Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1366: recognized

"People are gunning!"

These German chiefs who followed the main **** all the way to fight, have already fulfilled this sentence with countless battles and life and death.


The spear-like fire of the spear vibrated and buzzed, and afterimages of the spear light brewed from the fire of the long spear.

As if responding.

A chilling and sacred aura shot up into the sky, and the countless spear lights scattered from the fire of the spear, as if the silver chrysanthemum was completely blooming, and the afterimages of thousands of spears slammed into the air.

A piece of silver.

It's like covering the sky.


The next moment, the afterimages of these spears that bloomed turned around and swooped down, slamming down at every German chief!

Although it is an afterimage.

But it was the spear fire that condensed out with divine power, and its might was terrifying, as if it wanted to penetrate every German director from top to bottom.

Like a spear pierced by a **** from the sky!


The countless spear shadows were like thousands of silver beams converging into a silver horse, and the terrifying power was a sharp sonic boom that overwhelmed the air.

The Milky Way falls for nine days.

It's like smashing a German manager.

But in the face of the mighty silver light that descended from the sky, the Debon managers were not afraid at all, but wary intent in their eyes.

"Haha, it's good to come!"

"Look at death, just today!"

Watching the silver awns rushing down from the nine days, the Debon executives could not avoid it, and clenched their spears!



Each of the German executives jumped high from the ground with long spears in hand, like ants to meet the scouring of the silver horse training.

Like ants with small black dots, they gathered into a rushing river and rose into the sky, and the silver spears in their hands stabbed fiercely at the horses that fell head-on.

The will of the spear!

Always face up, never back down!




The silver spear light collided fiercely with the tip of the gun in the hands of the Debon manager. In an instant, there were countless metal collision sounds. The gun glow and the long spear of the Debon manager turned into countless afterimages, and they fought several times in an instant!

The long river of spear emanating from the fire of the spear collided with the spear in the hand of the German chief.

Two rivers that do not know how to retreat, and are also inexorable, scour each other!

This is the test of the believer by the fire of the spear.

Not only believers choose Shenhuo, some Shenhuo also choose to worship their own believers.

Some believers who are despised by Shenhuo have no chance even if they want to worship Shenhuo.

"We've been killing for so long to get to this point!"

"How can you be defeated by a divine fire!"


A German general stared at the afterimage of the long spear in front of him. The cold magic power in the afterimage and the wonderful spear technique he possessed made this German general bloodstain all over his body.

It was the first time he had encountered such a formidable opponent.

But even so, in the face of the afterimage of the powerful spear slamming head-on again, the Debon manager still has no fear, and he can't avoid it!

There was even a perverted joy in his eyes.

This long-lost life-and-death crisis.

This long-lost chess meets an opponent.

This is the long-awaited taste of battle!

At this moment, his heartbeat, his breathing, and his blood seemed to stop, and time seemed to return to the days of fighting in the arena.

He remembered why he chose a long spear as a weapon on the first day of the dueling arena, facing a dazzling array of weapons.

And the other side.

Seeing that the blood bars of these Debon managers dropped rapidly, the Leopard Girl and Xing Ma on the side were nervous, and they were about to start milking.


"It's okay, just wait." Lin Fan's voice fell from the sky.

This is the time to work hard!

Only in times of crisis can we prove our strength more and more!

Since the Lord God ordered it, those leopard girls and the children of the stars had no choice but to give up their plans to open milk.

And right now.

"Go ahead!"

With a loud shout from the German managers, the tip of the gun slammed on the afterimage.

In an instant, the afterimage vibrated and stabbed again, but when the head of Debon was about to raise his gun to defend again, the afterimage of the long spear turned out to be like a phantom.

At the moment of contact with the spear, it directly slammed into the spear in the hands of the German general manager!

The billowing flames rose from the spear.

That is the divine power from the fire of the spear.

Immediately, the flame burst into the body of the Debon manager from above the spear!

Instead of hurting them, there was a feeling of recognition and love, and immediately, it turned into a rolling gun shadow, rising from every German general manager!

There was an unprecedented sharpness on the head of Debon, and the whole person just stood there straight at the waist, like a long spear!

An unprecedented force rose from their bodies!

"I am the spear!"

The spear swayed, the afterimage of the shaking spear tip pierced the air, and the divine power from the fire of the spear attached to it, turned into a sharp spear, and pierced the ground.

At this moment, they finally have their own magic fire.

at the same time.

A series of beeps also sounded in Lin Fan's ears.

[Tips]: "Your followers [Debang Zonghang] have the blessing of the fire of the spear, their attack power has been increased by 30%, and their attack speed has been increased by 20%."

[Hint]: "Your followers [Debon Manager], the UU reading www.uukanshu.comQ skill [Three Claws Smash] can be released twice in a row, and the knock-up time increases by 0.5 seconds."

[Hint]: "Your followers [Debon Manager], the range of the E skill [Fearless Charge] is 20%, reaching 800 yards."

[Hint]: "Your followers [Debang Manager] have learned a new skill, [Three-foot Spear Light] (passive): When holding a long spear, the three-foot spear light can be activated, hurting people invisible."

This wave is simply an epic enhancement!

A fearless charge in the range of 800 meters!

This is simply more useful than flashing, appearing directly in front of others.

At this time, the Leopard Girl and the children of the stars also came back to their senses and began to sing.

"For inner peace."

"Go heal and protect everyone!"

The children of the stars raised their staffs high and sang devoutly to the sky, and beams of light rushed into the sky from them, as if they were summoning something.

When the beams of light rushed into the sky, the stars that could not be seen during the day seemed to be activated, echoed, and became dazzling!

The power of the stars gathered together, the soft stars flowed out from the stars, and countless beams of light washed down from the sky!

More than 400 children of the stars released the R skill [Prayer] at the same time, what a terrifying scene!

Full recovery!

Countless beams of light fell on each believer one by one.

When the beam of light shone on them, a gentle and holy force appeared in the bodies of all believers, helping them to recover from their physical injuries!

Just an instant.

The originally bruised German executives suddenly recovered as before, standing with guns under the starlight!

They glanced gratefully at the nurse who provided the treatment, and finally looked at the slightly blurred figure in the sky.

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