Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1345: successful hunt

Duke family, the intersection at the foot of the mountain.

The werewolves who stayed in their homes were already waiting there with anticipation. The women held their sons in their hands, and the old men held a kettle in their hands, waiting with their heads raised.

To them.

It is the most important thing of the day to welcome the hunting team returning from hunting every day.

Hunting, for the wolf clan, is the most important thing after all.

Moreover, all the people involved in the hunting are their family members, and hunting is not a safe thing, it can even be said to be very dangerous.

Tension is spreading.

Until one after another hunting team returned with a reward.

Behind every member of the hunting team, a large sack made of vines was dragged, and blood was seeping from it, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

"came back!"

"Successful hunting!"

"My God, are these the prey you brought back?"

"It's hard work, let's drink some water!"

"Not a single member was damaged!"

The werewolves cheered endlessly, and with the return of the hunting teams, the cheers continued to sound again and again.

This is an unprecedented victory in the history of the Duke family!

All the werewolf hunting teams, except for some minor injuries, did not even have serious injuries, and not a single one was killed!

And it's all fully loaded!

Of course, in addition to the surprise, those werewolves who did not participate in the hunting also felt that something was wrong.

"What's the matter?"

"Is my Duke family already so strong?"

"Everyone!" Duke Gucci said loudly under the cheers of the crowd: "The reason for the great victory this time is entirely due to the command of the young wolf master!"

"Yeah," another hunting captain who was handing in the hunting results also grinned: "Thanks to the young wolf master's proper command! We were able to ambush a group of gods so easily!"

"Young Wolf Lord's hunting method is really powerful!"

"Let me tell you, we didn't take the initiative to attack, the gods sent them in by themselves..."

"Ah?" The other werewolves were stunned when they heard these words.

"Young Wolf Lord, is he so powerful?"

"You mean, the young wolf master is commanding you this time... But, this is not right, there are more than 100 hunting teams in total..."

"Yeah, how can the young wolf master command more than a hundred hunting teams at the same time?"

Duke Gucci, as Lin Fan's number one licking dog, of course knows what he should do at this time.

"Everyone!" Duke Gucci said solemnly: "Young Wolf Lord, indeed commanded more than a hundred hunting teams at the same time!"

"Moreover, the orders given to each hunting team are very clear. The hunting plans of each team are very tricky and different."

"Young Wolf Lord, the smartest werewolf I've ever seen!"

For a time, the other werewolves were also startled.

"Command more than 100 teams at one time?"

"Moreover, every plan can be delivered to the door by those gods obediently, without any damage at all?"


Werewolves are quite knowledgeable about their own IQ.

They are not as cunning as foxes. The animal nature in their bodies makes them fierce and powerful, but also makes them fiercer.

Say it hard.

It's rather arrogant...

Commanding a team, allowing a team to win without any loss, is enough to cause a sensation for them.

Even the best Duke Gucci captain of the younger generation had to lose members three or four times out of ten hunting missions.


Commanding more than 100 teams at the same time, so that more than 100 teams have no damage... This is simply beyond the cognition of the werewolves!

How could this young wolf master be so powerful?

Have such a strong skill for hunting gods?

"The Young Wolf Lord is amazing!"

"Young Wolf Lord is awesome!"

"I said, why didn't you see the Young Wolf Lord today? It turned out that he commanded more than 100 teams at the same time!"

"With the Young Wolf Lord here, isn't my Duke family a bumper harvest every day?"

"Be bigger and stronger, and create greater glories!"

For a time, the other members of the Duke family kept praising the intelligence and cunning of the young wolf master.

It was the surprise that the Young Wolf Lord brought them, it was too big!

It's like a group of idiots with explosive force suddenly ushered in a commander with an IQ of 180.

"But..." A werewolf turned to look at the other hunting groups.

These hunting teams are empty-handed.

Today, they didn't go out hunting, but they were busy in the room. Some werewolves saw from the window what they were doing in front of the blackboard when passing by. Some were holding their heads and reciting something, while others were On the table, he lowered his head and carved something on the slate.

But anyway.

They did not hunt.

In the concept of the wolf tribe, not participating in hunting is more despised than failing to hunt.

If the hunting fails, at least he has participated in the hunting and has the courage to hunt.

If you don't participate in hunting, you don't even have the courage to face those prey!

In the eyes of the wolves, this is the real weak.

The wolf pack will always judge a member by its strength and record.

Not going out hunting is a great shame.

"You guys didn't hunt!" A woman glanced at her husband, always looking at her with admiration and a trace of contempt at this I didn't expect you to be so useless... I thought you were A werewolf who dares to fight and kill! "

Another werewolf spat: "You guys, don't deserve to be a werewolf!"

"That is, when I was young, what day did I not go hunting? In those years, I hunted forty-two gods! It's a shame to have a son like you!"

"Are you afraid of those gods, so afraid that you don't dare to participate in the hunt?"

The werewolves of the left-behind family who were cheering for their successful return from the hunt, cast contempt at the hunting teams.

Werewolves, how can they hunt!

Especially when the other hunting teams returned with a full load, these hunting teams who walked out of the tribe empty-handed and should have gone hunting but did not go out, there is a sharp contrast!

"No, you don't understand," an empty-handed hunting captain shook his head and argued, "You don't know the power of knowledge..."

"That's right, don't talk about us, we're here to learn knowledge!"

"No matter how powerful the minions are, they are only the bravery of ordinary people. The Young Wolf Lord said that knowledge is the primary productive force and can bring a steady stream of food!"

A werewolf pushed the glasses that he just put on the bridge of his nose, and said solemnly: "What we did today may not be as good as those of the hunting teams who directly hunted the gods and returned with great success and full of rewards."

"But in ten years, you will thank us. What does the Young Wolf Lord say, ten years of nurturing trees, a hundred years of nurturing people..."

"The werewolf pattern, you have to open it up."

He listened to the shadow talk about Cole for a day today, and felt that he had learned a lot of knowledge.

That knowledge made him vaguely understand something completely different from the previous tradition... Of course, after looking at the blackboard and slate for a day, he was also a little dazzled, and he put on glasses...

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