Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1403: big trouble

In an instant, the other young wolves roared.

"What else do you have to say!"

"Luke Young Wolf Lord's henchmen have seen you kill Luke Young Wolf Lord with their own eyes!"

They were culling in the front before, and they didn't even notice what happened on Luke's side.

But hearing the words of Luke Young Wolf Lord's henchmen, plus the corpse of Luke Young Wolf Lord lying at Lin Fan's feet, this is completely ironclad proof!

Berkeley said loudly: "Kill him! Avenge Luke the Wolf Lord!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth, knowing that it was useless to say anything at this time.

Seeing those wolves rushing towards him, Lin Fan immediately flashed and appeared beside Berkeley, and he had to control him first.

As long as you can control him, there is always a way to make it clear!

But the next moment.

A powerful aura appeared behind Lin Fan, followed by a roaring roar, rushing towards him fiercely.

Advanced wolf clan!


A terrifying force hit Lin Fan directly, and even the indestructible blue holy armor instantly raised fine cracks.

The power of the fifteenth-order advanced wolf clan!

The destructive power hit Lin Fan firmly, and even the holy armor was overwhelmed by the power that surpassed the gods. Although most of the power was blocked, a small part of it was still transmitted to Lin Fan.

What a terrifying power!

Under this power, all shields and all damage reduction skills seem to be jokes.

Even if it was one percent, this power could easily shred Lin Fan's body!

The nano-robots also tried to form a shield, but were thrown out of Lin Fan's body by the force.

In an instant, Lin Fan was directly beaten and flew more than 2,000 meters away. The terrifying power raged on him, as if it was about to destroy everything.

In the cave, the faces of the Duke family and the patriarchs of the werewolf families suddenly changed, and they shouted, "Young Wolf Lord!"


Lin Fan fell heavily to the ground.

The giant wolf that covered the sky looked at Lin Fan indifferently.

This kid should be dead and can't die anymore.

Seventh-order, and fifteenth-order high-level wolf clan are not on the same level.

"Second uncle, well done!" Berkeley stood behind the giant wolf and whispered, "This guy must die!"

But the next moment.

The huge wolf body suddenly froze.

The smile on Berkeley's face also instantly solidified.

I saw that the broken body of the armor coughed and stood up, and the pieces of the holy armor fell on the body, but under the broken mask, the face was completely uninjured!

The boy's eyes were red.

Invisible fighting intent burned on him, like a red flame!

That terrifying fighting intent, that madness-like anger, actually made him seem to have avoided death.

Barbarian King R skill, [Endless Rage]!

When Lin Fan noticed that there was a high-level werewolf intervening, he didn't hesitate to start his endless rage!

For a time, the 40 million young wolves in the mountains and plains were all stunned. They looked at the young man wearing the broken armor slowly standing up in disbelief.


"Is this a monster?"

"Hold a blow from the high-level wolf clan? That's the second elder of the Berkeley family!"

"He's only rank seven! He should have been beaten to a pulp!"

Lin Fan looked up at the high-level wolf clan, gritted his teeth and said, "This is the election of the wolf king, why do you dare to attack me!"


"Boy, I see how many times you can withstand it!"

Although the giant wolf was surprised, he let out a roar and rushed towards Lin Fan again!

The terrifying giant wolf stomped on the ground with its powerful four legs, and in an instant, the giant wolf rushed towards Lin Fan like a light and shadow.

The terrifying fangs seemed to tear apart layers of space, heading straight for Lin Fan!

Lin Fan couldn't see the other person's figure at all, and saw that fangs suddenly appeared in front of him, and he bit down with a big mouth, as if he was chewing his whole body into flesh!

But the next moment.


Several powerful breaths burst out.

Several huge black shadows roared and rushed out of the cave.



Before the second elder of the Berkeley family could bite Lin Fan to death, several dull crashing sounds had already sounded, and several terrifying forces slammed into the huge wolf body!


The huge wolf body was unable to withstand the terrifying power, and was directly knocked away for tens of kilometers.

When it barely stood up, it saw giant werewolves standing in front of Lin Fan.

Violent aura is revealed, just like protecting a cub.

It is the Duke patriarch and a group of werewolf patriarchs!

Hundreds of werewolf patriarchs have all transformed into a thousand-meter real body, and some of the sixteenth-order are more than three thousand meters in size, standing there, as if the mountains are short.

Each of them exudes a violent animal nature!

"You guys, it's not good to be partial to this kid! This kid dares to kill Luke Young Wolf Lord!" The second elder Berkeley, who was hit hard, was covered in blood, his breath was already dying, and his eyes were fixed on the werewolf patriarchs. .

Those werewolf patriarchs actually didn't want to have any conflict with the pure-blood wolf clan. When they shot, they basically controlled their strength.

Otherwise, this second Berkeley elder is dead now and can no longer die.

After all, they were pure blood wolves.

But even pure-blooded wolves shouldn't...

"This is the Wolf King campaign!" Patriarch Duke growled: "The Wolf King campaign is a matter of life and death!"

"Even if my little wolf master killed Luke, you shouldn't..."

The second elder of Berkeley roared loudly: "Mixed-blood werewolves, dare to kill pure-blooded wolves, you really treat yourself as a thing! That young wolf master Luke is the son of Luke wolf king!"

The next moment, he was actually quite seriously injured, and he was slaughtered without life!

"Keep your hands!" Patriarch Duke roared, he was really afraid that a werewolf patriarch would kill this guy.

Lin Fan killed Luke Young Wolf, the most prestigious of the pure blood wolf clan. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Although some of the following crimes have been committed in com, in any case, it is the election of the wolf king.

The Wolf King campaign is a matter of life and death. Even if Lin Fan killed Luke Young Wolf Lord, it would be justified. If they announced their withdrawal from the campaign, they could calm the anger of those pure-blooded wolves.


If the patriarchs of the werewolf family join forces to kill a high-level pure-blood wolf clan, then the trouble will be big!

If it doesn't work, the pure blood wolf clan will have to take revenge on all the werewolf clans.

To put it in a bad way, I am afraid that it will have to set off a civil war of the wolf clan!

The patriarchs of the other werewolf families also reacted, and they all tried their best to suppress the animal nature in their bodies and put on a defensive posture, without the slightest intention to shoot!


The second elder of the Berkeley family roared and threw himself directly on Duke Patriarch!

That terrifying beast power makes the space seem to be shaking, and it is far away!

"Calm down!" Patriarch Duke roared loudly.

However, the second elder of Berkeley, who was obviously seriously injured, did not restrain himself at all, and directly opened his fangs at the Duke patriarch!


Patriarch Duke did not dare to fight back, for fear of killing this guy, he could only block with a paw in front of him.

But the moment he stretched out his claws.

The second elder of Berkeley actually took the initiative to die, and directly pushed his chest forward!


The wolf claws run through the chest!

Patriarch Duke stared blankly at his claws, he could feel the warmth in his chest and the beating heart!

The second elder of Berkeley was close to the ear of Patriarch Duke, and his voice trembled: "For the rise of the Berkeley family..."


The huge wolf body fell down suddenly, and it was completely breathless.

Patriarch Duke stared blankly at the beating heart in his wolf claws, his scalp tingling.

Now, big trouble!

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