Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1368: 2 clan fight

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of the spear colliding with the heavy shield kept ringing.

The German generals are constantly looking for angles, and the spears in their hands are like cunning poisonous snakes, constantly trying out from all tricky angles, and even bending out curves!

I have to say that with the blessing of the fire of the spear, Xin Zhao's strength has indeed become extremely strong.

Not to mention the increase in attack speed and damage, the Q skill can be released twice in a short period of time before entering the cooldown. There is a three-foot spear on the tip of the spear with a cold light, and if a poisonous snake vomits a letter, it is difficult for people to avoid it.

But every time, no matter how the silver gun shadow blooms, it cannot break through the shield!

All are blocked!

Just because this time their opponent is the unyielding gun!

These Pansons also rushed out from countless fights.

They also have scars all over the body.

They have extraordinary fighter skills at their disposal, even more powerful than Xin Zhao's fighter skills!

Unyielding Spear E skill, [God's Blessed Charge]!

Pan Sen lined up neatly, while armored and shielded, they kept poking their spears forward. The golden spear tip swept out countless afterimages. The speed was even countless times faster than Xin Zhao, and the real spear tip was completely invisible.

It was obviously just a gun, but it was shot with a range effect.

But whenever Xin Zhao touched the golden gun shadows in front of them, there was nowhere to hide or parry, and they were stabbed by the afterimages of the gun tips!

That is to say, Xin Zhao's strength is now at the seventh rank, otherwise, I am afraid that after these few rounds, it will already be half blood.


Xin Zhao frowned.

The Indomitable Guns laughed from behind the shield.

"Counterattack, never give up!"

"The gods are dead, and mortals live forever!"

"I'm not the Panson you know, I'm Atreus, a mortal who is about to slay a dragon!"

"Come on, little brats, the enemies I've seen are ten thousand times more terrifying than you!"


Long-lost battle!

These Xin Zhaos were indeed powerful and indeed respected by him, and he could see that these guys had gone through countless wars.

But the enemies he has seen are more terrifying than these guys!

He has seen the dissipation of the gods, he has heard the grinning laughter of the devil!

He stumbled to his feet in blood and fire and picked up his spear.

Pan Sen said at the end, jumped high, and slammed his shield into Xin Zhao in front of him!


The Xin Zhaos were directly smashed and flew out, and they were about to rush forward.

"Brothers, just open up this time and break their formation! Then attack from the left and right sides!"

"Yes, after they put up their shields, it seems that they can only block one side."

Xin Zhao still stood up unyieldingly and was about to continue rushing up.

Originally it was just a discussion, but now it has been played with a bit of fighting intent.

You know, they have just accepted the blessing of the fire of the spear, and the seventh-order versus the fifth-order should be one-sided!

And now, they are the ones who suffer on the face of it!

Xin Zhao's hearts are full of dissatisfaction...

But then.


The voice of the gods rolled down.

Xin Zhao was stunned for a moment.

"This is just a discussion. They are also brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are amazing, shouldn't you be happy?"

Lin Fan looked at these Xin Zhao and said solemnly.

After being said by the Lord God in a slightly reprimanding tone, Xin Zhao gradually regained his senses, and the fighting spirit slowly dissipated, scratching his head embarrassingly with a poked wound.

"That, the main reason is that they are really a bit powerful. They are only fourth-order, and they have that kind of fighting skills... The skills are too itchy."

"Yeah, I haven't played so heartily in a long time."

"It's so fun!"

"These new brothers are very strong!"

"I'm offended, I really can't help it, the breath on your body is too much to make you want to fight..."

Xin Zhao finally looked at the unyielding guns with some embarrassment.

The Unyielding Guns weren't too angry, but instead laughed.

"You guys are great."

"It seems that life in this world is fine."

"If you have a chance, have another fight."

"You don't need to apologize, we didn't take any injuries..."

This is true.

It is really the E skill of the Unyielding Spear [God's Blessing Spear Formation]. He is too restrained and also likes frontal combat. He is good at attacking the enemy's face but cannot instantly move behind the enemy's Xin Zhao.

Block all damage ahead!

Just so unreasonable.

His fighting skills were stronger than the gods who had taken his body.

That god, who used to be the Protoss of War, was the Protoss of War.

He had seen the God of War use his body to fight the Sword Demon, and he had been sealed in a corner of his consciousness through countless battles with the God of War.

He learned the skills of the **** of war, and even went further.

Once the shield is erected, it is almost invincible.

"You summoned me?" Unyielding Spear looked up at the sky.

Lin Fan nodded: "Pan Sen..."

"Don't call me Panson, that's the name of the Protoss." The unyielding spears' voices were cold, "My name is Atreus."

Lin Fan was silent for a while. After all, the old version of Panson used to be rampant for a while, and he was much more famous than Atreus. Many players were so used to calling him...

The Atris looked up to the said solemnly: "You want me to help you fight?"

"Yes." Lin Fan said softly.


"We don't want to fight for the gods." There was no flattery or respect in Atreus' voice. "We were forced by the gods and enslaved by the gods!"

"That **** **** of war has taken over my body..."

"I will never allow it again, a **** is standing high in front of me, forcing me to use my body!"

He also knelt down and prayed.

He was also religious.

Until I witnessed the despicableness of the gods.

He used to be a believer of another god, but his body was forcibly occupied by the spirit left by that god.

When his tribe was at war, he walked up to the icy Targon Peak and asked Pan Sen for help.

"Human, can you?"

He thought the gods were asking him if he would accept his help.

He didn't know until later.

Divine descent, that is, when a high-level being descends on a very weak plane with a very low upper limit, a container must be used, and the container must be willing to agree.

For example, say the word "good" by yourself.

This is also the reason why that Bright Templar Anthony, when his body was about to shatter, shouted "Holy Holy Eureka, when I said good things to you, you didn't promise me like this...".

Anthony, as the vessel, also once said "yes" to the Angel of Order, the Holy Spirit Eureka himself.

At that time, he was full of piety and yearning, ready to welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit.

The same was true of Atreus at the beginning, but under the misleading of the Protoss, he thought he was agreeing to accept help.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

It was no longer himself who walked down the Mount Titan, but the war protoss with gleaming spears and shining round shields.

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