Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1009: man holding scythe

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Holy fire has an instinctive aversion to evil, so when this world is infested with evil, it would rather burn this world.


Other divine fires don't have any instinctive aversion to evil.

The fire of the earth doesn't matter to the devil. Anyway, whether it is a **** or a devil commanding the earth, the earth is still the earth.

Rivers are still rivers.

The ocean is still the ocean.

Yellow sand is still yellow sand.

Your holy fire is going to burn this world, have you thought about other fires?

You burned all the believers to death, who still worships us? You shattered the soul of the Lord God, how should we fix it? Go out with you?


Sixteen flames turned into huge pillars of fire, with rolling pressure, like sixteen long dragons gathered together, slamming into the flaming holy fire!

The cold wind is blowing, and the sand is everywhere!

The earth is shaking and the sky is roaring.

Sixteen divine fires, at this moment, swept the white flames, like sixteen beasts tearing and devouring their prey.

Although there was no sound, there were countless roars.

"This is our world!"

"And you, dare to destroy this world?"

And this time.

The believers who worshiped the sixteen kinds of divine fire also seemed to feel something, and they took up their weapons and rushed towards the holy fire!

And the other side.

The Lucians knelt to the ground in incomparable pain, with their fingers clasped to the ground.

He was originally a Dawn Guard who was born to sweep away evil, but he never expected that he would now witness the fall of the Lord God!

Furthermore, because of Lin Fan's depravity, their holy lives were also contaminated with the breath of demons.

But because they are the worshiping race of the holy fire, and they are the guardians of the dawn with holiness as their destiny, so he has not been demonized like other believers.

at this time.

The left hand of the Lucians burns with demonic flames, and the right hand burns with holy flames.

The holy power of the dual spears and the evil from the Lord God are tearing him apart!

The holy fire seemed to be driving him, tearing apart other flames, tearing apart those bewitched believers.

And that evil force called him into the abyss.

Before them, there are only two choices.

Either, together with the holy fire, destroy the world and kill the main **** who betrayed holiness.

Or, fall with the Lord God and fight against the holy fire with other gods and believers.

this moment.

The bodies of Lucians were constantly torn by the power of holiness and the breath of demons, and their souls were constantly torn between the meaning of their lives and the belief in the Lord God.

"Maintain holiness."

"You were born to be holy."

"You were the Dawnguard who fought to the death for holiness."

One after another voice sounded in his heart, and the white light shone on him, as if calling.


Lucians closed their eyes, as if seeing a figure.

That gentle voice sounded in his heart, and for a moment, he felt her soul, her temperature.

"Lucian, I believe in you, make your own choice."

Lucian's body no longer trembled.

They slowly stood up straight, looked at the holy fire calling to them, and suddenly laughed.

That's a smile from hell.

"I will never betray the Lord God!"

A terrifying demonic energy suddenly emerged from the Lucians.

As if provoked by his choice, the holy flame burned in his demonic body, causing him incomparable pain.

But in this pain, he seemed to feel a figure gently caressing his cheek.

"They all said that the Dawn Guard will never fall, and will always fight for holiness. But..." Lucian smiled: "You are the holiness I want to protect."

"For you, even if you follow the Lord God and become the devil's apostle together, what is it?"

"I believe that the Lord God can bring you back, just as you always believed in me."

Lucians opened their eyes, the holy double spear trembled violently at this moment, and the last trace of holy light completely dissipated, exuding a magical energy as deep as an abyss!

The holy light dissipated in an instant, and the two spears that were once bathed in the holy light now had a dark and bright red demon fire rising!

The cyan cloak also became pitch black as ink, burning with flames.

At this moment, the handsome face became hideous, and from time to time, the eyes with white glow flowed out the color of hell, and the left half of the face became dark and terrifying, like the most terrifying demon!

this moment.

The former Dawn Guard has also become a half-demon!

[The Shadow of the West], Lucian!

Amid the roaring laughter, the Lucians turned around abruptly, the twin spears that burned the flames of **** pointed directly at the holy fire, and the demon-like face was grinning: "How dare you try to subvert the Lord God?"

Behind them, the same appearance changed greatly, the turquoise flames turned into demon flames, and the two-horned Threshmen were grinning: "You guys, have fallen too."

"Hell, you are welcome."


The holy fire made a wailing sound.

The Lucian family that worships it is the source of its power, and now even these Dawnguards...


Sixteen divine fire dragons ruthlessly suppressed it completely.

Those believers even climbed to the altar in the heat and surrounded it.

Like a demon, Lucian pointed with two spears at the divine fire that was once enshrined by him, Sen Leng's voice seemed to come from hell: "You, still dare to betray the Lord God?"

"Submit, or die!"

The Shenhuo still wanted to resist, but, having lost its worshiping race, it was extremely weak. Under the joint suppression of the sixteen types of Shenhuo and the siege of all the believers, it had no strength at all, and only a white flame was left unable to jump.

for a long time.


There was a sigh in the air.

The white flame, after all, quietly shrank back, extremely dim.

Holy, surrendered.

It lost its worship race and became the enemy of public criticism, and it was completely suppressed.


Looking at the extremely weak holy fire, Lin Fan's followers let out diabolical laughter.

At this moment, Lin Fan's Divine Realm fell into the abyss just like Lin Fan.

Holiness sends out the final struggle, but, in this world that has fallen into darkness, it has become the enemy of all.

As far as the eye can see, everything is dark.

That light, on the contrary, became a different kind.

And this time.

Lin Fan, who was in agony at the beginning, also exhaled suddenly, and the original tearing feeling in his soul suddenly dissipated.

Obviously, the holy fire calmed down.

Although Lin Fan lost his connection with God's Domain at this time, Lin Fan could also guess what happened.

"Let me just say, how can the Divine Realm, which is cultivated with a hundred times the Faith Points of other gods, collapse so easily?"

Lin Fan lay helplessly on the ground, gasping for breath.

My heart is full of fear.

There is no doubt that the holy fire was backlashing just now.

The situation is very dangerous.

If you change to any holy god, you will surely die.

But fortunately, there are not only holy fires in my body, but also sixteen other divine fires!

In his body, he is not just a believer who worships the holy fire!

Just thinking about it, Lin Fan knew what happened in his own divine realm. It must have been a civil war. In the end, other divine fires and believers suppressed the holy divine fire and Lucian, who worshipped the holy divine fire.

Lin Fan also knew that he had passed by death.

As long as one’s own divine domain is not so strong, and if one has only one or two or three types of divine fire, if one has many believers to worship the holy fire…

Then, die.

It can be said that if another holy **** comes over, he will surely die.

But it just so happened that Lin Fan had a lot of priesthood, and the fire in his body was also scary. His beliefs and races were messed up and everything, and the only people who worshiped the holy fire were the Lucian family.

In order to withstand the pressure brought by various divine fires, Lin Fan not only required a hundred times the Faith value of other gods to advance, but also used it to strengthen the divine realm a hundred times that of other gods.

Although this caused Lin Fan's progression to be very slow.

But in exchange, it is a sturdy divine domain that far exceeds the gods of the same rank!

At this moment, the effort has paid off.

"I just don't know if the holy fire has been Are the Lucians who worship the holy fire still alive?" Lin Fan sighed.

But Lin Fan also knew that he was a werewolf now, and he had lost control of God's Domain.

You have to go back and find a way to find a way to find a way to get back in touch with God's Domain, see how the believers in God's Domain are doing, and see if the Holy Fire is gone.

But even if the holy fire has not been extinguished, it must be completely suppressed now, and he has completely become a demon apostle. Lin Fan can even feel that there is a brand in his soul.

Lin Fan looked down at the right hand of his werewolf body.

On the inside of the wrist, a dark pattern appeared, and the pattern was as black as ink, as if it were leading to the abyss.

A demon was grinning, it stretched out its palm and handed out a gold coin, as if tempting everyone.

The seal of the devil declares what this body and soul have.

This is the devil's brand that the gods hate, the manifestation of the devil's contract.

From this moment on, Lin Fan has become Crowley's apostle. And he was stamped with Crowley's unique demon brand.


Looking at the brand, Lin Fan inexplicably remembered the man he saw before his death, holding a sickle and hiding under a jet-black cloak.

When the icy sickle was placed on his neck, it felt infinitely close to death!

"Yo, you got through it." Crowley glanced at Lin Fan in surprise, then squinted and smiled: "It seems that I don't have to run around with the contract."

Lin Fan said weakly, "Just now, who was that man?"

Crowley frowned slightly: "What man? Forget it, take a good rest, and leave the rest to me."

Look at this ugly fat man in front of him.

this moment.

Lin Fan, who had become an apostle, suddenly froze, his pupils shrinking.

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