Chapter 171

Change the position, the prey becomes the hunter!

On the ground, the old student from the inner courtyard swallowed hard.

The expressionless youth in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling.

You know, he has been training in the inner courtyard for a full two years.

Although in the inner courtyard, his strength is not impressive.

But he is confident that with his current strength, among the students in the outer courtyard of Canaan College, he is definitely the top-that group.

As a result, after encountering this new student, he was completely crushed with just one move.

And this seems to be a trivial matter to the youth in front of him.

According to what he had sensed just now, the guy who was fighting with him at least had the strength of a fighting spirit.

Dou Ling!

Even in the inner courtyard, it is an absolute high-end combat power.

And this guy is just a freshman.

After he has undergone several years of training in the inner courtyard, it is simply unimaginable to what extent his strength will reach.

“What do you want to ask?”

The youth in the inner courtyard forcibly calmed down and said. “Is there a roadmap for this forest!”

Xu Heng opened his mouth and asked a simple, yet very crucial question.

Because he couldn’t reveal his strength, he could only rely on superficial strength to pass through the forest and reach the inner courtyard.

If there is a roadmap, then they can move forward in a targeted manner.

Otherwise, he can only ram around in the forest like a headless fly.

In the end, even if you successfully reach the inner courtyard, it may take a lot of time.

“There is a general route, but it is very rough. This map was purchased in the inner courtyard when we participated in this competition.” The old man on the ground gave a wry smile, and obediently took out a rough parchment from the space ring. Hand out.

“It’s really rough!” Xu Heng was slightly taken aback when the parchment paper turned out.

On the paper, there are still holes, vaguely like a map.

Is this thing still from the hands of the inner court?

This guy, wouldn’t it be a lie, deliberately trying to mislead us?

Seemingly seeing Xu Heng’s doubts, Lao Sheng explained, “This is the map that the inner courtyard sold us!”

“Originally, we also felt that this thing was completely unworthy, but it was forced by the college to buy it, and there was nothing we could do.” Anything is better than nothing.

Xu Heng sighed softly and put away the map expressionlessly.

“How many old students from the inner courtyard have participated in this fire hunting competition?” Xu Heng raised his head and asked again after putting away the map.

Although he has read the original book, he knows the general process of this competition.

But some details, he is not clear.

So now, he needs to know more.

“In every previous hunting competition, there were usually fifty people. This time it seems a bit special, and the number has increased to one hundred!” The old student from the inner courtyard looked at the other companions who were defeated and exclaimed softly. in one breath.

He knew that his side was no longer the opponent of the group in front of him.

Therefore, he can only be obedient and honest, and dare not have the slightest dissent.

“One hundred people in total!”

“It seems that this time, the ruins have indeed undergone a lot of changes.” Listening to Lao Sheng’s words, Xu Heng nodded slightly.

When they participated in the trials this time, the number of admissions in the inner court had more than doubled.

Now the number of old students participating in the fire hunting competition in the inner courtyard has also doubled, which is completely in line with common sense.

“What about their strength!” Xu Heng asked.

“These 100 people, each group of ten people, are divided into ten groups in total. There are eight groups of them, and their strength is similar to ours.”

・・・ Flowers・

“There are also two groups of students who have been in the inner courtyard for three years.” “Their strength is estimated to have reached the level of fighting spirits.” Having said that, the old student on the ground gave Xu Heng a strange look.

This year’s freshmen seem to be somewhat unexpectedly strong.

He still remembered that when he first entered the inner courtyard, even among the top five students in their class, they only barely competed with the inner courtyard old students.

And in the end, those people were still robbed inside and out.

However, this year’s situation seems a little unexpected.

Not only were these freshmen not robbed, but they also robbed the old students of their fire energy.

He had been in the inner courtyard for so long, but he had never heard of such a thing.


“Mad, what a bad luck!”

“Such a strong freshman, unexpectedly let us meet!” The old man lay on the ground and whispered.

“Are the two strongest teams called Black and White Guansha!”

During the silence, Xu Heng suddenly spoke up and asked the old man in front of him. “how do you know!”

There was a hint of surprise in the old man’s eyes.

This kind of thing, if not participated in the hunting competition, it should be impossible to know.

Could it be that he has a brother or something in the inner courtyard?

“And this fire energy, is it possible to enter the sky to burn the gas tower to practice?”

“That’s why you students in the inner courtyard are robbing like crazy.” Xu Heng said, and the old student looked at him in disbelief. “Why, how do you know so much about the inner courtyard!”

Seeing Lao Sheng’s reaction, Xu Heng knew that his impression was not wrong.

Everything here is similar to what he remembered.

Then, Xu Heng turned around slowly.

“Everything fits my memory!”

“Then from now on, hunter and prey, it’s time to switch places!” “Black and white Guansha, I hope you won’t let me down!” The old man on the ground stared at Xu Heng in astonishment.

Listening to this tone, is he trying to rob the old students?! ! wide.

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