Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 414: I'm here to save you...

As a wealthy family in Lengcuicheng, Mr. Chun naturally knew about Zhang Chengfeng, and even Mr. Chun had given gifts to Zhang Chengfeng before, and wanted to send his grandson Chunmo to Shenguo No. 1 Middle School.

Of course, Zhang Chengfeng, as the chairman of the Education Committee, was completely clean, so he rejected it directly, and returned to Chunmo to be assigned to an ordinary high school...

Zhang Chengfeng has now been caught.

The old man Chun should have been happy, but after thinking about it, he started to get into trouble again.

If it's just a clothing store owner, kill it.

But why is there just one more Zhang Chengfeng?

This is the chairman of the Education Committee of the Kingdom of God, with a very high status, and his connections are even scarier.

If you kill it... I'm afraid that the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom will have to find out if it digs three feet into the ground, and I'm afraid that even those high-level executives will not be able to protect themselves!

But if he didn't kill him, the troubles would be endless. After the old man went back, he only needed a word, and he didn't know how many patron saints who had been his students wanted to kill him.

"This... is just a hot potato."

The old man Chun frowned, and the cold and cold light on the sword of ice swallowed several times, but after all, he still did not dare to attack.

"Let's ask Liu Shao."

The old man Chun dialed the communication.

The communication was quickly connected, Liu Shao answered the phone lazily, and the woman's rapid breathing could be heard next to him.

"What? What happened?" Liu Kun's tone was full of dissatisfaction, as if blaming Mr. Chun for disturbing his good deeds.

"Liu, Liu Shao." The old man Chun said respectfully, "Didn't I follow your order to catch this perfect goddess..."

"What? Can't do this little thing?" Liu Kun snorted coldly, "It seems that it's time to tell my father, your Chun family doesn't seem to have any need to cultivate."

"No, no," Old Master Chun said quickly, "Liu Shao, it's still very easy to catch such a little girl."

"Mainly... two people shot halfway and were frozen by me. I don't know what to do."

Liu Shao was slightly taken aback: "Then just kill it. What, are you trying to tell me that your Chun family abides by the law?"

"No, it's mainly because this situation is a bit special... Forget it, see for yourself." Old Master Chun turned his perspective and put Zhang Chengfeng on the communication interface.

next moment.

"Zhang Chengfeng!?" Seeing the **** of the earth frozen into an ice sculpture, even Liu Kun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chengfeng, the chairman of the Education Committee of the Kingdom of God, is an existence that even his father, the vice-chairman of the Finance Committee of the Kingdom of God, has to be treated politely!

It's not that the chairman of the Education Committee, who only cares about education, has great power, but that the students taught by this old guy are all in high positions, and there are a large group of powerful guardian deities, even among the Eight Great Court Paladins. The Red Knights were taught by him.

This is simply a hornet's nest!

"You caught this old man?" Liu Kun's face suddenly became complicated, "Hurry up and let it go... No, this matter is too big, I have to tell my father."

"You wait for my message. I'll get back to you soon."

Less than half a minute later.

Communication came again.

This time Liu Kun seemed to be in a good mood. Before speaking, he laughed twice.

"Haha, Chun Lao, you did a good job."

"Dad and that person are very happy. In this way, you take Zhang Chengfeng back, and Zhao Yaxin and I will take him away together. Hehe, we will have another comrade. Even if we can't get it right, even his students will be used by us.”

"It's said that Zhang Chengfeng has a high profile, but I want to see how long he can last in the face of the bewitched by the devil. Of course, you will be rewarded."

Satisfaction was written on Liu Kun's face.

The old man Chun respected and flattered a few words, then cut off the communication, grabbed Zhang Chengfeng and the beautiful woman who had turned into ice sculptures, took back the cold ice, and at the same time sang a few words in a low voice.

[Intermediate Divine Art: The Lock of Winter. 】

Zhang Chengfeng and the beautiful woman returned to normal in an instant, and the ice crystals on their bodies melted, but before the two could start again, an ice crystal chain had already tied the two of them firmly, exuding a biting chill, and the divine power of the two was shattered. All frozen.

"Congratulations, you two."

"You can live."

"Of course, along the way, please be honest. But even if you resist, it's meaningless."

Old Man Chun cheerfully patted the two of them on the shoulders, frozen the communication bracelets of the two of them, and then carried them by the shoulders and stuffed them into the sack.

And the other side.

Lin Fan was still full of excitement.

The sky was falling apart, and the terrifying elemental fluctuations made Lin Fan almost vomit blood. This was because both sides of the fight deliberately controlled the flow of the elements.

As for why...

Needless to say?

"It must have come to save us!"

Lin Fan excitedly whispered to Zhao Yaxin.

Zhao Yaxin also looked expectant: "Is this the person you called?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that there was no explosion that Situ Lan's exclusive sound came from...

"Don't worry about those, as long as they came to save us, they are good people!" Lin Fan was extremely excited and listened carefully, "Be quiet, it should be over, we can go out immediately."

In the expectant eyes of the two.

The tightly bound sack was opened.

The face of the old man Zhang Chengfeng appeared in Lin Fan's sight.

"President Zhang!" Zhao Yaxin's face was suddenly excited.

Lin Fan was also grateful: "Thank you, President, let us go out!"

Although Lin Fan was a little disgusted with this old man, the fact that the other party appeared here and rescued him from danger was enough of a kindness!


Facing the gratitude of Lin Fan and Zhao Yaxin, Zhang Chengfeng's expression became strange...

"Well, you may have misunderstood something..."

Zhang Chengfeng's old face turned Lin Fan was stunned, you didn't come to rescue us, so why did you come?

And right now.

"What's the matter," Old Man Chun's indifferent voice sounded, "Meet an acquaintance? Would you like to give you time to catch up?"

"Go in, there is time for you to improve your relationship!"

Under Lin Fan's stunned gaze, he saw Zhang Chengfeng's face poking into the sack in an instant, and then the whole person was pushed into the sack...

Then, the beautiful woman was also stuffed in.

The originally narrow sack became bulging for a while, and the four of them faced each other with complicated faces.

"I knew I would have brought a few more sacks." Chun Lao muttered and picked up the sacks and stuffed them into the carriage of the truck to be replaced. He closed the door with a bang, and immediately took the van that had committed the crime back to God's Domain.

Looking at the dead driver's corpse, Chun Lao bowed down expressionlessly, his palms became like blades made of ice, easily breaking the skin of the tenth-order sword god, and dug out a few fragments of the divine domain from the heart. Immediately, the driver's body was thrown into the realm of the gods.

"The key, I really didn't expect so many people... It was originally meant to arrest someone, but now there's a table of mahjong!" Old Chun complained and stomped on the accelerator.

The engine roared and the van roared away.

In a bumpy carriage, in a crowded sack.

The atmosphere became more awkward.

The four of them faced each other and were silent for a long time.

"You're here too... I'll make room for you first." Lin Fan broke the awkward silence by looking at Zhang Chengfeng's old face so close to him.

Zhang Chengfeng looked complicated: "Thank you."

"What are you here for?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

Zhang Chengfeng's old face turned red, and he was silent for a long time: "You may not believe it when you say it."

"I was here to save you..."

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