Duke Gucci made a special excuse to separate from Duke Goodman and made a detour to the pub.

On weekdays, some werewolves like to gather there.

Of course, other places are actually quite lively, such as canteens, such as restaurants, but lively pubs are the most well-informed.

If you want to brag about the Young Wolf Lord, of course on this occasion.

You can't be in the cafeteria, everyone is cooking quietly, and you can force yourself to talk beside you, that's too annoying.

And the other side.

Duke Goodmanen quietly detoured to the tavern under the pretext of separating from Duke Gucci.

As for why go to the pub.

Since it is bragging, of course, we must choose this kind of occasion!

along the way.

Duke Gucci is in a good mood.

Because he just thought about how he could defeat Duke Goodman and become the number one licking dog under the young wolf master, lead the wolf clan to create a brilliant future together with the young wolf master, and engraved his name on the wolf master together with the young wolf master. In family history...

This caused him to snort in a low voice: "The knife is not sharp, the horse is too thin, what are you fighting with me..."

How could that stupid Duke Goodman compete with himself for the number one licking dog!

Ah, he is the number one confidant!

After all, werewolves still need to save face, and they are still a little proud in their bones...

Both were in a good mood until they both walked to the door of the tavern.

meet by chance.

Duke Gucci and Duke Goodman looked at each other with complicated eyes.

I was a little surprised at first - "Why is this guy here, isn't he home!"

Immediately, they seemed to understand something, and their eyes were a little embarrassed - "Damn, the lie was discovered."

In the end, there was a faint hostility in their eyes - "It seems that this guy is also uneasy and kind!"

Duke Gucci said with a smile, "Hehe, didn't you go home to rest?"

"It's not that tired, come and have a drink." Duke Goodman said lightly: "How about you?"

"Me too." Duke Gucci nodded.

The two walked to the wooden door of the tavern side by side, and invariably accelerated their pace, as if they were afraid that the other party would force them to take a step forward.

Immediately, the two wolf claws held down the two wooden doors at the same time.


Simultaneously push away.

The two of them squeezed side by side and walked into the tavern at the same time.

"Hey, Brother Gucci, you are here." A werewolf greeted: "Come and drink together."

"Brother Good Cat Ning, you are here," another werewolf greeted: "Come and drink together!"

Most of the taverns are young werewolves, and both of them are hunting captains. They are both outstanding among the younger werewolves. Although Duke Good Cat Ning is not as good as Duke Gucci, it is not much worse.

At the moment, the two people who walked into the tavern immediately became the attention of everyone, and their hunting members immediately greeted them for a drink.

The two looked at each other, snorted coldly, and walked away.

Everyone was suddenly a little puzzled, wasn't the relationship between the two of them always good before...

Duke Gucci sat down slowly, and heard a werewolf curiously say: "Didn't you just stop Duke Goodman and come back so soon?"

Just now, Duke Gucci drank some wine here and talked about the young wolf master taking the hunt this time. As a result, Duke Good and Mao Ning two brothers and sisters refused to accept it and rushed out directly...

"Oh, of course it's fast, let me tell you, how awesome is our Young Wolf Lord, how dare he dare to provoke him?" Duke Gucci touched his still swollen face and sneered: "Young Wolf Lord He can't even take a sneeze!"

"One sneeze, and both of them seemed to be dead, standing there motionless."

As soon as this word comes out.


"Is it so arrogant?"

"Frightened by a sneeze?"

The werewolves around were inexplicably surprised!

Duke Gucci snorted coldly: "Of course, I tell you, the Young Wolf Lord slapped it out, and I saw the space shatter with my own eyes, that's the power of the shattered space!"

"I suspect that the Young Wolf Lord has actually been able to blast away the dimension wall with his flesh and blood!"

Since you want to blow.

Then blow well!

The other werewolves took a deep breath when they heard this.


"It's so scary!"

On the other side, Duke Goodman also pointed to his bruised face and said proudly, "I told you, I went to challenge just now."

"That young wolf master, just a sneeze, we can't move, it's not awesome!"

The surrounding werewolves were taken aback for a while: "A sneeze?"

"So scary?"

Duke Goodman nodded: "I suspect that the young wolf master actually knows space magic! At that time, I could feel that the space around me was imprisoned."

"I can't even raise my hand!"

"Also, when the young wolf hit me, he just slapped me, and I flew out more than 3,000 meters!"

Duke Goodman said seriously.

"My God!"

"More than three thousand meters!"

"I slapped you for more than 3,000 meters!"

"Are you bragging!" A werewolf was a little disbelieving.

"Oh, whether I was beaten or you were beaten, why don't you believe it!" Duke Goodman said coldly: "Look at my face, let me tell you, at that time, I saw countless universes brushing shoulders. After that, I even saw the God of Creation!"


"With a slap, can you see the God of Creation?"

"Why, don't believe it?" Duke Goodman snorted coldly, "If you don't believe it, go get beaten up and try!"

And the other side.

Duke Gucci glanced at Duke Goodman.

This guy seems to have thick eyebrows and big eyes on weekdays, but he didn't expect that his bragging skills are not weak.

In order to flatter me, I gave up the bottom line and logic!

Then don't blame me!

"Actually, there's one more thing I didn't say." Duke Gucci snorted coldly, "We actually encountered a middle-level **** of the twelfth order during the last hunt."

"Ah?" A member of the hunting team was taken aback, "Why don't I know?"

"How do you know!" Duke Gucci said without blushing and heartbeat: "The **** of power of the twelfth order was about to attack, and I thought I was going to die at that time."

"I saw the Young Wolf Lord sneered and rushed forward."

"Before the **** of power revealed his divine body, he was beaten to death by the paw of the Young Wolf Lord!"

The werewolf around was stunned.

"Oh my God, with one paw, killed the **** of power of the twelfth rank?"

"It's too strong!"

"The Young Wolf Lord is so powerful?"

A reasonably sensible werewolf thought for a while, and said seriously: "No, the young wolf master is indeed very strong, but he is only at the seventh rank. Even if it is the bloodline of the first generation of werewolf, I have never heard of it..."

"You were beaten or I was beaten!" Duke Gucci snorted coldly: "I haven't felt the power of the Young Wolf Lord, what do you use to refute me! If you haven't been beaten, you are worthy of talking?"

The werewolf thought for a while, then scratched his head and slowly got up.

And the other side.

"I didn't expect Duke Gucci, you can really blow it!" Duke Good cat Ning snorted coldly, looked at Duke Gucci disdainfully, and then took a deep breath.

"Everyone, in fact, after I went, I also witnessed a battle."

"It was a battle between a higher **** and the Young Wolf Lord..."

a time.

The two of them were like a comparison, blowing loudly in the tavern.

Blow harder.

Soon, rumors spread among the young werewolves.

"Have you heard that the young wolf master slapped the **** of 12th-order power to death!"

"Have you heard that the young wolf master sneezed and killed more than 20 gods."

"Nonsense, obviously it was the Young Wolf Lord who snapped his fingers, and more than 300 high-level gods fell all at once!"

"Also, the Young Wolf Lord can send people to see the God of Creation!"

"Blow... No, pass it on, the Young Wolf Lord has friendship with the God of Creation!"

"Let's pass it on, the Young Wolf Lord and the God of Creation are very good friends, the kind that they meet and drink every day."

"Pass it on, God of Creation invites Young Wolf Lord to drink every day~www.readwn.com~ Pass it on, God of Creation is Young Wolf Lord's younger brother, if you don't invite Young Wolf Lord to drink, you will beat him!"

"Pass it on, the Young Wolf Lord fights the God of Creation every day!"

When it was not so ruthless at the beginning, many werewolves believed it.

But gradually, some werewolves felt that something was wrong.

The young wolf master is so awesome... Run to the werewolf tribe in the wolf clan and become the young patriarch of the Duke family?

With this kung fu, wouldn't it be enough to directly use the ancestor as a mount?

But every time someone questions it.

Duke Gucci and Duke Good Maoning, they both pointed to their bruised cheeks and proudly said, "Have you been beaten by the Young Wolf Lord, have you felt the power of the Young Wolf Lord?"

"I haven't been beaten, what qualifications do I have to refute me!"

Gradually, the werewolves left their seats and walked out of the tavern.

And more werewolves are still rushing to the tavern after hearing the news, wanting to ask if the "Young Wolf Lord beat the God of Creation to the ground and called him Dad" and "The Lord of the Young Wolf is the father of the God of Creation" is true.

Duke Gucci and Duke Goodman saw some werewolves leaving and knew they were looking for the Young Wolf.


They didn't stop.

After all, even if he is hyped up here, someone has to let the Young Wolf Lord know!

"Young Wolf Lord knows that I am praising him so much here, and I don't say anything, but I will definitely be very happy in my heart!"

Duke Gucci thought of this, sneered and glanced at Duke Goodman, who was just like himself, who was making hype.

"Just you, are you worthy of competing with me for the number one position of the Young Wolf Lord?"

"I am the most proud licking dog of the Young Wolf Lord!"

And the other side.

Lin Fan, who didn't know anything about this, was sitting in the yard with a ponytail, discussing with Situ Lan who was pinching the wolf cub's ears.

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