Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1024: We have the strength, what are we afraid of?

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Lin Fan was very clear in his heart.

To save the succubus, Lucifer must take the initiative to cancel the contract.

Or, cooperate with Lucifer yourself, to put it bluntly, do things for Lucifer in exchange, of course, that arm must also be returned to Lucifer.

Or, it is to be **** Lucifer and force Lucifer to cancel the contract.

There are only two ways.

The second way, to be honest, was really difficult for Lin Fan.

Had it not been for Crowley's presence, the unstoppable original sin of arrogance would have killed himself.

But Lin Fan didn't want to return the arm, nor did he want to submit to Lucifer.

Not to mention what kind of believers can be cultivated by the life force of a fallen angel contained in that arm, nor what kind of artifacts can be created by the demonic power contained in the arm from the body of an archangel.

Just surrendering to Lucifer, Lin Fan couldn't do it.

This is a vengeance.

And the senior brother in front of him is the only way to defeat Lucifer in that short period of time!

Lin Fan's eyes were incomparably frenzied.

Seeing Lin Fan like this, Bai Zhaoyun's liver trembled: "Junior Brother, this, the matter of the number one Sword God in the God Realm, don't mention it to outsiders..."

He never expected it.

After waking up, not only did he not wear a gang, but he went further and became the number one sword **** in the God Realm who was personally admitted by the original sin of arrogance!

But he is not happy at all!

"Senior brother, I'm not talking about you." Lin Fan said in awe, "I know that you are a low-key person, obsessed with swordsmanship, and disdain to do anything with others."

"But you can't be too low-key, you can't be so low-key all the time. You hide your sword in a box, and your edge is no longer there."

"Just speaking this time, if you are not so low-key and have a good sword in your hand, wouldn't Lucifer just die?"

Lin Fan hated the inexorable education, and immediately said, "Senior brother, you can't keep a low profile any longer!"

"Don't worry, brother, you don't need to worry about it. I will spread the name of your first sword **** in the God Realm to the entire God Realm, and let all the gods know your splendid name of Sword Slaying Lucifer!!"

Bai Zhaoyun's face turned pale!

Junior Brother.

Brother really wants to live!

Senior brother didn't offend you, did he?

"Junior Brother, I'm afraid..." Bai Zhaoyun wanted to discourage him.

Lin Fan comforted: "Senior brother, what are we afraid of when we have the strength!"

"Whoever doesn't agree, let them come and try!"

"It's nothing more than some stepping stones, just in time to spread the fame of Senior Brother!"

Seeing Bai Zhaoyun's face still full of reluctance, Lin Fan gritted his teeth: "Senior brother, if you want to keep a low profile, then you must just kill me, or I will tell everything I have seen with my own eyes."

"It's as easy as the palm of your hand to kill me, brother."

"Senior brother, let's do it! Junior brother has no complaints."

Lin Fan closed his eyes.

No matter what, he had to let his senior brother raise a high profile.

Then use the power of the senior brother to rescue the succubus.

He believes that although the senior brother is strong and strong, he is kindhearted and will never do anything to himself!

And in fact.

Bai Zhaoyun's teeth were almost crushed.

If I could beat you, I would have done it already, okay?

You have become a werewolf, how dare I do it?

What are we afraid of when we have the strength?

This is true.

But the problem is...

Looking at Lin Fan, who had the words "Senior Brother, just follow me" written all over his face.

"Alas!" Bai Zhaoyun sighed bitterly, as if he had succumbed to his fate under this junior brother's lewd power.

Damn fate.

He is obviously just a **** of sixth-order performances, why do you want to make yourself so awesome!

Lin Fan opened his eyes and laughed, "Senior brother really doesn't want to kill me, so I'll take it as your acquiescence!"

"Don't worry, Junior Brother will definitely find you a good weapon in the future!"


Seeing that Cao Dahua and Ji Long woke up one after another, Lin Fan immediately handed over a few mutated fruits. While they were eating the fruits, Lin Fan kept talking about how his brother nearly killed Lucifer with his sword just now.

Said to be called a majestic.

Bai Zhaoyun's tall image of the first sword **** in the God Realm was suddenly revealed beside several people, and even Zhang Xiaoying, who had always been fearless, could not help but gasp.

Lin Weimao also pretended that he had just come here and didn't know about it, and kept amazed.

Bai Zhaoyun was on the side, listening to Lin Fan's words, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

This time, the number one Sword God in the God Realm, who he himself, the arrogant original sin, personally admitted to, can be considered a solid.

These guys will definitely spread the news about this matter, and once the story of this sword slashing Lucifer reaches the God Realm, it will definitely be widely circulated!


I'm afraid it's over!

Bai Zhaoyun can even imagine that in the not-too-distant future, the scene of the four sword saints challenging him together, and even the high-ranking **** of war Zeus will notice his "rising star"...

And the other side.

While telling stories, Lin Fan always felt like he forgot one thing.

But he didn't know what he forgot.

"Are those two black-clothed youths who had their legs broken by himself?" Lin Fan kept recalling, "Those two guys never saw each other again, but speaking of which, they are the apostles of the Emperor Mei, and they should follow Mei Huang. The emperor returned to **** together..."

"What the **** did I forget?"

"Forget it, forget it."

"Half an hour left, the island should surface. It's all Mo Feihan is hiding in the dark, so you don't need to be on guard at that time."

Don't look at Lin Fan, who seems to be resting now, but while telling the story with a dry mouth, he is still distracted and guarding against the Mo Feihan who hasn't shown up yet. He is also very tired.


After taking a bite of the crisp fruit, Lin Fan felt the sweet and crisp taste, and suddenly reacted.

He stared blankly at the mutant fruit in his hand, his pupils shrinking.

He knew what he had forgotten!

I forgot about Long Aotian!

To be precise, it was the finger-sized little tree man left by the second big tree!

"How did you forget it!" Lin Fan immediately touched his chest, but immediately realized that his clothes were already torn when he turned into a werewolf.

The little tree man who was stuffed into his arms didn't know where it fell.


The battle that followed was even more severe, and most of the top of the mountain was cut off.


"Isn't it going to die?" Lin Fan's scalp suddenly tingled, he quickly stood up and searched around.


Not dead.

Although Lin Fan had no divine power at this time, but with the strong sense of smell unique to a werewolf, Lin Fan found the dying little tree man under a piece of scorched mud.

at this time.

The ancestor of the forest, who once stood proudly on the top of the mountain, was once green and verdant. At this time, his entire body had been infused with demonic energy.

The tree of morality that was born under the nourishment of the **** of morality and guarded the forest, under the blood of the arrogant original sin, has been completely distorted and reduced to an evil and dark tree demon.

When Lin Fan dug out the little tree man from the soil, the entire forest was shaking, and the leaves were rattling like a forest weeping.

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