Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1017: I always feel something is wrong

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A weak voice suddenly stopped the crazy succubus.

The succubus looked up, but saw that the light not far away was distorting, and a figure so weak that he knelt on one knee slowly appeared.

Silver mask!

The tattered protective cape swayed behind him.

Fifteenth order, the **** of light!

"You..." Seeing the familiar figure, the succubus clenched his fists subconsciously, using his last strength to protect Lin Fan.

After all, part of Lin Fan's soul is now a demon!

She is also the Queen of Meizu.

Gods and demons are mortal enemies, not to mention the **** in front of him is the **** of light who yearns for light!

The succubus stood up reluctantly, stood in front of Lin Fan, spread out his purple arms, and pretended to be fierce: "Don't try to touch a single hair of Lin Fan! Otherwise, I will fight with you!"

Lin Weimao: "..."

What are you... I'm his father, you protect your **** in front of me!

Even if I really hit him, isn't it only natural for Lao Tzu to hit his son?

What else are you talking about working hard with me? Is this the attitude a daughter-in-law should have towards her father-in-law?

Looking at the succubus with a nervous expression standing between him and Lin Fan, Lin Weimao was extremely helpless, but he was still a little moved... One thing to say, this demon daughter-in-law is not bad!

a time.

Lin Weimao's eyes suddenly became as kind as an old father...

The succubus dragged his severely injured body and stared nervously at the **** of light who suddenly appeared.

But what surprised the succubus was that the **** of light under the mask didn't seem to want to fight, but was panting weakly, with a complicated expression: "Although he has become a werewolf now, he hasn't eaten a whole meal yet. A heart, maybe... reversible."

"If you want him to become a werewolf who has to eat his heart from now can eat him the other half of the heart."

As soon as this word comes out.

The Charm Emperor was completely stunned in place.

She couldn't understand why this God of Light saw that Lin Fan, whose soul had been partially demonized, didn't even intend to take action, and was even helping herself and Lin Fan.

Demons and gods are incompatible, not to mention, this is the **** of light who yearns for light.


How could the **** of light in Lengcui City suddenly appear here? When did he come? Why do you look so badly injured?

And those eyes...why are they so kind...

But these questions are no more important than Lin Fan's current situation!

The Charm Emperor looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression: "But he..."

these few seconds.

Lin Fan's body was already bloody!

The violent werewolf bloodline seemed to be unsatisfied, and it rampaged all the way in Lin Fan's body, venting his longing.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that Lin Fan's situation is extremely bad!

After transforming into a werewolf, he must devour a whole heart as soon as possible to satisfy the needs of his body and satisfy that primitive and savage power.

Just like a newly born vampire, it must absorb a lot of blood immediately, otherwise it will enter a period of weakness, and it will become weaker until death.

And once the werewolf does not swallow the whole heart, the transformation that is about to be completed will stop, and the unsatisfied werewolf bloodline will begin to run wild, using the host's body as nutrition until it is exhausted and the host dies.

Or until the werewolf, driven by this power, swallows a whole heart full of power to complete the transformation.

The violent period is the last splendor of the werewolf, and the madness that has overdrawn his life.

Driven by that kind of berserk power, the irrational werewolf usually burst out with terrifying power and frantically searched for the heart.

But Lin Fan is a werewolf who has kept his senses.

Therefore, when Lin Fan entered the violent period, he did not dig out the hearts of those who had passed out such as Cao Dahua and Bai Zhaoyun, but instead used that power to fight against Lucifer.

However, he was defeated by Lucifer, and the violent power in his body was temporarily exhausted, which made Lin Fan temporarily withdraw from the violent period.

And this time.

With the powerful recovery ability of the werewolf, Lin Fan, who had exited the rampant stage due to exhaustion of strength, entered the rampant stage again, and the power of his bloodline ran rampant again, expressing his desire for his heart!

"But..." Mei Huang looked at Lin Fan, who was unconscious, his breath became stronger, his expression became more painful, and his body was about to collapse. His voice trembled, and he said, "He can't take it anymore!"

Under the mask, Lin Weimao's eyes were red: "It's really not good, then let him become a werewolf completely."

"But even if you really want to dig out your heart, your heart won't work... You have demon blood flowing in your body. If you let him eat your heart, it will make him even more dangerous, and it will become a devil wolf." Lin Weimao looked at the succubus in front of him who should have been killed immediately, "If he really can't hold it, then I will dig half of my heart to him."

Lin Weimao's voice trembled.

after all.

If it really gets to that point, then Lin Fan will no longer have a **** domain, no believers, just a powerful werewolf.

Although his soul is still a god, his body has become a complete werewolf and can no longer be reversed.

After that, although Lin Fan was still awake, every once in a while, he had to eat the heart of a **** to satisfy this body.

At best, it's just a conscious monster.

This is the last thing he wants to see as a father.

"Is that so... I'm a despicable devil, not even qualified to save him?" The Meihuang looked down at Lin Fan, who had passed out and became more and more dangerous.

Lin Weimao seemed to realize that what he said was wrong, and quickly said: "I don't think you are a devil, I mean... Your heart will make him more dangerous."

"I know." Meihuang looked down at Lin Fan.

That little guy became like this for himself.

He... brought a light in the dark world he was driving as an apostle for Lucifer like a walking dead.

"Don't worry, he won't completely turn into a werewolf." Meihuang stroked the werewolf's face with a sweet smile, and then seemed a little embarrassed, "Can you avoid it?"

"Ah?" Lin Weimao was stunned and asked subconsciously, "What do you want to do?"

The next second he asked this sentence, Lin Weimao regretted it.

He had already vaguely guessed what this daughter-in-law was going to do.

"Since the power in his body can't be satisfied, then let that power out for a while... I should be able to do it." The Charm Emperor looked down at Lin Fan, his purple face turned slightly red, and his voice trembled slightly. : "Anyway, he said that he is my future husband... Can you avoid it?"

The succubus was almost begging.


Lin Weimao only felt a humming in his head!


Still here!

This is so special, Meihuang, what is really going to happen to his son...

Moreover, it is so exciting when it comes up? You guys are talking about love in earnest! At least have a cup of milk tea together!


This is the case, and Lin Weimao can't say anything more.

After all, if he refused, either Lin Fan would be completely drained of his life by the rampant period of werewolf power, or he would have to dig out his heart and make Lin Fan a werewolf forever.

This is something Lin Weimao cannot accept no matter what.

It's not that he despises werewolves as a god, Lin Weimao is not a person bound by rules, otherwise he will not be with the **** of darkness.


Even Lin Weimao couldn't accept it, swallowing the **** gods' hearts when he was conscious!

It would be better to lose consciousness and become a werewolf driven by instinct and only know how to kill.

That kind of sobriety is the real hell!

Right now, it seems that there is only one way to do it.

Besides, it's a good thing for my eldest I can't delay being a father... After all, the **** of time has said that in the future, these two will be a couple.

And the succubus is still the queen of the Meizu...

This stupid son is really blessed, this is exciting to think about... and I am quite satisfied with this devil as a father.

cough cough.

"Actually, I don't want it either. As the God of Light, I should have slashed demons with swords, but now...Isn't there no way to do it...Ahem, it's not that I don't yearn for the light, and I don't want to do this either, but the situation is pressing! "

"And it's useless if I don't want to. The **** of time has said it... This is destined to happen in the future. How can a **** of light in me change the future?"

Lin Weimao found a plausible excuse for himself in his heart.

After all, he is still the **** of light...

But have to say.

Witnessing the previous battle, and the Charm Emperor's intention to feed the wolf with his heart, Lin Weimao, the **** of light who should have longed for the light, not only did not have any distaste for this succubus, but was quite satisfied...

However, Lin Weimao was very excited, but he still had to put on a reluctant appearance.

after all.

It's the devil who is going to seduce his son, so the **** of light can't cheer by the side...

Under the tense gaze of the succubus, the **** of light who suddenly appeared had no objection, nodded, then tried to stand up and walked staggeringly behind.

A cold voice came.

"You can do it yourself."

"I swear by the light, I will not disturb you, and I will not spy on you."

The succubus, who was nervous and even ready to meet the wrath of the God of Light, looked at the back of the God of Light who was actively avoiding him in astonishment.

She always felt something was wrong...

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