Chapter 132

Repel the ninth-order beast, Xu Heng’s true strength?

There was silence in the military conference room.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Xu Heng who suddenly appeared outside the fog.

They didn’t understand how this guy Xu Heng, at this moment, appeared outside the fog and where the King of Ferocious Beasts was.

You must know that this red-winged dragon can control the eighth-order vicious beasts to launch a beast tide, then its strength is very likely to have reached the ninth-order level.

A beast of this level has already stood at the top of the ceiling of human strength.

In all countries in the world, there are basically only a handful of people who can compete with the ninth-order beasts.

Xu Heng appeared in that place and was stared at by the King of Fierce Beasts. It was absolutely dead and alive, and there was no chance of surviving.

The meeting room was silent for a while, and everyone was speechless when Xu Heng suddenly appeared.

After a while, when everyone came back to their senses, in an instant, violent discussions resounded in every corner of the conference room. “Isn’t this Xu Heng in the International Temple of Heaven, playing a ring match?” “Another daring fellow!”

“As far as I know, there was a serious beast tide at the International Temple of Heaven! But shouldn’t he retreat inland, why did he suddenly run into the fog?” Keep an eye on it, this is completely over!” “Bastard, how could someone save them in that place?” Everyone didn’t understand why Xu Heng appeared in that place. That is outside the fog, where the beasts originated.

Shouldn’t Xu Heng, a freshman, follow the ordinary people and retreat inland?

However, as time passed, some people suddenly realized something was wrong.

“That beam of light just now was the Kamehameha of Xu Heng? It actually interrupted the attack of the King of Ferocious Beasts!” As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room suddenly woke up.

The “410” attack launched by the king of alien beasts just now was blocked by a mysterious beam of light.

You must know that it is a ninth-order beast, and its strength is comparable to the super beast of the superhuman god-level among humans.

In the entire human world, with a population of tens of billions, there are no more than 100 powerful people who can reach the extraordinary god level.

The chance of birth of an extraordinary god-level powerhouse can be said to be one in 100,000,000.

What appears now is such a terrifying beast.

However, his attack just now was actually taken down by someone. Although the beast did not use all its strength, the power contained in it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

However, just now, the attack of the king of the ninth-order beasts was completely taken down.

Then, Xu Heng’s figure suddenly appeared.

So, an extremely absurd thought appeared in someone’s mind, that is, Xu Heng blocked the attack of the King of Ferocious Beasts just now.

However, the moment this thought appeared, everyone shook their heads fiercely.

That is a ninth-order beast! Comparable to the superhuman god-level powerhouse of human beings, how could its attack be resisted by the freshman.

In this world, there is probably nothing more absurd than this.

“Impossible! That attack just now cannot be blocked by Xu Heng!”

Someone exclaimed, saying that with Xu Heng’s strength, this is absolutely impossible for him to do.

“Then what happened to the beam of light that blocked the Red Winged Demon Dragon?” Someone expressed confusion.

Although they were not at the scene, everyone could feel the horror of the attack by the Red Winged Demon Dragon.

If it was any of them on the scene, it would be impossible to stop the attack safely.

Even under that attack, the number of people who can successfully survive will not exceed the number of hands.

Therefore, they were all very curious, who was the one who blocked the Red Winged Demon Dragon just now?

“There must be experts around Xu Heng. The attack just now was probably the mysterious experts around him who helped him resist!” Someone in the conference room said guessing.

As soon as these words came out, others also joined in.

“Xu Heng’s strength can increase so quickly in a short period of time, there must be this reason!” “Yes, it must be because of this.”The people at the scene really couldn’t think of a better reason to explain why Xu Heng could survive just now.

Compared with Xu Heng using his own strength now, they are more willing to believe that the mysterious powerhouse behind Xu Heng is helping.

Otherwise, it would be too absurd.

Inside the fog, Xu Heng stood quietly in front of the five veterans.

Above the sky, a huge light is constantly radiating.

That was the huge light that Kamehameha radiated after hitting the red-winged dragon.

Behind Xu Heng, the five veterans were shocked when they looked at Xu Heng who suddenly appeared.

They would never have imagined that in just half a day, they would meet Xu Heng again.

Moreover, the location is still in the depths of this fog.

“It turns out that Xu Heng also wanted to come to the fog, no wonder he met him before!” “But, what is the purpose of his coming?”

The five veterans looked at each other, Wan Haoming looked at Xu Heng’s back and muttered to himself in doubt. “All the beasts have gone inland, maybe he thinks it’s safer here?”

“Is it possible, like us, to come to the King of Fierce Beasts?” “Impossible!”

The other four were guessing in their hearts why Xu Heng appeared in the mist.

But no one thought that Xu Heng came here to find the king of beasts.

Because the strength gap between the two is simply too huge.

Even the five of them, after seeing the real King of Ferocious Beasts, realized how ridiculous their original thoughts were.

Before dying, find the king of beasts to fight for his life and seek a breakthrough?

Now it seems that their decision is beyond their own power.

With just a roar, all five of them were seriously injured.

All previously cast spells are instantly invalid.

Under this disparity in strength, in the blink of an eye, they would die directly under the attack of the King of Fierce Beasts.

If it wasn’t for Xu Heng who suddenly appeared just now, they would be five corpses now.

Maybe not even the corpse left.

In this case, they cannot have any chance of breakthrough.


Just as the five veterans were guessing the reason for Xu Heng’s appearance, a huge roar came from above the sky again.

A terrifying sound wave swept the audience. “Xu Heng, let’s go!” the five veterans hurriedly said.

Not long after, they were hit by that terrifying sound wave.

Therefore, they are very aware of the terrifying power contained in it.

In their opinion, although Xu Heng’s strength is good, it is only compared with ordinary human beings, and compared with this terrifying king of beasts, there is still a very long distance.

Therefore, they believed that if Xu Heng was swept away by this sound wave, he would not end up any better than them, and he would definitely end up with a serious injury.

Therefore, the five hurriedly asked Xu Heng to leave quickly. “Xu Heng, go back now!”

“Your strength, it is impossible to stop this attack, go now, there is still time!” However, Xu Heng’s figure did not move at all.

In the military conference room, everyone on the scene was paying attention to the situation in the depths of the fog through satellite signals.

When they saw that Xu Heng didn’t dodge or dodge, and planned to take the attack of the King of Fierce Beasts, they were a little dumbfounded.

“That’s the king of beasts. Even an ordinary sonic roar can directly seriously injure a king-level expert. This guy Xu Heng is too arrogant.” “This guy is fooling around again!”

“Well, if he did join our military, now can certainly get rid of this wayward wrong.” “It’s a pity!”

“This time, no one can protect him!”

Some military officials live to see Xu Heng does not hide the flash of behavior, have expressed regret.

Saw a very good talent genius, fall in front of their own, all expressed great regret.

In the fog, the Red Wings Tarrasque that horrible roar, directed at the position where Xu Heng, spewing away. “Humph!”

Feel the forces of terror mixed with sound waves, Xu Heng Leng Heng heard, do not hide do not flash.

His mysterious force in the body, scattered burst out of a bowl-shaped transparent gas field, upside down in the place where Xu Heng.

Xu Heng behind the five veterans, and a is included.

Thud, sonic heavy hit on top of that, the transparent shield.

Moment, cracks throughout the entire direct protective cover, seems about to break anymore direct general.

Fortunately, however, there are blessings Xu Heng forces, finally, after the sound waves, they survived unharmed.

But all around them, they are not so good luck.

To Xu Heng centered around the ground, full of crack, like a spider’s web in general, to the surrounding spreads.

Finally thud, radius of hundred meters of ground, life and life actually shook the collapse continues.


Five veterans, see the situation around the ground, suddenly gasped.

Steamer Xiongshou, although only a random roar, but the power inherent in them, has gone beyond the estimated level of the boundaries of the king.

However, it is still Xu Heng abruptly took off.

They imagine, just without the protection of Xu Heng, who is now estimated to have a Shiguwucun.

Far from the conference room of the military, at the moment silence.

They believe, that’s the king of beasts, the ninth order, comparable to the human extraordinary strong level of God Xiongshou.

Even just pick one hit, absolutely ordinary people can not afford ….

“This guy, actually took it?”

“Just that attack, at least is the intensity level of the king!”

“But he looks unscathed, did not he have the king class now?” “He really is a freshman?”

“Another mysterious strong, in the back help?” Xu Heng, actually took over nine bands Xiongshou blow!

All officers, watching quietly standing Xu Heng, can not believe what they saw.

They are in his heart, secretly guess the possible causes.

But no one dared to believe that this is Xu Heng personally should do.

Within the Mists, Wan Ho Ming, five veterans, continue to persuade Xu Heng.

They think, Xu Heng can took a hit, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat evil beasts bird. “Xu Heng, you leave immediately!”

“Not only beasts before, the strength of the deep sea far python snake that can be compared, you now leave immediately, and got the opportunity to escape!” Xu Heng behind veteran Wan Ho Ming looked around that horrible scene, hurried toward xu Heng shouted.

He hoped Xu Heng, now leave immediately.

Otherwise, everyone will certainly die in the hands of these beasts.

However, Xu Heng on his words, and not the slightest reaction.

His eyes, but firmly fixed on the altitude, that mouth of Red Wing roared Tiamat.Behind him, the other four, like Wan Haoming, also hoped that Xu Heng would leave soon.

So when they saw Xu Heng’s indifferent figure, they were equally anxious. “We are already a bunch of old bones. Even if we leave, we won’t live long.” “Xu Heng, you are still very young, and there are countless possibilities in the future.”

“With your talent, it is estimated that it will not be long before you can reach the ceiling of human strength. When the time comes, it will not be too late to settle accounts with this fierce beast!” “It would be a pity to die here now!”” Hurry up, Xu Heng!”

The five veterans took turns to persuade, and they all hoped that Xu Heng would return to the high wall immediately.

There, with the protection of the top human beings, Xu Heng will definitely be very safe.

However, the Scarlet Winged Demon Dragon above the sky obviously didn’t want to give them this chance.

After the loud roar just now, the Scarlet Wing Demon Dragon didn’t stop at all.

His wings trembled, and his huge body dashed toward the ground.

However, the target of his attack was not Xu Heng, but Wan Haoming and other five veterans not far from him.

It wants to grind these five people directly into puree.

The figure of the red-winged demon dragon has not yet arrived, and the terrifying air wave has directly impacted the five people.

In an instant, the five were hit hard.

puff puff!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the already serious injury became even more terrifying. “It’s so scary!”

Below, Wan Haoming thought secretly in his heart.

In the air, the figure of the Red Wing 5.4 Demon Dragon dashed straight down without hindrance.


In a short blink of an eye, the five people from Wan Haoming on the ground were only 100 meters away.

At this speed, it is estimated that in less than three seconds, the figure of the dragon can reach the ground.

Then in the next moment, the five people will be directly lined up into mashed meat.

However, just as the Red Wing Demon Dragon’s double grab was about to hit the five people on the ground, a terrifying circular slash flew out from the bottom up.

The Qi Yuan Slash had a diameter of nearly 100 meters, and its power was on par with the Destructo Disc cast by Ling Cangfeng.

In addition, on it, with a thick flame, that is the power of fire escape.

Terrifying cutting power radiates out.

Destructo Disc, at an extremely fast speed, flew towards the red-winged dragon’s double grabs and flew away.

If the Red Winged Demon Dragon continued on its original trajectory, it wanted to kill the five veterans on the ground.

Well, he must have been hit by the Destructo Disc.

Therefore, after sensing the threat, the red-winged demon dragon slanted and stopped.

Then its wings slammed, and its body flashed, actively dodging the attack. “Who?”

“Which senior?”

On the ground, the five veterans were extremely curious when they saw that the Red Winged Demon Dragon was actually repelled by the Destructo Disc.

The ninth-order beast was actually repelled by life?

Who is it that has such power?

However, when they looked at Xu Heng not far away, full of breath and red light, an unbelievable thought appeared in their hearts again.

They looked at each other in shock, accepting the fact with difficulty. “The one who repelled the King of Ferocious Beasts just now was really Xu Heng!”

“What is his true strength?!!”

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