Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 614: death by animal instinct

"Ah?" Lin Fan was also stunned, "You didn't tell me."

"Why didn't I tell you, just now..." The little beast was talking when he suddenly remembered that Lin Fan had disappeared while he was typing, and he didn't even know about it.

Now is not the time to discuss who is right and who is wrong, the little beast said eagerly: "Close the realm of the gods and recall the believers!"

This is the Forest of Divine Beasts!

The world of beasts.

The unique divine realm and the aura of the believers are like guiding lights here. There are no believers and divine realms in the divine beast. Once they feel this aura, they will kill them in minutes.

It's okay to say that the peripheral beasts are not very powerful, even if they can't beat them, they can still run.

But if those terrifying guys from the depths come out, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to run!

Lin Fan didn't have time to think about it, so he closed the Divine Realm directly according to the words of the little beast and recalled the believers. Those Sword Saints were chanting poems and preparing to take action, but before they could take action, they went directly back to the realm of the gods with other believers.

The moment when a huge number of believers disappeared.

Gul, who was surrounded and beaten, only felt loose.

At the moment when the stormy control skills stopped, the huge black wolf finally had a chance to breathe.

"What a terrible believer."

Gul lay on the ground, covered in bruises.

His muscles have been torn apart, and his bones have been fractured inch by inch. The ghost knows what the **** is going on with those who were summoned and why they are so strong.

Those strong men with heavy swords were obviously just believers, but every time the huge sword light they summoned smashed, Gul's bones shattered.

He is the physique of five generations of werewolves! Even the **** of power of the order can't do this step, but these believers who only have the sixth order can do it?

Human believers, aren't they the weakest?

But what shocked Gul even more was the equally huge kobold in golden armor.

Although it looks simple and honest.

But every time the axe fell, Gul could hear the sound of his muscles breaking and his bones shattering.

There are also those bears that are stronger than themselves... Those guys are more savage and furious than themselves. Those sharp fangs and claws can easily cut through their tough skin, and the lightning bursts wrapped around them are still in the air. Paralyzing effect.

But the two groups of believers are actually fine.

Although it is strong, it can hurt itself, but it cannot completely kill itself.

After all, it is the blood of a werewolf. As long as the heart is not destroyed, as long as the heart is not pierced by the silver symbolizing holiness, as long as there is a breath left, it will not die.

But the last moment when those white-robed juggernauts came with oriental swords and drinking hymns.

Gul really felt the fear of death.

The terrifying sword intent rose into the sky, and behind them, the fiery red clouds in the east of the sunrise appeared in the sword energy.

Gul had no doubt that it was a sword that could kill him!

It is said that werewolves are only afraid of silver, but that is only relative. If the opponent has the strength to crush, even if he just holds an iron sword, he can still kill the werewolf!

The resilience is strong, right? If you cut off your head directly, will you die?

Seeing those terrifying believers disappear, Gul took a deep breath, feeling extremely frightened and fortunate in his heart.

next moment.

Gul lowered his head and ate the corpse of the second child beside him. The original wound and blood-splattered body immediately began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the broken bones were healing quickly!

"As long as I recover, this kid will..."

Gul's eyes flashed fiercely.

Lin Fan frowned, and directly threw a golden card over again, causing Gul to be dizzy for a while.

But even if he saw the card flying, Gul was still in no hurry.

After all, this kid can't kill himself in a second...

But when the one-second dizziness ended, Gul regained his thoughts again.

I saw two pistols, one black and one white, suddenly appeared in Lin Fan's hands!

Simple and elegant.

The holy light reflected in the moonlight of the jungle, and the bright moonlight rendered the two pistols a silvery rhyme.

At the muzzle, the holy fire beat violently.

It seems that it can't wait to smash all the darkness and evil!

"Holy power!"

Gul's pupils shrank suddenly, this time, he didn't underestimate the slightest... That young man could really kill himself!

What the werewolf fears most is the power of holiness!

Seeing the young man raise his guns towards him, Gul turned around and was about to jump away, but his limbs, which had not fully recovered, could not hold up his body at all!


The sound of gunshots sounded abruptly in this forest of divine beasts, breaking the peace.

Flames spewed out of the muzzle, and the silver bullets spun out of the muzzle, wrapped in strands of holy power, shredding the air and rushing towards Gul.

【Holy Gun Baptism】!

That shot is not the end, but the beginning!

The two holy spears spurted fierce flames at this moment, and the silver bullets roared and shredded the air like a violent storm, and the violent airflow smashed even the surrounding vegetation!

Like a silver ocean torrent, it washed away.

Each silver bullet is wrapped in holy power, reflecting a soft but pure light in the moonlight, and the light merges together like a sharp sword that will pierce through all darkness!

And after this surging torrent of bullets, the fire of the gun shone indefinitely.

But it was the young man's calm face.

Extreme movement and extreme stillness, strangely intertwined at this moment, are extremely harmonious, without any sense of disobedience.

At this moment, the young man is in charge of the Holy Light!


Looking at the silver torrent roaring with holy Gul's eyes were extremely desperate.




The silver bullets wrapped in holy light poured onto the body of the huge black wolf, spun to shred his skin and flesh as easily as cutting tofu, and penetrated deeply into his body.

The wolf's fur and skin with amazing defensive power are useless in front of this bullet.

Silver, which symbolizes purity, is the nemesis of werewolves, not to mention it has the power of holiness!

This is simply born to restrain werewolves!

This young man is simply a natural werewolf nemesis!

Hundreds of silver bullets roared into Gul's body, and the burning pain came from the bullet head embedded in the flesh, and even suppressed his werewolf bloodline infinitely!

The proud animal instinct was suppressed at this moment!

Although he was not shot through the heart, he would not die on the spot, but hundreds of silver bullets packed with holy power were densely embedded in his flesh and blood, which not only made him lose his instinctive animal nature, but also lost a trace of strength. Resilience is gone.

Even the injury in his body is even more serious than before, it is really just a sigh of relief!

Not to mention moving, not even a low growl.

At this moment, as the animal nature disappeared, Gul, who had regained some rationality, was extremely regretful.

Where did this boy come from?

Not only does he possess those terrifying magic control techniques and believers, but he also possesses the ability to restrain werewolves!

Why do you want to provoke such a monster? !

As long as you are a little sensible, you should escape as soon as possible!

Gul never imagined that the proud animal instinct, not only did not make himself the most powerful hunter, but brought death for himself.

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