Chapter 164

Tough Xu Heng, Baishan’s color has changed!

“Illusionary fighting skills are really rare!”

“It is rumored that between heaven and earth, there are special beasts that can perform magic tricks. Take their pupils and plant them in oneself to obtain illusions.” “However, this kind of adventure is too rare. This old man has never seen such a thing for so many years. College gets it.”

“But this little friend can have such special adventures at such an age. He is really talented, and the future can be expected!” “In addition, this little friend’s strength may have reached the level of fighting spirit!” The two gray robes The voice of the guardian of the pavilion sounded, and slowly spread to the ears of everyone present.

As soon as the voice fell, the little demon girl on the side, Bai Shan and others, suddenly looked at Xu Heng’s direction with shocked expressions on their faces. “As expected, this guy’s strength is really far beyond ours.” “Bai Shan, you are not wronged to lose!”

On the side, the little demon girl looked at Bai Shan with a playful look in her eyes.

Bai Shan, on the other hand, was cold-eyed and silent, without making a sound.

The vice president, Hu Qian, also looked at Xu Heng with surprise.

Illusionary Eyes!

Xu Heng, there is still such a thing?

The point is, he didn’t even notice it at all.

Unexpectedly, in the trials, this Xu Heng still kept his hand.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but take Xu Heng’s reliance to a higher level.

Xu Heng in the crowd nodded secretly again after hearing the words of the two gray-robed old men.

Without using illusions, he directly noticed the abnormality of his pupils.

This is the first time Xu Heng has encountered this situation.

“I knew that the guardians in Canaan College were very powerful, but I didn’t expect their eyes to be so vicious”~. “A powerhouse of this level is only stronger than that of the gatekeeper of Nantian University. ” Xu Heng thought to himself.

However, he did not have too much fear.

With his current strength, if he is desperate, he will explode with all his strength.

In front of the two people, there is absolutely no way to take him.

The guardian of the pavilion sighed softly, with admiration for Xu Heng in his voice.

Then the guardian turned his attention to Hu Qian, the vice president, and said, “This year’s students are much better than the last year.” Hearing this, Hu Qian seemed to be slightly relieved. , “In this case, then please unlock the space lock.” Hearing this, the two pavilion guards stretched out their hands from their sleeves and slowly formed various handprints.

With the formation of their handprints, Xu Heng could clearly feel that two extremely powerful and invisible waves emanated from their hands, and if they were like waves, they spread out around them.

The invisible wave spread, and finally came into contact with the space fold in front of them.

The space folds in front of Xu Heng and others were slowly smoothed out.

“Come in!” The hoarse voices of the two gray-robed pavilion guards came out.

Hugan immediately took Xu Heng and others into the quaint library in front of him.

“Now you can enter the library and choose your own fighting skills. But you must remember that no matter what you want, don’t force it.”

“Because every fighting technique has an energy shield. If you want to get that scroll, you must pass through the energy shield on the surface of the fighting technique. Otherwise, you can’t carry the exercises here. “However, if you can’t penetrate the energy shield, then just give up. With your current strength, it is impossible to forcibly break the shield on the surface of the fighting skills.” “If you don’t get any fighting skills in the end, don’t.” Regret. Every year students come here, and there are not a few who end up empty-handed.” “Everything is random, don’t force it.”

Deputy Dean Hu Gan pointed to the library in front of him and explained to the students behind him what he might encounter.

Finally, Xu Heng and others nodded, slowly raised their legs, and walked towards the library.

In the quiet valley, there was silence, only the slight footsteps and rustling sounded.

Xu Heng and others walked across the grass in front of the library and stepped onto the stone stairs leading to the interior of the library.

The stone ladder was covered with moss, and the soles of the feet were a little slippery.

Fortunately, this did not cause much trouble to Xu Heng and others at the scene. After walking along the bluestone ladder for a while, they came to the inside of the library.

A desolate feeling rushed towards the face, entangled in the hearts of everyone, and lingered for a long time.

“Remember, the door will only be open for one hour. After one hour, you must come out regardless of whether you have obtained the fighting skills.” Next to the ten people, a gray-robed man’s sleeve robe was moved by the breeze.

He reminded everyone present not to run around.

Outside the library, the vice president Hu Gan looked at Xu Heng and the others who had disappeared in front of the library, and said with a slight smile: “.~ I hope you can get the fighting skills you want, the library of Canaan College, but It’s not easy to get in. If you miss this opportunity, you will almost never have another chance in the future.”

“What about the exercises? It seems that there is nothing here?” Inside the library, Xu Heng and the others had already arrived.

However, unlike imagined, there is absolutely no such thing as a bookshelf.

In the room, there were only a few white energy shields, slowly emitting light.

Many people looked at each other and looked at each other suspiciously.

“Immediately, all of us here will enter the inner courtyard.”

“I heard that in the inner courtyard, if you want to obtain the best training resources, you must see who has the toughest fist.” In the library room, Bai Shan looked at the people who were looking for fighting skills and suddenly spoke.

As soon as the words fell, other people who were looking for the exercises turned their heads to look at him.

What does he want to do when he mentions the inner courtyard at this time?

“If it’s a newcomer, it’s easy to be bullied.”

“I have a clan brother who has been in the inner courtyard for two years. Moreover, he was in there and founded a gang.” “If anyone is interested, just say hello to me now, and just come to me when the time comes. “After speaking, he also glanced at Xu Heng not far away.

He was very upset when he lost to Xu Heng before.

Now he believes that his understanding of the inner court is far better than others.

“Don’t bother you!” Xu Heng replied directly with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Bai Shan’s expression suddenly changed. .

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