Instead, Lin Fan was stunned for a while, not knowing where the two of them were going for a while.

"You guys, do you have anything to do with me?" Lin Fan looked at the two with a confused expression.

Duke Gucci gritted his teeth quickly: "You two, talk well!"

A man and a woman looked at each other, looked at Lin Fan's slightly thin body, and sneered: "Oh, Duke Gucci, you are also a more famous guy in the tribe than us."

"Why did you become a licking dog in front of the Young Wolf Lord?"

Duke Gucci's face suddenly sank.

"And you, Young Wolf Lord," the two looked at Lin Fan, and the boy who took the lead said coldly, "I heard that you defeated Duke Gucci, hehe, I don't believe it..."

At this time, Lin Fan also understood what the two of them were doing.

Still dissatisfied.

After all, wolves are lonely.

Just hearing about the strength of others still cannot convince all werewolves.

However, Lin Fan had also mastered the correct way to communicate with werewolves at this time.

"What's your name?" Lin Fan suddenly interrupted.

"Me?" The boy froze for a moment, then said coldly, "Duke Goodman. You may have heard my name..."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

The name... I've actually heard of it.

Lin Fan turned to look at the other girl: "How about you?"

"Duke Goodyiwenning!" The girl said lightly: "We originally had a brother, but unfortunately he went out hunting, otherwise the three of us..."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "Is your brother's name Duke Goode Avtenon?"

"How do you know!" The girl suddenly widened her eyes.

"I guess..." Lin Fan suddenly felt something was wrong, "Wait, triplets, that is to say, you were born together, plus your names..."

"It's awesome!" Lin Fan exclaimed sincerely.

From early to late.

What a strong will and physical strength.

"So, you are here to challenge me?" Lin Fan exhaled.

The girl snorted coldly: "Yes, I want to see why Duke Gucci is so convinced of you!"

"Duke Gucci is the captain of the hunting team with us. I still don't believe it. You can really beat him!"

Duke Gucci hurriedly stopped the girl and said to Lin Fan: "Young Wolf Lord, this is none of my business. I just went to the pub to drink a glass of wine and praised you a few words, and they came over by themselves!"

"Young Wolf Lord, hurry up! It's still a bit difficult for the two of them to join forces!"


The girl turned into a werewolf, pushed Duke Gucci away, and looked at Lin Fan with stern eyes.

Immediately, the good cat Ning Juvenile also directly transformed into a werewolf form, the breath of the eighth-order faintly revealed the taste of bloodthirsty, and the sharp wolf claws shone brightly.

"Young Wolf Lord, hmph, I want to see what you can do..." The girl walked towards Lin Fan step by step.

In the face of the two werewolves who were forced to come, Lin Fan did not react at all, rubbed his nose, and sneezed violently.


Countless nano-robots that were invisible to the naked eye rushed out of Lin Fan's mouth and nose along with the airflow, and swirled their claws onto the two werewolf's hairs. Out of the body of two werewolves.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Lin Fan turned around and was about to close the door.

Gude Maoning's face sank: "Young Wolf Lord, you look down on people too much!"

He suddenly exerted his strength and was about to jump!

But the next moment.

The face of this werewolf changed suddenly, the brutality and bloodthirsty on his face turned into shock and disbelief!

He still stays where he is!

The sturdy legs seem to be out of control at this moment, no matter how you manipulate them, you can't move!

Do not.

Not just legs!

The sharp wolf claws cannot lift an inch, not even the head!

The girl Gudemao Ning was also horrified and looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.

Even if she gritted her teeth and tried to suck, she couldn't move half an inch again!

Countless nano-robots have entered their bodies, stretched out their hooks, and locked all their body muscles!

Under the tenth order, nano-robots are almost invincible!

This is the crushing of technology.

"What did you do! Why can't I move!"

"If you have the ability, let me go and have a face-to-face battle with me!"

Duke Gucci on the side looked complicated when he saw this scene. He also felt the strange methods of this young wolf master.

Even now, he couldn't understand what was going on.

"You can't stand me sneezing, and you still fight face-to-face?" Lin Fan looked at the two werewolves expressionlessly, "Have you read too many novels?"


Lin Fan pushed open the door and walked in.

After a full five minutes, the nano-robot slowly left the bodies of the two werewolves, returned to the courtyard again along the ground, and merged into Lin Fan's body.

But just as the brothers and sisters regained their freedom.

"Come out to me!"

The wolf howls!

Brothers and sisters, the heart is an incomparable humiliation!

Before the shot, the other party sneezed and made him unable to move!

This is not a fight that a werewolf should have at all!

Come to the front!

If it's a werewolf, **** me straight ahead!

The power of the wild surged in the brothers and sisters, and the fighting intent was burning.

"Come out for me! There's a positive way to **** me!"

Lin Fan, who was discussing with Situ Lan about the success of the plan to go back, sighed where to sell the werewolf.

"These werewolves' requests are really strange."

Lin Fan slowly got up from the pony.


The door opens instantly!

Before the brothers and sisters could react, they saw a flash of golden light, and the golden werewolf had already rushed out of the door and appeared in front of them!



Lin Fan politely slapped the two of them.

This slap is so powerful!

The first-generation werewolf's bloodline has not much to say about the blessing of power, and the fire of the werewolf, the fire of power, and the fire of the earth are rising at the same time.

at the same time.

Lin Fan also used [First Strike] and [Fatal Strike] respectively!

That slap went down, and the heads of the two werewolves were crooked!



Two strong figures soared into the air, as if they were flying, they flew out more than 20 meters, and barely stopped after breaking a dozen poplar trees.

The brothers and sisters did not stand up for the first time.

Instead, he lay on the ground with a confused look, motionless.

At that moment, they seemed to see all things in the universe and the holy light of heaven.

The two slaps with the effects of [Silence] and [Dizziness] made them stunned!

The golden werewolf walked in front of them, bent down and asked with a frown, "Are you satisfied?"

The siblings did not speak.

It wasn't until the golden werewolf raised his claws that the two brothers and sisters nodded blankly: "Satisfied..."

These two have been beaten and haven't recovered yet...



It was really hard.

The surging wild power dissipated in an instant, and the fighting spirit was gone.

If the strength displayed by this golden werewolf is only a little bit higher than them, then they may still have the desire to fight, and even if they lose, they will not be convinced.


At this time, the strength displayed by this golden werewolf... This is not a star and a half gap!

Completely crushed.

Unbelievable crushing!

The golden werewolf looked at the two werewolves whose faces were instantly swollen, and nodded: "It's good to be satisfied, just take it. Remember, if you don't take it one day and want it again, come to me."

"I will definitely satisfy you."

The two werewolves staggered to their feet and looked at the golden werewolf.

The fighting spirit, dissatisfaction, and contempt from before had all vanished.

Good cat Ning Juvenile quit the werewolf state and turned into a humanoid. Although his nose is still blue and his face is swollen, his eyes are full of awe and loyalty!

His attitude changed in an instant, and he knelt down on one knee without saying a word.

"I've seen Young Master Wolf!"

"I took the liberty of you before, please forgive me! I can't believe your strength is so strong!"

"Now I believe it, as Captain Gucci said, you can indeed bring about a change in our wolf clan, and it's a good change!"

"Your power, UUkanshu completely surpasses me! For the sake of the ethnic group, I am willing to be led by you and be your loyal pawn!"

And the other side.

The girl Gudeyiwenning also turned into a human figure, kneeling on one knee, her pretty face with a blue nose and a swollen face also had awe, and even... a trace of admiration.

"I've seen Young Master Wolf!"

"Your orders, I will use everything to carry out!"

"Young Master Wolf..." Gu De Yiwenning suddenly lowered his head a little embarrassedly, stroked the hair in his ear, and whispered: "Have you...have you considered marrying a wife and contributing to the cause of the growth of the ethnic group?"

Werewolves worship the strong.

Strength is the best way to gain respect and even attract a mate.

There is an unwritten rule in the wolf pack, as long as the strong one can choose a spouse at will, and can even have multiple spouses.

And male wolves must be able to fight better than female wolves.

This is also Panila Manda of the Panila family, why is she still single...

The engagement of the werewolf is also a little different. The young male wolf beats the female wolf, even if it is conquered.

If you beat those rivals who dare to provoke again, even if you stand up...

As for the single weak male wolf... Well, from the perspective of the ethnic group, it is best not to pass on the weak gene...

Although a little cruel.

And very inhumane.

But this is the best way to allow a group to pass on in this forest of divine beasts.

Of course, male wolves will not see one whole, and male wolves will also select the best female wolves to ensure that their offspring have excellent bloodlines, that is, genes.

this moment.

The werewolf girl Good Yiwenning, covering her swollen face, looked up at the strong and handsome golden werewolf, feeling that she was conquered.

She fell in love.

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