Chapter 127

The eighth-order beast, Xu Heng who suddenly disappeared!

“That’s it, go in?”

“How much time can he buy by himself? It’s just confusing!”

Behind Yuan Gang, teachers from other universities and accompanying staff looked at each other.

They didn’t react at all, Yuan Gang actually rushed directly into the beast horde, and the next thing was definitely a near-death situation.

When the profound strength wall was shattered just now, the ferocious beast roar was several times stronger, and many people on the scene were shocked by the sudden increase in the sound.

When they came back to their senses, in their minds, the idea of ​​running away subconsciously occurred.

So when they saw the fierce beast rushing over, they immediately planned to leave this place directly, because it was absolutely impossible for them to block the impact of the beast.

As a result, no one thought that Yuan Gang did not hesitate at all, and rushed directly into the herd. “What is he going to do? If a person rushes in, it’s not certain to die!”

A teacher at the scene directly questioned Yuan Gang’s behavior. He did not understand Yuan Gang’s behavior at all.

The impact of such a powerful beast tide, just relying on his strength to directly block the beast tide, that is, the man’s arm acts as a chariot.

As a result, Yuan Gang rushed in directly. In his opinion, this behavior was no different from courting death. “Let’s go quickly, if we don’t go, even if we are warriors, we will definitely not be able to escape the beasts.” “When we are directly surrounded by the beasts, everything will be over!”

The teacher who had a strong reaction after seeing Yuan Gang rush into the beast horde, opened his mouth to encourage others, hoping that the people around him would leave immediately.

Not only that, he has turned around and is ready to leave at any time.

The other people around were also a little shaken when they heard his words.

“Run? Where do you want to run? Where do you think you can run?”

Just when the crowd was still undecided about “four one zero”, another voice sounded from the crowd.

I saw a slightly old figure walking out of the crowd slowly.

That is the teacher of Magic Capital University, Wang Xing.

Although Modu University and Fudan University have fought openly and secretly for many years, Wang Xing and Yuan Gang have also secretly competed countless times.

But this time, for Yuan Gang’s decision, he is incomparably agreed.

From the first day of their practice, all martial artists have regarded defending against beasts as their first goal.

This is also the primary purpose of training martial artists all over the world. Everything is for the survival of mankind.

But now, after encountering a vicious beast, some people are not only greedy for life and fear of death, do not take the initiative to resist the vicious beast, but also ridicule those who take the initiative to dedicate themselves, which is absolutely unbearable for Wang Xing.

He looked at the fierce beast in the distance, with a strong expression of anger on his face.

“After training for so many years and being a martial artist for so many years, will you only run away when you encounter a vicious beast!”

“If the beast really broke the city, none of us would be able to escape!”

“You teach your students every day that after you become a martial artist, you have to defend against beasts. As a result, when you encounter a beast, your first reaction is to run away? Are you embarrassed to speak during class?” The teacher and the other warriors all looked a little embarrassed.

“Laozi is also a lot of old people. After so many years, he has lived enough!” Wang Xing said to himself.

At this moment, several screams were suddenly heard again in the distance. “Help, wait for me…”It was an ordinary person in the crowd who couldn’t retreat in time and was surrounded by beasts.

They looked at the beasts all around, and they were all scared to the extreme, because there was no way to escape.

Moreover, the surrounding beasts are still approaching, opening their mouths and roaring from time to time, which makes people shudder.

Wang Xing in the distance, seeing this scene, immediately ignored the expressions of the other teachers around him, and rushed directly to the crowd trapped by the beasts.

He made the same decision as Yuan Gang, to rescue those who were besieged by beasts.

Behind him, the other teachers looked complicated when they saw Wang Xing, who, like Yuan Gang, rushed directly to the herd without hesitation.

Afterwards, under the infection of Wang Xing, several more teachers rushed into the ferocious herd.

As warriors, although their strength is not comparable to that of a general-level top powerhouse like Li Tiangang, they are still king-level masters who can stand in the air.

Therefore, if they all stop the beasts, the effect will be quite good.

Not only that, under the leadership of his teachers, many passers-by warriors who had escaped, as well as people from the martial arts group, also joined the wave of blocking the beasts.

They also didn’t expect to be able to completely block the whole wave of beasts, as long as they can resist for a moment, so that more people have time to escape.

With the addition of these warriors, the beast tide, which had been overwhelming, was stopped for a while.

Many ordinary people who were about to fall into the mouth of the beast took this opportunity to immediately escape the threat of the beast.

However, since there were too many beasts at the scene, just a few teachers watching the battle could not resist the advance of the beast group.

After just a moment, the warriors who rushed into the beast tide began to suffer casualties.

Not long after a warrior entered the beast group, he was besieged by several brutal beasts, and his body was directly divided into several pieces.

For a time, the scene became bloody to the extreme.

However, it seems that under the influence of Yuan Gang and Wang Xing before, although there were a lot of casualties in the follow-up, there are still a steady stream of warriors who poured out from the crowd, and then joined the team to resist the beast tide.

“Xiaojia, what should we do!”

Among the crowd, Zhao Han looked very anxious at the fierce beast roaring and rampaging in the distance.

Before the duel between Xu Heng and Qingge, the two of them sneaked out of the school in order to watch Xu Heng’s ring match this time.

Originally, the two of them seldom went to Xu Heng’s ring match, because they had been teammates with Xu Heng for a long time and had great trust in Xu Heng’s strength.

Xu Heng had almost never been to the scene in the first few ring matches, because in their opinion, Xu Heng could definitely win.

However, the match against Qingge had too much influence.

There are a lot of reports on Qingge’s strength on the Internet.

Coupled with the background of Qingge’s hidden university, they really don’t know much about Qingge.

So this time, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han were also a little worried, so they came to watch the match together.

As a result, they encountered a beast turmoil that was hard to come by for decades. “Is this the beast?”

At this moment, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han, looking at the bloody battlefield, didn’t know what to say for a while.

Although they are also warriors, but because they are still very young, they basically live in the ivory tower of the school.

The experience outside the fog usually needs to wait until the second year of college, or even the third year.

Therefore, although they are warriors, they have never really fought against beasts.

At this moment, when the two of them saw the beast with their own eyes, they were all deeply shocked by the brutal appearance of the beast.

All the people surrounded by the beasts, whether they were warriors or ordinary people, were not able to survive, all of them were bitten to death by the beasts.

“Many of those warriors who rushed over are dead!” Zhao Han muttered to himself.

Xu Xiaojia also looked at the battlefield, and the scenes of blood and blood had an unparalleled impact on her.

Especially knowing the situation of nine deaths and one life, there are still many warriors rushing in the direction of the coming of the beast, which makes the two of them unable to speak for a long time. “Xiaojia, I think that person looks familiar!”

When Xu Xiaojia was silent, Zhao Han spoke up again and pointed to the depths of the herd.

Xu Xiaojia’s gaze also followed Zhao Han’s direction and looked into the distance.

Immediately, she recognized the familiar figure, “That is, the old man who is the janitor of the logistics department. I have seen him several times before, and he followed the principal when the national competition was awarded.” “I knew it earlier. , The old man should be very powerful, but I didn’t expect him to be comparable to the general-level masters of the US military, and the old man seems to be even stronger!” “The one who saved Jinnan Island by himself was this one. The hidden gatekeeper?” Xu Xiaojia looked at the battlefield in the distance and was very surprised.

However, her surprise didn’t last long, and she was shocked by the earth-shattering battle fluctuations.

At the very center of the battlefield, earth-shattering shock waves erupted from time to time, centered on the three of them, sweeping in all directions.

All the beasts that were affected made a miserable howl, and then turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

However, the number of beasts exceeded everyone’s imagination.

After being killed by the three, the vacancies of the beasts that appeared were immediately filled by the beasts that came from behind.

One after another, fierce beasts rushed towards the three top masters, as if they were completely dead.

Not only that, as the battle time went by, a few seventh-order beasts rushed over to the distant horizon.

They merged with those seventh-order beasts that had not yet died, and launched a fierce attack on the three of Ling Cangfeng.

Although Ling Cangfeng, Li Tiangang, and the mysterious gatekeeper were all very strong, there were too many beasts that couldn’t hold back.

With so many Tier 7 beasts and countless beasts of Tier 6 and below assisting, even if the three of them are extremely powerful, they seem a little powerless at the moment…

Gradually, more and more vicious beasts broke through the defense line built by the three top experts and bit the ordinary crowd.

Not only that, there were even high-level vicious beasts who began to give up besieging Ling Cangfeng and the three of them, and turned their heads to attack ordinary people. “Want to run? Come back to me!”

During the battle, Ling Cangfeng seemed to have sensed the thoughts of those high-level beasts, and the power gushing out of his body suddenly increased several times.

With Instant Transmission, he can appear anywhere on the battlefield.

Therefore, when he found out that there were high-level vicious beasts who wanted to pass them and attack ordinary people directly, Ling Cangfeng dodged and appeared in front of the high-level vicious beast who wanted to sneak attack.

Then, with a finger on his left hand, a devastating laser shot out from the index finger of his left hand, and then directly penetrated the brain of the beast.

One blow worked, but Ling Cangfeng’s expression did not relax in the slightest, and even became more and more solemn.

Feeling the aura of the beasts around him, an ominous premonition appeared in his heart.

Roar! !

hoohoo! !

hoohoo!Sure enough, just after Ling Cangfeng killed a seventh-order vicious beast again, three roars that shook the heavens and the earth came from a distance.

Hearing the cry, Ling Cangfeng’s expression changed drastically.

Not only that, Li Tiangang and the gatekeeper Lao Cang, who had been fighting all the time, turned their heads suddenly. “Eighth-order vicious beast!!”

“And, at one time, five heads appeared directly!”

“This time, I’m afraid the entire Jinnan Island will be doomed!”

Not far from the International Temple of Heaven, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han looked pale as they watched the situation on the battlefield.

They looked around, and there seemed to be more and more beasts in the distance.

Above the ground, there is almost no free space, and it is densely packed with beasts.

Not only that, but more and more flying beasts flew over in the sky.

The team of beasts stretched all the way to the horizon, with no end at all.

“Let’s go quickly, staying now will hardly help, but will drag down those warriors who bought time for us!” Zhao Han calmed down slightly and planned to leave here with Xu Xiaojia.

Because this place has become the first impact point after the beast broke the wall, and it is also the most violent impact point.

It is foreseeable that with the passage of time, there will definitely be more and more beasts that will emerge next, and it will become more and more dangerous to stay here.

“I used to rely on Xu Heng, but now I rely on these seniors. If I can go back alive this time, then I must train well in the future, and I can’t always rely on others!”

Seeing the people charging into the ferocious beasts, Xu Xiaojia made up her mind that she must train harder in the future.

5.4 From entering the university to the present, from the dream space to the recent national competition, almost all the awards she has received have relied on Xu Heng.

So although she has won a lot of awards, her current strength is still very poor.

This time when the beast swarm came, they could hardly play any role, which made them all feel guilty.

Xu Xiaojia secretly made up her mind that after returning home, she must not relax in any way, and her training plan must be strengthened again.

Even if she can’t reach the perverted training intensity of Xu Heng, she has to work hard and get as close as possible.

Xu Xiaojia made up her mind that she must train well in the future, and then she replied to Zhao Han, “Let’s go to Xu Heng and go back together!” Zhao Han nodded and did not object.

Then, they looked in the direction of the International Temple of Heaven.

However, to the surprise of the two of them, there was no Xu Heng above the Temple of Heaven.

Above the International Temple of Heaven, the fallen Qingge had already been taken away by the Qing family early. This was what they saw with their own eyes.

However, in their impression, Xu Heng should have never left the Temple of Heaven from the end of the battle until the outbreak of the beast tide.

As a result, the Temple of Heaven is now empty, and Xu Heng is not seen at all. “What about others?!”

“Just now, I saw him there!”

Zhao Han was a little surprised. Not long ago, when her eyes swept across the Temple of Heaven, she saw Xu Heng. “Look!”

When Zhao Han was puzzled, Xu Xiaojia’s surprised voice sounded.

However, her surprise soon turned into panic. “Why?!”

“How did Xu Heng run to the direction of the beast tide??!”.

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