Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1348: directly kill

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Unparalleled surprise!

Surprise from nowhere!

They thought they would die today.

Speaking of which, these gods also point their backs.

These werewolves are just like suddenly having brains. Usually they only know how to approach quietly, and then the werewolves who rushed up without a brain suddenly became cunning and insidious.

The gods used to think they were smart.

But today those werewolves have become cunning and cunning, and those who play tricks and tricks are thieves.

What the heck, werewolves learned to outsmart!

One by one began to play dirty!

These **** hunters never thought that these werewolves would turn out to be uncharacteristic, and the tactics used by these werewolves were unpredictable, and they even had a bit of IQ crushing, and they were caught off guard.

Even weirder.

Werewolves who were supposed to kill their prey directly didn't kill them,

Instead, they tied them with divine gold chains that were supposed to be used by divine hunters to capture werewolves, put them in bags, and dragged them back alive.

But even so, these gods are not feeling lucky.

But the heart is ashes.

After all, as a god, what will happen if you fall into the werewolf group, anyone with a normal mind can think of it.

They also guessed that they were brought back alive, presumably to dedicate themselves to a werewolf who has an extraordinary position in the wolf pack.


Just when they were all getting ready to meet Fangs and be divided.

The person who opened the bag turned out to be a god?

And still a teenager?

Just as divine beasts are particularly sensitive to the bloodlines of the same clan, gods can easily capture the divine aura emanating from others.

In their eyes, this Lin Fan is a god!

At this moment, the figure of this young man is so great and so radiant.

There was light on his face.

When these sturdy gods who were **** saw Lin Fan's first glance, they were stunned at first, and then extremely surprised, hesitating as if they were about to say something urgently.

Lin Fan looked at them indifferently, thought for a while, then bent down and took out the grass ball in his mouth.

"Are you here to save us!"

"Very good!"

"I knew it, I knew it... Quick, let us go, if we're lucky, we can escape alive!"

Several gods looked at Lin Fan with surprise, wanting Lin Fan to loosen their handcuffs.

But then.

under their watch.

"You may have misunderstood something."

Not only did the young man not intend to untie them, but he smiled indifferently, "You guys are still in the wolf's den."

"Those werewolves gave you to me... they were originally sent as food."

"For me, you are also food. Although I can't eat it... But I also need you very much."

As soon as these words came out, those gods were stupid at the time!

They looked at the boy in front of them in disbelief.

This guy is clearly a god!


Those gods seemed to understand something, staring at Lin Fan, the surprise in their eyes turned into anger and disbelief.

"You betrayed the gods?"

"You, you actually integrated into the wolves, relying on the wolves to hunt the gods!"

"Wait, the reason why those werewolves suddenly became brainy, is it because of you?"

"You... You are obviously a god, but you betrayed your clan and used those beasts to hunt down your clan! can you be so evil!"

"You know, if Lieyang Divine Kingdom finds out about this matter, what will happen to you!"

Those gods yelled at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled: "Betraying the gods... I betrayed it long ago."

"Or, the gods betrayed me."

"As for Lieyang Divine Kingdom knowing about this... Don't worry, they won't know, because you won't go out alive today."

"Also, even if the Lieyang Divine Kingdom knew about it, wouldn't they kill me?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The gods were stunned.

Looking at this young man, they took a deep breath, the original anger was suppressed, showing a look of ingratiating and begging.

"No, I didn't mean that... As long as you let me go, I promise, I promise I won't say a word about this!"

"Yes, we will never betray you, as long as you let us go, you are our benefactor..."

These gods are also very clever.

Seeing that Lin Fan was determined to join forces with the werewolf, he was no longer hard steel, let alone threatened him with the Divine Kingdom of Lieyang.

Instead, he started begging, trying to make the other person feel sorry for him.

Lin Fan stared blankly at these gods shaking their heads and begging for pity, his eyes drooping more and more.

"Noble god..."

"In order to survive, I don't hesitate to kneel and please."

"You guys, it's not as good as a werewolf. At least once a werewolf is caught, he will still show his fangs in the face of the hunter who caught him."

"However, if I were you, I wouldn't beg me, and I wouldn't threaten me with this Lieyang Divine Kingdom."

"Because as long as I live, Lieyang Divine Kingdom will spare no effort to kill me."


Lin Fan slowly exhaled, "Look, who am I!"

Under the dumbfounded gazes of those gods, Lin Fan's face suddenly had silver particles flickering faintly, and his appearance actually began to change!

Under the skin, the face-changing nano-robots released their hooks one after another.

Lin Fan's appearance changed visible to the naked eye, and he returned to his original appearance.

only for an instant.

The gods were stunned.

"This face, so familiar..."

"Lin Fan!" A **** who recognized Lin Fan stared at Lin Fan in disbelief.

When other gods heard Lin Fan's name, they also reacted instantly.

"How could it be you, you can't be alive!"

"Lin Fan, the demon apostle who killed the White Sword God and the Perfect Goddess, and degenerates the White Knight and the cornerstone of protecting the country! How can you still be alive!"

"The Blue Knight killed you with our own hands under our watch! How could you still be alive!"

"Isn't the wolf clan xenophobic? Why are you not only not dead, but also integrated into the wolf clan?"

For a time, all the gods were full of disbelief!

Lin Fan's popularity is unprecedented in Lieyang Divine Kingdom!

Because of him, Lieyang Divine Kingdom suffered an unimaginable hit!

Baijian Shen is dead ~ The perfect goddess is dead.

Fifty thousand soldiers died in the sea of ​​death.

Situ Jue, the cornerstone of protecting the country, was bewitched by him, so he chose to degenerate, signed a demon contract, and became a demon apostle.

The white knight of absolute justice, who was supposed to execute justice, didn't know why he was bewitched by him, and he went to war with the kingdom of God in front of everyone's eyes!

Not to mention killing the five Temple Knights of the Temple, but also killing the three Temple Knights of the Temple of Light, and even killed a legendary Angel of Order!

Even the downgrade of technology this time is also related to him.

The **** of technology also showed incredible power for him.

When he was still "alive", he ranked first on the most wanted list in the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom!

As long as you catch him, there will be hundreds of millions of faith values.

His appearance was deeply etched in the hearts of all the gods and received endless reproaches and accusations.

The hatred of the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom is infinitely magnified on him!


The new Blue Knight of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom killed Lin Fan with his own hands while watching the ceremony.

Now, although the Blue Knights don't know where they went, I only heard that they seem to be going to encircle and suppress the Order and there is no news.

However, under the vigorous publicity of the traditional media of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, the Blue Knight's prestige can be said to have reached its peak. Of course, it is also based on the glorious record of killing Lin Fan.

At the moment, the captured **** hunters stared at the young man in disbelief.

Lin Fan!

How could he still be alive!

Situ Lan, who was on the side, taught Little Wolf how to write, looked up and said impatiently, "Tell them what they are doing, and they will kill you."

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