Chapter 166

Quasi-level fighting skills! Inner courtyard opens

Terrifying power fluctuations continued to spread out from the fighting scroll in Xu Heng’s hand.

All around, the other people who entered the Library Pavilion showed envious expressions.

“What a strong energy fluctuation, this level, it is estimated that it has reached the level of the ground level.”

“It has stronger fluctuations than the one in Baishan just now. It seems that it is very likely that it has reached the level of the advanced fighting skills of the earth.” .”

“Heaven-level fighting skills are rare in the world. There will not be one for decades, or even hundreds of years. In this case, earth-level fighting skills are the absolute core combat power.” Others on the scene saw Xu The fighting skills in Heng’s hands were envied.

Especially Baishan, his eyes are a little red.

Just now he caught the same ground-level fighting skills, but if he wasn’t careful, the scroll ran away.

Although he came from proud door, family strength – very good.

From childhood to adulthood, there has never been a shortage of various high-level fighting skills.

But the high-level fighting skills of the earth level, even for them, need to spend a huge price to get it.

It’s just possible.

Such fighting skills, in their family, are definitely a treasure of the town.

For so many years now, the highest-level fighting skills he has used are only high-level Xuan-level ones.

An earth-level fighting skill, even the most low-level earth-level fighting skill, would make him ecstatic, let alone a high-level earth-level fighting skill.

He was already very depressed after losing the ground-level fighting skills he had acquired.

Seeing that Xu Heng is likely to have obtained the advanced fighting skills of the earth rank, his anger in his heart suddenly became stronger. “You can be proud, you will be beautiful when you enter the inner courtyard!”

“When the time comes, you will know what it means to be someone outside of you, and there is a sky outside of the sky.” Among the crowd, Bai Shan’s face was gloomy and rather unsightly.

But he couldn’t do anything either. After all, in the library, you can’t force it, everything is optional.

In the center of the crowd, Xu Heng quietly held the scroll in his hand.

The power in the body continued to pour out, suppressing the energy fluctuations on the scroll of the exercise.

With Baishan’s lessons learned, he is now more careful.

After all, this Dou Skill Scroll doesn’t mean everything will be fine after you get it.

The higher the level of the scroll, the stronger the anti-shock force that erupts.

Of course, Xu Heng’s current strength, deliberately suppressing the power of a scroll, must be easy.

So after the scroll struggled in Xu Heng’s hands for a moment, the energy fluctuations on it gradually weakened.

On the scroll, the originally vague words began to become clearer.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful soul force emanated from the scroll. “Quasi-heaven-level fighting skills, Taiyi Soul Refining Art!” In an instant, everyone was stunned!

Even Xu Heng himself is a little strange.

Quasi-day order?

Canaan Academy, there is such a thing.

In his impression, things that are attached to the sky are very rare.

There should be no such thing in the place of Canaan Academy.

But I didn’t expect that this level of fighting skills appeared now.

Outside the door of the Book Collection Pavilion, the two guardians with their eyes closed suddenly opened their eyes.

His expression was also full of surprise and shock. “Quasi-sky fighting skills?”

“Lord Dean, did you leave something of this level?”

They have been guarding the Book Collection Pavilion for so long, and they have no idea that there will be fighting skills of this level in the Book Collection Pavilion.

If it wasn’t for Xu Heng’s grasp today, maybe they would never have known that such terrifying fighting skills still existed in Canaan Academy.

If the group of guys in the Black Corner Domain knew about it, it is very likely that they would come over and forcibly snatch it.

Of course, with these two guardians in charge, the group of people who came to snatch it must have gone and never returned.

In the library room, Xu Heng held the scroll tightly, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart.

Taiyi Soul Refining Technique!

It’s not an attacking combat technique. For others, it may not improve the combat power too much.

But for Xu Heng, it was a perfect match.

Because he has reincarnation eyes!

The use of illusions is extremely drastic for the consumption of soul power.

But now, with this quasi-sky fighting skill, it is conceivable to imagine what kind of power Xu Heng’s soul can reach.

· · Flowers · ·

At that time, Xu Heng would be more comfortable using the eye of reincarnation.

With a flip of his palm, Xu Heng put the scroll of fighting skills into the space ring.

At this time, other talents woke up like a dream.

“Made, why is this guy so lucky?” “He takes all the good things by himself.”

However, they were only envious for a moment, and then seized the time to start fighting for their fighting skills.

After all, the opening time of this bookstore is limited, and once the time is over, everyone will be expelled.

At that time, the people who did not get the fighting skills, but blood loss.

Therefore, after a short silence, everyone started frantic snatch fighting skills, hoping to be as lucky as Xu Heng.

I don’t want to be able to get earth-level fighting skills, but at least I can get advanced Xuan-level fighting skills.

Time passed by, and all the fighting skills in the air returned to the huge energy shield.

At the same time, everyone was teleported out of the library.

In the spacious study room, Vice President Hu Gan looked at the ten people in the room and said with a smile: “Now, your rewards have been received, and the next two days will be a rest period.” “Two days later, You will be placed in the inner courtyard.”

“Here, I have to remind you that newcomers in the inner courtyard are likely to be bullied by those veterans. If you want to survive in peace, you must have enough fists to win.” Then, the ten people on the scene quit one after another. Library.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day to enter the inner courtyard.

In the attic of the dormitory, Xu Heng’s figure sitting cross-legged suddenly trembled.

Then, his tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

“Inner courtyard! I’m looking forward to it.

“After all, this is the purpose of my entry into the ruins!” Guang.

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