Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1394: good teacher

For a time, the werewolf patriarchs who had resisted the condemnation all fell silent.

"How can we abandon the primitive hunting method, we have followed it for thousands of years..." A werewolf patriarch slowly stood up and said with gritted teeth.

Patriarch Duke did not argue, but just picked up a god's heart and nodded while eating with a look of enjoyment: "Yes, yes, you are right."


The werewolf patriarch couldn't go on, he stared straight at the god's heart in the mouth of the Duke patriarch, and swallowed his saliva in disappointment.

In fact, these werewolf families had a miserable life on weekdays.

In the past, the werewolves were able to deal with the ancient gods and win great victories every time in the forest.

But now, the gods have learned to be smart, and they have become more powerful.

Nowadays, the number of werewolves, including the number of the entire wolf clan, is constantly decreasing. On weekdays, everyone is hungry, and they even have to take other prey with little nutrition to satisfy their hunger.

"I think," the other patriarch stood up, "traditions must be followed, but changing the way of hunting is not unacceptable..."

After he finished speaking, the patriarch threw himself into the hearts of the gods again, and while chewing, he took off his clothes and put them inside.

"I agree!"

"Me too!"

The other patriarchs couldn't bear it anymore, and they rushed into the hearts of the gods, pretending to be crazy.

Only the patriarch of the Nelson family stood up with an ugly face and said solemnly, "Patriarch Duke, you are too radical."

"My wolf clan's hunting method has lasted for thousands of years, and it has not changed. Although it may not be very good now, it is the most effective one that has been certified by countless ancestors..."

"Don't say it, just say a few more words, they're almost finished." Duke Patriarch said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Nelson looked back and saw that those Patriarchs had already taken half of what they had eaten and taken!

"Leave some for me!"

Patriarch Nelson roared, got up and rushed!

The world is like this. If you want others to accept some kind of change, the best way is to let them taste the benefits of the change first.

Otherwise, it is useless to say more.

The scene was chaotic for half an hour. The hearts of more than 100,000 gods were divided up by a group of werewolf patriarchs, and behind everyone was a mountain of gods' hearts.

"Now, is there any objection?" Duke Patriarch looked around blankly.

"Cough, I was biased before..." A patriarch stood up with a flushed face and smiled awkwardly: "Actually, it would be good to change."

"Yes, after all, the gods have learned to be smart, and we have to change!"

"Although this goes against tradition..." Patriarch Nelson exhaled and stood up, "But, our biggest tradition is the animal nature in our body, the desire for the heart of the gods! As long as we can satisfy the needs of the animal nature, then... It's okay to change some traditions."

"Our bottom line is the satisfaction of animal nature."

"By the way, Duke Young Wolf Lord," Patriarch Nelson looked at Lin Fan eagerly, "Can you teach us a new way of hunting..."

As soon as these words came out, the other patriarchs also looked at Lin Fan eagerly.

After all, the Duke family's harvest is obvious to all!

When you sleep at home, gods will bring them to your door.

This is something they can't even dream of!

As a werewolf, who doesn't want to sleep with the god's heart around him every day?

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded, "Let your young wolf master come, I'll give them a brief introduction, but learning the words of the gods... You still have to go back and learn slowly."

For a time, the other werewolf patriarchs were all grateful.

And the young wolf masters were all confused, and they always felt as if something was wrong.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, our strength is here!" Nelson Young Wolf Master exhaled, lit up his claws, and said to himself: "Come on, teach me, with my strength, I can definitely learn!"

"Hehe, don't worry, it has nothing to do with strength." Lin Fan smiled, "I'll find a blackboard first."

this day.

The pureblood wolves discovered a strange thing.

On weekdays, the werewolf young wolf masters who would get together and start to learn from each other were sitting in the open space in a neat and orderly manner, frowning, and writing and drawing on the slate in front of them.

The young wolf master of the Duke family was giving lectures on it.

Occasionally, he would grab a few disobedient people to stand up and use wooden sticks to slap their palms.

The young masters of the werewolf clan were beaten and screamed, but they didn't dare to resist at all.

at this time.

Lin Fan looked at a young wolf master, pointed at the slate covered with wolf claw marks, and said, "I told you thirty-six tricks on it, and I gave you half an hour to memorize them, and you memorized three of them? "

"Give you another chance."


The young wolf master clutched his swollen palms, and said aggrievedly: "Besieging Wei to save Zhao, the bottom of the pot will draw wages, woo woo..."

Lin Fan silently raised his stick, and said lightly, "Reach out your hand."

The young wolf lord was suddenly full of fear, and his voice trembled: "Don't, don't, don't...give me another half an hour, give me another half an hour..."

"Stretch out!" Lin Fan said coldly.

The young wolf master was cornered, and now the evil was born from the courage, and he gritted his teeth: "Young wolf master of the Duke family, don't go too far!"

As soon as these words came out, the bruised-faced young wolf masters from more than a dozen other families who were trained by Lin Fan also stood up and said angrily, "Are you going too far!!"


Not finished yet.




I saw a golden light flashing through In an instant, the dozen or so young wolf masters who dared to speak were directly hung on the blackboard!

The nano-robots, combined with Lin Fan's werewolf bloodline, made these 8th and 9th rank young wolf masters unable to escape at all, and they couldn't even react!

"Now, can we continue the class?" Lin Fan's expressionless gaze swept across the other students.

All of the young wolf masters shivered all over, and they were extremely terrified of this teacher.

"It seems that you still don't understand what it means to respect the teacher."

"A teacher for one day, a father for life."

"In other words, I am your teacher one day, and I will be your father all my life."

A group of werewolf young wolf masters are confused... They don't understand, why just sitting here, they have an extra father...

But no one dared to say anything.

After all, those who dare to speak are hanging in front...

Looking at the dozen or so young wolf masters hanging on the blackboard, the other young wolf masters shivered.

Lin Fan said lightly, "Being the chief of the wolf clan also requires knowledge! Do you really think hunting is that easy?"

He looked at the young wolf master Nelson and said: "You answer, it is known that the two villages on the edge of the forest of the beasts are all hillsides and there is no flat road, and it is known that a **** of low speed is 180 kilometers per hour when going uphill, When going downhill, it took 360 kilometers per hour. After the werewolf attacked, it took the **** 6.5 hours to go from Village A to Village B to report the news, and it took 5 hours to bring people back to Village A from Village Y. It is known that the werewolf army moves at a speed no matter whether it is uphill or downhill. If they are both 320 kilometers per hour, how many kilometers is the distance between villages A and B, and the werewolves have to leave a few hours before the gods' reinforcements arrive."

"Ah?" Young Wolf Lord Nelson was stunned for a moment, "Does this have anything to do with hunting?"

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