Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 620: you won't regret it later

The dragon flapped its wings.

The werewolf stood up.

Although the giant dragon in front of him is the guy who needs to look up, Panilla's eyes are extremely calm, without fear or anger, and the silver pupils are like a calm lake.

Panila at this moment surpassed the ancestor.

At least side by side with the werewolf ancestor.

If we say that the werewolf ancestor created the werewolf family and gave the werewolves violent blood.

Then Panera opened a new door for the werewolf family, revealing a path leading to rationality and control of animal nature.

It was a path beyond the original design of the Creator God.

The giant dragon's eyes were solemn, but his eyes on Lin Fan and the little beast were still determined to kill, and it still didn't want to give up!

Hunting gods.

During the tens of thousands of years when the beasts and the gods fought, this has almost evolved into the instinct of all the beasts. This is the hatred deeply written in the blood!

"They are gods."

"If the gods who dare to step into the forest of divine beasts don't die, what will happen next?"

"Next time, hundreds of gods will flood into the forest of divine beasts. Sooner or later, an army of tens of thousands of divine beasts will enter the forest of divine beasts, using our flesh and blood as food, and using our bones and fangs to make weapons. !"

"Countless gods and beasts have left us a piece of pure land with their lives, and achieved a forest of gods and beasts that all gods dare not enter."

The low roar of the giant dragon sounded like thunder, and hot dragon flames poured out from its mouth and nose.

But the elegant werewolf just looked at her calmly and said lightly, "They saved me."


Looking at the unusual werewolf in front of him, the dragon of fire was completely incomprehensible.

Are you not a werewolf known for your ferocity?

Shouldn't it be your hobby to devour the heart of the gods?

Why do you still know the favor? Is this your instinct? The dignified werewolf actually protects the food?

The Dragon of Fire turned his head and looked at Lin Fan and the little beast gloomily.

next moment.

That dragon claw is like a shadow!

It was a sudden murder.

The solid and powerful muscles under the scales tightened instantly, and the sharp nails shredded the air, as if even the space was twisted by this huge force!

This is the power of the dragon!

The dragon family, the natural masters of magic, are also the strongest natural warriors.

Lin Fan didn't have time to react at all, mainly because he didn't expect that the giant dragon was still arguing with the werewolf, and he would kill him suddenly!

Lin Fan only felt a black shadow coming towards him, and the mountain-like terrifying body was overwhelmingly pressing towards him, as if he was going to be completely turned into a meat pie!


The moment Lin Fan's vision was blocked by a shadow.



A faint sound of breaking through the air appeared, followed by the sound of cutting into meat.

At the same time, Lin Fan seemed to see a silvery white moonlight flashing in front of him.

"Is he dead?" Lin Fan lowered his head, ready to look at his cut body.


The body is intact.

Lin Fan raised his head in amazement, only to see the silver-white werewolf standing in front of him, the beautiful silver wolf feathers reflecting light in the shadow of the dragon.

There were traces of blood on her claws.

It brought a touch of rage to her elegance, but her eyes were still cold and calm.

The mountain-like dragon actually wailed, clutching its right paw, and took a few steps back.

There were several hideous wounds on the back of the right paw.

"Stop pretending, it's just a flesh wound, there are still three centimeters away from your dragon tendon." The werewolf calmly said.

The giant dragon looked at the werewolf in disbelief, and checked the injury while enduring the pain.


Although the injured dragon claw was in pain, it still moved freely.

Although the incision was extremely deep, the hand was very precise, and it was only three centimeters away from hurting his tendons.

The dragon looked solemnly at the werewolf.

His own skin, but the scales of the dragon clan, carries the defensive power that the dragon clan is proud of.

Even if she is only a marginal clan, but the powerful blood of the dragon family makes her defense amazing.

And the werewolf in front of him cut his own scales just with his claws?

And the whole process is like cutting tofu, it is not sloppy and easy.


The werewolf in front of me...even though it's only rank eight.

But her bloodline is stronger than her own, the fringe clan of the dragon clan?

The Dragon of Fire swallowed.

I really don't want to provoke this werewolf again. I thought I would be able to strike suddenly without her noticing, but I didn't expect the opponent's reaction power to be so amazing. I almost instinctively felt my killing intent, and directly shot to stop it.

And in that moment of lightning, he remained calm and dealt with his attack in the simplest and most direct way.

This... is the perfect fusion of animal instinct and rational thinking!

"Why, are you going to spray me with dragon flames?" Under the moonlight, the werewolf looked directly at the fiery dragon in front of him, "If you really want to fight, I'm definitely not your opponent."

"I will die. But you may not live either."

"Also, you should have felt the importance of me in the werewolf family. Do you believe it, if you kill me, the ancestor of the werewolf will be furious, and the werewolf family and the dragon family will never die."

When the werewolf said this, he slowly took a step forward.

The sharp nails and fangs reflect a luster, which is pure animal nature!

Although she is elegant, in absolute calm, she is more violent than any werewolf!

At this moment, the clearly powerful and huge dragon felt an unspeakable fear, as if the ant-like werewolf in front of him was the real hunter...

This unscientific!

I am a giant dragon family, with the bloodline of the giant dragon family!

But this feeling was so real, even behind the werewolf, the giant dragon seemed to see a silver-haired giant wolf that was even bigger than himself, thousands of meters in length, as if he would be shattered when he stepped down, staring at him. Show fangs.

this moment.

The giant dragon suddenly persuaded...

"Don't be so fierce..." The giant dragon clutched his injured forearm and looked at the werewolf in grievance.

It's just that this pitiful appearance, placed on her huge and majestic body, seems extraordinarily inconsistent...

Seeing that the werewolf ignored him, the dragon seemed to understand it, and murmured a few words in a low voice, as if reciting magic.

The next moment, the flame element surrounding her rolled back instantly, enveloping her like a huge fireball.

The fireball shone, then suddenly disappeared.

In the fireball, a woman's figure appeared under the moonlight.

At the age of more than 20 years, with some royal sister style, her hot body is plump and attractive.

Slender legs, plump...

On that mostly exposed body, a set of red armor with dragon scale patterns and barbs protected her key parts, bringing a hint of sternness and majesty.

His slightly flushed face seemed a little cramped and nervous at this time, with dragon horns growing on his forehead, and a simple red helmet on his head. Fiery red hair spilled over his shoulders.

Lin Fan was dumbfounded at the time: "Can a dragon really become a human?"

Obviously so big, why is it so small now, just like a normal god!

This does not comply with the law of conservation of mass!

What about the big change?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lin Fan felt that if this woman was among the gods, he would never have believed that this was the transformation of a fiery dragon.

The woman clutched the back of her injured hand, glared at Lin Fan, then raised her head to look at the werewolf that seemed to be incomparably huge at this time, and compromised, "Can't we have a good talk?"

The werewolf looked at her calmly and did not speak.

"You are a werewolf, I am a dragon."

"We are all a family of divine beasts."

"Why do you want to hurt the two gods? Why don't we make a deal, I will kill them, and then what will happen to their hearts. If you agree, I will repay you, if you have What trouble, the giant dragon family is willing to help you."

"My name in the dragon language is Yudura, and if you mention it to other dragons, they will help you too."

The woman said with some sympathy.

I have to say, with the current appearance of Eudura, he is really willing to let people agree.


"Heart?" The werewolf frowned at the woman in front of him, as if he was offended.

"You may not have understood what I said earlier."

"The me in front of you has perfectly mastered the animal nature. Not only will the heart of the gods bring me nothing, but it will pollute me."

The fur on the werewolf exudes a pure and soft luster.

Panera was also a little confused at this time.

She has now awakened her bloodline and discovered the truth of her animal instinct. Of course, she has to return to the group. On the one hand, now that her bloodline has faintly surpassed the ancestor, she wants to replace the old ancestor father to become the next wolf king. On the other hand, she To guide the clansmen to resist the animal instinct.

But it will inevitably lead to great contradictions.

The main battle faction, which is obsessed with animal instincts, headed by the Duke family, will definitely oppose him firmly, and those crazy guys might even start a riot!

If you can have the giant dragon family as a support, then the Duke family is not a problem at all.

But if this help is obtained by abandoning the rationality that he insists on, in exchange for kindness and revenge... What is the difference between surrendering to the bestiality?

If it wasn't for these two guys holding back I wouldn't have had a chance to absorb the power of the dark moon to activate the animal instinct that had been hidden for many years, and I would have been silenced by Gul!

Panila stood in front of Lin Fan with a firm gaze. To be honest, this awakening was completely accidental. In order to prevent himself from being eroded by animal nature, Panila not only hid in the small marginal country of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, but also would not be exposed to the moonlight on the full moon night.

If it wasn't for Gul tying herself up this time, awakening herself by accident and resisting the werewolf's bestiality, she would still be a student of the Seventh High School of the Kingdom of God.

Eudura looked at the werewolf in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Okay." Yudura gritted his teeth and nodded, "My giant dragons remember your decision. I hope you don't regret it in the future."

After speaking, Yudura did not hesitate.

Both legs kicked on the ground, the huge force instantly shattered the ground, and the whole person rushed directly into the night like a cannonball.

Lin Fan looked up and saw a dragon of blazing fire that covered the sky and soared away around Long Yan.

This time, it's safe.

Not necessarily though...

Lin Fan looked at the werewolf in front of him, who was also looking directly at him... He knew that food protection was a dog's instinct...

This guy said before that the heart of the gods would pollute him, but that was just talk, not necessarily true.

Besides, even if it's true, the gods have other parts besides the heart, don't some rich gods like to buy some parts of the gods to make wine, that stuff is a big supplement.

What if this werewolf is good at that and wants to make up for it?

"Well, that, I'm rough skinned and fleshy, and it doesn't taste good. By the way, I have a kidney problem, so I don't have a big tonic effect at all, and I never wipe my **** when I go to the toilet. You must not taste good... ..." Lin Fan disgusted the werewolf with a complex expression.

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