Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1032: The Hammer of Justice!

The latest website: The Hammer of Justice, wrapped in a dazzling white light, slammed down!

This hammer is more powerful than before!

The aura on the white knight became more and more majestic!

That white and flawless Great Hammer of Justice is also more crystal clear than before, even bigger and heavier!


The tree demon also recovered from the stunned, facing this blow, without any fear, the trunk of the tree skyrocketed, and the dense branches and leaves swept away.


The white light collided with the pitch black.

The giant hammer touches the branches and leaves.


In just an instant, the terrifying hammer of justice smashed the dark branches and leaves, and the sacred white light tore the dark!

The absolute justice at this time is stronger than before!

"Evil should perish under the hammer of justice!"

The white knight let out a roar, and the righteous power in his body poured out continuously, wrapped in a more powerful breath, and rushed towards the tree demon with a giant hammer.

Like a white light!


The tree demon let out an angry roar, and the newly restored tree trunk began to wither at this moment, but more dense and powerful branches gushed out again, stabbing the white knight from all directions.

But those branches, those leaves, under the white giant hammer, are like paper paste, and the moment they touch it, they are shattered!

The white knight is like an unstoppable white light, accompanied by the cry of the second, crushing the tree demon with a hammer!

And the other side.

"The white knight has already delayed that demon!" Situ Jue held the binoculars, stared blankly at the battle in the distance, and gave an orderly order: "The first legion, surround yourself, lest the tree demon run away. Second Legion, search around, Lin Fan must be not far away!"

"The Third Legion, the long-range firepower previews the tree demon's entire body, and once the White Knight is defeated, the firepower will cover it directly!"

"The Fourth Legion..."

Although the White Knight was there, the tree demon had no chance of escaping.


As a famous general, Situ Jue knew that a lion would need all his strength to fight a rabbit. Even if he was only dealing with a demon and a demon apostle, he would give full play to the role of 100,000 divine soldiers and not leave any chance for the opponent.

And this time.

The white knight had already fought the tree demon to the point of fierceness.

The devilish branches and leaves couldn't stop the white knight's giant hammer at all. The white knight was like a ray of light piercing the darkness, wrapped in the breath of justice, and rushed in front of the tree demon.

"Justice is never defeated!"

The white knight held the giant hammer high and smashed it towards the body of the tree demon!

The hammer of justice from top to bottom!

It's like a judgment from justice!

"Intruders, also deserve to hold the name of justice?!" The tree demon roared angrily, and slammed the remaining thick branches at the white knight.



With just one hammer, the sawdust is flying!

Under the Great Hammer of Justice, the seemingly hard and sturdy branches shattered in an instant!

Even with the entire canopy, it dissipated directly in the white awn.

Unstoppable Justice!

The tree demon trembled all over, and the heart-piercing pain came from his whole body. Although he was the life that Lucifer gave strength to, and he also gathered the power of the entire forest, but...

His opponent is the White Knight of Absolute Justice!

Win without defeat!

As long as there is justice in his heart, this white knight will never be defeated, and even if he is temporarily knocked down, he will only get stronger and stronger!

His strength comes from his belief in justice and his pursuit of absolute justice!

"You are mistaken."

"Dirty demons with homes?"

"This is not an invasion, but a crusade of justice against evil."

Looking at the shattered tree demon in front of him, the white knight raised his giant hammer expressionlessly, like a righteous judgment!

The tree demon grinned wildly.

"Is this justice in your mouth?"

The white knight disdains the argument of sin, and the hammer of justice slammed down from top to bottom!

"Sin is not worthy of questioning justice!"

"My words and deeds are justice!"


The Great Hammer of Justice, radiating divine light!

The word "justice" of the dragon flying and phoenix dance hangs high behind him!

next moment.

The Great Hammer of Justice will smash this tree demon inch by inch.

And right now.


A low wolf moo sounded.

Tyranny, evil!

All the gods and soldiers surrounding this place only saw a golden figure flashing past, and then, a golden werewolf actually bit the arm raised by the white knight!

The speed is so fast that it almost pulls out the afterimage!

Those wolf teeth were even more extremely sharp, and they actually bit through the white knight's armor of justice, deeply embedded in the white knight's arm, and the blood emitting white light flowed down!

"what is that!?"

"Evil breath!"

"When did you come here!"

Those **** soldiers stared at the scene in front of them in amazement. They couldn't believe that this werewolf actually stopped the white knight!

The white knight was also stunned for a moment. Looking at the crazy and tyrannical eyes of the werewolf in front of him, he coldly spat out two words: "Lin Fan?"


As if responding to the white knight, the werewolf's two wolf claws slammed into the throat of the white knight, like hunting!



With just one kick, the golden werewolf flew out!

Although Lin Fan's body was a perfect werewolf that surpassed the ancestors of the werewolf, he possessed the purest werewolf power, and could even hurt the white knight.

But now him.

So weak!

After all, it's just a sixth-order god!

Even with this kind of power, in the face of the White Knight, what is it?

With just one kick, Lin Fan's chest made a cracking sound, and the whole person flew out and hit the broken tree demon.

The white knight looked at the werewolf in front of him with cold eyes.

"The body of a werewolf... the demon apostle whose soul's right arm is twisted..."

"I didn't expect you to become like this."

"Or, is this what you look like? You are the demon apostle hidden in the kingdom of God?"

The White Knight slowly raised the Great Hammer of Justice: "You are hiding so deep."

"I used to trust you so much, because you reported the Chun family, which caused the kingdom of God to cleanse the hidden demon's minions."

"You reported the God of Technology and eliminated a hidden danger for the Kingdom of God."

"I thought you stood with me in justice."

"But, never imagined."

"You, turned out to be a demon apostle."

"Justice, although it may be temporarily deceived, sooner or later, the truth will be seen clearly!"

The white knight raised the giant hammer high, and slammed it down at the werewolf!

Lin Fan was not given a chance to explain at all.

Because this is a just trial!

The giant hammer slammed down, and Lin Fan instinctively raised his claws in front of him.


The unstoppable Hammer of Justice, wrapped in a holy white glow like a flame, directly smashed Lin Fan's right arm!


Flesh splattered.

Golden hair and bone fragments burst out.

this moment.

Lin Fan could only feel the piercing pain.

This injury is never as good as before, this is the injury caused by the power of justice!

Even the **** of life cannot recover!

Just as Lucifer was cut off by the power of darkness and light, the injury caused by the attack of this power cannot be recovered at all!

From this moment on, Lin Fan completely lost his right arm!

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