Chapter 122

A war on the verge of breaking out, Xu Heng vs Qingge

In Nantian University, Xu Heng accepted the challenge of Jinghong University without hesitation after getting the news.

In an instant, the entire network began to have explosive discussions, and everyone kept guessing, who would have the last laugh in this duel. “Xu Heng has challenged, and there is another good show to watch!”

“How do I feel that since Xu Heng went to college, all kinds of fun dramas on the Internet have become a lot more than before!”

“Xu Heng has just entered university now, but he is already at the lord level. Such a pervert, someone dares to challenge it. It’s really terrifying!” From a well-known video website in Longguo, a piece of explosive news, It was revealed by an anonymous netizen through a video. “The hidden genius of Jinghong University will fight with Xu Heng at the Nanhai International Temple of Heaven in three days! “The number of views of the video soared to the sky in an instant, and it went straight to the top of the hot list. “Fuck! It’s really this school, I didn’t quite believe it before!”

“It will start in three days. I’m really looking forward to it. The martial arts family who started training since childhood should be super powerful!”

“I haven’t participated in the national freshman competition before. I don’t know if the one who competed with Xu Heng this time is the kind of perverted genius who has been training since childhood.” What!” The bottom of the video was full of comments from onlookers.

Not long after it was released, the comments from everyone had already reached the order of 100,000.

Everyone was curious and discussed with each other, wanting to see which one had the greater chance of winning.

“Who is the one who challenged Xu Heng this time? It’s only three days before the challenge begins, and the news of the challenger has not been released yet!” “Whoever can enter this Jinghong University, That’s definitely not bad!” “410”

“Does anyone know the inside information? Can you reveal the information about the challenger!”

“Every time the challenge is played, it is so loud that Xu Heng kills it every time. I bet that Xu Heng will definitely win this time!” Just as everyone was talking about it, everyone was curious. The news appeared in the public eye. “Youth Genius Qingge, will represent Jinghong University, and three days later, participate in this arena challenge”

In order to satisfy everyone’s curiosity, someone immediately began to search for the origin of Qingge and his historical record. On the news site, a news report about Challenger information appeared on the front page of the site and was pushed directly to the mobile phones of all users of the site. “The name Qingge sounds very literary, but I didn’t expect it to be a perverted genius who dared to challenge Xu Heng!” “This Qingge is not the kind of terrifying genius who has been training since childhood!” “This guy What is the origin, is there anyone who has made a big point to give you popular science!” Soon, this news was reprinted and broadcast by major websites.

In just a moment, the information about Brother Qing was picked up by netizens across the country. “It’s too early to start getting into martial arts at the age of three!”

“I became an official martial artist at the age of eight, damn it, when I was eight years old, I was still playing in the mud. I can’t write the word martial arts. People are more mad than people!” “You too It’s too exaggerated, how can you write these two words at the age of eight!”

“Becoming a martial artist, after three years, actually reached the level of a grandmaster, f*ck, this instantly killed a lot of senior graduates.”

“Eleven-year-old martial arts masters, there are a lot of people, and they probably haven’t become masters yet when they are in their senior year! It seems that Xu Heng, when he was a freshman, killed senior students in seconds, doesn’t seem so perverted! “That’s not the same. Xu Heng crushed it, but the graduates of the grand master and lord level are much more powerful than the master. Xu Heng is now the strength of the lord!”

“Qingge is also very powerful. After becoming a Grandmaster, you will directly reach the Great Grandmaster within three years. The basic combat power of a Grandmaster is as high as one thousand, which is compared to the ordinary Grandmaster’s combat power threshold of three hundred. That’s a qualitative leap.” “The fourteen-year-old Grandmaster, it is estimated that at that time, many talents had just entered high school, but this guy has actually reached the level of outstanding college graduates!”

“This guy, even in Jinghong University, must be the top group of people. After all, even in Jinghong University, there are definitely a few students who can reach the strength of a great master before admission.” “Guess, now this guy Qingge has not reached the level of a lord!”

“This f*ck still needs to be guessed? If he doesn’t even have the strength of a lord, he will come to challenge Xu Heng?” Although the competition has not yet started, the degree of discussion among everyone has directly broken through the sky.Moreover, there have been various versions about the comparison of Xu Heng and Qingge’s combat power.

Everyone is very curious, this time Xu Heng encounters such a formidable opponent, will his winning streak come to an end.

Where Qinghua University was located, Jin He looked blankly at the overwhelming news on the Internet.

Since this morning, he has been following the news of Xu Heng and Jinghong University. “It’s actually Qingge!”

When I saw that the challenge to Xu Heng this time was actually Qingge from Jinghong University.

Jin He sighed lightly, and his originally calm face showed a dignified expression.

He himself was from an extraordinary background, so he knew very well how terrifying it would be for someone who had been in a martial arts family since childhood.

He had heard of this Qingge himself.

From the age of three, he was exposed to the martial arts education at home and had light training.

He officially became a martial artist at the age of eight, and after three years, he had reached the level of a grandmaster.

And it’s not just that, as far as he knows, Qingge has just stepped into the grandmaster, and his combat power has already killed a lot of ordinary grandmasters, directly approaching the level of the great grandmaster.

If Qingge pursues a record in the rank, he will probably only need one to two years before he can directly step into the status of a great master.

The reason why it took three years is because he hopes to consolidate the foundation and prepare for the subsequent faster advancement.

However, even if he slowed down the pace of advancement, he still directly entered the stage of a great master when he was only fourteen years old.

For most ordinary people, this is definitely an unattainable height.

“Now this guy, Qingge, must have already been a lord!” Jin He’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Wait, I, Jin He, are no worse than anyone else!”

Afterwards, Jin He turned around and walked out of the house. He wanted to enter the ruins and go to practice again.

In a military command post, Ling Cangfeng, as usual, quietly listened to the reports of his subordinates.

In the command post this time, in addition to himself, there are several military leaders who seem to be discussing something here.

Together, they listened quietly to the assistant’s voice. “Jinghong University? Qingge!”

When Ling Cangfeng heard the information given to him by his assistant, he suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Because he knows that people in this university are usually very low-key, and ordinary people have never even heard of it.

After listening to his subordinate’s report, Ling Cangfeng waved his hand, indicating that he can go out. “Xu Heng! What a restless guy!”

“I just won the first place in the country, and I’ve been in the ring for three months in a row. After winning 1v5, I finally got everyone’s approval, and now I’ve gotten into a martial arts family again!” “In Jinghong University, The students of , are not the kind of vulnerable guys in the past. Everyone inside is basically a genius of the same rank, and it is difficult to find an opponent!” “Xu Heng’s opponent’s gold content this time is very high! ”

“This Qingge is indeed very powerful. After he became a great master at the age of fourteen, he went to the outside of the fog to practice retreat for a full year.” “As far as I know, during that experience, he used the great master’s The strength, directly leapfrogged and killed the beast of the lord level.”

“Also, this Qingge seems to have stepped into the realm of the lord level as early as a year ago. The current real strength is probably not comparable to that of ordinary lords.” “This time, if Xu Heng can still win the other side , that is the undisputed number one in the country!”

“However, the difficulty is very great. The Grandmaster can leapfrog the level to kill the beasts of the lord level. Now he has already reached the realm of the lord, so if Xu Heng wants to win, it is very difficult!” Inside the command post, Other military leaders, after listening to the report just now, spoke up and expressed their views.

The supporters of Xu Heng and Qingge are basically separated in half.

However, after hearing that Qing Ge actually killed a lord-level beast by leaps and bounds, even those who had been optimistic about Xu Heng at the moment could not help but feel a little shaken.

Looking at the people who have been arguing in the room, he smiled slightly.

Although Xu Heng’s opponent this time is indeed very powerful, Ling Cangfeng is still firmly optimistic about Xu Heng. “As for the leapfrog challenge, Xu Heng has no problem at all!”

“At the time of the national competition, Wei Cheng, who cheated, used a secret technique to successfully raise his strength to the level of a lord, and finally became Xu Heng’s defeated general!” “Let’s wait and see what happens!”

When the other people present heard Ling Cangfeng’s words, they stopped arguing too much.

They all began to wait silently, the day of Xu Heng’s real decisive battle…

Of course, most of the people present were not very optimistic about Xu Heng’s match this time, because this time his opponent was very powerful.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The day of Xu Heng and Qingge’s duel will soon come.

Before the parties were at the scene, the place where the Nanhai International Temple of Heaven was located was already crowded.

Everyone is madly flocking to the center of the Temple of Heaven, and everyone hopes to see the results of the game as soon as possible. “It’s not dawn yet, there are already so many people, it seems that it’s not even six o’clock now!” “Hurry up, soon, there will be too many people in the Temple of Heaven, and we won’t be able to enter.”

“This time is the battle of the century. If anyone wins, he will basically be the first in the country!” “Qingge, he became a warrior at the age of eight, and now he is definitely at the lord level, or even higher!””Let me see what the students of Hidden World University are like. I have never heard of it before.” The people around the Temple of Heaven rushed to the center.

At the same time, around the Temple of Heaven, there are all kinds of cameras, hoping to record all the pictures of the duel perfectly.

Even because there were too many people coming, there was no place to put cameras, so some anchors and TV stations actually drove helicopters to live broadcast.

On the news website, it is already very popular, and one report after another occupies the front page of the website. “National Champion vs. Hidden Genius, Who Is Strong and Who is Weak?”

“The once-in-a-decade super genius Qingge will fight against Xu Heng and the International Temple of Heaven. Who will die in the end?” As the competition approaches, more and more people begin to notice this major competition.

In the comment area of ​​the news, there was already a lot of noise. “This time Xu Heng is finally going to roll over!”

“The genius of Jinghong University, the fifteen-year-old grandmaster, Xu Heng definitely mentioned the iron plate this time!” “Hurry up and fight, I want to see Xu Heng’s confused expression after losing the game, Thinking about it makes it exciting!” “Hahaha, it’s too early for you to be happy, this time Xu Heng will definitely win.”

“Every time someone said that Xu Heng was going to overturn the car, and it turned out that Xu Heng had the last laugh every time. You guys, can you make fun of it in a different way? There’s nothing new at all!” “According to my observation, Qingge’s strength, It can definitely crush most of the senior graduates in the country, so I don’t think Xu Heng has any chance of winning!”

“It seems that Xu Heng doesn’t have that strength. The senior who was killed by Xu Heng before is probably still lying on the bed. Why don’t you go and interview to see if Xu Heng’s strength has crushed most of the graduates? ?”


“Are you really going to challenge that Xu Heng?”

Outside the crowd, in an inconspicuous car, a young man quietly looked at the Temple of Heaven surrounded by everyone in the distance.

Beside him, an old man with white hair also looked at the crowded Temple of Heaven in the distance.

“Qingge, over the years, you have killed too many lord-level beasts outside the fog. The lord-level teachers you have defeated are too many to count!” “Even the great lord-level ones! Master, you have already defeated several! Although this Xu Heng is not bad, it shouldn’t be a problem for you at all!” “Why waste time on this Xu Heng, and the whole country is talking about it. , this is not the style of our Qing family!” Afterwards, the old man turned his head and looked at Qing Ge beside him with doubts on his face.

“Just to compete for the number one title in the country? Qing Ge, this is not your style!” Qing Ge in the car heard the puzzled doubts of the old man beside him, but his expression did not change.

He retracted his gaze towards the distance and muttered to himself, “Number one in the country? It’s just an insignificant name!”

“What I want is to pursue the ultimate in martial arts. Therefore, I will challenge the top characters of the same level to fight, and this Xu Heng just meets this requirement!” “But…”

Beside Qingge, the old man still seemed a little confused.

However, before the old man could ask, Qing Ge had already opened the car door, thinking of walking towards the center of the Temple of Heaven.

In Nantian University, Xu Heng also came out of the training room.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly beside the International Temple of Heaven, and then walked towards the center of the Temple of Heaven without any hesitation. .

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