Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 610: Where is my blood? !

Lin Fan looked at Gul quietly.

But in the next moment.

Lin Fan was stunned, he felt as if someone was watching him.

"Did someone really find me?"

Lin Fan turned his head quietly, followed that gaze, and saw that the girl in the cage was looking suspiciously at the grass where he was hiding.

That's the predatory instinct of a werewolf.

The purer the werewolf is, the more powerful this wild instinct is, and he can almost rely on his intuition to target potential prey.

not visual.

Not hearing, or any other means of perception.

Just intuition as a predator.

Although Panila has not swallowed the heart of the gods, and the wildness of the second-generation werewolf has not yet recovered, this terrifying talent is still fully revealed. He actually felt Lin Fan's existence instinctively.

Lin Fan observed it and saw that the girl just stared at him directly, and didn't make a sound to remind those werewolves, so she didn't bother to care about it.

"Oh, old guy." Gul took a deep breath, the excitement in his heart made him uncontrollably begin to turn into a werewolf, his body grew thick hair under the moonlight, and the huge body was more than eight meters high.

"So many people begged bitterly, but you are not willing to give a drop of blood."

"A traitor sent a message, and you asked me to send it to her..."

Gul looked ferocious, and roared almost roaringly.

But then.

Gul laughed, and in the harsh wolf-like laughter, Gul slowly picked up the crystal bottle.

Looking at the blood inside, Gul looked crazy.

Just drink this...

But at the next moment.


A hand suddenly stretched out from the grass behind Gul, and slapped Gul directly on the back of the head.

The power contained in that hand is nothing, although it has reached the level of almost sixth-order, but Gulben is a fifth-generation werewolf.

But a mysterious force poured out from the slap, penetrating the thick wolf fur and the skin with amazing defense, like a law descending on his brain!

For a second.

His brain is blank and he has lost the ability to think!

[Beat the first blow].

Total vertigo!

After he came back to his senses, Gul looked at the empty wolf claws and fell into contemplation...

And the young people waiting for Gul at the bonfire whispered.

"Why did I seem to hear a slap just now?"

"I heard it too. It was very clear. It came from Brother Gul."

"Will no one really touch it?"

"Cut, you have less knowledge. This is the reaction of drinking the blood of the ancestors. Just now, it was the sound of the blood breaking the shackles..."

"So, Big Brother Gul succeeded?!"

The young people who did not know why were all excited.

But the next moment.

Only Gul let out a terrifying roar: "Where is my blood?!"

"Where's my blood!"

Gul glanced around, he had no idea what had just happened.

But he knew.

Someone attacked him!

And from his own hands, he took away the blood of the ancestors!

That is the blood of the ancestors that all werewolves dream of!

Gul seemed to have thought of something, and his originally angry eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Although he is ruthless, he is not a fool.

Instead, he is smart.

When all the clansmen were longing for the blood of the ancestors and begging for the blood of the ancestors, although Gul was extremely eager, he showed that he was not very interested in the blood of the ancestors in public, and even persuaded those clansmen to give up.

This is the opportunity for the ancestor to call and send him to **** this drop of the ancestor's blood.

Gul turned around with gloomy eyes and looked at the werewolf youths not far away.

The blood of the ancestors is the dream of all werewolves.

Although likely to die.

But no werewolf can resist the temptation of that bloodline, except for the waste of Panila.

In addition, he also believes that there is no one else around except himself, the werewolves.

After all, a werewolf's keen sense of hearing and smell is no joke. No one can sneak into a werewolf without a sound.

Besides, even if there are hunters lurking around.

Then why not just kill yourself. You know, the blood of the ancestors is simply poison to those gods, and it is of no use at all.


The wise brain is running fast, and Gul's eyes reflect the light of wisdom.

He walked around the grass step by step and walked towards the bonfire with a gloomy face.

The huge body was full of pressure, and the sharp claws reflected a sharp sheen in the firelight.

"Brother, you are back." A young man stood up excitedly, "It seems that you succeeded!"

"That's great, now our Duke family is in the early stages of the younger generation!" Another young man said excitedly: "The previous Manda family relied on a young second-generation werewolf like Panila, no Let's go counter-attack those kingdoms of gods."

"Let's see how they vetoed our proposal this time!" The fourth child said excitedly.

Gul didn't speak, just stared at everyone with a stern gaze.

The second child suddenly felt something and sniffed: "Boss, you... your breath hasn't changed... you failed?"

"Someone attacked me and took the blood of the ancestors." Gul growled hoarsely, his scarlet tongue licked his sharp teeth, and his breathing became heavy like thunder because of anger.

Everyone was stunned.

"Now admit it, hand over the blood of the ancestors, I won't say much." Gul's scarlet eyes glanced at everyone present, the originally upright body slumped to the ground, the thick muscles of the limbs towered high, the huge The body is like a hill, and it is overwhelming.

This is the action of the werewolf entering the fight.

"Big brother, you mean..." The second child looked at the others with a gloomy face, and turned into a werewolf, looking at the people around him: "Who did it!"

"The four of our brothers are as close as siblings, and there will definitely be no traitors." The fourth child looked at the ten wolf slaves, and the extremely ferocious power that was completely different from divine power roared, "Who is it!"

The ten wolf slaves are almost scared and stupid. Their strength is not high, only fifth or sixth rank. Even if they are infected and get werewolf blood, they can't beat these four purebred Lord , Master," a wolf slave's voice trembled, and he squatted on the ground: "We are wolf slaves, and it is useless to ask for the blood of the ancestors..."

"Oh. You are useless, but if you give it to other werewolf families, can't you go to the sky in one step?" The fourth sneered.

And right now.

A wolf slave who disappeared before came back with his trouser belt.

"Eh?" The wolf slave didn't know what happened, and was stunned for a moment: "Why are you all kneeling on the ground? Lord, have you succeeded?"

"Where did you go just now?" Gul had killing intent in his eyes.

"Me? I just went to pee, my lord, you..." The wolf slave replied with a bewildered expression.

"Still pretending, take out the blood of the ancestors!" Gul is very sure that this wolf slave did it!

The wolf slave looked stunned: "Ah? Lord, what are you talking about?"


Gul laughed: "Forget it, since you still have to pretend, then don't ask."

next moment.

Gul's muscles suddenly exerted force, and his sharp claws dug deep pits in the soil. In the dusty sky, he seemed to be transformed into black lightning!

That is a speed comparable to that of the **** of speed of the same order!

And his power is even more than the **** of power of the same rank!

This is the powerful physique of the werewolf family, they are natural hunters.

And Gul, who devoured the hearts of many gods, with the talent of five generations of werewolves, his own strength has already reached the seventh rank, and he is also a leader among the younger generation of werewolves.

The wolf slave didn't even have the thought of resisting, the sharp claws had penetrated his chest, and the whole person fell weakly.

behind him.

A huge black wolf had blood dripping from the corner of its mouth, its fangs chewed on the broken heart, and looked gloomily at the other wolf slaves.

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