Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1317: fall into ambush

The students who were listening to the lecture raised their heads one after another.

"Teacher, someone seems to be calling for help!"

"Will anyone be in trouble?"

The students all looked anxiously into the distance, but no one dared to take a step. It was the forest of divine beasts in front of them that made them not dare to act alone.

Speaking of which, in this Forest of Divine Beasts, these students are quite cautious and dare not act without authorization.

Bald Yang listened carefully, the woman's cry seemed to be getting more and more nervous, and she nodded immediately: "It seems that someone is in trouble, hurry up, follow me to rescue!"

It is not uncommon for gods to suffer in the forest of beasts.

The Forest of Divine Beasts is inherently dangerous, even if it is only the periphery, it is only relatively safe. If you are unlucky, you will still meet some outer families that are rejected by pure-blooded divine beasts.

Once met, those gods of potions who came to collect medicinal herbs and were not strong in combat were basically dead, and even well-equipped **** hunters might die here.

Of course, there are also some traps laid by **** hunters, which sometimes hurt other gods as well.

Both are gods, once a **** is in trouble, of course you have to rescue it!

"Quick, follow me!" Baldy Yang reacted very quickly, and he had already strode towards the place.

Under the burst of power and divine power, every step seemed to make the ground tremble.

"Teacher!" Ren Sihe hurriedly said in a deep voice, "Be careful!"

Bald Yang was taken aback for a moment, scratched his head, and said somewhat incomprehensibly, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean...that might be a trap of the orcs!" Ren Sihe said hurriedly: "Although it is not mentioned in the textbook that orcs use tricks, but the orcs can also transform into gods..."

Ren Sihe, the **** of wisdom who instructed his students to deal with Lin Fan at the beginning, although he was incapable of holding a chicken, his understanding of the battle gave Lin Fan a headache.

When Yang Baldzi heard Ren Sihe's words, he waved his hand indifferently: "Hey, although you have a good brain, you have no experience in dealing with orcs."

"Let me tell you, those orcs and divine beasts are all stupid, and they don't have any brains."

"They follow the primitive way of hunting, and they will only hit hard. At most, a siege is almost the same. It is impossible to use the method you said."

"I was a veteran of hundreds of battles back then. I entered the Forest of Divine Beasts more than a dozen times.

After Yang Bald finished speaking, he beckoned: "Quick, come here! I just happened to teach you how to deal with wounds in the wild."

Seeing that Baldy Yang was so confident, the other students no longer doubted anything, and immediately followed.

Ren Sihe frowned and trotted to keep up, but it always felt that it was not so simple.

"Help me!"

"Is there anyone!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's here!" Yang Bald replied loudly, and the angry shout shook the forest.

Following the sound, Yang Baldzi took more than 100 students and quickly shuttled through the jungle.

After going around a big tree, the woman finally appeared in front of them.

The woman, dressed in black, fell under a tree.

Brown-skinned, fit, and vaguely wild.

There was a large amount of blood on the stomach. Although the wound could not be seen, the oozing blood had already dyed a piece of clothes red, obviously the injury was not minor.

Seeing someone coming, the woman's eyes burst into incomparable surprise, and she quickly waved: "Come here quickly, help me!"

"Don't worry, we're here!" Baldy Yang ran over without saying a word, stared at the wound, and quickly asked, "How did you get hurt?"

"I'm a hunter of gods. I went out hunting with the team, but I met a tenth-order angry bear... Damn, that guy just ran after me!"

"Fortunately, my life is big, and the bear was led away by other movements. But that palm...cough, it is indeed a tenth-order angry bear."

The woman stretched out a hand weakly: "Come and carry me, I can't stand up."

"The bear hasn't gone far, let's get out of here quickly."

Bald Yang quickly pulled the woman up, carried her on his back, turned around and wanted to leave.

But the next moment.

"Teacher, let her down." Ren Sihe looked at the woman with complicated eyes and said coldly.

"Fuck, go, the class is canceled, leave immediately!" Yang Baldzi spoke very fast, after all, the woman's words showed that this place is not absolutely safe.

Although Yang Baldzi is a **** of tenth-order power, it is still a little difficult to deal with the beast, the angry bear, which is famous for its power!

The power of the divine beast is never comparable to that of the gods.

"Teacher, have you ever thought about..." Ren Sihe said as he quietly stepped back, "Why isn't her clothes damaged..."

As soon as this word comes out.

Yang Baldzi's pupils shrank suddenly!

He wasn't a fool either, there was a lot of blood oozing from this woman's clothes... But the angry bear's claws didn't even scratch the clothes?

Or, this woman was seriously injured, not in a hurry to escape, but still had time to change her clothes?

As the head of the regiment who retired from the battlefield, Yang Baldzi reacted extremely quickly, and his power and divine power burst out, but he had not waited for him to reveal his divine body.


A wild roar exploded in his ear.

The woman who was carried by him directly turned into a strong werewolf, and the body of more than 20 meters was full of wild hugged Yang Baldzi's limbs tightly, at the same time, the sharp The fangs were biting directly on Yang Baldzi's neck!

Although, this werewolf, who was only eighth-order, couldn't bite Yang Baldzi's neck in one bite, and he couldn't even bite through Yang Baldzi's skin.

But the fangs that clenched his neck directly blocked Yang Baldzi's divine power. For a time, the 100-meter-long divine body could not be manifested at all!

"Damn it!" Bald Yang's face changed suddenly, he grabbed the wolf's head with both hands, and shouted with all his strength, "Run!"

Although Yang Baldzi said this, he was already desperate.

How could a group of students escape?

The wolves come out to hunt in groups!

When a werewolf appears, there are at least hundreds of werewolves around!

The werewolf in front of him, although he can't kill him, can prevent himself from revealing his divine body and prevent him from exerting his full strength. That's enough!




After a short period of stunnedness, the students also reacted and immediately fled in all directions.

Only Ren Sihe didn't escape. Although he didn't have much combat power himself, at this moment he seemed to have great courage. He jumped directly at the werewolf, grabbed the werewolf's arms with both hands, and wanted to help Yang Bald break free. Come on!

"Don't run around!" Ren Sihe said loudly, "Without Teacher Yang, we would all have to die here!!"

"Come here to help Teacher Yang get out of trouble!"

Ren Sihe's thinking is particularly clear. He knows that there are probably a lot of werewolves lurking around.

Running around at this time, no one can survive the wolves.

Only by helping Yang Baldzi get out of trouble, with the strength of Yang Baldzi's tenth-order God of Power, he might be able to run away with everyone!

While shouting loudly, Ren Sihe squeezed the werewolf's arms.

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