Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1352: Long gun!

The **** of rock is like a mountain, slamming down, obscuring the moonlight!

That sword, in contrast, was extremely small.


Lin Fan's voice echoed.

"Hey, the danger is so high!"

A sword energy burst forth.

Although the sword seemed small, at this moment, it was shining brightly.

The fire of poetry and the fire of Dionysus skyrocketed.

The vast poetic atmosphere and the intoxicating alcohol atmosphere permeated the air, intertwined with the sword energy.

The majestic sword energy rises into the sky!

At this moment, the sword suddenly changed.

Although under the huge mountain that fell down, it still looks so small.

However, the majestic sword energy that soared into the sky was intertwined, like a majestic mountain, extremely thick.

The majestic Shushan!


Thousands of miles of Shushan came out with a sword.

The mountains are continuous, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

The stone mountain that the **** of rock turned into, under this sword energy Shu Mountain, was so small.


The mountain of rocks and the mountain of sword energy collided with each other.

The tip of the sword touches the rock.

Lin Fan said softly, "Go."

The tip of the sword is pushed forward a little.

only for an instant.


Shushan sword qi swept out!

It was like sending a sword out of the entire Shu Mountain.

The continuous Shushan Mountains slammed down!

The Qianli Mountains, from bottom to top, smashed into the stone mountain that was pressing down!


The **** of rock let out a painful roar. His body that had turned into a rock mountain and looked huge and hard was actually unsupportable at this moment!

The Shushan that the majestic sword energy transformed into is simply not something he can compete with!

This is a real mountain!

Beneath this sword energy Shushan, his proud body was like a pebble.

And now, the entire mountain range is crushing his little stone!


Under the vertical and horizontal sword energy, the body of the hard and heavy rock **** turned into countless cracks in an instant, and the cracks were like spider webs.


This rock **** only felt as if countless mountain peaks were rolling over him.

He couldn't understand.

It's just a sword, why is there a mountain trend?

Just a sword!

Why is it like a mountain, why is this supposedly fierce sword energy so heavy and hard!

Those sword gods, at most, are only relying on the fierceness of the sword!

How could his sword energy turn into such a terrifying mountain?

Sword gas transformation?

Sword gas transformation!

That's the horror of Takahashi.

From the Sword God of the God Realm, sword qi is nothing more than a fierce killing qi.

However, the Sword Immortal of Poetry and Wine, in addition to being a sword spirit, is also a poet and a drinker.

The sword, to that ancient swordsman, is no longer a sword.

is poetry.

is wine.

He used poetry to record all the splendor of the Tang Dynasty and the great rivers and mountains.

And all this is in the sword.

Eternal love, prosperous Tang Dynasty, all in this sword.


Thousands of miles of Shushan rolled over the body of the rock god.

only for an instant.


The stone body of the God of Rock exploded in an instant, revealing the real body, covered in blood, and the bones of the whole body shattered and fell straight from the air.

How can a stone compete with a real mountain?

This sword is the Datang Mountains and Rivers!

This sword, even the gods can't bear it!

For a time, the **** of the spear did not dare to come up, and stopped suddenly, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Fan, and the hand holding the gun was shaking.

An emotion called fear gradually engulfed his reason.

"How, how is it possible..."

He was scared out of his wits, his face was pale and his voice trembled uncontrollably.

The young man in front of him is only rank seven!

But easily killed three eighth-order gods!

All that in an instant!

The God of Swords, God of Swords, God of Rock, all died in his hands!

How is this possible... Right, right, why is this impossible!

This young man is the devil apostle who makes the whole kingdom of God fear him!

He's the new... the original sin of arrogance!

Thinking of this, the man with the gun started to back away.

At this moment, in his eyes, this young man is no longer a seventh-order god, but a demon who came out of the abyss!

"you you……"

"You can't beat me anymore." Lin Fan looked at him blankly, "Holding a spear, he actually started to retreat."

"The spear is always a weapon for charging, and its spearhead should always appear on the road of charging."

"You brought shame to your gun."

long gun.

Symbolizes invincibility.

Symbolizes the charge.

At this time, the **** of spears, who was holding a spear, was retreating.

The gun in his hand dimmed.

"Just you deserve to be the **** of spears?" Lin Fan looked at him with disdain, "You don't deserve to be my enemy."

"You, not even my followers."

"I'll show you what a real spear will!"

"What is a real spear!"

Lin Fan snapped his fingers.

God's Domain unfolded in a corner, and behind him, a Xin Zhao with a gun came out.

The young general raised his spear and stood quietly behind Lin Fan.

"Lord God, you call me."

Lin Fan smiled, pointed at the spear god, and said softly, "Let him know what a real spear is!"


Xin Zhao nodded slowly, then looked at the god.

He didn't ask why the Lord God allowed himself to go to war with a god.

I didn't ask, how could I, a believer, kill a god.

There is no fear in his eyes!

Only fighting will!

There is also a long spear in his hand that is calm but reflects the cold light.

Seeing that Lin Fan had only summoned a believer, the **** of spear sneered: "Haha, you look down on me too much, a believer..."

"The gun is in the man!"

The head of Debon gave a loud snarl, facing the god, without hesitation, he immediately took a stance, with the spear in front of him!

A suit of clothes burst in an instant, terrifying muscles burst out, and the spear trembled like a shadow!

Battlefield Meat Grinder Xin Zhao!


At this moment, his whole person is like a long spear, standing in the world without fear and shame!

A stern aura, an aura that is not afraid of life and death, rises into the sky!

The **** of spears was stunned for a moment.

This guy... Seeing himself, is he really not afraid?

You are a god!

Beyond his gods on the level of life!

But when this **** saw those indifferent eyes, the spear in his hand trembled uncontrollably, and he took a half step back subconsciously!

This guy……

"You, defiled the spear!"

The head of Debon gave a loud shout, and immediately, facing the gods, launched a charge!

Point the gun straight!

"The ambition to be trapped, there is death but not life!"

The head of Debon is like an incarnation of a spear, and with unstoppable footsteps, he rushes towards the **** who also holds a spear!


At this moment, the air seems to be running away from it, not daring to face the long spear.

The long spear is always on the way to charge!

The **** of spears who retreated in the face of the enemy, is it still the **** of spears?

The **** of spear kept retreating, trying to dodge.



That Hanmang appeared directly in front of him.

E skill, [Fearless Charge] 1

"A little cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!"

The gun shadow swept across in an instant!

【Three Claws Smash】!

Plus the 50% attack speed bonus provided by [Fearless Charge]!

Xin Zhao was like a wild wolf who didn't know how to wear it, his silver spear drew out an afterimage, and stabbed at the **** of spears extremely fast.

Long spear, even in the face of gods, will not be afraid, let alone avoid!

"You are also worthy of being the **** of spears?"

The **** of spears faced the stabbing spear and wanted to parry, so he quickly blocked.

But the spear glow was like a lotus flower with afterimages blooming, evading his parry with a tricky angle, and stabbed him directly!

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, the **** of spears was directly shot three times and picked up in the air by one shot!


A spear shot, soaring into the sky!

Debon Manager's W skill, [Wind Slash and Electric Stab]!

The silver gun is like electric The gun wind is like a knife.

A silver gun pierces the heart of the gods!

It's like hanging a sack!

The director of Debon brandished the silver spear and threw the **** directly out.

"God, that's all."

Xin Zhao said with an expressionless face.


"Cough cough..." The **** of the spear who was pierced through the heart actually coughed and got up slowly. Although his breath was dying, he didn't die even if he was pierced through the heart!

"Oh?" Xin Zhao was slightly taken aback.

He had never met such a strange enemy.

Because although he usually fights with enemies, he has never really fought against gods. Those who fight with him are all believers of those gods.

"Haha, it's normal that you can't kill him. After all, there is still a gap in the level of life." Lin Fan smiled, "You certainly can't kill him without the blessing of the fire of the spear."


"You'll have it right away."

"You used your fearlessness to prove your qualifications."

"Because... you are more suitable for the fire of the spear than him."

Director Debon's eyes were stunned, but then he was surprised by Lin Fan's last words, and said excitedly, "Lord God, you mean..."

Lin Fan walked up to the only **** of spear left, holding the spear, and pouring divine power into the spear.

The point of the spear pointed directly at the neck of the **** of spears.

"Now, do you know what a real spear is?"


The tip of the gun broke!

In the pupil of the **** of spears, the tip of the spear wrapped in divine power instantly enlarged!

At this moment, the whole world seemed to stand still.

Only the spear that came with divine power and pierced through space was left!

His expression instantly became extremely frightened and horrified, and he quickly exclaimed.

"don't want……"


The spear pierced!

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