Chapter 143

Brand new ruins, officially opened!

Not far away, a training device made of high-strength alloy was split in half and lay there quietly.

Everyone at the scene was in shock.

They didn’t understand why Xu Heng’s two random words could make Zhao Han break through directly on the spot.

“Destructo Disc!”

“I succeeded too!”

When everyone around was shocked by Zhao Han’s sudden success, an exclamation suddenly sounded again in the training room.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw a small Destructo Disc in Xu Xiaojia’s hand.

Not only that, the Destructo Disc she condensed is even more solid.

Unlike Zhao Han, it seems that he may disperse at any time.

Just as everyone was shocked, the breath in Xu Xiaojia’s hand suddenly changed.

Then, there seemed to be the sound of gurgling water.

The Destructo Disc in Xu Xiaojia’s hands turned directly into a water dragon.

“Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!”

All around, the shocking voice sounded again.

“Fuck, not only did I succeed, but I also learned two exercises at once!” “What a pervert!”

“Xu Heng’s advice is also very effective!”

“As expected of someone who was alone, rushed into the beast swarm, and could leave safely.” “If only I were so powerful!”

“When will I get to the point where I can point others at will, and now, I don’t even know how to learn it myself!” In the training room, everyone watching around was stunned when they saw the water dragon that suddenly appeared on Xu Xiaojia’s hand.

They didn’t understand why Xu Heng was so powerful.

Zhao Han’s success may be a coincidence.

But then, Xu Xiaojia also successfully condensed Destructo Disc.

Not only that, but also infer other things from one fact, and directly understood the water dragon bomb on the spot.

This is what everyone at the scene saw with their own eyes.

It can only be said that Xu Heng’s guidance is indeed very effective.

Immediately, the other people present had thoughts of wanting Xu Heng’s guidance.

In the crowd of 14, Xu Heng was also a little surprised.

He just gave a few random pointers without thinking too much.

Just like when he was in the student union cafeteria before, pointing out others, he just said it casually.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the two random actions actually caused others to have an epiphany effect.

“I’m so envious! I also want Xu Heng to guide me!”

“If someone so powerful can teach me, then I can wake up laughing from my dreams!”

Others around, seeing Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han, after being given a few random pointers by Xu Heng, actually made such a big progress, they immediately envied them to the extreme.

They all talked in a low voice, and the success of the two women felt a little incredible.

At the same time, he looked at Xu Heng who was not far away, and his eyes shone with light.Everyone seemed to be moved, and they all wanted Xu Heng to teach them. “We and Xu Heng don’t seem to know each other very well!” “Just like this, he probably won’t care!”

In the end, although everyone wanted to get Xu Heng’s advice, no one dared to go forward.

Xu Heng, a puzzled look appeared on his face at this moment.

“The beast horde has just retreated, shouldn’t you go and relax?!” “Why did you all come to the training room?”

Xu Heng looked around and found many familiar faces among the people present.

He was a little strange. He had just experienced an extremely dangerous beast riot, and now many people are playing around.

Most people are traveling, eating, drinking and having fun.

Everyone, after experiencing this extremely depressing beast tide, all thought about venting and venting.

However, he did not expect that there were so many people in the training room.

These people don’t usually seem to work so hard.

He had basically never seen these people in the training room before.

“Why, you guys are training so hard now, it’s not like your usual appearance!”

“Why do you work so hard all of a sudden?”

Xu Heng looked at the surrounding crowd and asked in confusion.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in the crowd.

Xu Heng turned his head to look, and was immediately surprised. The person who spoke up was none other than the assistant who worked for him in the student council before. “Yang Dong?”

“You’re actually here too?” Xu Heng shouted in surprise.

In his impression, Yang Dong does not seem to be from the logistics department.

Originally, he saw a lot of students from the logistics department here, and thought it was a teacher from the logistics department who organized it uniformly.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

“Haha, Minister Xu!” Yang Dong was a little flattered when he saw Xu Heng calling him, so he stepped forward and greeted Xu Heng. “I didn’t expect to see you here too!”

“I thought, Minister, where did you go to train silently again!” “You also came here to train?”

“Why all of a sudden, you guys are working so hard, you don’t usually see this!” Xu Heng patted Yang Dong and asked jokingly.

When Yang Dong heard Xu Heng’s question, his original smile turned slightly serious. “We came here to train to prepare for more valuable sacrifices in the future!” “More valuable sacrifices?” Xu Heng didn’t understand what this meant.

Training is for sacrifice, which is completely inconsistent with ordinary people’s thinking. “From childhood to adulthood, although we have received various educations!”

“Whether it’s in school, or in movies or TV, we’ve seen the appearance of beasts countless times.” “However, for so many years, we have never seen a real beast with our own eyes. As for the beast tide, that I can’t even imagine it.” “But this time, when we saw the beast rioting with our own eyes, we really realized how terrifying the beast tide really is!!”

Speaking of this, Yang Dong seemed to recall the scene in the beast tide, and the whole person trembled slightly.

Due to the close distance, Xu Heng could even feel the real fear in his heart.

“So you train to fight beasts?” Xu Heng asked.

Yang Dong didn’t answer, but nodded fiercely.

“You also know that the beasts are very scary. You should be very scared when you look like this!” “So, you still have to fight against the beasts?”

Feeling Yang Dong’s trembling figure, Xu Heng was still a little puzzled.

Obviously, Yang Dong is very scared.

Obviously, the last beast riot had brought him a huge psychological shadow.

Now just mentioning the beast, Yang Dong has already started to tremble before facing it with his own eyes. “Ferocious beasts are indeed terrifying. During the previous beast swarm, my legs were so frightened!” “But because of this, I have to train even more!”

“Up to now in our country, hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of beasts!”

“Now this fierce beast riot, although the beast tide will soon recede, but according to the news I overheard before, this time the beast tide, the death toll in the whole country is close to 100,000!” On top of the past year!”

“So, everyone who comes to the training room now has made up his mind to train well, and we will be able to come in handy when the beasts riot again in the future!” “Otherwise, we will always have to hide behind others! ”

Yang Dong said sentence after sentence, and in the end, the whole person seemed to be a little excited, and his face was a little red. “Back then, my father, outside the fog, encountered the riot of beasts!”

“In order to protect his teammates, he dragged a group of ferocious beasts by himself, and finally died in the mouth of the ferocious beasts!” “However, I don’t think he is stupid!”

“I think he is my role model and he is my pride!”

Yang Dong’s eyes were slightly moist, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

However, he is not afraid of the jokes of other people in the training room, and others are talking about themselves. “In the future, we must also protect others!” Yang Dong clenched his fists tightly, and his hands were a little red.

The training room, at this moment, is all silent.

Everyone, all silently listened to Yang Dong’s words.

No one refuted, they all agreed with Yang Dong’s meaning.

Everyone, just after the beast swarms receded, hurried over to train instead of playing around and venting.

The purpose is to improve their own strength.

In this way, when the next beast riot riots, it will not be helpless.

Moreover, with enough strength, they can also go to the front line to resist the beasts.

In this way, the pressure can also be shared for the country.

Although the beasts are indeed terrifying, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for their own country and their own homeland. “We are training so hard now, just to be able to use it in the beast tide in the future!”

“Even if we sacrifice and die by the beast’s mouth, we will never regret it!” Others, hearing Yang Dong’s words, also expressed their approval.

Some people also stepped forward, saying that in the future, they will never be greedy for life and fear of death. They are training hard now to kill more beasts in the future.

Xu Heng listened to the words of the others around him and remained silent.

He didn’t expect that these ordinary students, who usually don’t seem to be outstanding, actually still have such family and country feelings.

The talent of these people is not particularly high, but it does not prevent them from having a sincere heart to protect the family and the country.

Thinking of this, Xu Heng looked around for a week.

Then he spoke to everyone on the scene. “I’ll give you pointers!”

“From now on, you can come and ask me all the questions in your practice!” “But the chance is only this time!” Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

Before, they hoped that Xu Heng could give pointers, but because they felt that they were not familiar with Xu Heng, it was not easy for them to go forward.

Hearing Xu Heng’s words at this moment, they all rushed forward. “Fuck it’s great!”

“Xu Heng, teach me, I have never been able to learn Flying Technique!”

“And me too, I’ve never been able to break through the master! I’ve been watching there for a long time!”

“I got a scroll of exercises in the ruins before, but I couldn’t learn it all the time. I hope you can teach me Xu Heng, otherwise I may never learn it!” Everyone turned to Xu Heng’s direction. squeezed past.

Everyone hopes that they can quickly get Xu Heng’s guidance.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

After all, the guidance of a national champion is very valuable.

After several hours, Xu Heng had a brief rest after giving instructions to everyone on the scene.

He looked at the classmates who were training hard in the field, thoughtful.Anyone would be moved by their enthusiasm. “It’s time for me to train myself!”

Then, Xu Heng flashed and disappeared directly from the scene!

In the gravity training room, Xu Heng sat quietly.

What he went to before was the ordinary training room 423.

Originally, he just took a look at Xu Xiaoxia and Zhao Han, but he didn’t expect other students to be so enthusiastic.

This experience of killing the King of Fierce Beasts in the mist was very precious to him. Now that he has dealt with all the things, he returned to his exclusive training room and began to organize his cultivation success. “My current strength is at the top of the king level, half-step god level!” “This strength just doesn’t exceed the rejection of the relic formation!” “The use of high-level exercises has become more proficient!”

Because this opportunity is absolutely impossible to come by.

Especially that kind of extreme fighting state is very rare for Xu Heng.

Because from the time he entered the university until now, he has rarely met his peers who are truly rivals.

Basically, every person who can be hostile to him is crushed by him all the way, or instantly killed.

Therefore, Xu Heng has been in a state of near-death for a long time, and he has not felt that fighting to the extreme.

Although, he was in the fog and successfully killed the king of beasts.

But the process didn’t go so smoothly.

Because the King of Murderers’ counterattack was very fierce, the flame dragon fire jade that erupted before his death could be said to be an area-based attack.

All creatures within the domain will bear the enormous pressure of the Flame Dragon Fire Domain.

In order to kill the king of beasts, Xu Heng forced his way into the terrifying inferno.

It is precisely because of this extreme battle and the state of near-death since then that Xu Heng has made leaps and bounds again.

Now Xu Heng feels that not only has his strength improved to a new level, but he is also more proficient in using and performing various exercises.

Basically, those high-level skills he masters now can be instantly displayed if he likes.

His use of the power in his body has also taken a higher level.

“Recover the body completely first, and then train the advanced skills acquired before,” Xu Heng calculated silently in his heart, arranging the next training plan.

The strength no longer needs to be further improved.

So Xu Heng put all his attention on the practice skills, and he hoped that he could integrate all the skills this time!

Time passed quickly, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the last day for the military organization to enter the unknown ruins.

At this moment, in a city in the middle of the Dragon Kingdom, countless people gathered in front of a huge teleportation formation.

They are all people who are about to enter the unknown ruins and explore.

If Xu Heng was here, he would surely find several acquaintances.

Jin He from Qinghua University, Xuan Tao from Jingcheng University, Min Yuan and so on.

Even Qingge, who had just duel with him, came here for the second time.

At this moment, the expressions on these people’s faces were different.

This time, the ruins will be opened soon, but one person still hasn’t arrived.

That is Xu Heng, who was invited by the military. “Will Xu Heng come this time?” said Min Yuan from Zhongling University in the crowd.

Others were still chatting.

Hearing Min Yuan’s words, he immediately became interested and began to discuss heatedly.

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