Faced with an opponent immune to stun and fear, what to do?

Then completely shred it inch by inch!

Even without the means of control, Lin Fan's strength is still solid!

Besides, in addition to dizziness and fear, Lin Fan's control methods include knock-down, deceleration, imprisoning, and the suppressing effect he just obtained from the werewolf...

The voice fell.

Lin Fan charged with all his strength!

His footsteps were extremely heavy at this moment, like unstoppable iron hooves, and he stepped on a dull sound like a drum!

Behind the boy, the undead surged, and the dark fog followed, and the strange fog blocked the moonlight.

In the fog, there was a row of terrifying undead knights roaring out of nothingness and following Lin Fan forward!

At this moment, the same turquoise flame was burning on Lin Fan's body. The whole person was like an undead from hell. At this moment, the originally delicate face suddenly turned into a white bone skeleton, with a hideous smile, and the empty eyes burned enough The fire that penetrates the soul!

But all creatures that are watched by those flame eyes will feel incomparable fear at this moment.

Lin Fan wielded the divine golden dagger like wielding a long knife, opened and closed, and launched a charge!

The undead knight behind him is like a long knife that destroys the dead and wants to sweep away all living beings in front of him, while Lin Fan is the unstoppable tip of the knife.

At this moment, the figure of the young man seems to be extremely tall, that is the sense of oppression from the war cavalry, that is the most terrifying charge in the world!

The little beast staring at Lin Fan widened its eyes in amazement. At this moment, the Lin Fan in his eyes was not a **** at all, but a terrifying undead knight.

"It's really scary." The little beast's face was ugly. He knew that if it wasn't for the surgery to remove the brain and eliminate the source of fear, I'm afraid that he would be too frightened to move!

"Looks like I have to kill you."

"Although I am very unwilling, I must get your body."

The little beast took a deep breath, looked at Lin Fan who was running towards him calmly, and stretched out his right hand calmly.

At this moment, the nails of the normal-looking right hand fell off, and it was five small and sharp poisonous needles.

The poison needle from the seventh-order [Soul Eating Poison Bee] used to save lives.


Just as Lin Fan was about to charge, the five poisonous needles instantly shot out, merged into the night, and swept towards Lin Fan silently.

But almost simultaneously.


A crisp and melodious metallic sound rang out.


Invincible for three seconds!

Lin Fan's rushing figure suddenly stopped, his whole body turned into a golden light, and the undead knight and the shadow fog behind him all dissipated.

The poisonous needle in the darkness actually penetrated through Lin Fan without causing any damage at all.

"Huh?" The little beast was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what it was, and thought about attacking a few more times.

But almost at the same time, a needle-like tingling suddenly came from his second brain, the brain from the Catwoman family. It was a sense of crisis from Catwoman's instinct!

Catwoman's intuition is the most accurate among divine beasts!

Without any hesitation, the little beast's thick legs from the god-flying horse slammed on the ground, and the huge force made his body swept aside, and even avoided a hook shot from the darkness!

The hooked sickle was surrounded by shadows, which were almost dissolved in the darkness and could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

Only now did the little beast see that Lin Fan, who had turned golden, seemed to be holding an inconspicuous iron chain on his finger.

"So cunning, it looks like he's going to rush over to fight meleely, but unexpectedly throws the hook?" The little beast snorted coldly, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a black ball of light suddenly rushed out of the night in front of him!

The black-purple light sphere completely melted into the night, exuding a strong black magic atmosphere, and his eagle eyes did not see it at all!

Seeing that the black ball of light was about to collide with him, in this instant of 0.01 seconds, the powerful reaction nerves of the Catwoman family came into play.

The little beast's clothes suddenly burst open, a pair of huge pitch-black wings flickered violently, and a terrifying airflow swept out.

At the same time, the legs from the god-like wind horse stepped on the ground, and under the surging airflow, the little beast rose into the sky at an incredible speed like a teleportation!

It even managed to escape the purple light ball.

"The skill of the believer?" The little beast's face was ugly, but he could clearly feel how powerful the black magic that passed him, it was a cage that could never be broken free with brute force!

His eyes became more and more fiery.

That night, Lin Fan gave him too many surprises.

Not to mention a new priesthood, it also possesses so many believer skills, which were not shown by Lin Fan in the previous battle with Gul.

At this time, Lin Fan also exited the stopwatch state. Seeing that the little beast had escaped the two skills that he released in succession, his eyes were a little stunned.

"I didn't expect it?" The little beast smiled and looked down at Lin Fan condescendingly: "Thanks to these wings, I can fly faster than the God of Wind."

"I really didn't expect it." Lin Fan frowned, "How dare you fly into the air in front of a gust of wind."

Lin Fan took out his pistols again.

"Again? Haven't you discovered that this weapon is useless to me? It can't even break my bones." The little beast sneered, flapping its wings, and suspended in the air with its head down in a weird posture. He smiled and looked at Lin Fan.

next moment.

Lin Fan fired.

The little beast shook his head.

almost simultaneously.

Two silver bullets spun from bottom to top and charged into the sky with a holy light.

Thousands of porcupine spines pierce the air from top to bottom, completely covering the place with an inescapable density!

The little beast looked at the two silver bullets with disdain in his eyes, flapping his wings and trying to dodge at his own speed.

He moved 100 meters horizontally like teleportation.



The two bullets unexpectedly changed direction and hit him directly!

There was a stunned look in the little beast's eyes, some incomprehensible.

But he didn't panic.

Because he knew that these bullets doped with divine gold could not penetrate the bones that he used to protect his fragile internal organs and brain, nor could they cause fatal injuries to himself.


At the next moment, an invisible force suddenly appeared on him out of thin air, knocking him off again like a rule!

And during this process, no matter how the little beast flapped its wings, he couldn't change his direction, he could only watch himself fly upwards!

[Three Claws Strike] The third hit.

Knock fly effect.

And it is an unavoidable general attack blessing.

"It's okay, Lin Fan can't possibly seize this opportunity."

The little beast's brain calmly analyzed, after all, he had just thrown out so many porcupine thorns, Lin Fan should have been stabbed into a hedgehog...

But right now.


Suddenly a wind sounded.

Not gentle.

Instead, it was a roar like an angry beast!

The little beast looked down in amazement, only to see below, a terrifying tornado suddenly appeared and rushed towards him!

The tornado directly involved those porcupine thorns that pierced Lin Fan, and those porcupine thorns that were extremely sharp were like bullets under the gust of wind!

At this moment, the tornado was like a big mouth with fangs, and everything involved in it would be crushed by the sharp porcupine thorns.


The little beast's eyes widened, but as soon as he shouted a word, he was involved in the tornado.

The terrifying gust of wind tore at his body, no matter how he flapped his wings, he couldn't break free from the terrifying tornado suspense, like a big hand rubbing a piece of paper at will, the feathers of the huge wings were torn off one after another, like a Like a chicken being plucked.

The porcupine thorns that he fired even penetrated into his body under the gust of wind.

The porcupine thorn, which is equivalent to a medium-level artifact, actually caused the bones protecting the important internal organs in his chest to shatter!

And in this gust of wind.

A voice sounded.

"Didn't you always want to know, how many priesthoods do I have?"

"Today, you will know all about it."

"I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised."

The little beast torn by the wind looked down.

I see.

Lin Fan's hands were inserted into the ground, and his body was surging with divine power, emitting a dazzling divine light.

The earth trembled at this moment, like boiling.

at the same time.

in the forest.

The wind was surging, and the yellow sand was flying.

The air suddenly became cold, and the mountains and forests that were clearly late summer actually formed ice and snowflakes.

The cold wind whistled, hail and snowflakes fell~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A blizzard with a radius of one kilometer was formed in front of Lin Fan!

at the same time.

Above Lin Fan's head, the moisture in the air began to condense, turning into a huge water polo twenty meters in size, aiming at the little beast like a cannonball.

The clothes on Lin Fan's back suddenly shattered, and eight powerful and sharp purple spider legs slowly appeared on the originally smooth back. Four of them were inserted into the ground, while the remaining four were raised high, pointing to the tornado that was still in the air. Ripped beast.

The space around Lin Fan also began to distort faintly, ready to distort any space that might appear suddenly.

At the same time, a black flame slowly rose on Lin Fan's body, expressing his desire for life.

At this moment, all the elements here are used by Lin Fan.

The boy straightened up and stared blankly at the little beast, like a **** who was about to judge.

"Now, can you guess how much fire I have?"


Lin Fan condensed a wine gourd in his hand, took a sip slowly, and a fragrance filled the air.

He looked at the little beast quietly.

Although the little beast broke free from the tornado at this time, its appearance was extremely miserable, with porcupine thorns all over its body, like a hedgehog.

That pair of proud wings was torn apart by the gust of wind, and there was no hair left, like chicken wings, no matter how much they fluttered, they could no longer function.

At this time, he could only fly with divine power, and his body was shaky and stayed in the air.

Looking at Lin Fan, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he murmured like a dementia.

"The fire of the yellow sand, the fire of the gust of wind, the fire of the earth, the fire of the river, the fire of spiders, the fire of space, the fire of the **** of wine... and..." The little beast looked at Lin Fan's body burning with icy coldness. The black flame of death, the pupil shrank like a needle, and trembled: "The fire of death..."

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