Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 628: I'm not that professional

There was a gleam of wisdom in Ji Lao's eyes.

As the **** of potions, his frontal combat power is not worth mentioning.

But in the field of genetic modification, he said the second, and no one dared to say the first.

This is the research direction he has devoted his whole life to!

The old fingers quickly set the parameters on the panel, and the lens that was split into three pieces reflected the light of wisdom.

"Gene inactivation degree, just set it to twenty."

Ji Lao was about to click OK and thought about it.

After all, it is the gene of the fourth-order werewolf.

It's better to be safe.

"Let's adjust it to 30%." Ji Lao thought about it and modified the parameters.

With the input of the final parameters, the huge equipment began to operate, emitting a low roar. The hundreds of thousands of high-frequency vibrations per second shattered all the cells contained in that drop of blood, and combined with microwave technology, the werewolf's genes were fragmented into fragments and their activity was reduced.

"Master, why don't we stabilize and kill fifty?" Lin Fan said cautiously.

A trace of displeasure flashed in the old man's eyes again, but he still took a deep breath: "Boy, believe in my professionalism."

"The higher the degree of gene inactivation, the better. If it is 100% inactivated, these genes will have no effect in your body at all."

"If you brought some dragon blood, I would also consider inactivating 80% of it for you, so that you won't be able to withstand the genetic shock."

"But the werewolf... Oh, don't worry, I know that the werewolf blood you brought is a bit extraordinary, but it is enough to kill 30% of it."

"Don't worry, I've been experimenting for so many years, and I've even used Xuanwu genes, and I've never made a mistake. Can a werewolf gene compare to four generations of Xuanwu?"

To be honest, the old man didn't expect Lin Fan to meet a four-generation werewolf.

Even among the werewolf clan, the five generations of werewolves are considered elite, and the fourth generation is even more prestigious.

Hearing that the old man knew that the werewolf blood he brought was extraordinary, Lin Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that everything is under the control of Ji Lao, but he thinks too much.

That's right, after all, he is an old man who has studied genetic modification all his life. How could he not be able to cope with the blood of an ancestor?

"Professional!" Lin Fan gave a thumbs up.

"Stop flattering, of course I am a professional." The old man's face turned cloudy and clear, and he pointedly pointed at the big iron bucket: "Go in, the medicinal liquid inside is carefully prepared by me, which can ease the pain of your transformation. "

Lin Fan hurriedly took off his clothes and jumped in. Sure enough, the blue medicinal liquid contained several precious medicinal herbs. With a refreshing feeling, Lin Fan's tired body instantly relaxed!

"Professional!" Lin Fan couldn't help showing a thumbs up.

The old man smiled, touched the white coat on his body, and then carefully took out a few injections from a liquid nitrogen tank.

"This medicine can stabilize your genes and ensure that your genes will not be collapsed by the impact."

"This one can open your cell's closure and allow those genetic fragments to pass through your cell membrane and enter the cell."

"This one is amazing. I bought it at a high price. It can promote your cell activity. On the one hand, it can speed up genetic modification, and on the other hand, it can prevent you from dying because of pain."

"And this one, which reduces the pain you get from genetic modification."

"Of course, it won't hurt. You can rest assured. After all, it's just werewolf blood."

The old man took stock of the needles in his hands.

Seeing that the old man was so well prepared, Lin Fan was filled with admiration and reassurance.


Very professional!

It just takes all aspects into consideration.

The old man glanced at Lin Fan's body, which was bathed in the blue medicinal liquid. Although the muscles were not exaggerated, they were angular and well-balanced.

"Although there is a problem with the kidneys, the foundation of the body is still good." Even Ji Lao couldn't help but sighed in admiration.

"That's fine. This kind of physical condition uses the highly similar werewolf genes, plus the painkillers I prepared... I guess you won't feel much pain."

"But it's better to tie you up so that you can't help jumping out."

Lin Fan had no objection to this, and he cooperated very well with Ji Lao to tie himself to the iron pass with chains made of divine gold.

Old Ji hit Lin Fan's arm one by one with injections, and attached some circuits to monitor physiological data on Lin Fan's body.

Glancing at Lin Fan, the old man walked slowly to the huge device and stroked the red button: "Ready?"

"How about we test my genetic load first?" At the last moment, Lin Fan suddenly became nervous again.

"Trust me in my profession." The old man's face sank, "Also, the money you gave me was not enough for a gene carrying test."

"Do not worry!"

"No problem!"

After the old man finished speaking, he pressed the red button hard!

A needle tube filled with purple blood stretched out from the huge device and plunged directly into Lin Fan's body, instantly injecting it!

That purple blood is still beating even after being inactivated!

Seeing this scene, the old man's face changed suddenly, and his eyes were extremely surprised.

The next moment, the old man's originally confident expression became complicated, and he turned to look at Lin Fan: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Lin Fan didn't feel any change at this time, and was somewhat grateful: "I shouldn't have believed you just now... I really didn't feel much pain."

"Uh, actually... I'm not that professional either." The old man looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression, "Come soon."

"Ah? What do you mean, what's going on?" Lin Fan was stunned.

But before the old man could answer, Lin Fan already understood!

In an instant, Lin Fan's eyes instantly turned red, and blue veins burst out on his forehead!

Huge pain rushed from every cell in the body, and every inch of muscle was twitching frantically, as if mourning.




One after another, slight shattering sounds continued from Lin Fan's body. At this moment, his genes vibrated in unison, and his cells began to shatter!

The cells in the body, like the stars in the sky, turned into a nebula at this moment.

Lin Fan only felt a terrifying energy in his body, rushing into every cell frantically, like a wild wolf tearing at his body, tearing himself into inch by inch pieces!

That is the pain that comes from the depths of genes!

A stream of scorching beastly power swept through every cell of Lin Fan like a tidal wave, rushing through the blood vessels along his own blood, rampaging.

Every time it touched a cell, this force rushed in with a roar, biting Lin Fan's genes.

His genes are shattering!

The terrifying animal instinct swept over Lin Fan's body. At this moment, Lin Fan's body grew purple wolf hair, his muscles swelled and swelled, and his body became more and more burly.

The straight back was slightly arched, and the two arms began to lengthen with a crackling sound, the palms became wider, the fingers became thicker, and the nails grew rapidly and were extremely sharp!

Lin Fan's face bulged outwards, turning into the appearance of a wild wolf, his ferocious fangs were like blades!

That animal energy is occupying his body, and it is against the guest!

And all this.

With that tearing pain.


Lin Fan couldn't help roaring under the but what came out was a wolf moo!

"Old man, Grandma Wori Li!" Lin Fan stared at this self-proclaimed professional old man with red eyes, and was about to pounce on him with a roar.

At this moment, Ji Lao shivered all over.

The eyes of the young man in front of him were completely irrational, and those eyes full of animalistic and murderous intent seemed to devour him alive.

Fortunately, the chains rattled, and Lin Fan couldn't break free for a while.

But before the old man could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that under the sharp claws waving, the chain made of divine gold and the thickness of the bowl mouth was cut off like tofu and shattered!

"Bloodline Backlash!" Seeing that Lin Fan was about to pounce, the old man took a few steps back with a pale face.


In an instant, Lin Fan, who was about to rush to kill the old man with a roar, fell directly into the bucket, his eyes closed, and his body lost a trace of strength.

"Damn, he can't bear it at all!" Seeing that Lin Fan's bloodline backlash suddenly stopped, the old man's face became even more ugly, he rushed over to save Lin Fan, and roared at the little beast, "What are you catching? Werewolf!"

"It's caught... a fourth-order werewolf." The little beast who was undergoing suture surgery and transformation surgery was weak.

"Impossible! Impossible! How can the genes of a fourth-order werewolf be so violent!" Ji Lao gritted his teeth and stabbed Lin Fan with needles at all costs, while pinching Lin Fan's people, if there were people who were werewolves.

"We caught a fourth-order werewolf... but that werewolf has a drop of the blood of the werewolf's ancestor..." The little beast said intermittently.

As soon as this word comes out.

The scalpel in the old beast's hand suddenly stopped in the air.

Ji Lao was even more stunned, his pupils contracted like needles!

The ancestor of the werewolf!


That is a drop of the blood of the ancestors! ?

Why didn't this kid say it earlier!

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