Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1342: high end prey

the other side.

A team of **** hunters is moving forward cautiously, paying attention to everything around them.

The hunter captain asked carefully: "Be careful, high-end prey often appear in the form of hunters."

But right now.


A wolf moo suddenly sounded.

"Stop!" The captain who took the lead immediately raised his hand and looked around.

After all, once a wolf moo appears, it means that the werewolves are about to attack.

However, no werewolves were raiding.

The captain frowned slightly, raised his head in the direction of the voice, but saw a huge werewolf hanging from the tree canopy in front of him!

The werewolf was wearing a thick golden chain around his neck, swaying constantly in the air, but he could only be hung in the air, and he had nowhere to rely on.

"My God!"

"This is the trap we set up here two days ago. We caught a werewolf just after we harvested it!"

"I didn't expect to catch a werewolf! This is the most difficult to catch around here, and it is also the most valuable!"

For a time, the other **** hunters were all excited,

This is a windfall.

Originally, those werewolves were becoming more cautious and less trapped, but this time they were able to catch one!

The team of **** hunters immediately trotted over and prepared to receive the goods.

But just as they were about to rush to where the werewolf was.




A crisp machine sound rang out from under their feet, and several divine gold chains hung directly from their ankles, lifting them instantly!

"Another trap!"

"Get out!"

"No, we didn't set up traps here before. Who moved our traps?"

The chain was specially made by the Kingdom of God, so thick and heavy that even a werewolf couldn't destroy it, and it even had a rune blessing on it.

For a time, these **** hunters were hung upside down!



Under the terrified gazes of those **** hunters, the werewolves stood up from the surrounding people, biting away at the gods who were still hanging in the air!

For a time, the minds of these **** hunters went blank, and they even forgot to breathe.

These werewolves...what's the matter?

How did they all learn to use the traps set up by the gods in reverse, and also use their kin as bait?

For a time, the flesh was torn, screaming and biting, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

And the dark shadow found the key from the corpse of the **** that was bitten into pieces, and unlocked the chains of the werewolf who volunteered to step on the trap.

Duke Good Cat Ning jumped back to the ground, rubbed his sore neck, and muttered, "Young Wolf Lord, can we hang someone else next time, my neck is so uncomfortable..."

The dark shadow thought for a while and replied, "Also, it can be replaced with rabbits and deer."

"Then you didn't say it earlier..." Duke Goodman was stunned on the spot.

Shadow frowned and said, "But if the werewolf hangs, the effect should be the best..."

These werewolves, at this moment, completely abandoned their original hunting methods.

A group of thugs just passed by the Forest of Divine Beasts, but then stopped.

Outside the Forest of Divine Beasts, there were two young and pretty girls standing!

And the look is extremely panic.

"It's pretty, girls."

"Hehe, this look is really exciting!"

"Which lady does she appear to be?"

"Come and have a good time with the uncle!"

Those thugs laughed and rushed over!

The thugs don't make any sense and don't think too much.

They are all used to being domineering, and they believe in the strong prey to the weak. Seeing these two young and handsome little girls is almost like seeing two little sheep.

When the two girls saw the thugs rushing with their divine power, they were trembling with fear, and they ran wild as if they were desperate!

Their strength seems to be only sixth-order!

No matter how you throw it away, you can't get rid of those thugs!

"Hahaha, don't run away, little girls!"

"Play with the uncle!"

The thugs are getting more and more excited and getting closer. The God of Gale Wind used his milk-feeding force to stimulate the gust of wind, while the God of Speed ​​ran wildly with red eyes.

The two girls looked extremely flustered, ran for their lives in a hurry, and stumbled.

"Don't come here!"

"God, don't come here!"

"Come here again, come over again, we will enter the Forest of Divine Beasts!"

Seeing their panicked appearance, I heard their screams.

The thugs laughed more and more.

And in fact.

After the two wolf girls finished shouting, they whispered helplessly to each other.

"These gods are running so slow, they almost got rid of them... Sister, stop your steps."

"Alas, these weak gods... OK, let's run slowly."

"By the way, it's almost done. It's time to bring them in. Everyone should be ready."

When the two wolf girls said this, they turned to look at the gods who were already close at hand, pretending to be extremely frightened and almost collapsed: "Don't chase after them!"

"Chase again, chase me again... I'll enter the Forest of Divine Beasts!"

Those two girls were like desperate little white rabbits, facing the pursuit of the wolves, they rushed directly into the forest of divine beasts!

"Haha, UU reading can still let you run away?"

A thug laughed and rushed in without a word!

Other thugs also rushed in directly.

Like a pack of hungry wolves, chasing two little white rabbits.


The real hungry wolf appeared.

The two little white rabbits stopped, and the two girls who were supposed to be extremely frightened also laughed under the grinning and stern gazes of the thugs.

"You're almost after it."

"Now, it's our turn."

The thugs laughed when they looked at these two powerless girls.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's your turn, what are you doing?"

"Hahaha, are you scared crazy? Don't worry, I will be gentle..."

The two girls also laughed.

The thin body became strong and tall, the handsome face turned into a terrifying wolf face, and a silver tooth protruded into sharp fangs.

The laughter of the thugs stopped abruptly, and looked at the two girls in disbelief: "You..."

"It's time for us... to chase you." The girl licked her lips and raised her head to make a wolf moo: "Roar!"

Around, one after another werewolf stood up, looking up to the sky and mooing: "Ow~"

The wolf moo is amazing!

The remaining smiles of those thugs instantly turned into incomparable fear, and they turned around and ran out!

"Don't chase!"

"do not come!"

The werewolves roared excitedly, like shadows one after another, knocking down the thugs one by one!

"Haha, don't run!"

"Come and play with the uncle!"

"Don't you really want to play! Huh?"

"This little **** looks really energetic! Come on, play!"

This time, the wolves are chasing them... It's like a pack of wolves chasing the little white rabbit.

High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

The same goes for high-end prey...

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