over with the Mage's skills. At that time, the one who was shattered by the altar of the source of God's Domain would be himself.

"Lord God, don't thank you." A Garen was leaning on a giant sword with his only remaining arm, with a blood-stained face on his face, and said weakly: "Anyway, you can resurrect us..."


Before he could finish speaking, Galen had already fallen.

Seeing that Lin Fan's face became more complicated, the surrounding mage disciples quickly comforted:

"It's okay, Lord God, you gave our lives to you, and there is nothing to repay you except for the desperate fight."

"Yes, those guys are going to invade our homeland, even if it's not for the Lord God, we have to fight against them!"

"Lord God, deal with your own affairs first, don't worry about us."

Those surviving melee believers were also weakly attached.

Lin Fan nodded and took a deep breath: "After I go back, I will resurrect all the believers."

"Now go back and recuperate, the mage race and the shooter race, and take good care of these melee races."

Most of the mages and shooters who were not injured nodded their heads one after another. They also knew that these melee races were killed and injured so tragically to help them hold back those stitched monsters, with gratitude in their eyes.

Lin Fan closed God's Domain and looked down at the bleeding head with seven orifices in his hand.

The little beast was in a particularly bad state at this time... Of course, it wasn't very good at first, but at this time the little beast's pupils were slowly expanding, and the expression was painful.

His divine domain was almost completely shattered, and even the divine soul had cracks.

"How is it," Lin Fan said with a blank expression as he took out the golden dagger, "You are quite satisfied with my followers, aren't you?"

"Cough, it's a bit beyond expectations. Especially that sword, more than 600 sword gods... How can I, how can I die under that sword."

A weak voice came from the speaker embedded in the little beast's chin, accompanied by a chaotic electric current, and said weakly: "What tactics did you use in the end..."

The little beast didn't think about how to beg for mercy at all.

He knew that if he fell into Lin Fan's hands, he would definitely die!

He just wanted to know the last answer.

"Haven't you heard of Juggernaut stealing the house?" Lin Fan endured the weakness that came from his body, pushed the dagger against the little beast's temple, and said with a smile, "You haven't played League of Legends at first glance."

The little beast was slightly taken aback.

Two questions popped into my mind.

"Juggernaut steals home?"

"League of legends?"

But before the little beast could understand, the dagger in Lin Fan's hand slammed into the little beast's temple!

Although Lin Fan was equally weak at this time, it was still possible to stab a head to death!

The blade was inserted through the bone gap under the temple.


The sound of glass breaking came, the head of the little beast burst suddenly, the culture medium flowed out from the gap of the petri dish, and the bright red brain was exposed to the air.

"By the way, after taking so many body parts from others, do you want to see your own brain?" Lin Fan suddenly revealed a deep smile. Before the little beast could answer, the golden dagger fell again!

And in the next moment.

"You dare, boy!"



Accompanied by two loud shouts, a metallic streamer flashed by.

Lin Fan only felt a huge force slammed into his right hand, and the golden dagger in his hand came out of his hand.

Turning his head and looking, a sharp scalpel nailed the divine golden dagger to the ground, and the terrifying divine power on it forced the scalpel to penetrate the blade of the divine golden dagger!

The little beast also seemed to understand something, the bleeding head of Qiqiao used the last strength, weakly said: "Master, save me."

In the distance, two figures swooped down from the sky, and the fourteenth-order divine power was released. The intense pressure that belonged to the fourteenth-order gods was suppressed, causing Lin Fan's bones to crackle.

The old beast flapped its wings like an eagle, and the wolf claws on its left hand swooped and grabbed Lin Fan, like an eagle catching a rabbit, as if it was about to smash Lin Fan's head.


The next moment, the old beast suddenly stopped, flapping his wings abruptly to stop the momentum.

"Why did you stop, come on!" Lin Fan's eyes were flushed, and he pressed the beast's bare beating brain with one hand, and gritted his teeth, "For one change, I won't lose!"

The old beast looked at Lin Fan with a gloomy expression: "You dare!"

"Boy, try it out!"

"Elder Ji and I have helped you so much, yet you dare to kill my apprentice. Give it a try, believe it or not, I will sneak into Lieyang Divine Kingdom and kill your parents!"

But despite what he said, the old beast suppressed his anger and did not dare to continue rushing over.

The brain is the most vulnerable part of the body, but also the most important part.

As long as Lin Fan gently dropped his palm, the little beast's brain would be smashed to shreds like soft tofu!

For the old beast, even if his apprentice's body was chopped into flesh, it would not be a problem, as long as the body was changed, but the brain was a part that could not be replaced no matter what.

The little beast was an apprentice that the old beast had cultivated since he was a child. It was a man who regarded him as his own. Now that his brain was in the hands of Lin Fan, he was extremely nervous.

"Old beast," Ji Lao said solemnly, "don't be impulsive."

After finishing speaking, Ji Lao raised his head and looked at Lin Fan: "Lin Fan, why did you do this? Are you being attacked by animal nature?"

"Heh, this guy wants to kill me." Faced with the two fourteen gods who could easily kill him, Lin Fan's face showed no fear, and his voice was cold: "I'm not a good person in the first place, although I don't know. Killing for But whoever kills me, I kill whoever!"

"Impossible, I have taught the little beast since I was a child, and the little beast..." The old beast gritted his teeth and let out a low roar like a beast.

Ji Lao did not speak, but stared at the little beast.

Under the moonlight, he saw the other side of the little beast that was usually hidden.

The sutured face was full of twists and greed, without a trace of consciousness as a doctor and responsibility to patients.

"Shut up!" Ji Lao turned around and glared at the old beast, and said coldly: "I told you that I was going to send the little beast to school, and you said you would teach it yourself. Look at what you have taught yourself now! "

"See for yourself, did you teach a doctor or a beast who only knows how to replace parts!"

The old beast was stunned for a moment, looked at the little beast's face full of stitches, and said in amazement, "little beast, you..."

There was no guilt on the pale face of the little beast, and with a madness that had never been shown before, he smiled and said, "Master, have you only discovered it now?"

"Help me kill Lin Fan and put on his body!"

"Master, his body is so perfect, all I need is this body..."

Until now, the little beast was still thinking about Lin Fan's body, as if it were a fearless beast that only knew how to find food.

"Little Beast, you..." Beast Lao was stunned in the air.

"Sigh." Ji Lao sighed, but still looked at Lin Fan: "We are wrong about this. But no matter what, he is still a child."

"He is in a very bad state now, please give us the little beast first. We will punish him severely after that!"

Ji Lao could see that the little beast's brain not only lacked the supply of nutrient solution, but even the realm of the gods began to collapse. Although he couldn't believe it was Lin Fan, a low-level **** of the fifth rank, it was undeniable that...

If it drags on like this, the little beast will not survive for two minutes!

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