Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1328: Yin soldier

The Great Qin Tiger Talisman trembled violently in Lin Fan's hands, not suppressing his desire at all.

As if the dog who has been wronged is complaining, you promised me the last time.

Lin Fan smiled: "Don't worry, this time, it's all yours."

Lin Fan suddenly raised the Great Qin Tiger Talisman in his hand.

only for an instant.


A golden airflow rushed out and swept out around Lin Fan, like a golden field!

The realm of the emperor!

A golden dragon rose up from Lin Fan's body, tumbling and dancing.

A word "Emperor" appeared behind Lin Fan!

In an instant, Lin Fan seemed to feel that his consciousness was infinitely enlarged, filling the surrounding world with the Great Qin Tiger Talisman in his hand.


Like a king here.

Just like that Da Xia Zulong said, where I am, everything is in Da Qin.

The place where I am is the king's land!

All the grass and trees around him seemed to be under control.

Lin Fan could even feel countless things that were invisible to the naked eye, such as... those souls that were drifting away.

Hundreds of souls are gradually drifting away.

That is the soul of a dead god.

But at this moment, that consciousness seems to be competing with heaven and earth, and it is actually imprisoning these souls so that they cannot escape.

At this moment, this will is the master!


Hundreds of dark chains suddenly protruded from the Great Qin Tiger Talisman, locking all the souls invisible to the naked eye. The icy chains seemed to be burning with flames, strangling their skin!


"What's this!"

The souls who were about to drift away and merged into the Temple of Death roared in pain, and they also felt a sense of consciousness locking them, and the chains bound them to death, as if they were going to be strangled into their bodies!

this moment.

Lin Fan suddenly understood what the real function of the Great Qin Tiger Talisman was.

With will, bind the Yin soldiers for their own use!

Extremely domineering.

This is the emperor!

All I see is my land!

I am the king!

"Kneel down!" Lin Fan raised the Great Qin Tiger Talisman high, gritted his teeth and roared.


Rewind the chain.

"What's the matter!"

"He's going to bind us!"

"We should have been reincarnated, how did this evil guy do it!"

Those spirits were desperately fighting against the power from the chain, and Lin Fan did feel a resistance.

However, that resistance is vulnerable.

These gods had only a sixth-order strength in their lifetime, and they had never experienced life and death, so they were completely unable to compete with Lin Fan's will.

"I said, kneel down!"

Lin Fan firmly grasped the Great Qin Tiger Talisman, and the word "Emperor" rose behind him!

The golden dragon roared.


The chains were rolled back again, deeply digging into the skins of those spirits.

only for an instant.


These divine souls were unable to compete with the chains released by the Great Qin Tiger Talisman, and in an instant, these divine souls knelt down!



The chains were instantly pulled into their bodies, and those spirits instantly let out a painful wailing.

It's like suffering from purgatory.

The will attached to the chain is like a maggot on the tarsus, and as the chain is drawn into the souls of these gods, the will belonging to Lin Fan also instantly enters the souls of these gods, leaving a mark!

only for an instant.

The souls who were wailing suddenly stopped wailing.

One by one, dark shadows appeared in front of Lin Fan, and knelt down neatly.

The wind picked up.


At this moment, more than 100 spirits who should have entered the Temple of Death knelt in front of Lin Fan and shouted neatly!

The originally painful expression had no emotion at this moment, and his eyes were indifferent.

At this moment, they were already Lin Fan's Great Qin Yin Soldiers!

There is no emotion, no reason, and there will be no reincarnation since then, just a tool for Lin Fan's loyalty.

They will use everything they have to carry out Lin Fan's orders regardless of the cost.

For them, Lin Fan is their master.

This is Di Dao!

The chains had already imprisoned their souls, wiped out all their emotions, and became Lin Fan's servants.

Duke Gucci and a group of werewolves were startled by the sudden appearance of the shadows, and their nerves were suddenly tense, but then they looked at these shadows strangely.

"These...are those gods who just died?"

"Cheating a corpse?"

"No, their bodies were eaten by us... Moreover, they also lost the sweet taste of flesh and blood, and their heartbeats..."

"They are not the same as before. They are completely dark! Moreover, the breath is very cold and gloomy."

"Young Wolf Lord, we..."

Duke Gucci looked anxiously at the shadows who seemed to be returning from hell, and looked at Lin Fan subconsciously.

The situation in front of me is really too strange. These gods and other gods have been eaten and packaged, and they suddenly appeared here again.

If this can't be done right, it's just a ghost who has come back for revenge!

"Don't be nervous." Lin Fan said softly, "They won't do anything."

Duke Gucci was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what it meant, he held back and just looked at the shadows curiously.

At this moment, Lin Fan stood there in peace, but his eyes were full of shock.

He also did not expect that the inheritance that the First Emperor left him would be so powerful!

Transform the soul of the gods into your own Great Qin Yin Soldier!

Lin Fan's thoughts moved slightly, but he didn't give any orders. Immediately, a sixth-order Yin soldier stood up and walked forward, chanting in a low voice to the woods, and releasing the sixth-order wind blade.

Before his death, this Yin soldier was the **** of the sixth-order gust of wind.


A huge wind blade with a length of tens of meters swept out, directly chopped down a piece of trees, tens of meters vertically and horizontally, and then slowly dissipated.

"Strength is the same as before!"

"And, it's really completely controlled by me!"

"However... If it is distracting to control more than a hundred gods' shadows, I can only give them general orders, and it is impossible to accurately control each of them."

"In that case, they will only be more mechanical in fighting and releasing magical techniques, and they are still not as flexible as they were in their lifetimes."

Lin Fan also instantly realized that if he manipulated a shadow, the shadow could still move flexibly without any sense of blockage.

But in this way, Lin Fan needs to be distracted, and it is impossible to manipulate hundreds of shadows at the same time.

But if you don't distract yourself and just give a vague order, these shadows will follow that order on their own, but they are like machines without reason, and there is a great sense of blockage in their actions.

But even so, it's enough!

More than a hundred loyal Qin Yin soldiers were all gods during their lifetimes, and they also possessed the power of gods!

It's just that there are no believers. After all, they are all dead and can't die anymore.

"It's... overbearing."

Domineering, even cruel.

Evil means of binding the soul!

Even more evil than a steel brand.

But Lin Fan doesn't care anymore... Anyway, he's not evil for a day or two, and the steel brand also feeds on the souls of gods.

Lin Fan stroked the cold Great Qin Tiger Talisman. To be honest, he has already started to think about forming a shadow army...

When encountering dead gods in the future, not only can I devour their souls with a steel brand, and use them to control the puppets.

It can even bind their souls and become shadows of allegiance to themselves.

A powerful tool. UU Reading

But also evil.

The ghost knows that if this matter spreads out, his reward level will increase by several quotas... After all, it is to bind the souls of gods, so that they will never be supernatural, and even their emotions and reason will be erased, becoming a tool that only honors themselves.

"It seems that this kind of thing can only be used for the enemy."

"Moreover, the powerful spirit has the power to resist... Unless it is weaker than me, or the will is not firm, it is still difficult for me to control it."

"It's voluntary, it's okay... but who would be voluntarily bound to the soul..."

Lin Fan thought about it carefully.

After a while, Lin Fan raised the Great Qin Tiger Talisman again.

"stand up!"

More than a hundred dark shadows stood up indifferently.

He was motionless, exuding a chilly aura, like ice without emotion.

"Let's go back."


The voice fell, and the dark chains protruded from the Great Qin Tiger Talisman, directly wrapping the shadows and dragging them into the Great Qin Tiger Talisman.

Those shadows did not resist, and stood there obediently.

Statue of tiger talisman, the tiger opens its fangs and mouth.

Those shadows were dragged into them by chains.

Those who hold this tiger talisman can be called Soldiers of the Great Qin.

As long as Lin Fan holds this tiger talisman, he can summon the shadow at any time.

"As expected of the eldest brother, he actually gave me such a thing." Lin Fan touched the Great Qin Tiger Talisman with a baby face, and said, "Zhan Jinsheng!"

In the distance, those werewolves were completely incomprehensible when they saw this strange scene.

They have no idea what's going on...

The golden werewolf slowly turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the ethnic group."

under the moonlight.

A group of werewolves, carrying large and small sacks made of vines, dragged the corpses of those gods and ran towards the group.

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