Chapter 120

Hidden famous school, Jinghong University!

“I became a lord-level powerhouse in my freshman year, it’s really awesome!”

“Five seniors joined forces, and you were beaten by you so that you couldn’t fight back. You are really amazing.” “Xu Heng, you will be my idol in the future. In the future exams, I won’t worship anyone, just worship you!” “Signature autograph, Xu Heng I want your autograph!”

“Xu Heng, teach me the training method, one fights five, and there are five seniors on the opposite side!” Xu Heng stood quietly where the Nantian University playground was.

After he left the gym before, he originally planned to go straight to the gravity training room to retrain the skills and exercises he had acquired before.

However, as soon as he walked out of the school gym, a large group of people followed, basically all freshmen.

Although there was no special purpose, they all followed Xu Heng closely.

Therefore, Xu Heng saw that he had no chance to train alone, so he had no choice but to stop. “There are so many people following!” He turned and looked at the crowd behind him.

Originally, Xu Heng could use Instant Transmission to leave the scene directly.

However, this time, everyone’s enthusiasm exceeded any previous time, and they all followed him.

This group of enthusiastic students, all freshmen, also hope that they can be as strong as Xu Heng, and from now on, they will not be bullied by others.

The difference is that Xu Heng has already stood at the top of Nantian University, and these newcomers are only just getting started.

Therefore, they saw that Xu Heng was so powerful, and they hoped in their hearts that they could be as powerful as Xu Heng. “Xu Heng, why are you so powerful? I want to be as strong as you!” “Can you tell me why you are so strong? I want to learn from you!”

“Xu Heng, you are only a freshman now, you are already at the lord level. I only hope that you can become a grand master before graduating from college, then I am completely satisfied!” “Xu Heng, do you have an organization? I must join it. , even for chores!” “My boyfriend’s seat is still vacant for you, when will you be able to come over!”

In the crowd, the frenzied shouts of the freshmen still did not weaken, and even tended to intensify.

Because of Xu Heng’s record this time, the impact on them was too great.

In the past, Xu Heng’s opponents were students from other schools.

Although those people are also very powerful, they are still too unfamiliar to the freshmen of Nantian University.

And this time, the people Xu Heng defeated were the 410 people around them, the seniors they usually looked up to.

Therefore, this time’s record is more shocking to them than any Xu Heng’s achievements in the past.

And Xu Heng is very clear in his heart that his strength can advance so fast, mainly because of his Saiyan bloodline.

In addition, because he is a traveler, he can know the plot in advance every time he experiences the ruins, and he can seize the opportunity, so he can get rich rewards every time, so that his strength can make a leap.

Without his advantages, other students in the school would be very difficult to achieve the same effect as him.

Therefore, Xu Heng did not reject these new-born desires.

There was nothing special about his training method. He told these freshmen that it was up to his own creation whether he could achieve the desired effect or not. “Want to be like me?”Xu Heng looked at the freshman in front of him and asked softly.

In response to him, everyone shouted in unison. “think!”

“I want to become a master at the lord level!”

“Before graduating, I hope to reach the level of a great master, so that I can become an excellent graduate!” Everyone fanatically expressed their yearning for strength.

So next, every time Xu Heng said a word, he got up and shouted and responded frantically.

For a time, there was a loud shout on the playground, and people who didn’t know it in the distance thought that there was some special ceremony going on here.

Outside the playground, many senior students stopped to watch.

“Look at these freshmen, Xu Heng is about to become their faith!”

“It’s normal. This guy’s strength is indeed very powerful. Otherwise, how could Ao Teng’s five people fall into his hands!”

“This Xu Heng, I really have to admire, Ao Teng’s guys, working together, it is not something that ordinary people can solve.” “However, Xu Heng can easily crush it, really Extraordinary!”

“Now, at Nantian University, whether it’s a freshman or an old student, there are probably no more than five people who can defeat Xu Heng!”

A group of seniors, beside the playground, looked at the enthusiastic eyes of the freshmen in the playground, and their admiration for Xu Heng could not help but deepen.

Because before that, although they knew that Xu Heng was not bad, at that time, they always regarded Xu Heng as a freshman, so no matter how good Xu Heng was, they all looked at the younger generation. vision.

But this time, they have to look at the eyes of the equal students, and look at those guys, because Ao Teng, Xiang Hui and these people are originally senior students. “So far, among the people I know, there seems to be only one person who is better than Xu Heng.” Next to the playground, one of the seniors in the group expressed emotion. “Who?”

“Although there are still many perverted people in the senior year, it seems that it is very difficult to stably suppress this Xu Heng!”

“They may be able to win against Xu Heng, but if they want stable suppression, there is no hope at all. After all, Xu Heng is already a master at the lord level, and those people can’t suppress him!” Others were curious about who the person he was talking about would be. Now that Xu Heng is so popular, it is difficult for anyone to say that he can stably suppress Xu Heng.

The person who spoke, after being silent for a while, said: “At present, I am afraid there is only one person, it can be said that Xu Heng is the one!” “That is, Shang Tianlong!”

Others, when they heard this name, all had their eyes slightly condensed.

Shang Tianlong, this name is also very famous in Nantian University.

However, this person is different from Xu Heng.

In the school, Xu Heng is basically known for his positive honors.

At Nantian University, Xu Heng’s reputation is basically based on his own achievements. Even if there are negative voices, it is only a small number of people who do not approve of Xu Heng, but most of them agree.

However, Shang Tianlong, at Nantian University, is synonymous with lunatic.

Because this guy has done countless crazy things in school.

Because of his so-called martial arts, in the school, he deliberately caused trouble and attracted countless people’s hatred. His purpose was to compete with all the masters he could get in touch with. , Not only in school, but in other universities, he is still extremely arrogant.

In other schools, when other teachers were still in class, Shang Tianlong defied the teacher’s pressure and openly injured students in other schools.

Even, it triggered a whole school pursuit of all teachers in that school.

However, in the end, Shang Tianlong escaped unharmed.

At the time, it caused quite a stir. “Shang Tianlong…”

“If it’s this guy, against Xu Heng, it might really be a complete victory!”

“As far as I know, not long after he finished his sophomore year, he had already stepped into the position of a great lord.” “Now that he has been practicing in the fog for so long, he is probably not far from the king level!” Everyone else was silent, Wang level! That is a realm that even university teachers can only hope for.

However, now there is a student who has just touched this threshold in his junior year. It is indeed a perverted extreme. “It seems that there is really only that guy Shang Tianlong who can suppress Xu Heng!” They all nodded in agreement.

But then, someone spoke up immediately.

“However, instead of letting Shang Tianlong win, I still hope that Xu Heng will win. That guy Shang Tianlong is a complete lunatic.” “Maybe at some point, he will go crazy, and you will be the unlucky one!”

When Shang Tianlong was a sophomore, he said that it was for his pursuit of martial arts. At Nantian University, he once launched a (befe) activity, which was a random challenge.

Among the people he meets, he will immediately select candidates for a duel, and if you don’t accept it, he will beat you hard.

However, his strength is very powerful. In the school, there seems to be no one who can beat him at all.

Therefore, during that time, everyone in the school, when they heard Shang Tianlong’s name, seemed to have heard the broom star and avoided it far away.

At that time, Shang Tianlong’s reputation in the school was only stronger than that of Xu Heng now.

Of course, it’s basically all negative news.

It has been almost a year since Shang Tianlong ran into the depths of the fog, so the news about him in the school gradually began to weaken, and there was no discussion about him anymore. “I don’t know when that guy will come back. Shang Tianlong will definitely not let an opponent like Xu Heng go.” “At that time, it is estimated that it will be more exciting than Xu Heng’s confrontation with Ao Teng and others!”

Where the student union is located, Qian Peng has returned to his office early.

Currently, he is still immersed in the battle before Xu Heng.

“Ao Teng, that’s the strength of a lord. In front of Xu Heng, he has no strength to fight back.” “Our student union has really found the right person this time!”

“With Xu Heng in charge, the prestige of the student union will definitely be stronger than it is now!”

Qian Peng’s eyes lit up, and around him, the ministers and officers of the other student unions nodded silently.

They have also heard about Xu Heng’s record this time, and their hearts are already full of admiration.

Later, Qian Peng came back to his senses and said to the other ministers beside him.

“For Xu Heng, add the points. This time Xu Heng’s record can be exchanged for a lot of exercises.”

In the middle of the playground, Xu Heng explained many of his usual training items to the freshmen present.

The crowd below, there will be exclamations from time to time.”My God! With Xu Heng’s training volume, it’s just like making the gravity training room his home.”

“Let’s not say how much it will cost, just the gravity suppression inside, most people can’t stand it at all!” “No wonder Xu Heng is so powerful, this level of training volume is really impossible for ordinary people to do! ”

“Get up at 6 o’clock every day, if you only have one item, it is estimated that it will be a big piece. Many people sleep until noon and get up. If they can skip class, they will skip class immediately. Compared with people like Xu Heng who take the initiative to get up early, I am really stupid. See you once.” “No matter what your talent is, as long as you can achieve this amount of training, it is estimated that your strength will not be too bad!”

Xu Heng basically revealed his work and rest time, as well as specific training programs, without any reservations.

For example, what time does he wake up to start training every day, and Xu Heng will inform him about the specific training items, training time, and judgment of training effect.

After all, in Xu Heng’s view, there is absolutely no need to keep this kind of thing secret.

The training equipment is there. After many people hear it, they are all hot for three minutes. They will basically give up after training for a long time. In fact, they will not last long.

Moreover, the thing that really improves the strength qualitatively, still has to go to the ruins for experience.

In this world, the moment you complete the bloodline fit, all the power has been inherited into the body, and everything that follows is just to find a way to better exert this power.

Ordinary training, after all, is just the icing on the cake.

However, the freshmen present did not feel ordinary after hearing about Xu Heng’s training.

They all said that this kind of training volume is not something that ordinary people can do, and no one wonders why Xu Heng is so powerful.

Xu Heng not only taught his own training methods, but also provided a relatively detailed and specific training suggestion to the freshmen present.

This plan, as soon as it was announced, shocked everyone, because the training intensity in it was not at the same level as what they usually do.

However, most of the people, after being a little surprised, firmly stated that they must keep up with Xu Heng’s pace, be firm, and keep up with Xu Heng’s training plan as much as possible.

After Xu Heng explained these things, he dodged and left the scene.

After that, how many people can actually implement those plans has little to do with him Xu Heng.

In the principal’s office, Li Xinghui is discussing with Xutian. The principal has promised that the logistics department will be incorporated into the normal development plan.

I can no longer favor a single academy in the martial arts department as before.

That will only make the development of the school more and more deformed.

Just after they basically finished everything, the principal Li Xinghui suddenly sighed, “Xu Heng, this kid is really the lucky star of our Nantian University!” Resource, I heard that recently, they have started to teach new students in the school again!” “This time, many people were encouraged, and it is said that the training volume of new students has more than doubled!” “The training equipment in the school is almost unable to keep up. The number of students who went up to train.” Principal Li Xinghui sighed, but his expression was very happy.

Students can actively train, as the principal, he is very happy.

Xu Tian, ​​who was on the side, nodded silently. Xu Heng, a student, was very satisfied.

However, Xu Tianyou suddenly opened his mouth and asked the principal, “I heard the news. It is said that after half a month, there will be another university, come back to challenge Xu Heng?” Suddenly changed.

Afterwards, he nodded solemnly and said, “Yes, next, challenge Xu Heng’s university, named Jinghong!” Xu Tian was suddenly surprised, “It’s them!”

“That one, you can’t apply for the exam directly, you can only recommend it internally, a world famous school, Jinghong University?!”.

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