Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 633: genetic modification success

Ke Lao shivered and pocketed the test strip.

This is the most powerful gene he has ever seen!

Ji Lao even regrets it a little bit. He knew that he shouldn't use the genes of the ancestor of the werewolf to transform Lin Fan, and it would be great to directly make the ancestor of the giant dragon! Maybe this kid can handle it!

Scientific research all the way, isn't it about daring to challenge the limit and climb the peak?

Ji Lao took a deep breath.

Turning his head to see the bright smile on the face of the little beast, Ji Lao's eyes were filled with admiration: "You are very happy that Lin Fan survived... but it is much better than the old beast. "

"The old beast's research direction is crazier than mine. But it seems that he has educated you very well."

"In the end, we are all doctors. Although our research direction is unique, we still need to have the heart to cure diseases and save people. Little Beast, I am very pleased that you can feel happy for Lin Fan. Oh, the old beast is really uncomfortable right now. "

"But then again, don't look at your master like this. In fact, his doctor's heart is also very good. There was once a fourteenth-order **** who asked him to transform his heart. He only needed a slightly biased scalpel, and the fourteenth-order **** had Become a part of your master, but your master still insists on his original heart."

"Originally, your master and I were worried that your kid has lived with our two old fellows in the deep mountains and forests since we were young, and we are all exposed to vicious beasts, and our bodies are mostly vicious beasts. Human nature has become a beast that only knows the law of the jungle and obeys the law of the jungle. Now it seems that we are overthinking it."

Ji Lao looked very pleased.

The little beast smiled obediently and said, "Uncle, don't worry."

at this time.

Lin Fan hunched over, trying to shrink his burly body as much as possible, and walked down the three-meter-high stairs almost crawling on four legs.

The old beast who followed Lin Fan looked at the safe opened by Mr. Ji Lao in surprise, and frowned, "Why are you suddenly willing to use these test tapes?"

Ji Lao did not answer.

Looking up at the big hole in the ceiling that Lin Fan had knocked out, and then looking at the burly werewolf who came in through the stairs, Ji Lao's mouth twitched, "Are you guys so busy?"

The lab is all smashed, you just jump off it.

Why are you taking the stairs?

Lin Fan was also stunned for a moment, and scratched his head: "Cough, my thinking hasn't changed."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Lao gave Lin Fan a deep look.

Lin Fan's inadvertent words were obviously the best description of his current state.

Now that Lin Fan has transformed into a werewolf, his thinking is still that of an ordinary god. Under the strong body full of animal nature is still human nature and reason.

The golden wolf hair was softly attached to Lin Fan's body, as if gilding him with a layer of gold.

"It's perfect." Ji Lao admired the golden wolf fur exuding a noble atmosphere.

Whether it is defensive power or softness, it exceeds the ordinary werewolf, and even exceeds the purple hair of the werewolf ancestor.

The originally weak body was full of exaggerated muscles at this time, and a bloodthirsty instinct emerged from the werewolf's body, ready to kill at any time.

At that moment, the traits that Lin Fan showed had completely surpassed that of the werewolf's ancestor!

That is to say.

The werewolf genes in his body, under the leadership of his genes, have evolved to the point where they surpassed the ancestors of the werewolf!

If Panila is a werewolf who perfectly blooms werewolf genes.


At this time, Lin Fan is a werewolf with power beyond the ancestors of werewolves!

The most powerful werewolf in history.

Of course, Lin Fan himself is not a werewolf... This position still needs to be clarified.

"Is my genetic modification a success?" Lin Fan asked in a low voice like a werewolf roar.

"Complete success!" Ji Lao nodded with a smile.

Hearing what Mr. Ji said, Lin Fan felt relieved and folded his fists: "Thank you so much."

Unexpectedly, Old Ji shook his head and bowed to Lin Fan: "No, it's me who should thank you."

"Thank you for letting me see such a perfect experimental process."

Ji Lao knew that although he inactivated the ancestor gene by 30%, for the ancestor gene, it was not a question of inactivation or not.

Even if it is inactivated to 99%, in order to control that pure power, it still requires an incomparable will!

The boy who crossed the kingdom of God and transformed himself with three generations of Xuanwu genes has passed the bearing capacity test, and his genes can be considered to be barely able to integrate with Xuanwu genes.

But the pain of the fusion made him unbearable. Facing the backlash from the animal nature in his genes, his will finally surrendered.

Even though Ji Lao finally did his best to complete the experiment, the young man's body had undergone uncontrollable mutations, and part of it was bitten back by the Xuanwu gene.

Of course, although that experiment had an accident, it was barely half-successful.

It's just that the boy has to carry a huge tortoise shell for the rest of his life...

That's just three generations of Xuanwu genes.

And it's still 80% inactivated.

The ghost knows how Lin Fan persevered in the face of only 30% of the werewolf's ancestor genes! Ji Lao didn't even need to ask what Lin Fan had gone through to know that it must be a terrifying trial.

For a time, Ji Lao actually admired the young man in front of him.

Lin Fan didn't notice what Old Ji was thinking, but just looked at his body: "Speaking of which, since I succeeded... Then why am I still a werewolf?"

"I won't be like this forever, will I?"

Ji Lao smiled: "Don't worry, it's normal."

"Now that you can keep your mind calm, it shows that you have completely mastered this werewolf gene."

"It looks like a werewolf now, but it's not stable after the gene fusion, and your body is still adapting to foreign genes... Come, put down this gene stabilizer, it can promote the process of your gene stability."

As Ji Lao said, he took out a green needle from the pocket of his white coat and stuck it on Lin Fan's body.

Lin Fan stretched out his arms cooperatively, and carefully brushed away the wolf's hair. Unexpectedly, the cold needle tube would bend and break the moment it touched his skin!

"'s amazing." Ji Lao was not angry but happy, touched Lin Fan's soft but tough skin, and then replaced it with a thick needle tube made of divine gold and even engraved with intricate patterns. Fourteenth-order divine power After pouring it into it, this medium-sized artifact-like needle was finally inserted into Lin Fan's skin.

After the cold medicine was injected into the blood vessels, Lin Fan could clearly feel that along with the injection of the medicine, the originally active cells slowly calmed down, and the still unstable gene chain instantly became stable.

at the same time.

Lin Fan's burly werewolf body also began to shrink, the sharp fangs and nails began to shrink, and the protruding mouth and erect ears gradually turned into normal appearance.

The golden wolf hair became shorter and shorter, the developed muscles became symmetrical again, and the thick bones crackled and returned to their original shape.

Seeing that his body had returned to normal, Lin Fan let out a breath and put on a white swordsman outfit of a Sword Saint that he had taken from God's Domain, and then clenched his fists.

He can feel that his body has become stronger than before, and the feeling of weakness that was originally due to excessive use of the reproduction card has disappeared.

Instead, there are more powerful muscles, stronger and stronger than the muscles of ordinary gods, with a trace of animal nature!

Lin Fan could even feel that there was a stronger power hidden in his body, but he couldn't control it now.

Ji Lao knew what Lin Fan was thinking, and explained: "The werewolf gene in your body is 30% inactivated."

"After inactivation, the pure animal nature is weakened, you will not have the sequelae of devouring the heart of the gods, and you will not lose control on the night of the full moon."

"This can basically maintain your god's identity, which is fundamentally different from those infected gods."

"But... the corresponding thing is. The werewolf gene in your body has not fully awakened, and will only be expressed in a recessive shape. Although it has some blessings on your strength and physique, it is not as good as the fully released werewolf gene."

"Also, normally, you won't become a werewolf in the future. The power you feel is just hidden in your body, but it can't be used by you."

"You'd better not deliberately activate that power... The genes of the divine beast will always be a double-edged sword." The old beast looked at Lin Fan: "Do you understand?"

Lin Fan nodded.

That is to say, if the werewolf gene is completely released, he can be improved again, and most importantly, he can become a werewolf.

But it also has to bear the price of releasing the werewolf's blood, swallowing the heart of the gods, and even losing control on the night of the full moon.

Unless...have absolute rationality. Lin Fan had seen how Panila used absolute rationality to dominate animal instincts.

Lin Fan doesn't feel sorry, after all, his purpose here is only to treat kidney deficiency... Now, wouldn't it be fine as long as the needs are met?

"Can I use the reproduction card now?" Lin Fan asked.

"Two a month... that's not right," Ji Lao suddenly remembered that Lin Fan was not an ordinary werewolf gene, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Although it has not been fully released, three a month is at least no problem~www. But you must not try to completely release the werewolf gene for the sake of multiplying the card." Ji Lao hurriedly added: "You have to think about whether you can bear those side effects. I'm afraid that you have finally managed to control the inactivated gene. , and once fully activated, it in turn drives you back."

"You can't be too greedy. When you want to gain this power, you must think about it. This is my advice to you."

Lin Fan nodded.

He doesn't feel that he has absolute rationality... He reluctantly controlled the gene of the inactivated werewolf ancestor with the help of his **** blood.

During that process, Lin Fan even felt the horror of the genes of the werewolf ancestors.

If it weren't for the inactivation of 30%, even if I didn't want to die, it is estimated that it would have been counterattacked by the ancestor genes by now!

Lin Fan asked, "How can I avoid fully releasing the werewolf gene?"

"Don't eat a god's heart... It's better not to eat any heart, and don't eat raw meat. And on full moon nights, try not to be touched by the moonlight. Try to avoid emotional ups and downs, and it's best not to beat too fast... Werewolf Genes are still very sensitive to these."

When Ji Lao said this, his tone changed and he said with a smile:

"But you don't have to worry too much. Even if it is not fully released, it is estimated that you are no worse than the three generations of werewolves... After all, it is the gene of the ancestor."

Lin Fan silently kept these taboos in his heart.

"By the way, are you interested in making a deal?" Ji Lao asked with a smile, looking at Lin Fan's eyes even brighter, as if seeing a rare treasure.

to him.

The young man in front of him is indeed a rare treasure!

A gene more powerful than the ancestor gene, it can even bring an evolutionary horror gene to the werewolf ancestor gene!

The genes in his body will be the perfect experimental material!

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