Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 638: give you one last chance


Heavy gasps sounded behind them.

The inextinguishable mad thunders were suddenly startled, turned their heads to look, and saw that the werewolves seemed to be insane, chasing after them on all fours, and the speed was even faster than them!

Those originally scarlet eyes were now full of desire for blood!

The smell of blood in the air evoked the instincts of these Zaun Furious Beasts, and they chased the smell left in the air, which guided them in pursuit of their prey.

Wild wolves never give up food to their mouths.

At this moment, the four-legged Warwicks are like wolves hunting for food. Driven by their beastly nature, their burly bodies burst out with power beyond their usual strengths, and they run towards their targets following the **** smell!

At this time, they have exaggerated speed, like groups of black shadows chasing and killing the fleeing Thunder.

w skill, [Blood Hunt]!

No bloodied man can escape Warwick's hunt!

In the face of severely injured prey, the wolves will always burst out with unimaginable power.

In lol's setting, once there is residual blood, as long as there are werewolves present, it is almost impossible to escape the pursuit.

Those inextinguishable mad thunder looked at the Zuan angry beast that was getting closer and closer behind him, looked at the scarlet and crazy eyes, and looked at the beastly body drawn out by the blood.


As the distance got closer, a werewolf who was rushing in front actually let out a howl. At this moment, his body was like black lightning, and he flew directly on the last inextinguishable mad thunder and rode on it. The body was torn apart frantically, and it was completely suppressed, unable to resist, let alone move!

R skill [Endless Binding] - Warwick jumps in one direction, the distance is equivalent to 2.5 seconds x movement speed, and suppresses the first enemy hero he collides with for 1.5 seconds.

A rare suppressing effect in lol, this is not something that can be lifted by purification.

It is also accompanied by magic damage and three attack special effects damage, as well as 100% healing!

And the suppressed inextinguishable mad thunder has not yet shaken off the suppressing effect, and the remaining werewolves have already rushed up to bite, and the snow-white fur flashing with thunder was instantly submerged by the black ocean of wolves.

That hill-like body was torn to shreds almost instantly!

The power of the wolves is enough to tear apart the giant bear!

The scene was extremely horrific.

Seeing this scene, the remaining wild demigods who didn't know what fear was, actually felt a trembling from their hearts.

"These guys...not beasts!"

"They are lunatics like no other in the wild!"

The Inextinguishable Thunders have seen beasts that are stronger and more ferocious than them. But I have never seen such crazy bloodthirsty life in the wild, as if these guys were born to kill!

Seeing those irrational werewolves getting closer and closer, the Indestructible Kuanglei turned around and charged towards the other believers!

"Everyone, come and help!"

"These guys are crazy!"

"Three sisters, stop them!"

Inextinguishable Kuanglei didn't want to be foolish enough to confront these lunatics, and immediately rushed to other believers while arguing.

Galen and other strong men quickly set up the formation.

The inextinguishable Kuanglei clan looks like five big and three rough, but in fact, they have a good relationship with other races in the realm of the gods. They are simple and honest on weekdays. With their burly and huge body, they are rushing to do dirty work and tiring, and they have powerful strength. When fighting externally, it acts as a meat shield, standing at the forefront, helping other races resist damage.

This makes other faiths and races grateful and keep it in mind.

Even the old nemesis, Galen, had a relationship with these guys, and they would drink together after training each other on weekdays.

What's more, the newly emerged werewolf believers are obviously in a wrong state, and have completely lost their minds and become killing machines.

So the other believers saw the indestructible mad thunder rushing forward, without any hesitation, they broke up the defensive formation, ready to help the bear to suppress these werewolves first, let them calm down from their madness or kill them directly...

Those werewolves were slightly taken aback when they saw the many believers holding weapons and posing, but they stopped.

Their instincts are warning them, and the believers in front of them seem to be just as powerful.

If you go in like this, I'm afraid there will be danger.


At the next moment, the werewolves suddenly turned around and ran towards the distance!

"Huh, you scared me to death."

"These guys are finally gone."

"We're safe."

Inextinguishable Kuanglei hid behind the other believers and breathed a sigh of relief.

The other believers also breathed a sigh of relief. Although they are numerous and their strength is not low, the bloodthirsty appearance of those lunatics is really scary...

But right now.

"Oops!" A windy girl's face suddenly became ugly, and she looked nervously at the direction in which the werewolves were fleeing: "There is a living area specially designated by the Lord God for Annie!"

At the beginning, Lin Fan was worried that the girls of darkness with distorted personalities would lose control, so he deliberately set aside a living area for them to keep them away from other believers, lest those reckless men from Galen accidentally say a wrong word and let the girl of darkness Anne's second personality Appear, suddenly come for a bear hug...

So on weekdays, everyone forgets the existence of the Dark Lady, and only the gentle-tempered Wind Girl Clan takes care of them every day.

But I didn't expect the werewolf to go to the place of the Dark Lady!

As soon as this word comes out.

The expressions of other believers were also suddenly tense.

"Let's go and help!" Garen said while raising his epee and rushing over, "These werewolves will find opponents, and they are even going to those cute little girls who are weak and weak..."

Speaking of which.

The tension on Galen's face gradually dissipated, and he put the epee back in its scabbard with a strange expression.

The other believers who were in a hurry to help were also stunned, and then their expressions became strange, and they were not in a hurry to go.


A weak cute little girl?

Oh, stop joking, okay, those girls of darkness are really cute little girls, but the key problem is that they are not weak at all!

When they first appeared in God's Domain, because of seeing Garen's knight armor, the dark personality erupted directly, and Garen was almost burned to death!

The believers still remember the fire that filled the sky and the terrifying bear. In that fire, the house that everyone had worked so hard to build was almost burned to ashes. It took more than three months to put out the fire and repair it. Kankan recovered, and now I can see the black burn marks on the wall and the infiltrating giant bear claw marks.

The riots these werewolves are causing now are nothing compared to that time.

That's the real scary guy!

Flames flowed in their veins, and their blood contained black magic energy no less than that of the fallen angel Morgana.

Even the inextinguishable Kuanglei who are savage demigods and tall, will wake up in the middle of the night just thinking about the weird smiles of those cute little girls!

If these werewolves are fierce predators.

Then those little girls are the devils hidden under the cute appearance, wolves in sheep's clothing!

Those little girls are the real lunatics. Compared with those cute and well-behaved little girls, these seemingly crazy and murderous werewolves are simply honest and cute dogs, right?

"How about we go to help?" A desert death **** suddenly whispered.

"Help? Senior, are you afraid that the werewolf will die too slowly?" The Desert Emperor was speechless.

"Yeah, I don't think we need to go there, just prepare to pray for them... By the way, Feng Nu, when you go to take care of those girls tomorrow, can you bring back some roasted wolf meat, those werewolves look good Great supplement..."

"No, I mean, do we want to help the werewolf?" Desert Death rubbed his honest dog's head and said, "After all, that guy is my close relative in terms of blood... I can't just watch them become roasted. wolf meat."

The crowd fell silent.

After all, those lunatics seem to be completely unreasonable, and they just killed an inextinguishable mad thunder.

They don't want to be rescued.

"Forget it," the inextinguishable Kuanglei clan who should have hated werewolves the most suddenly looked at each other, and an inextinguishable Kuanglei sighed: "Let's go and save it."

"to be frank."

"We could just feel that those guys seemed to be controlled by some kind of drug, and their remaining consciousness was actually fighting against the animal nature... Although it is hateful to kill one of us, it is also pitiful to think about."

"We can feel that it is a forcibly twisted soul, and even... we can hear the remaining humanity in that soul crying."

"Otherwise, hold them up and lock them up, and then wait for them to get rid of the drug control and calm down before talking. You can't just show up and be wiped out by the group... Anyway, they are all believers of the great Lord God."

Inextinguishable Crazy Thunder is not so great, they just noticed that these werewolves seemed to be controlled by some kind of drug, coupled with the original animal nature, so they lost their minds.

Of course, this is not a reason to generously forgive these werewolves for killing a clan.

The main reason is that the main **** of the family can resurrect the believers... Death is not so terrible for the indestructible mad thunder, anyway, it is only three years of sleep.

And as a wild beast growing up in the wild, Indestructible Kuanglei has a different view on death.

If you die in battle, you are not strong enough, don't blame others, only yourself.

Death is the glory of the strong and the shame of the weak.

If you don't want to be called the weak and be disgraced, then try to live and be so strong that no one can kill you. Otherwise, don't blame others for being stronger than you.

In the wild, the patriarchs of the bear clan had to fight with competitors, and only those who survived could become the legendary indestructible mad thunder.

They don't even have a word of revenge.

In the eyes of these inextinguishable mad thunder, killing their prey by themselves and killing themselves with other animals is a natural law, and it is simply the law of the weak. If it is for pure revenge to kill, that is not what warriors should do. Which ethnic group does not have more powerful elders?

This is incomprehensible to the gods. After all, if a junior of a god's family is killed, the elders in the family will definitely seek revenge. But this kind of bullying the small is what the Indestructible Kuanglei Clan despises the most.

They are natural beasts and savage warriors. It is this view of death that makes the savage demigods.

Therefore, the inextinguishable mad thunders at this time did not hate these werewolves very much. On the contrary, they even admired them a little... This is the world view of beasts growing in the wild. Strength represents status, death is not about hatred, but about strength. weak.

The strong won glorious victories, and the weak died in disgrace.

Although this worldview is a little deformed, it is simple and pure.

The other believers were stunned for a moment. They really couldn't understand that these inextinguishable Kuanglei, who were supposed to hate werewolves the most, actually offered to save those werewolves...

Only those spider queens looked at those inextinguishable mad thunder with deep eyes, with admiration in their beautiful eyes: "You are true warriors."

As the top hunter in the jungle, the spider queen also has a similar world view, and now she understands the idea of ​​these inextinguishable thunderbolts, and she has some respect and approval in her heart.

"Okay, since you bears who have killed a clan have said so." A Garen slammed his mouth, "Then let's go and see, don't let those lunatics turn into roasted wolves."


Galen laughed a few times: "We can go slower, at least let those lunatics suffer a little and calm down in the fire."

Lin Fan kept silently watching everything.

In fact, he can directly kill all werewolves. After all, this is his own domain, and a wave of his hand is enough to make these werewolves swallowed by the earth and doomed forever.

But Lin Fan didn't do it... As the main **** who cultivated these werewolf believers, he could also feel what those inextinguishable mad thunder felt.

Lin Fan could hear the hidden pain and struggle under the beastly wolf mooing.

Although these werewolves are the blood of three generations of werewolves, they are not born werewolves.

Their blood, like Lin Fan, was transformed by a crazy guy!

That guy is even crazier than Ji even evil. Although Ji Lao modified Lin Fan, he inactivated his genes, and used medicine to keep Lin Fan's genes from being backfired.

And the genetic modification that guy performed on them had absolutely no solid measures.

Do not.

That shouldn't be called genetic modification, it should be called genetic replacement. That guy wanted to forge a killing machine from the start, a pureblood werewolf going into madness.

These werewolves used to be human, and Lin Fan could even feel the souls that were struggling and wailing under the appearance of being dominated by animal nature and drugs. That was their residual humanity and reason.

"I'll give you one last chance." Lin Fan murmured in a low voice, "It's better not to let me down, otherwise... I don't need a group of lunatics who only know **** madly. No matter how powerful these lunatics are."

There was a hint of coldness in Lin Fan's eyes.

As a god, since he can cultivate a belief race, then, naturally, a belief race can be completely wiped out.

This is the cruelty of being a god, and sometimes, even though I can't bear it, I always have to make a cold choice.

In any case, Lin Fan couldn't let other religious races be killed by a group of lunatics every day for the sake of one religious race!

And the other side.

The werewolves turned around, galloped all the way, and came to a valley under the moonlight.

in the dark jungle.

The wolf looked at its prey.

Look at the cute little girls who are in a circle, holding teddy bears and playing, singing and dancing.

The scarlet eyes of these werewolves who have lost their minds and are dominated by animal instincts and drugs are extremely excited, and the corners of their mouths show a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

In the darkness, the claws and fangs reflected a cold sheen.

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